Chapter 1673: Xinghe body gradually became ... [come to subscribe to the starting point]

First of all, they died of a star's middle-order power, and it is natural to be angry. And they also want to see if the dome can withstand the attack of a star's back-order. If it can, it will be against them. The big brothers are also very attractive things. When the Taiya country is laid down, they will take the technology of Taiya country back to study. It may be a conventional weapon that they have surpassed other surrounding star fields ...
Under all kinds of thoughts, these galaxy-heavy beings did not have any opposition to the action of the star-heavy strongman who wanted to send a stellar posterior creature.
And just under their acquiescence, a stellar back-order strength creature exudes a sense of strength oppression that can't be faced by the stars next-order, quickly flying towards the battle area where Jia Yan is located. .
In fact, the distance between the two sides is still a little bit. This stellar creature must also abide by the rules set by its own star-level gangster and dare not attack other Taiya warships, because this kind of star-level starship is strong. Those who want to pay attention.
After hitting the dome material, they already felt a little embarrassed. If they use the star-strength strong to attack the weak fleet of others, it will be a little too much.
"Well, my family sent me out, it was just a shame to our starry side."
The stellar posterior is already completely different from ordinary stars in terms of status. In theory, he is the closest to the star-level big brother except for the stellar peak creatures. Therefore, he didn't respect his own star-heavy brother as much as he thought. Even in some decisions of the local star domain, he would say something to the adult star-heaven. So at this moment, he felt for his actions Very upset, and there is no sense of respect for the Xinghe level, but at the same time exuding his momentum, I feel that there is a farce in front of me.
"What dome material, at first glance, was under the attack of a group of stellar stars, and it couldn't hold on for a long time. It actually required me to be a dignified Xinghe posterior creature to fight. This is for adults and for my reputation. It's a huge loss. "
This stellar creature is actually quite critical of the Xinghe-level gangs sending themselves to battle.
But the order is the order. In this way, he rushed to the dome material that was slowly changing from defending to attacking at this moment with a sense of strength far beyond the intermediate-level creatures around him.
Boom boom.
Above the interstellar, a single star mid-level creature, at this time a bit burned.
Because of the dome material transformed by Jia Yan, the counterattack actually started at this moment.
The power of brainwaves has become a kind of rigidity similar to mechanical power, impacting to the stars of the middle-order strong.
"Stop me! Huh, this power isn't terrible at all, it's just a bit elusive."
One-star stellar mid-level creatures were a little messy about the incoming brainwave power at first, but slowly they were just scorched, without any death or injury.
This is not only because of Jia Yan's retention, but also because the other party is a mid-level group of stars. For them, similar rigid attacks are not likely to cause them to be injured twice. , Even with their fighting talents, each familiar with Jia Yan's rigid attack method will grasp the weaknesses of this attack, such as easy to avoid, or slower shooting speed class.
And such a battle situation became anxious, at least in the view of the opponent.
As for the warrior fleet of Taiya warships on the other side, as well as the semi-star star powerhouse, it is because Jia Yan, a trespassing powerhouse, or a 'secret weapon', began to benefit, and their casualties were greatly Decreased, because Jia Yan chose the semi-star star strongman to kill at the beginning of the war, so there are fewer enemies who need to fight desperately between the Taiya fleet and ordinary strongmen.
The other party also understood this, knowing that Jia Yan was reducing the combat power of the half-star star, so he sent a team to destroy this somewhat unexpected dome substance. As a result, they were counterattacked by the dome thing again and again. The semi-stars at the beginning, to the mid-levels of the stars later, now there are already a few spans of powerful groups, and this matter is helpless.
"Explode me!"
The existence of a stellar mid-level, unleashing terrifying cohesive strength.
At this moment, the dome did not escape.
There was even a well-observed stellar mid-level creature strong, and at a close distance, it seemed that the dome did not just dodge. It seemed that when it was about to hit it, the dome quickly approached the attacker's attacking brain. The wave power seems to want to be closer to this attack.
"I must have read it wrong, okay ... Anyway, we know that this cohesive attack is effective for him, so I continue to consolidate my power, hoping that my attack is good enough to kill him directly. kill."
The stellar mid-level creature did not share his findings with others because he thought he was dazzled.
But in fact, he was not dazzled.
"It's so cool, the power of this brainwave power condensed broke out the power that I was already at a critical point, and opened it up quickly."
Within the dome, Jia Yan's new body became quickly condensed out, and the blows from the outside world were extremely important to him. Even this time the attack of the middle-ranked strong stars, Jia Yan came It is basically a kind of biggest supplement, because this stellar middle-order is the first time to use the cohesive force to attack Jia Yan's stellar middle-order creature. Jia Yan felt a circle and found that this guy's attack was the most powerful. He The brainwave power that can be tried is also the most delicious, so when he attacks, Jia Yan will take the initiative to get closer, for fear that this guy will suspect or recover some power during the attack, then it is wasted.
"How come my attack hasn't blown it out yet! It seems that our star's mid-level strength can't cause him huge fatal damage?"
The stellar middle-order creature's defense against Jia Yan was speechless.
When he attacked just now, it also caused the dome material in front of him, and the entire material burst burst into endless material, but the extent of this burst did not seem to reach the level that caused it to explode directly, so the thunderstorm was still small, He was a little speechless.
"You all give me up and see me."
Just at this moment, a group of stellar mid-level powerhouses felt that a group of terrorist powers far surpassed them, quickly approaching the battlefield.
