Chapter 176: . What did you see?

"Did you see anything?"
Several people didn't know how to answer, after all, what they just saw was not a joke.
That's the flying Xi Nuan!
Xi Nuan smiled coldly.
"I have always believed that only dead people can't speak. Living people are unreliable. But... I still want to give you a chance."
After Xi Nuan finished speaking, he looked at the corpse.
"If someone talks about my wings when I go back, I'll kill seven of you. Don't even try to run any of you. Do you understand?"
A look of fear immediately appeared on the faces of the few people. If it were the original words, they would definitely say it, after all, not everyone has this kind of experience.
But now, even if they were to be killed, they would not say anything.
Because they saw how good Xi Nuan is...
"We... we just saw nothing... nothing."
"Yes, yes, yes... we didn't see anything..."
"Yes, yes, we didn't see anything...we didn't see anything..."
"We really haven't seen it. We just got here. Yeah, right, we just got here."
Xi Nuan smiled, if she changed to the usual, she would not stay alive, but now...
She brought someone out for the first time, but she went back by herself?
This makes people question her ability too much.
Xi Nuan pointed to Zhenkou:
"Hurry up and start working, I am here waiting for you."
The few people left to start a division of labor and cooperation, Meng Qihui was responsible for driving, and the rest began to collect the bodies.
Xi Nuan sat on the roof of the car very relaxedly in a daze. The next step was all hard work, she didn't want to do it.
Seeing those people busy there, Xi Nuan was in a very good mood, she just wanted to collect all the materials here.
It is estimated that these six large trucks can hold almost one.
After the zombies were almost cleaned up, they drove into the town in a large truck.
The matter of getting gasoline is not too much for Xi Nuan, she took Meng Qihui to the supermarket and continued to get supplies.
This time they came to a fresh supermarket.
There are no zombies in it, but most of the vegetables inside are rotten, not to mention the meat.
Meng Qihui and the little soldier covered their mouths, almost vomiting with nausea.
Xi Nuan was very familiar with the taste. At that time, she had no food to eat, so she went to this place to get some rotten meat to cook.
"Boss, what are we doing here?"
Xi Nuan pointed to the vegetable leaves outside and the seafood in the water tank.
"Go outside to find if there are any unbroken leaves or seafood. It is less than two months after the end of the world, and it is estimated that there will still be fish that slip through the net. After searching here, let's find food."
After Meng Qihui and the little soldier got the order, they started looking for surviving food.
Xi Nuan sat there silently recalling the past, she still remembered her first search for supplies since she became the hall master.
At that time, I almost died.
She was chased by so many zombies, and her first group of men died like that.
She escaped by hiding in such a place at that time.
The self today is indeed different from the one at the time. What about the self now?
It's much better than before, but the feeling of tension and excitement is really gone.
The last days are too familiar to her.
Everything seems to be tailor-made for her now.
"Um... Boss, we've completely finished it. This has been cleaned up. The gasoline over there is also ready. The zombies here are probably gone..."
Xi Nuan's memories were interrupted, and she looked at her watch and realized that she had recalled for nearly two hours.
She rubbed her numb thigh, her face regained confidence.
"Let's go. Let's go back."
Probably in the evening, Xi Nuan brought the group back to Maimang City.
The large amount of food and supplies made everyone stunned.
Xi Nuan stood there quietly without saying anything to ask for credit. On the way back, she suddenly thought of the man with sunglasses, feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart.
Because of himself, the man disappeared.
Maybe because she keeps changing the world, maybe the man with sunglasses that I met today will disappear.
What a desperate era was 2888, so that those people would let her make changes regardless of anything?
At the bottom of the food chain, she hasn’t tried it, but...
But at the bottom of the food chain of all species, what a desperate day...
"What are you thinking about, come down quickly."
When Xi Nuan was in a daze, she heard Qing Yan calling her, and when she lowered her head slightly, she saw Qing Yan's smile.
With a light leap, Xi Nuan jumped down and landed steadily on the ground.
"I'm thinking about what to eat at night. By the way, are the material statistics ready?"
Li Hua hurried over when Xi Nuan had mentioned the supplies, shook his wrist, handed over the statistics sheet and said:
"You brought back so many things, but I was exhausted, but thank you for that package of supplies. You have this heart. I am not exhausted."
After Li Hua finished speaking, he began to introduce all the current supplies to them.
"Rice noodles are now almost 5 tons back. Snacks total 4 tons. Clothes and other materials are still being sorted. But..."
Xi Nuan saw that Li Hua's expression was not very good-looking, so she pursed her lips and asked:
"Just say anything, don't hesitate. No matter what happens, we can have a solution."
Li Hua just said...
"Captain Liu came just now and was very dissatisfied with the supplies we gave the other people a backpack... so he took all the backpacks away. Including what you gave us, your own..."
Xi Nuan frowned and her face became cold.
She was not nearly killed, but everyone else was nearly killed.
Why don't you deserve to have a backpack?
They took the things back, ready to unload the mill and kill the donkey?
The point is...she has to be a donkey...
"Where is Captain Liu?"
Xi Nuan was a little angry and prepared to go to Captain Liu for the theory, but was stopped by Li Hua.
"Don't go. I'm dealing with Captain Liu here. What people said is correct. This thing itself is under the control of the military. You went with people, but you don't have permission to give them things."
Xi Nuan's temper hasn't improved at all, she is very angry now.
She can also ignore other people's supplies, and her backpack is full of banana milk!
This thing must come back.
Must come back!
"I don't care about other people's things, and don't even want to take the supplies I bring back. Wait for me, I have banana milk."
Xi Nuan turned around and was about to find Captain Liu, but within two steps he saw Captain Liu approaching with the soldiers just now.
"Miss Xi Nuan, I am looking for you."
Xi Nuan looked at Captain Liu with a smile, joking in her eyes.
"It's just right, I want to find you too. Tell me something and find me."
Captain Liu pointed to the backpacks in those hands and said:
"I'm about to confiscated this backpack. After all, we can give these supplies to more refugees... They shouldn't be embezzled, so I have to come and tell you. And I also took your backpack, because I I think you and your team are not qualified to take this backpack. So I confiscated them."
Xi Nuan stood there silently took out her pan and looked at Captain Liu.
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