Chapter 348: . Introduction to Zerg

Xi Nuan looked at Qing Yan's gentle face, shook his head and said:
"Well, it's just a reminder of the past. By the way, let's go down... Let's go down. The reason I'm not letting you go now is very simple. The larvae are very small, but they can enter human flesh and skin. Then... they eat you in minutes... but they are not particularly lethal when they are big, at least guns and guns are useful."
"The other thing is that those bugs also eat mutant beasts and zombies, so they can help us consume some zombies for a while. At the moment... humans are the bottom of the food chain. Because we can't eat mutant beasts and zombies, that bug It’s from eating zombie meat, mutant animal meat, and human flesh. So we can’t eat it either..."
"Think about it this way, there is really nothing to eat, but bugs can eat us, mutant beasts can eat us, zombies can eat us... the whole world can eat us. So it is very difficult for humans to stand out. Son. Our relationship with other species is similar to the relationship between pigs, cattle and sheep."
Xi Nuan sighed after speaking...
"Because no species will form an alliance with food. Do you think humans can form an alliance with their own food? What is the purpose of raising pigs? For food. Raising cattle, in addition to arable land, is also for food. Even the so-called so-called Human friends are nothing but pets. Which one is really equal?"
"However, I would rather die than become a pet or become a so-called friend. That is a lie. I don't want to be a pig or a cow or serve them. Anyway...ours The road is actually not easy. So since we can be sure that the Zerg has appeared, then we must try our best to survive now."
After Xi Nuan finished speaking, other people's expressions were not very good. Xi Nuan recalled the Zerg she had encountered before, and sweat began to appear on her face. That was not a good memory. She continued:
"I have only encountered three kinds of insects before, and I was considered better protected before, so I only know these three. One is the Beetle, which is about the size of a car and has large pliers. The weakness is the abdomen, which is average. The method of play is to blow it directly with a grenade. It will be better...If you kill it by other methods, it will be difficult to attack the abdomen."
"The other kind is the big worm, the seed that parasitizes in the human body through water, as we have just mentioned. The kind that does not have much attack power, but can kill people in a city at once. It is a chronic attack. The last type is fire ants. They are red all over, with hard shells, and their joints are the weak points. The hardest thing to kill is this kind of fire ants. They are big and beetles and can spray venom. People immediately turned into slime..."
Xi Nuan was a little tired after saying these words. She glanced at Professor Liu who was listening attentively, and the old professors next to her said:
"They are most afraid of pesticides and lime powder. But the area here is really too big, and I can't spread lime powder everywhere, so I hope you have recently studied some insecticides but they are not harmful to people. Things come. Zombie specimens or something, I think you will study first for the time being, there are many zombies nearby. Enough for your research."
"Please don't look for those bugs. The bugs are large and large. If you seduce one, you will directly attract a large one. So this is my request. You prepare insecticides. But don't provoke those bugs. , I don’t want people here to bury you. I’m not joking with you, I know that research is of great significance to you..."
"However, this city is also very important to me. I don't want you to make any mistakes. Professor Liu, we are old acquaintances, so I know you, and you should know me. If I don't value you, In this case, I don’t need to support your research. So I hope you don’t treat me as a child and don’t take our words seriously."
Professor Liu knew that Xi Nuan was not joking, so he nodded and agreed:
"I know. I know. I won't do it recklessly. You said so, I won't be foolish. But I want to know..."
Xi Nuan knew what Professor Liu wanted to know, so she waved her hand and said:
"That is my own experience and it has nothing to do with you. You can just keep your own affairs in check. The more you know about my affairs, the worse it is. You should understand what I mean, right? "
After Xi Nuan finished speaking, Professor Liu did not ask more questions. After all, Xi Nuan's secret is not one or two.
Professor Liu took people away first, and they needed to integrate and start researching insecticides against Zerg.
This is a newly assigned task, they are very excited, and they have reached a bottleneck in their research on zombies. If they can now study zombies while studying bugs.
Thinking of these things from different angles may be more helpful to research.
After Professor Liu and his party left the room, only Xi Nuan's original team remained in the room, and the state of the entire room was not very good for a while.
Xi Nuan's face sitting there can be described as very bad.
To be honest, she didn't really want to face the Zerg, this is a race that she currently thinks has no chance of winning against it.
"Boss, your complexion is really bad, do you want to take a break?"
Xi Nuan shook his head when Meng Qihui asked.
She suddenly thought of Meng Qihui's sister, and she should also care about it at this time.
"How's your sister? Ning'er's incident should have hit her a lot."
Meng Qihui's face was not so good, he sighed and said:
"My sister is also not clear about her mind. After being harmed by Ning'er's girl, her mental state is not very good. She always says something in the room by herself, and I don't understand. But she She told me the wrong things she did herself."
"Part of those things Ning'er asked her to do, and part of them was done by her own ghost. Now that Ning'er is dead, she also understands what happened. Now I let her rest at home for a few days, and then Go back to school. This time she has promised me that she will learn skills there and will not do stupid things anymore."
Danan felt that what Meng Qihui said was right, so he shared the news he had received with Meng Qihui and said:
"I also went back to find out. At first, Xiaokui must have bullied other classmates, so there was bullying. However, when she wanted to reform, she met Ning'er. Then she was bewitched by Ning'er. The children said After Xiao Kui met Ning'er, it was very different from before."
Meng Qihui shook his head when he heard this, and said with a sigh:
"In fact, my brother didn't do it well. If I don't have any problems at all. My sister won't be like this. It's my problem...but I will spend more time with her in the future. Let her feel To my love for her. I think this is what a good brother should do. I must not let her be so isolated and helpless in the future."
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