Chapter 48: : Flooded Group of Dogs

The ghost dance thought that Bai Song's flat A's skills to catch flying spurs were a rare skill learned by Shit, which he didn't care about. He also said that he had rare skills. The final random release was just average, and the series of operations didn't look so difficult.
Going down the aisle, there is a small pool, besides that are some obsolete torture devices. It seems that this should be domestic water.
After clearing a few aisles, Bai Song asked the thieves to scout first, and the team was rested in place. In fact, this step was unnecessary. But in order not to be too suspicious, I still want to waste more time, let the thief detect.
指挥 "Command, there is a wooden gate in front, there is a large altar outside, there are a lot of dogs in the altar, I counted about forty or so." The reconnaissance thief reported truthfully.
After listening, Bai Song thought for a while, and issued an order: "Look for anything around that can hold water. Anyway, everyone needs to fill two barrels. If you can't find the container, fill the helmet with water. Put it in your backpack. "
I have a ghost island to supervise. Naturally, no one dare to openly disobey the command of the command. The members of the elite team are not mediocre. Without Bai Song's guidance, they found a bunch of things that can hold water. Some people found old wooden barrels, some used big boots on the dead, and some used tortured torture.
The best thing is that Bai Song saw someone picking up a few skull heads to hold water, which is also a talent.
Wu Baisong walked among them and looked at it. Basically, everyone's water was still qualified, and some of them were unqualified.
"Okay! Let's go." Bai Song was almost at a glance, and he directly gave orders.
In fact, Bai Song feels that his command is much worse than the "professional" command in real guilds. In the previous life, Bai Song has mixed many large and small guilds. Although they are all on the ground floor, they have seen a variety of conductors.
The gang gang battle or the big boss battle is the easiest way to see the commanding ability. The following types are those who have seen various commanders in those years.
Normal type: The meat shield rushes up, pays attention to the rear output remotely to ensure its own survival, and the milk stares at the blood in the front row.
This is the most common type.
Passion type: Chong Chong Chong, will he give me all, kill!
This is the command that Bai Song saw in a second-line guild. Regardless of the mage or the archer's meat shield, even the nanny had a brain rush. In his words, fighting was a look of momentum.
Because a group of people are often dominated by this command, no matter what profession they become, they become masters of chaos. This guild later became a guild known for chaos.
Strategic type: dragged in front of a group, don't let people see the real number. The two or three regiments flanked the enemy's line of sight, and the daredevil team directly strangled their elite export team.
人 This man is far in the sky and in front of his eyes. It is a knife from the outside. The dark meat created by leaving glory behind him has always been regarded as a textbook to help fight.
Escape type: lying down, can't beat, all quickly withdraw, withdraw!
Uh ...
But Bai Song just found out now that he feels very easy to see others commanding a team. It is quite difficult to make it himself. Even those commanded as rookies are actually not easy.
Some things just seem to feel that others are not doing well. In fact, he really let him do it, and he can't put a fart out, especially where the Internet is not responsible.
I do n’t see you, those wonderful video highlights of the game, some people will comment below, hey, I can go to me, this person is spicy chicken ...
"Wait in situ." Bai Song commanded the team to stop when the group came to the trail, and Bai Song whispered to the ghost fire, "Brother, come with me."
Wraith Fire was a little curious about why Bai Song called himself alone. Although he thought so, he kept up. Bai Song and the two crossed the line and headed for Mucha.
Bai Song pointed to the dogs outside and asked, "Brother, how big is your AOE range of skills?"
Ghost Fire took a look at it, then shook his head: "No, the range of my fire wall is not that wide, almost as wide as two wooden gates. But the length should be sufficient, the fire wall will advance a distance like the front, eng length enough."
When Bai Baisong heard it, he said directly: "Then you put one in the middle direction. These things should have chain damage. After you put them, I will take you directly to the top."
Wraith nodded his head and motioned to understand.
Bian Baisong went up and called for two soldiers to go down. The two soldiers were responsible for helping the ghosts to open the wooden gates, and by the way the ghost fire as the mage escaped.
"Listen, everyone will come to form a semicircle. As long as the three of them run up, everyone will directly pour water down the channel, understand?" Bai Song swept the crowd, UU read the book and said.
Bai Song deliberately imitated the domineering point, but the effect is a bit worrying. Thinking of Bai Song here can not help but envy those who command, the domineering look in the eyes and the momentum in the language can never learn.
Xi Baisong could not help shaking his head. It seems that he is still a lone warrior honestly, he really does not have the talent to be a leader. Of course, no one is right about the future path.
Thinking wildly, the two soldiers fled with a ghost fire and fled up. There was a deafening dog barking, which made people tremble. After the ghost fire escaped the channel, Bai Song immediately drank: "Pour water."
Howling ...
The water was drained from the top like no money, and countless dogs wailed. After the water rushed, the dogs were washed away by force.
"You can go up, pay attention to maintaining the formation." Bai Song directs in the channel.
I walked along, especially the ghost fire, and was even more stunned to see the fierce-looking dogs become salty.
It is said that dogs can swim, even if they are afraid of water, they will not become like this, but the dogs here are fire dogs, attacking can cause fire damage, and the destructive power is very horrible. But as soon as he encountered the water and was flooded, it became a veritable dog.
Faced with these dogs without the minions, the ghost guilds all fought forward as if they had beaten chicken blood. If it weren't for Bai Song's prompt command, the archers would soon become melee bows and wanted to hold the bow to knock on the dog.
Bai Song looked silent for a while. You thought you were the strangest one to live alone, but living alone was a thief, a thief with a bow and arrow.
A group of people hit the water dog with pain, and as one of the largest water dogs fell to the ground, a dagger lay on the ground.
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