: Yuanjia road is narrow

Yuanjia road is narrow
The moment Yuan Sanpang woke up, their game was cleared.
A golden light door appeared in Yuan Sanpang's home, and the voice of the light ball sounded: "Congratulations on clearing the No. 2 game, and now you can leave the game world."
The four returned to the studio.
They are the first team to successfully return from two games. The time flow of the game world is not consistent with that of the level floor. A lifetime in the game world is just a few hours in this floor.
So two hours later, the other two teams also completed the game experience and returned to their respective studios.
The holographic projection image of the light ball appeared again, and the final scores were settled for the three teams:
"Team No. 1, designed game No. 1, if one team fails to clear the level, it gets 1 point; Team No. 1 doesn't clear the game, so it gets 0 points. Team No. 1 gets 1 point in total."
Team No. 1 was also miserable, because Team No. 2 copied Wu Fei's game design, so they had to try the same game and failed twice.
"Team No. 2, designed game No. 2, if one team fails to clear the level, it will get 1 point; Team No. 2 won't clear the game, so it will get 0 points. Team No. 2 will get 1 point in total."
Although Team No. 2 reproduced Wu Fei's game, they failed to clear the level in Game No. 1 and Wu Fei's No. 3 game, so they only got 1 point in the end.
"Team No. 3 designed game No. 3. Two teams failed to pass the level and accumulated 2 points; Team No. 3 cleared two games and accumulated 2 points. Team No. 3 has a total score of 4 points."
"Teams No. 1 and No. 2 are judged as failures. Team No. 3 wins."
After the final result was announced, the ball of light in front of Wu Fei gradually became a reality, appearing in the center of the living room of the studio.
Wu Fei and Yuan Sanpang stepped forward, only to see the words on the light ball read:
"[Level 297]
This layer task (completed): become the winner of the game design competition"
When choosing a reward partner, Yuan Sanpang finally got lucky again, and got the Fire Mage directly, and now his Fire Mage is also 2 stars.
Wu Fei refreshed twice and got Wuchang, now Wuchang has more than 2 stars and 2.
But their points also returned to zero.
Fortunately, this floor is the 297th floor, as long as you stay there for a day, you can get 8 reward points.
Wu Fei chose to stay behind.
Inspired by the layer of the red desert, Wu Fei asked Guang Qiu: "Can we formulate the rules of competition when challengers come to challenge?"
"Yes." Guang Qiu said, "but fairness must be guaranteed."
"Challengers must clear the game designed by the left behind before they can challenge the left behind, is this okay?"
"It's not fair." Guang Qiu said.
Wu Fei originally wanted to say that the two sides would come to a game design competition to decide the outcome, but both Shen Xing and Yuan Lao said that it would be more troublesome and there were many variables, so it is better to fight directly.
So Wu Fei changed it to: "Challengers and left-behinds fight in the game world with virtual characters reproduced by real teams."
Although this is still a fight, because it takes place in the game world, neither side will have real damage or attrition.
This time the plan was passed by the light sphere.
Wu Fei and the others stayed on the 297th floor for another 20 days. During these 20 days, the challengers they encountered were obviously stronger than those they encountered on the 971st floor, but they had no scruples in fighting in the game world, and Wu Fei They have the home court advantage of being more familiar with the map, so none of the final 9 challenges failed.
Wu Fei successfully got 160 points.
Yuan Sanpang gave Wu Fei all the remaining 16 silver light spheres. Their goal this time is to upgrade at least one SSS partner to 3 stars.
The Fallen Angel is now 2 stars, and there are still 6 duplicate cards to be promoted to 3 stars; the Old One is now 1 star and there is no surplus, and 8 duplicate cards are still needed to be promoted to 3 stars.
But Wu Fei only has 16 silver light spheres in his hands now, which means that he has almost no surplus. He must ensure that every time he chooses a partner, he must be refreshed to the SSS level status before he can stop.
After Wu Fei got the silver light ball, he took a deep breath, found a geomantic location facing the sea, and started using the silver light ball.
The first one, 10 times to brush the fallen angel, the fallen angel has 2 stars and 1.
The second one, brushed to the Old One 7 times, the old one has 1 star and 1 more.
The third one, swipe to the fallen angel 5 times, the fallen angel has 2 stars and 2.
