: feeling of danger

feeling of danger
But to be honest, this love spell doesn't sound like it's useful.
And this kind of seemingly harmless and useless thing is the most likely to make people think "it's better to try" and "it doesn't seem to be a loss to try".
Of course, Wu Fei also judges people, and he doesn't try randomly.
But it doesn't matter if the person in front of him is Shen Xing.
He and Shen Xing are just like one person, there is no distinction between you and me.
Even if he forcibly kissed Shen Xing now, no one would sue him for being a hooligan.
Various chaotic and harmless thoughts were spinning in Wu Fei's mind, then he lowered his head, and gently rubbed his lips against Shen Xing's hand that was pinching him.
The hand seemed to relax subconsciously.
Wu Fei seized this opportunity, leaned forward, and pressed the lips of the person in front of him.
Shen Xing didn't hide, but just stood there coldly, neither evading nor pandering, like a bystander studying and examining what he was going to do, let him do it as if he had any purpose, which made it easy for him to achieve purpose.
The movement of his body caused Wu Fei to touch the lightning ropes that bound his limbs, and the slight electric current made his limbs numb and weak. He had no choice but to completely lean on Shen Xing's body, and raised his eyes to look at him with difficulty.
"I like you." He said softly.
Because of the electric current, his voice was so soft that it was almost inaudible.
But Shen Xing obviously heard it, he lowered his eyes slightly, looked at the person in his arms, and repeated without emotion: "Like?"
Wu Fei nodded hard: "Well, it was love at first sight."
Shen Xing looked down at him expressionlessly, as if he didn't understand the meaning of these two words at all.
Wu Fei felt that his hands were completely numb, but he still raised his right hand with all his strength, and wrote the word "Wu Fei" crookedly on Shen Xing's back.
"This is my name, Wu Fei." He whispered, and then passed out.

When Wu Fei woke up again, he found himself lying on a white jade bed.
He is still in a stone cave, but the cave is arranged like a fairy cave in myths and legends, with all kinds of living utensils available, and most of them are carved with jade, agate and thousand-year-old wood. There is a strong spiritual energy everywhere.
"How did I get here?" Wu Fei whispered in his heart.
The hundred and eighty leaders in the ring suddenly became active in persuading students, scrambling to answer his questions:
"The love spell has taken effect. The love spell has been planted. How can he still hurt you? He only hates himself for not being good enough to you."
"As expected, it is a profound secret book that only the head of my sect in the world can cultivate. This effect is outstanding!"
"What is the effect of this love spell?" Wu Fei asked.
He only knew that before he wanted to practice this technique, he needed to plant this love spell on the person he was practicing with.
"The function of the love spell is very simple." The more rational voice came forward and replied, "It has only two functions: first, the person you successfully cast the love spell on will never hurt you or betray you; second Second, after the love spell is successfully cast, as long as the other party sees you and thinks of you, they will not be able to help but want to take the initiative to practice with you, reducing the difficulty of inviting the other party to practice."
That sounds fine.
Based on the relationship between him and his Xingshen, if Xingshen didn't go mad, Xingshen himself would never hurt or betray him.
As for practicing together, is it normal? After all, this is the background of cultivating immortals, and his skills cannot be wasted...
Wait, what does "I can't help but want to take the initiative to practice with you" mean?
Wu Fei was stunned for a second, realizing that the matter was not simple.
At this time Shen Xing walked in from the outside.
He stood in front of Wu Fei's white jade bed, looked down at him, and said coldly: "Now we can talk, what is the purpose of you secretly spying on my cave?"
Wu Fei tried his best to make up a reason that sounded more reasonable: "It's like this. My friends and I heard that the divine flower Jade Bone Lotus will open two weeks later, and there will definitely be many monks fighting for it. I don’t have enough strength, so I want to find a strong partner to cooperate with. I heard that there is a powerful monk here, so I want to ask if I want to cooperate with you. After this is done, the Jade Bone Lotus will belong to you. We only need some other accompanying gods. OK."
"Smart words." Shen Xing said softly.
He lowered his eyes and stretched out his hand to pinch Wu Fei's chin, lifted him from the white jade bed, then looked at him closely and said, "Tell the truth."
Wu Fei was shocked, and shouted in his heart: "This love spell is useless at all, isn't it? He still wants to kill me."
"how is this possible!"
"It shouldn't be!"
The spirits of the head persuading students were shocked, and finally a voice resolutely said:
"Start to practice the first session, no matter what method you use, bring him to practice together! As long as you start to practice, it will be easy."
"Yes, yes, that's it."
"Let's get started."
A group of voices echoed instantly.
At the same time, Wu Fei's mind also quickly slid through the entire content of the first section of the exercise...
His body moved faster than his brain, and subconsciously, he had already followed the content recorded in the exercises.
He quickly stretched out his hand to hug Shen Xing's hand that was pinching him, and begged, "No."
Then, taking advantage of the moment when the opponent's hand was relaxed, he quickly broke free, but still hugged that hand with both hands, then lowered his head and kissed the opponent's tiger's mouth lightly, and then raised his eyes to look at the opponent intently and sincerely: "What I said is real."
Seeing that Shen Xing didn't respond, but he didn't resist either, Wu Fei sat up on the white jade bed, raised his head and kissed the other person's chest lightly: "Really..."

