Chapter 938: [Xie Jing’s tears! 】

Chapter 938
at night.
The contradiction between Xie Jing and the family has finally broken out.
After dinner, Xie Haozheng took Dong Xuebin to the backyard and asked Dong Xuebin to teach him hard work. As a result, the two heard the quarrel between Xie Jing and Xie Guoliang Xia Yanzhen.
"Dad! Mom! What are you doing!" Xie Jing was very angry.
Xia Yanzhen sighed: "Xiao Jing, we are also good for you."
Xie Jing said: "I didn't say that I want to get married! Is it impossible to fall in love?"
Xie Guoliang advised: "You can't always work in Xinhua News Agency in the future. Maybe you will be the county magistrate. You may be the mayor like your big sister. Now when you want to be strong, don't give up your love." That little grandson, his condition is too general. Don't think that we didn't understand him and decided. You thought that you went to Twan with the grandson. We don't know. He has already known about his situation. The child is a good boy, but his character is too ordinary, no power, no enthusiasm, not the best standard for your choice."
Xie Jing said with a deep face: "You just think he has no background!"
Xia Yanzhen touched her daughter's hair. "This is just one of them."
"My brother-in-law didn't have a background at the beginning, but my grandfather and my older sister's marriage, my grandfather agreed!"
Xie Guoliang said coldly: "Can Sun Hao compare with your brother-in-law? I don't say how Xiao Dong's skill is. If we don't mention this, we will say that Xiao Dong's character, no matter how difficult, your brother-in-law will dare to go up. Do you dare to fight and dare to kill, Sun Haoxing? Does he have this discouragement?"
"My brother-in-law is also step by step! How do you know that Sun Hao can't?"
"Some things are born, like your big sister, born to be the material of the official, Xiaoran can't compare with her, just like your brother-in-law, born with this ability, there is this discouragement, some things are not hard and Deliberately able to get it, Sun Hao? Even if we give him help, he can't help."
No one can convince anyone, the more they quarrel, the more powerful they are.
Finally, Xie Jing said loudly: "I don't care! I will fall in love with Sun Hao!"
Xie Guoliang is also on fire. "That's good! I will call the school principal of Sun Hao School now! I dare not ask him after their school!"
Xie Jing said with anger: "Dad! You!"
Xie Guoliang said: "You have to continue to travel with him. In the future, I will guarantee that all the education systems in Beijing have no place where he can accommodate!" If someone says it, it must be a big blow, but it will come out from Xie Guoliang's mouth. No one thinks this is a joke, he has this energy.
Xia Yanzhen licked her lover and said to her daughter: "Xiao Jing, you think about it. If you have a lot of good men, you will be able to meet them in a few days."
Xie Jing hurriedly said: "I want Sun Hao! You want the school to quit him! With you!"
"Good! This is what you said!" Xie Guoliang was also angry. He picked up the mobile phone and dialed the number. "Hey, Lao Li, there is a high school principal who doesn't know if you don't know..."
Xie Jing’s face was pale and he couldn’t speak.
Xie Guoliang’s feelings for Dong Xuebin have always been very kind, and they are rarely motivated. However, for her daughter’s affairs, Xie Guoliang also moved his true anger today. It seems that Sun’s work is over, even if Sun Hao is meticulous and picks faults. Not good to pick? Just find a reason to get him out of school.
Dong Xuebin and Xie Hao looked at each other and did not go to the backyard.
Today they are living here with the father.
Back to the bedroom, no one, Huilan Bacheng is looking for parents to chat.
Dong Xuebin opened the window and smoked cigarettes. Hui Lan’s family, Dong Xuebin did not intend to manage it. After all, he was a son-in-law instead of a son.
half an hour……
One hour……
Suddenly, the door was pushed open by someone.
Dong Xuebin looked back and said, "Xiao Jing, what happened?"
Xie Jing’s crying face was spent, and the nose kept pumping.

"Hey, come in and come in quickly." Dong Xuebin quickly poured a cup of hot tea to her, and thanked Xie Jing for not drinking. He put down the teacup and said: "What happened?"
Xie Jing cried: "Sun Hao just called me! Their school fired him!"
Dong Xuebin glanced, "Isn't this still a winter vacation? So fast?"

My dad called their principal! Their principal immediately found a reason to resign Sun Hao! There are many parents who report that he is not serious in teaching!

Dong Xuebin smiled in his heart, and said, "What do you mean by looking for me?"
Xie Jing saw Dong Xuebin did not answer, crying even more, "My dad is too much! Sun Hao did not blame me! But my heart, I..."
Dong Xuebin is depressed. "You talked to Huilan's father?"
"I said, my uncle doesn't care! I am sure my dad said hello to my uncle!"
Xie Guobang is the secretary of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. He can't manage this chores. Dong Xuebin is even more devoid of drama. "So, ask Huilan?"
"Asked." Xie Jing cried: "My sister does not agree with me and Sun Hao! She said that if I broke up with Sun Hao, she could ask my dad to ask her to return to school, and help Sun Hao get it. Leaders should be one, can..."
Dong Xuebin scratched his head and said, "What about the old man?"
"My grandfather is even more irrelevant. He doesn't like Sun Hao!"
"What should I do?"
Xie Jing tears the pears and smashes him. "Brother, you help me find a school for Sun Hao, let him be a small official, let him develop slowly, I don't want to share with him."
I know it is this!
Dong Xuebin immediately waved: "Your elder sister is in charge of education in Zhangzhou City. She doesn't agree. How do I put people inside? Besides, your father and father are both..."
"Small Jing, this thing, I really..."
"Brother! I beg you! I know you have a way!" Xie Jing sobbed, sad.
Dong Xuebin's shortcoming is that the heart is too When I look at Xie Jing, Dong Xuebin is also very uncomfortable. I took a cigarette on the sofa and sipped a cigarette. At the end, I took a cigarette butt. "You are not Let me offend people." Xie Laozi, Xie Guobang, Xie Guojian, and even Xie Huilan have defaulted on Xie Guoliang's practice. If Dong Xuebin helped Xie Jing, it would be to sing against everyone.
Dong Xuebin couldn't stand it, and waved: "Well, let's let Sun Hao go with me tomorrow morning. I can't do this in Beijing. I help him and local schools think about ways to make him a leader? I Take a look, but don't talk to your older sister about it."
Wen Yan, Xie Jing Deng surprised: "Thank you brother! Thank you!"
Xie Jing knew that looking for Dong Xuebin would definitely work, and the tears that had been brewing for so long were not in vain.
Seeing her change from crying to laughing, Dong Xuebin also pointed at her very helplessly. "You, it hurts me!"
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