The fourth one, brushed to the Old One 9 times, the Old One has 2 stars.
The fifth one, brushed to the Old One 4 times, the old one has 2 stars and 1.
Because the goal is clear, he is nothing more than an emotionless refreshing machine.
But he only used 5 light spheres, and he refreshed 35 times. On average, he needs to refresh 7 times with one light sphere. If he takes 14 partners, he needs to refresh almost 98 times. Using nearly 200 points, his current points Not enough at all.
But the silver ball of light is rare, and the goal cannot be given up. If it is not possible, you can only stay here for another 10 days to get points.
But Wu Fei is also curious, if everyone who can ascend to the top 1,000 floors can stay on the floor indefinitely, then theoretically everyone will have enough points in the end, so many points that there are surplus points, and the points are no longer high. can be an advantage.
Will Summit Arena allow this to happen?
He guessed not.
So there must be a time limit, but they haven't discovered it yet or the system hasn't announced what the limit is.
Wu Fei was thinking in his heart, but he didn't stop, but continued to use the silver light ball:
Sixth, brushed to the fallen angel 5 times, 2 fallen angels with 2 stars.
The seventh one, 8 times to brush the fallen angels, 2 fallen angels with 2 stars and 1 more.
The eighth one, 9 times brushed to the Old One, the old one has 2 stars and 2.
The ninth one, 12 times to brush the fallen angels, 2 fallen angels with 2 stars and 2.
Very good, now there is only one fallen angel, and he can raise the fallen angel to 3 stars. But he only has 22 points left, which is only enough to refresh 11 times.
The tenth one, brushed to the Old One 7 times, 2 Old Ones with 2 stars.
But he now only has 8 points left.
Wu Fei plans to stay for a few more days, and after collecting some points, he will choose a partner.
He is now only 1 Fallen and 3 Great Old Ones away. On the average of ten times, he needs to refresh 7.6 times for every SSS status. Even if he calculates it by 8 times, as long as he accumulates another 64 points, it is almost enough for him to upgrade both SSS statuses to 3 stars.
He only needs to stay on this floor for another week.
However, when he just walked out of the "Feng Shui Treasure Land" and was going to announce his conclusions with others, he only heard an exceptionally loud system sound that seemed to be released in public:
"Attention all challengers, attention all challengers, there are already players who have reached and successfully stayed on the top ten floors."
"Please note that as long as one team reaches the first floor and successfully stays for three days, the challenge of this level will end. All challenging teams will be ranked according to the number of floors they stay on. The smaller the number of floors they stay on, the higher the ranking. high."
"Teams that have not stayed on the floor by then will be treated as being eliminated."
"Please prepare for the challenge."
At this time, Yuan Sanpang and the others also rushed out. Yuan Sanpang said to Wu Fei, "Wu Fei, did you hear the broadcast just now? What should we do?"
As soon as this broadcast came out, the actions of each team would undoubtedly turn from radical to conservative.
Because except for the teams competing for the first place in the zeroth echelon, the other teams do not know when the first place will be produced and when the challenge will end. The team that stays on the floor will be eliminated, so from the announcement of this broadcast, the goals of all teams will become "determine a target floor" and "defend this floor".
"Should we continue to move up?" Yuan Sanpang asked.
It was the first time for them to participate in the summit arena, just like the students who took the exam for the first time in a new school, they had no idea of ​​where they could rank in the arena.
But judging from the information they received before the start of the arena, the top 300 in the peak arena is already a good result worth bragging about.
"Yes." Wu Fei said without hesitation.
"We have two SSS-level contractor status partners, and we also have a point advantage at the beginning of the third level. We didn't feel too much pressure staying in this level for the previous 20 days, which shows that we still have the strength to continue to improve."
"However, I don't think the first place will be produced so quickly. It is not that easy to continue to open up wasteland in the first ten floors. The missions on the first ten floors will definitely be difficult. When the floor missions are more difficult than defeating you, continuing to open up wasteland is undoubtedly a must. Make wedding dresses for other people."
"If I were a team that entered the top ten floors right now, I wouldn't immediately start to continue to challenge each floor. Instead, I would stay on an already occupied floor to accumulate points, wait for work, and wait until the situation is clear and I am ready before going to the team. Challenging the No. 1 team — it will take time for them to fight each other for the No. 1 position.

