Chapter 1538: Finally appeared! [Seeking start subscription]

"That's good."
Jia Yan heard that the creatures in the back stage of the star said that the stars in the coming stellar academic field did not cause any harm to the country of Tai Asia, so he exhaled.
If something happened to Tai Yaguo, he would n’t be distressed. At most, Kama felt a little worthless. After all, he did n’t have many friends.
Of course, more than that, he would not be able to rebuild the Edissa by using the Asian country, and if he wants to find another suitable science and technology civilization, it will be difficult.
Because the science involved in this is not because other civilizations or science and technology nations cannot complete it, but whether they have any knowledge of the USS Edita, which involves subspace warships, or the previous data of the USS Edita. There will be no understanding. This is difficult for Jia Yan to say.
Another more important reason is that Jia Yan is not very trustworthy. Maybe for him now, it is easier to find a technology-like country like Tai Yaguo, or a place far beyond Tai Yaguo. But can he trust it elsewhere? impossible.
Therefore, the kingdom of Tai Asia is necessary, even if he put aside his personal relationship with Kama.
"Here, if Master Jia Yan really wants to return to the country of Tai Asia, I still persuade adults not to make any big troubles here."
The stellar posterior creature, after seeing Jia Yan's expression changed a bit, quickly sneered and said, "I don't have much selfishness, just that the adult exists as a star, and I don't know if we don't. The destructive power of the star? If you fight with that group of creatures inside the country of Tai Asia, will it destroy the planet of Tai Asia and the like. No one can say that, and adults do n’t want to see it. That's the right thing. "
Jia Yan sneered slightly: "Oh, Your Excellency, you should be the leader of this area, but you are right, I don't want to cause any damage in Tai Asia, of course, even if They want destruction, and it's not so easy. "
"I believe this, but it's possible that things don't have 10,000. In this way, I will let a few of them come out, adults, and you will be able to perform in the empty starry sky."
"Oh, Your Excellency, is there any reason you can help me this way? If not, why can I believe you."
In the face of Jia Yan's demeanor, the stellar creatures scolded in the bottom of his heart, but he still had to laugh.
The more Jia Yan felt so persecuted, the more he knew that Jia Yan really didn't like the stellar posterior of him.
For another creature, he has already started, even if the other party is also a stellar posterior. Both sides are stellar post-orders, and the other is still a new star stellar. He is afraid of something.
It can be replaced by an evolutionary beast, which is completely different. The race of evolutionary beasts is too impressive. Even before Jia Yan appeared, most people did not understand the race of evolutionary beasts at all. After all, it had disappeared almost twenty. For thousands of years, there is suddenly such a powerful person, of course, who will be attracted by imagination, and even more people must carefully study everything about the evolutionary beast.
The stellar posterior is estimated to have worked less such matters, because he has long known that Jia Yan, an evolutionary beast, has a good relationship with the Tai Asian country under his administration, so he has investigated a lot.
So he also had a bit of speculation about Jia Yan's data and the extent of his potential strength.
So he dared not get angry.
"So what, okay, you can lead this group of creatures out, thank you, Your Excellency."
Jia Yan silently observed the creature in front of him, knowing that this guy seemed to be scared by himself, so he smiled even more.
"Okay, I'll go now."
Although the northern star field is a small place, it is actually not small. It is a few light years in size, but for these fleets led by Jia Yan today, it is only a residual wave of power. Can pass quickly.
So the fleet led by Jia Yan finally arrived outside Taiya after half a month.
Nothing seems to have changed here in the country.
"Well, it seems that the planet has changed a little bit. That's good, it's developed."
Jia Yan remembers that an external planet of a certain Tai Asian country was originally a stronghold used to fight against foreign enemies when the war began. When Jia Yan last time helped the Kama resurgence in Tai Asia, he was also here with the original government army Fighted.
But now this original military star has actually become a planet with a feeling of development.
What he doesn't know is that these things have developed because of his existence, because today's Tai Asia does not need any frontier conception, and most countries will give Tai Asia a little face.
Even if you don't give face, the current national strength of the Ethiopian country is estimated to give the main enemies now a pinch to death. So even some military structures are useless. Simply changed this precious wasteland into a border trade star.
After seeing the prosperity on this planet, Jia Yan and others felt a little surprised at the development of this place. Others, through Jia Yan's words, probably knew what kind of place this country is, and thought that such a border could Let the creatures who came to them from the great land of God live and live, but I did not expect that this was the case.
"No, there are very few living things on this planet."
Luo Longsi suddenly uttered such a sentence in a battleship.
Sure enough, when others turned their attention because of her words, they saw that there were very few living things on this planet, and some even flew outwards in a spacecraft.
They do n’t know that Jia Yan ’s country of his own friends has reached the point of destruction. Even if most people do n’t know it, so many stars stay in the sky like that. Of course they always Can detect anything. So now most of them are fleeing outward.
"Let's wait here, station first, and after a while, maybe an old friend will come to meet us. At that time, a few of you will just practice your hands."
Jia Yan said faintly that he had known about this situation for a long time. After the stellar strong creature just said something to him, he was slowly adjusting his state. , Ready for a war.
However, he also knows that if it is only those who have hunted down their own stellar domains, it is not enough. He only hopes that the other party will have one or two stellar posteriors, or that the top exists to be fun.
