Chapter 1004: [Do not let in! 】

>Chapter 1004
Dafeng County, a small county town, ushered in a number of military officials and some heavyweight military figures who came from all over the country. They all came here to give the bear deputy commander a birthday. The battle at the entrance of the restaurant is not small, and dozens of military vehicles are very The momentum has attracted the attention of many ordinary people. At this time, the door of the restaurant was finally opened. Inside, a young soldier came out. It seemed to be a security guard. He began to let people in and checked the invitation.
When Li Feng saw it, said: "Director Dong, are you?"
Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "I have no invitations, I am a county magistrate. You are busy with you."
"There should be no invitations, and I have not." Lifeng spread his hands in an empty space.
Dong Xuebin snorted, "But my gift is not ready, is it bad?"
"I heard about it before." Li Feng explained: "The commander of the bear said that he would come with only one mouth, and he should not prepare anything. Otherwise, he would not let in." Next to the finger, "Look, who is preparing for the birthday today? No one."
Dong Xuebin nodded, thinking about it and finally said: "That line, come come, don't go in and give the bear commander a good life, go together?"
"Cheng." Richemont also greeted several county government officials.
After chatting for a long time, the relationship between Dong Xuebin and Lifeng has eased. He also walked with him side by side. The old account was counted as early as at that time. Dong Xuebin is not the kind of careful person. All showed this attitude, it is a signal, Dong Xuebin also feels that the past has passed, he is now level, and the intangibility has increased a lot.
The entrance to the restaurant.
The first few soldiers have passed, and it is the turn of Li Feng and Dong Xuebin. They are also the last wave.
This time, the deputy commander of the bear has lived in peace. It should be invited to the military. It seems that he does not want to make the birthday party too arrogant. He does not inform the local government officials, so according to the level of bear deputy commander, six It’s really not a lot of people who have invited such a big life.
The guard looked at a few of them and waited for them to take the invitation.
A county government cadre immediately stepped forward and said to him: "This is the county magistrate of Dafeng County. This is the director of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. I heard that the commander of the bear commander is the 60th birthday and congratulations."
The guards said with no expression: "Is there an invitation?"
The government cadre snorted. "This is not the case."
"That's embarrassing." The guards made a gesture of asking for them to go back.
The cadre said: "This brother, can you get through? We are all over the world..."
The guards ignored them and began to pick up the invitations of the next few people.
Lifeng and a few cadres frowned, and suddenly they couldn’t stand it. They just saw that many junior officers had gone in, and Lifeng was a county-level leader, and the rank was changed to a regiment or above. Can you even enter the door now?
Dong Xuebin has no accidents. He knows that this is probably the difference between the military and the military. If you change the local officials, it is the big day of life. Although you can’t say that it’s the one who’s coming back, just report it. If the name is a certain identity, there is no invitation for the family and it is not possible to let it go. Otherwise, it is a sinner. The local system is to talk about a kind of peace and harmony. The military is not the same here because The local system is not a system. In the military system, the relationship between the superior and the subordinate is also relatively heavy. In addition, the working method that does not drag the water, the face of not buying the local government will not be bought, and probably the head of the security guard. I ordered that no invitations were allowed to enter, and the guards strictly performed the task. There is no point in adapting.
Several people were turned away, and many soldiers smashed them.
The more I look at the peak, the more I feel that I have no face, my face is not very good, we are kind enough to celebrate our birthday, actually let us enter? This is not a hot face sticking to the cold ass. Moreover, Li Feng just persuaded Dong Xuebin to come over, but the result was stopped. It was equal to that he took Dong Xuebin and lost his face. Li Feng also feared that Dong Xuebin had an idea.
Dong Xuebin whispered softly: "The county magistrate, I see that the bear commander is also afraid of too many people. If the local government people come over, some neighboring cities will come back to the market, this birthday feast is too big, let's There has been an earthquake here, so the impact is definitely not good, and people are also scrupulous about this."
This reason does not understand the peak of the peak, but it is not that Dong Xuebin did not move, Li Feng was very surprised, and said that when is this temper so good? That time, our Merchants Association did not let you stay at the hotel, but you almost removed the hotel!
Dong Xuebin is actually angry, but he is not showing up on his face. Gas is useless. Can't he be hard-pressed? No need for this.
"What about now?"
"Let's go back."
"Well, it's worth it."
Dong Xuebin and Li Feng and others will turn and leave.
Suddenly, someone called Dong Xuebin’s name.
"Hey? Isn't this the director of Dong? How come you?" The voice is sharp, not hot or cold.
Dong Xuebin looked back and saw Liu Haibin with some minor injuries on his face. There was also a big bald head behind him. It was Liu Guowei Liu commander.
