Chapter 740: . Braun 21

Xi Nuan gave an elegant look, stretched out and lifted his chopsticks.
Forget it, let’s eat. What if I’m really hungry without eating for a while?
Today is a comfortable day to eat. You can chew and eat slowly. Don't waste this opportunity.
Of course, she is still happy this half month.
In the past half month, she felt like she was an ordinary person,
After washing up, Xiao bald sat on the table and gobbled it up, and said as he ate:
"I like to eat these things the most. They are really delicious and the vegetables are delicious. Mom always prepares some light things in the morning, but I will not be full and hungry. I eat like this. I won’t be hungry the last time!"
Xi Nuan didn't want Xiao Bale to eat too much oil and salt. She remembered that if such animals eat too much oil and salt, they would lose their hair.
What should I do if Xiao Bald really becomes a small bald?
Bald peacock?
Hey, this must not work.
After the three of them finished their meal, Xi Nuan just put away the bowls and chopsticks, and Sister Hua walked in with a twist of her waist.
As soon as Sister Hua came in, she took two breaths and said:
"What did you eat early in the morning? Why is it so fragrant? I've never smelled it too much before. It's really too fragrant. Oh my god...I like this smell so much."
Xi Nuan did not expect Sister Hua to come so early today. Normally, after Xi Nuan came to the Textile Bureau, it would take about two hours for Sister Hua to arrive slowly.
I am very diligent today, I came so early.
Xi Nuan saw that it was not good to hide and tuck at this time, so she took out the glutinous rice and handed them over and said:
"I usually like to eat some delicate little things, and I also like to study this food and drink. The aroma is the aroma of the glutinous rice dumplings I made. Do you like it or not. If you like it, I will make some for you in the future. Send it over."
Sister Hua was very new when she saw glutinous rice balls, and she had never eaten them before. Picked up one and smelled it, then swallowed sharply.
"This taste is really amazing. How can there be such a good-smelling dish. This glutinous rice seems to be the same as our glutinous rice, but it smells like a big difference. How did you make it? Don’t say let me taste it, see if I can taste it.

Sister Hua stuffed the glutinous rice dumplings into her mouth and kept chewing them. After chewing for a few seconds, Sister Hua stopped. She looked at Xi Nuan in surprise, and then she couldn't leave the food box anymore.
Sister Hua's two hands kept opening a bow, one hand picked up the glutinous rice dumplings and stuffed it into her mouth, and the other hand went to fill the glutinous rice dumplings, so she kept eating the glutinous rice dumplings in the box.
In ten minutes, I ate all the glutinous rice dumplings in my mouth.
Xi Nuan was a little surprised when she watched Sister Hua eat this way. In her impression, Sister Hua's appetites were not big, and she was almost full after eating a few nuts. At this moment, Sister Hua ate a box. Glutinous rice dumplings.
There are a lot of glutinous rice dumplings. Normally she thinks that she and Piao Yi eat a food box. Sister Hua and Xiao Bale eat a food box.
Now Sister Hua has eaten all the glutinous rice dumplings by herself.
Sister Hua never looked up, until she ate all the glutinous rice dumplings, she raised her head and said to Xi Nuan:
"You are a treasure, you know how delicious this thing is. If I can eat this kind of glutinous rice dumpling every day, I really will die without regret! Tell me how this thing is made? ?"
Naturally, Xi Nuan cannot be said to be fried with lard, there is no such thing as a pig here. She pursed her mouth and said:
"I figured it out by myself. It is to start the stove, then add some spices and stir fragrantly. Finally, it is made by stuffing nuts in. If you like it, I will make more and send it to you. But then. There are not many spices. Maybe there are not many glutinous rice dumplings available for you."
Sister Hua was taken aback for a moment, and then said:
"Don't let anyone know about you cooking. You must hide it except me. You must hide it, Xi Nuan!"
Of course she will hide it, and there is no need for everyone to know this kind of thing. Let Sister Hua know only because she worked with Sister Hua. I know that Sister Hua won't have too much doubt after seeing these things.
If it were for someone else, Xi Nuan would be wronged by Xiao Bale for eating nuts today.
Sister Hua looked at Xi Nuan and sighed. She didn't understand what Xi Nuan meant. Quandang Xi Nuan felt that her abilities were less uncomfortable, so she quickly comforted her:
"You don't want such an expression. I don't let you show your ability for your own good. Now no one can cook here anymore. What you said is fried with spices, etc. It's a matter of getting angry. It’s been a long time since we have made them here. You see, the nuts we usually eat are also raw."
"It's not that we don't do it, but there are legends that there are taboos in it. At that time, the Phoenix clan was in charge of fire. They had fiery red feathers, and their abilities also said fire. It is said that at that time they fired from house to house. When it's time for dinner, the smoke is very beautiful."
"But then the Phoenix clan was annihilated. Then the heavy rain continued for a month, although the plague and everything disappeared. But the heavy rain was really terrible. In the end, the Peacock clan stood up and talked about the sacrifice. On that day, the Peacock clan prayed to heaven that there would be no more fire. This is strange to say. Just when the Peacock clan was sure that there would be no more fire, the rain in heaven really stopped."
"Since then, we have never been involved. Of course, we haven't been involved since I was born. It's just that my family has a long head alive and often tells me past stories. I see, it turns out that we have also had a scene of smoky smoke here. We had also been involved in the fire."
Xi Nuan listened to these words and felt that it was true or not true.
She had seen Phoenix spells, not fire spells. Of course, the Phoenix could use fire, which was not a problem.
But on spells, Phoenix's spells are definitely not fire spells. Phoenix is ​​better at flying.
But it seems that the incident and the heavy rain should be real. Otherwise, who would eat those wild fruits and nuts every day?
Who will have a good day?
Seeing that Xi Nuan did not respond, Sister Hua continued:
"So far we are on fire. The meal group has been thinking about how to make better meals. But they have always failed. They have not even studied how to fry the nuts. They still You have already researched such a delicious thing before it is researched out. They will probably take you to the Imperial Dining Room and prevent you from staying in the Textile Bureau."
"If you don't stay in the Textile Bureau, then my loss will be great. So you absolutely can't go. I won't treat you badly when you are with me, but the Imperial Dining Room is a group of big masters, and you have no one in the past. I will take care of you. Then you will know how difficult it is, it's dirty and tired."
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