Shen Xing didn't make it clear that he wanted to join them and grab the Jade Bone Lotus with them, but he didn't drive or hurt them anymore, instead he let the three of them continue to live in his cave.
However, Wu Fei found that because of his obsession, his current mood was no longer as stable as usual, and he often suddenly became suspicious of his motives, and then murderous intent appeared all over his body.
At this time, the former heads of the world's number one sect will mobilize their spirits to persuade him to learn, and work together to teach him how to practice and help him resolve the crisis of life.
But every time it can indeed be resolved successfully.
Wu Fei didn't have any pressure on this - after all, the object was Shen Xing, not anyone else. He's gone mad, isn't he still a god?
What's more, others don't know what he did to save his life.
Yuan Sanpang and Yuan Lao came to him and asked him how he persuaded Xingshen to let them stay. Wu Fei pretended to be inscrutable and said: "Since ancient times, money has moved people's hearts. Although Xingshen has become obsessed, he also knows The Jade Bone Lotus is a good thing, I said we can help him get the Jade Bone Lotus, and after getting the Jade Bone Lotus, give it to him, we don’t want it, just some common herbs, and he agreed.

Not to mention at all that Shen Xing, who had actually gone mad, actually didn't even bother to cooperate with them.
Yuan Lao and Yuan Sanpang thought about it, Yuan Lao is a "three-place monk" with good strength, and he is indeed a good helper. They also think this matter is very reasonable, so they don't ask anymore.
Yuan Lao and Yuan Sanpang lived in another cave nearby. Because it is said that this place is a place of inheritance, with powerful exercises and magic tools, monks often come here to look for opportunities, but they are all beaten back by Shen Xing.
Shen Xing dismissed the things left by those monks, so Yuan Lao and Yuan Sanpang went to pick up those fallen treasures, and even found some suitable magic weapons.
In addition, they often go to other nearby places to search for opportunities during the day, and after a week, they also gathered five or six earth-level magic weapons. Yuan Lao also found a heaven-level wood-type exercise "Longevity Wood" and a heaven-level jade ruler as a weapon. Yuan Sanpang also found a copy of the earth-level fire-type exercise "Lihuo" that can be practiced. Tactics".
According to Yuan Lao and Yuan Sanpang, because Shen Xing does not allow other monks to approach within a hundred miles, there are many unexplored opportunities nearby, and this is a famous place of inheritance. Experts are sitting around here, so as long as you can solve the puzzles left by the experts, or pass the tests left by them, you can find a lot of good things.
They also brought back to Wu Fei a local-level gold-type kung fu, but Wu Fei didn't practice it—he now found that the kung fu left over from the world's number one kung fu is indeed a heaven-level kung fu. There is no requirement for spiritual root aptitude, and in the past few days, he has only practiced a few times when his life is in danger, and he can feel that his cultivation base is making rapid progress. Not inferior.
It's just that they still can't beat Shen Xing.
He has lost his mind, so he should be more powerful. Wu Fei comforted himself in this way.
Soon, they have stayed in this cave for ten days, and in three more days, it will be the day when the Jade Bone Lotus will open.
The aura of the entire secret realm seemed to be summoned by some kind of call, and began to quickly gather in the central area.
The aura at the edge of the secret realm has become extremely thin, to the extent that these ordinary monks who rely on absorbing aura for a living cannot continue to survive.
All the monks were forced to start gathering in the central area, and some monks who had been hiding in the fringe area to practice secretly also had to come out of their hiding places and began to migrate to the central area.
The density of monks in the central area is gradually increasing, evasion is no longer feasible, and conflicts are inevitable. It is not yet the time for the Jade Bone Lotus to open, but many monks and teams have been eliminated.
Wu Fei thinks this is the Immortal version of "Pubg", according to his country's characteristics, it is the Immortal version of "Peace Elite".
Although their cave is close to the middle, they can feel that its aura has become thinner these days. Moreover, there are only three days left. They plan to leave the cave tomorrow and move to the place with the strongest aura to find a suitable place. Wait for the Jade Bone Lotus to open.
At night, Shen Xing said to Wu Fei: "There are some magic tools in the cave next to it, you can bring them if you think it's appropriate."
As soon as Wu Fei entered, he saw a faint golden light around several magic tools, including armor and weapons. He has only seen this kind of light on the jade ruler that Yuan Laoxin got, and there is no doubt that they are all heaven-level magic weapons.
Wu Fei collected all the magic weapons that he and Yuan Lao Sanpang could use, then turned around and asked Shen Xingdao: "Brother Xing, do you have anything to bring?"
"I don't need it." Shen Xing said lightly.
"What about your weapon? What is your weapon used for?" Wu Fei said, "I have never seen your weapon before."
As soon as he finished speaking, Wu Fei felt a chill run down his spine in an instant, and a faint murderous aura swam behind him.
Wu Fei looked back cautiously, only to see a black crystal long sword moving slowly against his back, and a slender hand clinging to the hilt, fiddling and moving it boredly.
"Do you want to try it?" The sword master looked at him and asked calmly.
"It's still not necessary." Wu Fei moved away carefully, then turned around and hugged Shen Xing's waist, "Brother Xing, let's practice, shall we?"
"En." Shen Xing replied softly, and withdrew the magic sword with his backhand.
While Wu Fei took the initiative to kiss his shoulder, he suddenly realized something—
He seemed to have left a wrong signal, or in other words, a wrong conditioned reflex, for his behavior.
Every time he encounters such a dangerous situation, he will take the initiative to ask for cultivation. Will Xingshen mistakenly think that he just likes this dangerous feeling?
Do you think danger can stimulate his desire to practice?
He is not like this...
Wu Fei thought with tears in his eyes.
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