"So I guess it's still at least a month before the challenge is really over. We've got plenty of time to go up—at least to get into the top 100."
"Then shall we continue to challenge upwards now?" Yuan Sanpang asked.
"No," Wu Fei said, "Sharpening a knife is not the same as chopping firewood. My points are used up. Let's accumulate more points. I want to upgrade Xingshen's 3S status to three stars."
Wu Fei and the others stayed on the 297th floor for another three days.
During this period, they encountered new challengers—different from the previous challengers, this time the challengers had already reached the 94th floor, but then retreated layer by layer, and returned to the 297th floor. After the system broadcast, they no longer Pursue upward, but desperately hope to find a floor of about 300 floors to stay behind.
Their strength was much stronger than the previous challengers, but they were defeated in the end.
Yuan Sanpang became more confident: "It seems that we can indeed enter the top 100."
Old Yuan knocked him on the head: "Don't be beautiful, didn't you hear what they said? They were knocked down from the 93rd floor. The team that can really stay in the top 100 is better than them."
"But we are also better than them." Yuan Sanpang felt that he was very reasonable.
Wu Fei looked at the 24 points he had accumulated in the past three days, and walked alone to the Fengshui treasure to try his luck.
They now have a total of 32 points, no matter what, it is enough for him to obtain the SSS status once.
Wu Fei used a silver light ball.
Wu Fei refreshed 1, 2, 3, 4...7 times.
Wu Fei created an SSS-level fallen angel!
SSS level fallen angel, 3 stars.
Wu Fei ran out excitedly, and said to the other three, "Let's move on now!"
Yuan Sanpang was puzzled and said, "Why continue to go up now?"
"Because of Xingshen, the fallen angel has three stars!" Wu Fei announced proudly.
"We still have 18 points, which is enough to refresh the reward partner, but not enough for me to brush the Old One to 3 stars. I think a 3-star SSS partner is enough for us to climb another 100 floors Now, when we get to the top, if the points are not enough, we can continue to stay and accumulate points, and then we can get more points for every day we stay."
If you stay within the 100th floor, you can get 10 points if you stay there for one day.
Another point is that Wu Fei was embarrassed to tell Yuan Sanpang that after he heard the system broadcast, although his analysis was well-founded, he was actually a little anxious.
He was also afraid that if they had the strength to go to a higher position, they would stop abruptly because of lack of time. After all, the world is always full of variables, and no one can be sure of everything.
An astrologer might, but he never takes fate lightly.
Yuan Sanpang thought for a while and said in support: "It makes sense."
Wu Fei walked to the light sphere and chose to continue upward.
A white ladder unfolds slowly outside the window of their studio.
The floor-to-ceiling windows disappeared out of thin air, and the hunting sea breeze blew in.
Shen Xing spread out his black wings, picked up Wu Fei and flew out first, and Yuan Lao drew a cloud, which also carried Yuan Sanpang up the ladder.
They came to a high mountain.
The altitude here is very high, and Wu Fei feels fine because he has the blood of the Sea Clan. Yuan Sanpang has already started to feel uncomfortable, and Yuan Lao gave him a magic medicine before he recovered.
Looking down from the top of the mountain, there is an endless snowfield stretching for thousands of miles, a vast expanse of white.
At this time, there is still snow like goose feathers falling in the sky, one after another.
The sky and the earth are vast and holy, and they are so close to the sky, so close that they can touch the sky by raising their hands.
Wu Fei couldn't help reaching out to touch it, although what he finally encountered was the icy air and the cold, clammy snow that fell to his fingertips.
Shen Xing held his hand.
His hands were also cold, but the two held hands together for a long time, and they became warmer.
The sound of the system sounded quite inappropriately at this time:
"Attention, there are already challengers staying on this floor. You need to defeat the challengers who are currently staying behind, or let them surrender the light ball on this floor before you can choose to stay behind or continue going up."
It seems that there are also leftovers on this floor.
The system has no other instructions. It seems that they only need to find out the left behind on this floor and defeat them.
"It would be great if we had Eisen's light-sighted skills." Wu Fei looked at the white snow-covered plateau and sighed, "Where the opponent is, you can know it by just scanning it."
