Chapter 297: : Stealing a chicken successfully

Walking outside the area, closer to the core area. Bayi Chinese? Network W㈧W㈧W. 81ZW. Com
The front of the manor is covered with floor tiles and the like. When you walk into it, it turns into a platform grass. It is still mid-summer, but the grass on the ground is withered yellow.
Bai Song's stepping into the ground began to turbulence, three snakes appeared on the ground, walking in the grass to find the intruder.
According to the Raiders, these snakes are fragile, but you should never hit it, because once you hit it, it will expose your position, and then it is over.
The three snakes were wandering around, and the range of sight of the snake was very low, so Bai Song's range of sight was basically obsolete under the sneak.
But this was not enough to make Baisong southwest. It stood up and spit out a snake letter. The three snakes were using their tongues to sense the surrounding environment.
Snakes don't sense heat, and their tongues are covered with a thin film, so the tongues themselves can't tell the smell.
It uses the tongue to collect the particles floating in the air, and sends the particles in the air to the special grooves on the root of the tongue. These scent information is converted into electronic signals and sent to the brain to determine the surrounding objects.
Bai Song also has some crazy dog-like odor-repellent powder. The powder that masks the odor is used empty-handed, but Bai Song can't afford it and has to use this instead.
The powder walked in the air, and the micro-particles in the air collected by the snake letter also collected these floating powders. After entering the brain, the three snakes stung.
This method may not work well for ordinary snakes, but the reason why they have no combat effectiveness is because they are particularly sensitive to distinguishing them around, and they are natural enemies against thieves who like stealth stealth.
Unfortunately, being too sensitive is not a good thing. Too sensitive organs allow them to distinguish a particle. This disgusting particle makes the scene they capture fragmented.
Just like a jigsaw puzzle game, if the complete jigsaw puzzle is harder, it takes a little time or is smart enough to be able to make it, but after these particles are captured, the jigsaw puzzle has a lot of plates.
These sensitive organ snakes are just like the clever and talented children. The puzzle must be complete in their cognition. If the stupid child can't see it, they will give up.
But the children of clever genius are not the same, as if they have penetrated into the horns of the horns. They have assembled and assembled these particles differently. Unfortunately, the wrong question can't be regarded as the correct answer.
The three snakes were completely chaotic. Without Baisong's shot, they already scrambled on the ground like crazy. Baisong passed this difficult situation easily.
"It's not good to be too smart." Bai Song shook his head and sighed softly, but walking, Bai Song thought of blossoming.
Duoduo has always been a very smart child and very sensible. Girls were sensible earlier than boys, plus what happened to their families from a young age.
This makes the blossoming in kindergarten have to understand some things, of course, the blossoming mentality is still similar to other children, but this sign also makes Bai Song a little uneasy.
After growing up in the previous life, does she hate herself?
Bai Song exhaled softly, and he lacked not only his wife's company but also his daughter's love.
At least Bai Song still hopes that Duduo has a beautiful childhood. Don't be as unhappy as in the previous life. After all, Su Qiuyu in the previous life did not remarry and pulled her daughter alone.
Bai Song didn't think about how to ask his daughter to repay herself in the future, and the thought of making up for her regret also faded. He just hoped that her daughter would grow up happily.
After struggling in the previous life, he knew very clearly that his youth always slipped away when he didn't pay attention.
The journey of this life is actually very short.
After walking through this withered grassland, and avoiding other traps in an empty-handed way, Bai Song did not touch the body when he passed the hive and did not touch it, but there was a big tripod in the middle that almost made Bai Song lose.
Fortunately, in the empty-handed way, by breaking the incense inside to pass the most overhanging level, after that there will be simple.
The manor is actually not large, and it is not easy to arrange so many traps. Finally, the chicken coop appeared in front of Bai Song.
Seeing that the chicken coop was only a final step away from success, Bai Song was relieved. Although there was a strategy, it was actually a lot harder than expected.
"How did the empty-handed guy get past?" Bai Song was very speechless, and there were many people who attacked the past, but the empty-handed attacked him when he was a little higher than Bai Song.
Bai Song ’s level was very low when he passed here, but he relied entirely on the Raiders. The empty-handedness was completely researched by himself. I can imagine how terrible the talent of empty-handedness is.
"I don't know what the empty hand is doing now?" Bai Song touched his chin, and he snatched the opportunity of the empty hand in advance.
But I do n’t know why, even if he lost his chance, Bai Song feels that the empty-handed world will definitely rise, but it may be a little longer than the previous life because of his own reasons.
Bai Song, who was taken away by the first opportunity, went to another route at this time. Although Bai Song was a little curious about the route that empty-handed would go, it was not clear what he thought.
At this last step, it is actually the simplest step, which is a word:
The chicken coop also has a mechanism, but this mechanism is a bit stupid. Perhaps it is because the decorator is confident that no one can come here ~ ~ so it is a bit casual.
This final organ will not be touched if it is fast enough or if it has an absolute high level of stealth.
This is why Bai Song has to upgrade the ghost cloak at the expense of money. The ghost cloak, whether it is a strong stealth judgement level or its own addition, is very useful for this last approaching kick.
The tender bamboo chicken is very sensitive, but in the presence of the more agile Bai Song, there is no trace of resistance, Bai Song grabbed a tender bamboo chicken directly.
There is no greed to catch the second one. It is possible to catch the second one by adding Baisong for two seconds. Unfortunately, the risk is too great, and there is no need to take this risk.
Without waiting for the sound of the tender bamboo chicken, Bai Song jumped out of the wall as soon as Bai Song jumped.
Before the roar of the chickens, Bai Song must make sure to leave the manor, and even if he smells, it can only excite the special hive.
For Bai Song, who has already run outside, it doesn't matter.
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