Dong Xuebin didn't smile at the smile: "Liu Sling." Lidu did not care about Liu Haibin. The small deputy director of the county tourism bureau was not qualified to let Dong Xuebin reply to him in one sentence. Moreover, because of Xu Yan’s son, they Has already turned over his face, Liu Guowei also took a table at the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, saying that Dong Xuebin hindered their military division office, and that there was no power to suppress people, and Dong Xuebin did not need to give them face!
Liu Haibin looked coldly at Dong Xuebin, and he hated him in the heart. His old man was the commander of the military division. From childhood to age, only Liu Haibin bullied others. Where did he fight? This time, Liu Haibin was beaten up and blown up, but who knows that when he had just waited for him to live in the hospital and had not had time to go back and clean up the gang, he learned that the middle school students had been forcibly taken away from the military region by Dong Xuebin. Liu Haibin naturally counts the accounts on Dong Xuebin. When I saw Dong Xuebin, I didn’t talk to him. The wound on Liu Haibin seemed to hurt again.
Liu Guowei also looked at Dong Xuebin. "It's you."
Li Feng listened to them and said that this person is in front of him. He is very respectful and respectful: "Hello, Liu."
"You are?" Liu Guowei yelled at him.
Lifeng quickly introduced himself.
After listening to it, Liu Guowei nodded. "It turned out to be the county magistrate. I know you, what are you doing here? Why don't you go in?"
Dong Xuebin thinks that he is knowingly asking questions, laughing, and saying nothing.
Lifeng smiled bitterly: "I originally wanted to give the bear commander a birthday, but no invitation, just..."
"This way." Liu Guowei nodded.
Liu Haibin suddenly said: "Dad, you and Liu Shu, Chen Shu's invitations are not able to bring people? Liu Shu, Chen Shu is one person today, or you ask? The county magistrates are also our city. Comrade, if you don’t let people enter, it’s always a little... you see?

Liu Guowei thought for a moment and nodded slightly. "Also."
Liu Haibin greeted him: "The county magistrate, then come in."
Lifeng immediately thanked him: "Thank you, Liu Shiling and Liu Gongzi."
Then Liu Haibin added a sentence, "But you can only bring four people, the county magistrate, I see you several people in Dafeng County, four, director Dong, then I am sorry?" Liu Haibin's tone The potential meaning is very clear, people in Dafeng County can enter, Dong Xuebin can't.
This is purely playing the face of Dong Xuebin!
Lifeng and several people in Dafeng County heard a change in their faces.
Dong Xuebin smiled. He saw this little means. He wanted to lick his face. Second, he wanted to provoke his relationship with Lifeng. Liu Haibin! Liu Guowei! OK, you two! I haven't found you yet! Are you more energetic with me?
Dong Xuebin performed very well. "The county magistrate, let's go in."
Several people in Lifeng and Dafeng County have already seen it. Dong Xuebin and Liu Guowei have deep contradictions and suddenly understand the purpose of Liu Haibin. Slightly sinking, Lifeng actually confronted Liu Guowei and his father and son: "Thank you Liu Commander, but still forget it. I have something to talk to Director Dong. If we go in, things can’t be said. Thank you for your kindness. It is."
Dong Xuebin has some accidents. Hey, the old calendar is quite interesting?
"Whatever." Liu Guowei looked at Lifeng, did not say anything.
Liu Haibin also chilled and glared at turned and followed his father.
Lifeng knew that he had offended Liu Guowei, a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, and complained in his heart. But he also had no way. The story was very clear. He naturally did not want to offend Commander Liu. But this is the case. Li Feng was here. It is impossible for two people to be guilty. If you want to go in, Dong Xuebin will be offended. If you don’t go in, Liu Guowei must have thoughts about him. He has to choose one, so he Shen Yan, Li Feng still stood on the side of Dong Xuebin. Once Dong Xuebin came over from Li Feng, without him, Dong Xuebin would not go to worship, and would not be smashed, so Feng Yuyi can't leave Dong Xuebin alone. This is really impossible to say. Secondly, Dong Xuebin's lover is also a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee. Although he is worse than Liu Guowei in ranking and qualification, he can be in power and in the right place. The influence is not comparable to Liu Guowei, the commander of the military division. The third and most crucial point is that Dong Xuebin is a person. After several contacts, Lifeng knows how big Dong Xuebin is. Thing, this plague once he has offended, offended twice, but do not want to offend a third time.
So repeatedly measured for a moment, Lifeng knows who is light and heavy, and he will not hesitate to be a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee. Lifeng can only stand at Dong Xuebin.
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