Chapter 726: . Aviary 8

Xi Nuan letter?
Naturally I don't believe it.
Xi Nuan smiled and nodded, and then a lot of people pulled her to a new position. The table in this position was more refined than before, and the things on the table were better than before. When Xi Nuan saw the things on the table like this, she also knew...
At the moment.
Her status has improved a lot, from the outer circle to the inner circle, which still makes her very happy.
It's not that she is motivated.
The peripheral table is relatively old, and the stool creaks when sitting on it, and she feels very panicked. After sitting for a day, she feels that the whole person is going to be fragmented.
But at this moment, although she is still inferior to the central table in the corner of the inner circle, it is obvious that the stool has changed from a hard bench to a cushioned stool with a backrest.
It's okay to sit for a day like this...
Although the materials on the table have not been polished much, they are still pretty good. Anyway, they are in the shape of beads. The materials she used before are not even serious beads. After a long time, there are not a few round beads. She polished it slowly.
Now that there are round beads, it must be even more powerful.
Grinding the beads by hand is still quite useless. She didn't notice any discomfort after it was done, but after a while she found that her hands were red.
And the powder after the beads were worn out was particularly itchy, and her hands were uncomfortable for a while.
After Xi Nuan came to the new seat, she began to work silently, threading needles and beads into hairpins.
In fact, she still has a lot of ideas in her mind, but today she has been out of the limelight, there is no need to continue to be in the limelight, if you continue, it will not be the limelight but the limelight.
One thing she still knows very well, no matter where you are, if you show up too much, you will become a target for everyone, and this place has such a broken mouth...
If she becomes a target, what does she have to be discussed behind the scenes?
It's right to talk less and do more, but you also have to have a skill in doing things.
She absolutely can't do anything particularly beautiful today, otherwise others will definitely be jealous when she sees it, so she can just make some ordinary things if she thinks about it.
It can't be worse than before, but it can't be too much.
Xi Nuan kept working like this until noon, and Xi Nuan looked at the nuts and had a headache when she put the meal at noon.
These nuts are all sautéed, and they are also slightly salty, but in the human world...
Stir-fried nuts are something that everyone eats when they are chatting or watching dramas. Whoever eats this as a meal, even if it is a meal, it can only be eaten occasionally...
Eat this guy every day...
Xi Nuan feels that if she eats too much, she will lose her hair, will she become a baby who loses her hair...
After taking two bites, she stopped eating it. It's not as delicious as black fruit...
Xi Nuan hurriedly stuffed a small black fruit into her mouth while the group was not paying attention, and then cleaned her teeth with ice gas after eating.
Don't look down on the black fruit, but after the energy is filled, the feeling of fullness also increases. A small black fruit already makes her feel full.
But if she doesn't eat those nuts at all, it will definitely not work. When the time comes, it will be spread out, and she will definitely not know what it is notorious.
What a frivolous indulgence, what a waste of food.
These are all very possible things, and she doesn't want to bear the infamy.
Xi Nuan sat there silently and began to peel all the nuts, and then symbolically stuffed the food into her mouth. She also sat down and chewed very seriously, but in fact they all put them in the system space, which took about ten minutes. , Wipe out all the nuts on the table, leaving only some shells.
After everyone had finished eating, they began to talk about home cooking, while Xi Nuan leaned on the table with his eyes closed and closed his eyes to rest.
She was still curious about how they talked about gossip.
As a result, Xi Nuan couldn't listen anymore after listening for ten minutes. Where did these incredible gossip come from?
I really have to admire it.
Why Zhang San stole Li Si's nuts and played with Li Si's toys.
Then Li Sihui stepped on the flowers and plants of Zhang San's family and beat Zhang San's son. Finally, the two happily drank together.
An illogical story...
Xi Nuan gave up after listening to these two or three stories, and then seriously closed her eyes and calmed down...
There are really few words that these people can hear.
That's it... Xi Nuan started working day by day. It took her about a week to move step by step from the corner of the inner wall. She had two things she wanted.
One is Xiao Bald’s clothes fabric. She found that the quality of the inner fabric is very good. The later the better. The earrings here are to be handed in. She intends to give Xiao Bald something if there is any salary or reward. Fabric, of course...
She can't make clothes.
She really can't do anything about sewing things, but there are so many embroiderers here, and she can hire a good embroiderer with some pearl earrings.
Another point is...
She still wants to see what the Phoenix Queen embroidered...
Just as she was thinking about what the queen's embroidery was, Sister Hua walked in with a happily fan, twisting her waist, and said when she came to the center:
"This year's ritual of the Phoenix clan, our Lark clan, is going to sing. This is the Peacock clan to unite everyone this year. The thrush will dance when the time comes. This time the sacrifice will be very grand, so our Textile Bureau There are a lot of things to undertake. We don’t have much time, only half a month. We must work hard for this half month, and no one should be lazy!"
Everyone stopped the work in their hands, and their faces showed a particularly happy look, all of them too excited.
Sister Hua saw that everyone was so happy, and her soft and charming voice was raised twice.
"In the past two months, we are tired of rushing to the union. Everyone will overcome it. We will be rewarded when we have done meritorious service. I will now divide the labor. The clothes and jewelry for thrushes will be undertaken by outsiders. The requirements are bright and strong, and the materials It doesn’t matter. We have our own clothing and jewelry beside the inner circumference, and finally the Peacock jewelry in the middle of the inner circumference. This time is very important. The Peacock tribe and our clothes and jewelry must shine. This time we It must be a good show, so that you can raise your eyebrows! Who dares to look down on us when you see it."
Who did the thrush offend?
This was Xi Nuan's first reaction. She glanced at other people and found that the expressions of other people were also the same, as if she was going to step on the thrush bird.
The Yiren sitting next to Xi Nuan looked confused, and said:
"I said that you are really ignorant. As expected, you don't know anything. Let me tell you about it. That's it... The thrush bird used to be able to participate in the sacrifice, but we can't. We did it before. For a performance troupe, there will be performances every day."
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