Shen Xing glanced at him indifferently.
In the next second, Shen Xing switched the master control to the astrologer.
The astrologer looked up at the sky and raised his hand, in his gray-blue eyes, a silver star pattern flickered faintly.
Although it was difficult to see the stars in the sky with the naked eye because it was daytime, Wu Fei felt that he looked like he was communicating with the stars.
After a while, he raised his hand, and a silver light hit a point on the snow field.
From Wu Fei's point of view, there was a piece of white everywhere, and there was nothing special about Shen Xing's attack.
However, after the silver light fell, that piece of snow suddenly collapsed, and then several black shadows emerged from under the white snow.
The remaining team actually hid under the snow.
Wu Fei counted, and the opponent had a total of 11 people, which meant that the opponent was always a team above level 8. They should be within the 200th floor now, and if they could stay at this level, it was very likely that they were a team of level 9 or even 10.
Since the other party didn't set other rules, after meeting, the only option is to fight!
Yuan Lao said: "Be careful, they may set traps around."
As he said, he had already mastered the millennium-old tortoise and placed protective shields around them, and then the master fire mage sat in the protective shield and began to draw the fire magic circle.
Shen Xing directly controlled the demon to fly into the air, looking at him coldly with light golden eyes.
After respawning the vagrant demons for a long time, in this layer, the demons finally reappeared as the rulers of hell.
The ruler of hell, this means that they have another 3-star SSS partner in their team.
"It's you?" A black shadow on the other side suddenly said.
Wu Fei looked at the other side and recognized who the other side was—
It turned out to be Pan Xi who had entrapped him in the Arena of Glory and finally caused him to fail in that level.
In the final plan, it is very difficult for the more famous teams to really conceal their identities.
It’s easy to do in levels that don’t require the contractor’s special identity. It can be achieved by changing the appearance and changing the name, but as long as they fight, the contractor will use a special identity, plus special skills and weapons, and be recognized It's just a matter of a moment.
Shen Xing's devil identity was drawn out relatively early, and it can be regarded as Shen Xing's first highest-level identity card. It is also an eye-catching fake SSS identity. As long as it is revealed, it will even be counted by some high-level identities. Included in media manuscripts or personal summaries. If the other party happens to follow them, or follow related consultations, it is not surprising that they can recognize them.
Wu Fei also recognized the other party through the same method.
He checked Pan Xi's information after he failed in the first level of the Temple of the Fallen, and at this time, the black shadow in the opponent's team was exactly the same as the opponent's strongest contractor, the SS-level shadow warrior.
It's just that Wu Fei's mentality has completely changed when he meets the other party again at this time.
At that time, he had just entered the final plan. Like most novice planners, he didn't know that he would be eliminated one day. He felt that the Star Troopers, especially the Star Troopers of the fourth-level civilization, were standing at the top of the pyramid. and out of reach.
But now, they have just passed the first team of Dirk Planet head-on, and just won. The Son of Light of Eisen, a well-known SSS-level contractor, has also fought and won. Looking back at Pansy's team again, I feel nothing more than that.
The strength of the planetary teams on Boiling Point is based on the serial number. The sixth team means that they can only rank sixth in the star team of this planet; and each of their teams is divided into the first team and the second team. Generally speaking, the first team The strength is stronger, but the strength of the second team is weaker.
For example, the contractors of the captain of their first team, Eric, have at least the status of an SSS-level orc shaman; but Pan Xi's second team, at least according to the current public information, does not have an SSS-level contractor in the team.
So they can only be called second-rate or even third-rate Star Troopers.
"What floor is this?" Wu Feiye replied in a flat tone. His voice wasn't too high, but he knew the other party could hear him. "It shouldn't be the 100th floor, right?"
"The sixth team of Boiling Point Planet is staying here, isn't it a shame?"
For the first time in his life, Wu Fei felt the pleasure of bullying others.
Standing here with two 3-star SSS identities of Xingshen, he just mocked and didn't beat or scold them, which is already a very qualified and cultivated performance. It would be unreasonable for the other party not to thank the nine-year compulsory education system.
Of course, another important reason for not hitting them was that Wu Fei knew that he would definitely hit them after a while.
So, take your time.

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