Chapter 129: : White Beard Old School

Feng Mengzhen has a fever of snake gall blazing. He obviously does not know what snake gall can be used for, but many people still buy snake gall like crazy. Small
Bai Song was walking in the street and there was a rushing figure in front of him. The man was about thirty years old and had a beer belly.
"Xiongda, what are you running?" For Song Xiong, Bai Song's impression is pretty good.
Xiong Da stopped and looked at Bai Song who called him: "Are you the thief brother that day?"
"Call me Bai Song." Bai Song smiled and asked curiously, "Bear Xiong, what are you going to do in such a panic?"
"Go sweep the goods, don't you know? Now the snake gall is soaring all the way. Although I don't know what it is for, there is no wind but no waves." Xiong Daha laughed: "I'm still waiting to make a fortune on this wave."
Snake courage? Bai Song could not help but shook his head secretly, only he knew that it was just a bubble, desperately lost money and guaranteed to lose as much as possible.
In Bai Song's impression, Xiong Da is a small businessman struggling at the bottom in previous lives. In addition, the character of this small businessman seems to be good, and Bai Song can't bear to see his blood loss.
But you ca n’t break it. If you break it, it is equivalent to exposing yourself. Although the character is good, people will change in front of their interests.
"Bear, what if this thing is not useful in the end?" Bai Song asked, pretending to be curious.
How to do?
Now everyone who has two money in hand is thinking of buying at a low price and selling at a high price. Some nose spirits have been bought in advance before. Everyone is jealous. Who wants to think about what would happen if they did?
"This heat is not possible in the short term." Xiong Da didn't want to say directly.
Bai Song shook his head and said helplessly, "I mean, if so."
"If that's the case, I'll be broke. I've told the apprentice to sell the goods and buy snake guts, ready to make a fortune." Xiongda only thought of the seriousness of the incident.
"I still have business. Let's go."
Bai Song glanced at Xiongda and he didn't care if he was thinking. Anyway, he could point it out. He just looked at Xiong Dashun and pulled him, and tried his best.
Bai Song did not go directly to the refining drug rental hall, but instead of renting the refining drug room the first time, he found a mentor. The image of the mentor was in line with the traditional pharmacist image.
An old man with white long beard, with a single lens, looks like a bit of a mentor.
"I want to transfer to a pharmacist." Bai Song walked up to the door and asked directly.
The old scholar looked at the book without looking up, and said without looking up, "Come with me."
Bai Song followed the old study and walked into a small-looking room with simple equipment and materials. It seemed to be a special room for transfer.
"There are recipes and materials there, once for fifty silvers, three times for failure, please come early tomorrow." The old scholar still looked down at the book, not Baisong at all.
Bai Song didn't care about it. After handing in fifty silver, Bai Song went directly to the test bench in front of the stage. Bai Song looked at the old scholar and said, "Teacher, I'm starting."
"I remember that the mentor here wasn't him?" Seeing the old scholar still didn't look up, Bai Song didn't care about it, and put it in front of the whole body.
This is just a very low-level recipe for the potion, but if it is replaced by a novice with no potion experience, it is normal to fail once or twice.
Bai Song can practice intermediate medicaments without changing jobs. Although the all-around snake venom and detoxification medicament is simple and not widely used, it is also an intermediate medicament.
Practice can be practiced, that is, the success rate is slightly lower.
The few medicaments were dazzled in Baisong's hands. Among them, the sensitive sense of smell helped a lot. Baisong completed the pharmacy discrimination in the shortest time.
The old scholar raised his eyes, but still did not look up.
During the juggling process, Bai Song closed his eyes and measured the violent component of each medicament with his eyes closed. The violent primer was extinguished by the other added medicaments at the first time.
The old scholar finally raised his head and looked at Bai Song's art-like deployment, his face finally showed surprise.
In the final stage, Bai Song always observed the dose of the medicine fusion, watched the changes of each medicine, and finally a sound system prompted Bai Song to complete the medicine preparation.
The system prompts: Successfully made the trainee potion.
At the moment of completion, the old scholar finally stood up. Because Bai Song was a perfect completed trial, he did not need to be transferred by the old scholar himself.
System prompt: You have become a junior pharmacist.
Bai Song hesitated, then he remembered that although the transfer was started at the probationary level, if he completed it perfectly in the trial, he could skip the probation and become a junior.
The old scholar came over and looked at Bai Song carefully. Bai Song looked at the old scholar and wondered if this strange old man wanted to accept me as an apprentice?
"Strange, not strange." The old scholar said two words that made Bai Song feel inexplicable.
"What's strange and not strange?" Bai Song was not in a hurry. Bai Song, a person in the previous life, had rarely seen it, and he thought that there might be some unseen hidden tasks.
However, the old scholar did not intend to give Bai Song any hidden tasks or accept the apprenticeship, and so on, he said some words that Bai Song did not understand.
"Hey, master, can you communicate well?" Bai Song said silently, it was okay that he was too lazy to waste time with the old man.
However, in the unknown of this npc, Bai Song has not seen this person in previous impressions, and he has no reputation, and Bai Song is still polite for prudence.
After a while, seeing the old scholar did not speak ~ ~ Bai Song was about to leave, but at this time the old scholar stopped Bai Song's footsteps: "Your body is a bit strange."
Bai Song turned his head and asked puzzledly, "Master, what am I strange?"
"I just saw that your method of refining medicine was a bit of a natural wizard, but ..." The old academic lens reflected a white light, reflecting Bai Song's face.
"But what?" Bai Song asked quickly.
The old scholar lost a bottle of white powder to Bai Song: "I can't do anything now, you can bring this bottle of powder next time, I'm in Red Rock City."
After talking about the old school, he walked out of the room, Bai Song took the powder and scooped it, then rushed out of the room and saw no one, Bai Song rushed to the street again.
Looking around is just missing people, Bai Song turned back to the counter again, and asked the hall staff: "Who is the white beard that was sitting there?"
"That's Yisili's teacher. It is said that Youli visited him by the way. Just now Yisli went out to sell something. His teacher helped him to take a look." The hall girl explained to Bai Song. (To be continued.)
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