If not. Let his subordinates go up to play with them, otherwise, with his strength and status today, he would feel a bit lost of his identity when he started to play with those guys.
The stellar high-order creature strong had already preceded Jia Yan and arrived inside Taiya. Their purpose was to deceive the creatures.
Jia Yan didn't know what method he used, in short, it was.
In fact, that group of stars exists, the method of making is much simpler than Jia Yan imagined, and it really uses his name.
Less than 30,000 kilometers away from the capital of Tai Asia, a large battleship remained in the sky.
This type of battleship is a single-man battle, each of which reaches a distance of 20-30 kilometers, which is no worse than the Edisha.
And this kind of behavior staying near the capital of other countries is just like controlling this country. However, no one in Tai Asia dare to say anything, or even if they do not stay in Tai Asia, Traveling a few light years away, this kind of existence, no matter what one said, the country of Asia should disappear or disappear.
The people of Tai Asia do n’t know that these alien stars will come from a distant place. They dare not kill the ordinary life in this genius battlefield.
"I want to say, go directly to the country of Tai Asia, grab this son-in-law, and just ask if you want, and what are you waiting for?"
"Yes, according to what I know, it seems that in the Central Asian country, there is a very powerful sub-space utilization plan, and it seems to have a connection with Jia Yan's hometown. As long as we ask where the hometown is, we will There is no way to threaten Jia Yan. "
In this powerful battleship, every powerful creature is expressing his opinions.
Most of their strengths are star-strength powerful men, but they are not actually creatures of star-strength strong persons. They do not dare to speak during the meeting of the powers of this level.
There are dogs under the stars, which is the rule in the universe.
Of course, this sentence is placed in the mouth of the Xinghe-class powerhouse, and the same goes for the mouth of the domain master. They must also say that all dogs are under the domain master.
Therefore, everything depends on your own strength, fart, and stock. This situation is the same everywhere in the universe.
"Sir, the leader creature of this little star domain is here."
"Huh? The leader of this little star domain ... he is a predecessor with stellar descendants, so go out to meet him."
Outside of these warships, several warships flew fast, and a group of star-strength men who docked here hurriedly greeted outward.
"Isn't the leader of this little star domain, did we deal with him when we came last time? Why come to us now?"
"I don't know. In short, we have dealt with the genius battlefield, and even the big bosses in this star domain. The little bosses here should not be malicious."
Wu Da is very curious. What is going on with this so-called little leader?
As a creature with the name Stellaris Exchange Communication Strong, he will not have much communication with the strong creatures in ordinary places, this time also in the genius battlefield, begging The sign of some strong man, this is the trouble to come to Jia Yan.
Now that we have hand signs, why did the little leader come to look for them?
"Are there any circumstances to tell us?"
"How is it possible that this is a stellar creature, and in terms of strength, it is only higher than me. If he has any situation to tell us, how can he come here in person? He should send a subordinate. That's right. "
Wuda looked a little dignified.
Because the two sides had met once, when the huge battleship arrived, Wu Da led a group of people here to welcome them cheerfully.
"I can't match the strength of this old guy."
Wu Da looked at the stellar backstage powerhouse in front of him, and his expression was very dignified, because he felt the extremely powerful power of the strong body from the other side. If the total amount of power, he was inferior.
This is the difference between the stellar mid-order and the stellar post-order. Even if Wu Da is already in the stellar mid-order, it can be regarded as an excellent existence, but it is still impossible for him to be hostile to the most ordinary stellar post-order.
"So there are so many differences between the stars. I think the stellar back-order is at least a hundred years old. This is already a very fast speed. I think that even the man with the talent Jia Yan, no matter how fast, when he reaches the stellar order, it will be ten years later, so our time is only ten or thirty years, more than thirty years. I think he has reached the stellar post Xie, even if I wanted to hunt down, he must have been counterattacked. "
Wu Da was very helpless and personally pursued and killed Jia Yan for so long, he already knew that the amazing terror of an evolutionary beast.
At the beginning of the hunt, it was not long before Jia Yan reached the stellar star, but later, when he first entered the star level, he developed in an instant, first in the stable stage, then at the peak, and then strode forward. Passed the stellar mid-level mark.
For Wu Da, seeing is like seeing a myth.
But even such a myth, in a short time, it is impossible to reach the stellar rear order that he dare not imagine in a short time.
So he admires a true stellar post-order creature.
"Oh, some of you are fortunate in my northern star domain. Actually, I have some things this time. Come by and see you by the way."
The stellar creatures talked lightly and talked.
"Well, didn't you just want to watch us ..."
Behind Wu Da, a stellar primary creature sneered.
"You must not be rude to this leader." Wu Da quickly stopped his words, and then smiled without a smile and pleaded guilty to the little leader creature.
"No need to be fake, I also know you don't welcome me here, and I do come to see if you are destroying my northern star domain. Now it seems that you are doing well. I'll leave."
The stellar high-ranking leader creature seems to have seen that they really wanted to leave after they did not make a big noise in the northern star field.
But after saying such a thing, he seemed to think of something and turned his head.
"By the way, you seem to be investigating Jia Yan's information, right? I wonder if you have heard of it. A fleet has been ramming recently? I received information before that this fleet is Jia Yan's fleet, and they have already I'm coming to my northern star field. A few, I'm going to go over and see where this Jia Yan is sacred. If you want to see it, would you be better off? "
"What? Jia Yan? He finally showed up?"
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