They looked up in horror one by one, and they saw a strong creature that seemed to be several times larger than them, and definitely more powerful than any stellar intermediate power!
"Stellar order!"
"It turned out that the predecessor of Dalong also shot. We Xinghe-class adults, let it be shot? Huh, this dome exists. Actually, we want to let our adult send a stellar back-order, which is simply our middle-ranked star. shame."
"Both, our stellar mid-levels, after all, it ’s really a bit helpless to take this dome. I am a bit interested in the research and development of this dome. If you can decently develop the technology in this Asian country, maybe our star domain will get A lot of help. "
"Well, that's right, but if we win Tai Ya, this technology should be shared by several of our major star domains, otherwise other Xinghe-class adults will not give up."
"Let's not talk so much, just say this coming star stellar predecessor, you say, how many tricks does he need to break this dome material?"
"I said, three moves at most."
"Oh, I have the same meaning, but I will look at a few more tricks than you, because the dome material is really very wicked. Our stellar mid-level creatures are not as terrible as our stellar-level creatures, but we have so many Putting together the attacking power, it can't cause it to cause huge damage. It can be seen that this material can not be broken in three stages of a star's second stage. I think of at least five. "
"Regardless of the five moves or the six moves, in short, this material will be directly damaged in a while. We have to take a good look at what is in it. Will it be a group of warships covered with this dome case? "
"There is a certain possibility."
Seeing a stellar next-level creature flying behind, the middle-ranked star powerhouses in the battlefield all came to this creature and felt very excited because they all knew that a stellar next-level creature appeared , Then they do n’t need to carry a pot, and a strong man behind the stars can definitely crush the dome material in one go.
"Very good, all let go, so let me see, what dome substance, what's in it?"
The stellar after-level creatures approaching, at the same time they flew, were already speaking to let a group of middle-ranked stars of the stars leave the surrounding circle. After all the constant-rate mid-range creatures had left the circle, the inside The giant gambling matter also revealed all the clues in the eyes of the stellar posterior creature.
First of all, he was startled by the size of the material. He was already a creature several kilometers long, but he still looked a little small in the presence of these dozens of kilometers of giant eggs.
The technology of Tai Yaguo, they have been fighting for so long, except for the Dome, which surprised them unexpectedly, other warships and the like did not have so many amazing feelings.
Therefore, the stellar posterior power, feeling the existence of the dome in front of him, seems a bit like something that Taiya can develop.
Of course, the specifics depend on whether he can crush the dome and see what's inside.
"Huh? Here comes a stellar back-order, and the other side is indeed a star-heavy level. For a technological item that was just dealt with by a half-star creature, once it was found to be a bit difficult to deal with, it did not use the sea tactics, but directly Is there a strong tactic? Is it worthy of the Xinghe class? "
Jia Yan was in the dome, that is, the cocoon of his evolutionary mutation, silently feeling everything from the outside world, and then he felt that there was a breath of stellar back-order creatures on the periphery of the battlefield, on his way quickly.
This is a bit of a shock for Jia Yan, because he expected that he did not kill a few stellar middle-order powerhouses, and would definitely not attract the stellar post-orders, but the other party sent stars. In the later stages, this is no different from hitting Jia Yan's face.
It can be seen that the Xinghe-class strong men are definitely not the kind of creatures who only have faces, but because of their combat experience, this group of existent strengths are not only strong, but also have little sense of strong self-esteem in personal senses. For Jia Yan In other words, this is what his heart wants to learn from.
"Well, even if it comes, it's a bit late, or it's just what I want, my evolutionary mutation, with the help of the middle-order strong in the group of stars, is almost at the final stage, and now a star is coming The back stage exists, and I just borrowed his power to help me through the last level. "
Jia Yan silently felt that the strength of the other party was right in the stellar rear order, but it was also very different from the general stellar rear order, because he was a stellar rear order from the Galaxy region The strong ones, if you switch to the strong ones that Jia Yan has played against before, are probably a little bit better than the stellar peak strong players in many places.
After the existence of the stellar back stage and the stellar peak, whether it comes from the famous star domain or not, the difference between everyone will become very small, because the strong people who can reach this level are generally very scary. Talents, this is not to say that the large star field of the Xinghe level, the existence of the stellar back stage or the peak, there are not many advantages, but that this advantage is even more powerful, because there is no Xinghe in other small star fields In the ranks, then a stellar mid-level existence exists, and if they want to progress to the stellar rear order or the stellar peak, then there is no teaching, so that their promotion strength becomes very weak, or they simply cannot be promoted.
This is also the reason that the stellar back-orders and peaks of many large star domains exist much more than the ordinary star domains outside.
"Is the stellar post-stage, he is also very strong, then I can try and perform another situation."
Jia Yan controlled his own "Dome Body". When he saw this stellar next-order creature appeared, he quickly stepped backwards. It seemed that when he saw this stellar next-order creature, he was already a little scared. Already.
"Haha, actually fled, stop me!"
At this moment, the creature behind the stellar only felt the spirit.
A group of stellar mid-level creatures can't be defeated. He actually has a dim sum, but after seeing this scene, he becomes a little confident.
After all, the stellar middle-order strongmen are only a small level weaker than him. Although he is also confident, under the combat power of this group of stellar mid-level creatures, he has escaped dangerously, but he is not confident like the dome. Normally, it survives a series of stellar mid-level creatures taking turns to attack.
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