Chapter 573: . Phoenix family

The story of the bird and the phoenix is ​​also true. At the beginning, the forest was very, very rich. There were fresh and sweet fruits, lush trees, and all kinds of plump bugs. All the birds were hungry before looking for food. , No one would store food, only the Phoenix clan had to store food every day.
At that time, I was mocked by other birds for a long time, saying that they were all idiots, and even talked about the Phoenix family all the time behind their backs because of this.
Phoenix also didn't care about the gazes of other birds, just doing what he thought.
As a result, the Phoenix family really found an opportunity to prove themselves. When the Ten Thousand Years Famine came, many birds starved to death because they had no food.
The tree was bare, without fruit, and even the leaves were almost gone. The bark was crushed and eaten by many birds.
Just when everyone felt they were going to die, the Phoenix clan opened their granary, and this saved the birds.
At that time, the birds were very ashamed. At that time, they often laughed at the Phoenix family behind their backs. In order to thank the Phoenix family for sending charcoal in the snow, they did pluck their feathers and made the most beautiful cloak in the world, and gave the Phoenix family the most noble one. gift.
Phoenix is ​​also regarded as the top of the birds.
For the next hundred years, the Phoenix clan, as the leader of the bird clan, has been helping the birds to cultivate. Everyone has become much better than before. Many birds can be transformed into human forms. Walking in the crowd, you can’t see anything. Strange.
Even if some birds haven't transformed into human form, at least it is not too easy for the beasts to attack them.
Human beings have seen the phoenix as a symbol of auspiciousness in the early days, but the fact is that nothing is destined for auspiciousness in this world, and the auspiciousness brought by the Phoenix family is also because of their diligent cultivation.
When the Phoenix clan has achieved great success in their cultivation, they want to leave the human world. After all, there are people in a world with beasts, all kinds of strange beasts and monsters, and birds will be a little crowded.
If birds and humans have feelings, it’s even more difficult to deal with this kind of inter-ethnic affairs. Children born with beaks or wings, the human world is panicked, and the bird world is also disturbed. Be confused.
The essence of the forest and the aura of heaven and earth are not enough for all the birds to practice.
In addition, the beasts and human beings are also cultivating, and it really doesn't benefit anyone to continue doing this.
The aura and essence of the entire world are already exhausted.
In this way, the birds held a conference to study this matter, and everyone agreed to leave the world.
After all, it’s messed up here, and the longer you stay, everyone will have no good fruit.
But leaving this world requires a price. Forcibly moving from one world to another, or building an independent world, requires accepting enchantment attacks. The task at that time fell on the most powerful Phoenix family.
At last…
The Phoenix clan flew in the front stage, using their wings to block the attacks of all enchantments, and just blazed a path to bring most of the birds with practice to fly to other worlds, forming the Wing Clan World, which is the ocean world that can lead to That is the world of winged people, the kingdom of the sky.
Everyone was living and practicing happily there, and the Phoenix clan was able to recuperate, but the good times did not last long. There was no famine or pain there.
The happy days have been long, and a lot of other thoughts will gradually grow.
The aviaries are under the management of the Phoenix family all the year round, and have long been uncomfortable. The birds are free. Who wants to be controlled by whom?
At the beginning of the establishment of the Wing Clan World, everyone was still willing to be kept under control because of the Phoenix Clan’s dedication, but the longer the time, the greater the gap between them. A hundred years later, the Hundred Birds found a reason to frame the group attacking the Phoenix Clan.
In the end, only this beautiful woman survived. She was the princess of the Phoenix family. Under the attack of the huge wing energy, her mother put the aviary cloak on her.
The cloak made of the aviary feathers can be attacked by the aviary, but the aviary cloak is so big that it can only save one person.
After her mother put the cloak on her, she went to fight...
The ending is obvious. The parents of this beautiful woman all died in battle.
All of her relatives and friends died in battle, with no survivors.
After the phoenix escaped, he hid, and when the limelight passed a little bit, he found some fruits that could be dyed and dressed up and went to the market to ask for news. After receiving the news that all of his parents and relatives had been killed, he was desperate and wanted to die, but it was only when he was thinking about it that he came to this world by accident.
The beautiful woman knew that all her people had died, and she felt resentful. After the search for death was unsuccessful, she wanted to kill her back, but when she wanted to wave her hand to create a barrier, she hesitated because she knew she had no way to get revenge. .
The Phoenix clan back then was really friendly to all birds. They gave out all the cultivation techniques they could give, and they didn't keep anything.
Therefore, the cultivation base of the Hundred Birds is not very high, but it is not low. Together, they have the ability to destroy the Phoenix family.
Even if she went back now, she couldn't beat those people with both fists and four hands, but then she thought about it, she died anyway, there was nothing to fear, she wanted to wave her hand to open the barrier.
It turned out that there was an enchantment in the Abyss at that time, and she couldn't get out even if she wanted to go out.
She has been in this world for decades, washing her face in tears every day.
She is a bird, but she has been in the sea cave. She has no way to go out to find food. She is completely dependent on Han Duo and other people.
After getting over, she never used her real name again, only told others that she was called Phoenix.
When the deep sea abyss enchantment disappeared, she knew that she couldn't beat it even if she went back.
Because of excessive sadness in these years, she has basically never practiced, and it is still the magic of decades ago.
After doing the math, she is now a woman in her sixties according to human calculations, and she has no such sharp and extreme ideas as before.
How can I get revenge?
Later, she gave up and became the orphan of the Phoenix clan with peace of mind, so she could only wait for the opportunity for revenge.
"When I fell asleep, there were fires in my eyes, and my mother’s steadfast eyes. She was protecting me. In the end, I was the only one of our clan who survived. I don’t know why, why they had to do it in pain, after all. Even if I want my clan to step down, I just pull it down. Why is it that the clan who slaughtered me?"
"According to human calculations, I am in my sixties, but according to our own calculations, I am still very young. You know, after knowing that I have no hope of revenge, I am not that sad After all... I still have to live and wait for any opportunity to take revenge."
"Actually, I really want to fall in love. The love of our Phoenix clan is very romantic. We fly in the sky every day, gather food together every day, and stay together every minute of every day. We sing and dance and practice together. , How happy... but... there is no Phoenix clan anymore."
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