Chapter 24: : Shadow Bow

Bai Baisong was wearing whiteboard equipment. The most amazing thing was that he held an iron pick in his hand and a small shield in the other hand. The sharp outfit made both of them dumbfounded.
"Brother Song, don't ... Brother Song, you are really a brother. You said you were a thief, took a pickaxe and a shield, and turned over the survival." Tofu milk was also sloppy towards The tall and thin man said, "Spicy chicken survives, and he loads an elephant in front of me one day."
I looked at the tofu milk there, Bai Song asked awkwardly: "I haven't introduced this ..."
嗨 "Hey, that guy is called to survive alone, um ... a strange thief." Tofu milk added a sentence: "It's as strange as you are."
What is the same as me? Bai Song whitened the tofu milk.
"Hello, my name is Bai Misong, just call me Baisong." Bai Song ignored the train running with tofu and was very polite.
"Well." The tall and thin man who survived alone reached out his hand lightly. It wasn't that there was any dissatisfaction, just like his character.
How about a thief, with a long bow, called to survive alone? Bai Song had a faint memory and suddenly remembered it.
有些 Some players in the previous life have been assassinated and hired. Among them, there is an outstanding person. Many people do n’t know his ID. They only know that this person is used to a long bow and often kills with an arrow in the shadow. So got a nickname, called Shadow Bow.
After a long time, the ID of the Shadow Bow was exposed and told to survive alone. Later, few people knew his whereabouts, and even the gold masters lost his contact information.
Some say he has disappeared, and some say he has been "disappeared". No one knows the truth anyway.
Compared with the predecessors of the three wild battles, the reputation of the shadow bow will only make people cold, but in terms of legend, the latter is better. In fact, the speculation of Shadow Bow all said that he was a hidden profession, because stealth is the patent of thieves.
The archer has only one camouflage skill that can barely hide his body, but camouflage is to cooperate with the surrounding scenes to achieve the effect of stealth. If he looks closely, he will still be seen and cannot move.
Compared with stealth, the gap is still large. So I am more willing to guess that Shadow Bow is a hidden profession, or an archer with a stealth artifact.
If the shadow bow is spread out by the thief, I believe everyone's eyes will fall to the ground. Can the thief still play like this?
"By the way, the leveling treasure you said before, that's it?" Bai Song suddenly thought of the leveling treasure that the newsletter had told me before: "I happened to find this place, how did you find it?" ? "
"What do you say?" Tofu milk scratched his head and looked to live alone, apparently before living alone to warn him against passing on.
I felt the eyes of the tofu milk, and said that I survived alone. "But it doesn't matter."
"This is for survival. He took me to a hidden mission, and then gave a map from the NPC. The landmark was clearly here, but we didn't find it for a whole day." Tofu milk said embarrassedly: "So that day , My level will be so low. "
"That's it." After listening, Bai Song could not help but lament that they can become masters in the future. It is not luck. The entrance to this place is covered by weeds and rocks, and there are many similar environments in other places.
"The front is okay, there is a groundworm in the box that NPC explained." Tofu milk paused after saying: "According to the damage caused, it is probably a ten-level monster with a vague combat rating. Elite ~ BOSS. "
"How? Brother Song, do you want to walk with us? At that time, there will be something bursting out of the box, let's divide it equally. There is no way to do it. When we pick it up, there will be two people. Only two people will finish it." I felt that Bai Song was extraordinary. At the first sight, I was more sure of my thoughts.
After hearing this, Wu Baisong was shocked: "In the tentative test for less than half a day, under the level difference, I can roughly judge the monster's information."
"Okay." Bai Song agreed to the request of tofu.
In order to better guide the team, the group decided to practice the level one day first, and go to attack the landworm early tomorrow morning. The most important thing is to help Bai Song with a weapon. Besides, tofu and surviving alone are standard poor, but there is no extra weapon to help him.
Especially tofu milk, now there is not even a sword. Of course, if there is a sword, tofu milk will not use a sword. Because he learned the flesh skills, if he took the sword, he would cut off his wings.
"Tofu pulls strange." Survived alone and said to the bean curd faintly, after listening to bean curd did not talk nonsense, dragging the sledgehammer towards the miner.
Wu Baisong still did not understand why the long bow used to survive alone was to let the tofu milk pull the monster, and just wanted to open his mouth to ask, the miner was flung over by the tofu and hammered from there.
"No ..." Bai Song was stunned, or should he be so exaggerated.
I seem to have seen through Bai Song's thoughts, and survived alone with a rare smile: "That's just his flying skills. UU reading is just a little mutated."
This is a bit mutated? This is almost a variant. Put your underwear on, and you're going to save the world. I thought so, but my hands didn't stop at all. Both assassins were constantly walking around the puppet, using as many assaults to attack from behind.
As for weapons ... A thief took an iron pick and a shield and knocked on the back of the miner, and another thief banged on the back of the miner with a bow and arrow.
傀儡 面积 Miner's psychological shadow area.
The damage of surviving alone is a lot higher than that of Bai Song. At this time, Bai Song saw that the bow body of the surviving work alone has a blade, which is pretty handsome from the perspective of shape alone.
存活 "Survival, I see you are proficient in arrow skills, why use a bow to knock people?" Bai Song asked curiously to survive alone.
I survived alone, gave Bai Song a glance, and spit out two words: "Save money."
The time passed quickly, and the party was leveling, and it was going to be evening soon. Bai Song rose to the seventh level, the tofu milk was the eighth level, and he survived the eighth level alone.
At the last moment, a white-loaded knife broke out, and Bai Song finally got out of the poverty stage using abandoned iron picks.
Tofu and to survive alone are ready to go offline. At night it is extremely dangerous. Only some lunatics will choose to level at night.
When saying goodbye, Bai Song praised the strong hammering of tofu, which caused a bit of resentment from the latter.
"I'm a man who wants to be a swordsman. The swordsman isn't a hammerman." After that, he was dragged away by himself.
The word "swordsman" is always an impossible dream for tofu milk.
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