Chapter 1765: First official meeting! [Come to subscribe]

Suddenly, the super-terrorist who has reached the middle level of Xinghe, hit a Jia Yan clone in one hit.
His brain wave power has been able to hit these clones, but it is like slowly learning about Jia Yan's meteorite fighting method. He does not kill the clone at all, but bears the bullet of the clone silently.
But now he seemed to understand a lot, so he gave up to continue the investigation, and in one hit, one of the dies died.
"It really is extremely strong."
Jia Yan's avatars one by one felt the mid-level of the galaxy, and they are still holding hands up to now, which caused them to understand that this mid-level creature of the galaxy is indeed a strong middle-ranked galaxy, not at all the general level of the galaxy Comparable existence.
And just when Jia Yan continued to whisper with this middle-level Xinghe silently, the middle-level Xinghe creature completely ignored the escaping Jia Rong, and was planning to look at Jia Yan's avatar here again, what other means ...
There was a gust of wind in the starry sky.
In front of the starry sky where Jia Rong fled, a black giant mosquito stepped out silently.
"what is that?"
"Be careful, you won't be another star-level powerhouse, it. How many powerhouses will this small starfield favoritism attract?"
On the battleship that Jia Rong was riding on, every Orion arm warrior was feeling heartfelt against the huge foot that appeared in front of him.
But just when these soldiers felt extreme fear of the sudden horrible feet, Jia Rong passed the bridge, saw the feet that were seen, and was shocked immediately when he entered.
Be happy!
"Don't worry, this is the ancestor of the giant mosquito."
He almost called Dad, but changed his mouth at a critical time.
"Uh, this is an ancestor?"
"Really, you see, behind his feet are the giant mosquito ancestors."
"Hahaha, the ancestors are here, we are saved."
"Older ancestors came to the battlefield? My God, this is still the first time in this war of old ancestors. We are actually witnesses. It's wonderful."
"Oh my God, we can see our ancestors once in our lives. This is supreme glory."
A group of soldiers, each of them felt the excitement of the huge foot that appeared in front of them, and the behemoth that stepped out of the subspace slowly.
However, after being uplifted, they had some doubts, because the creature fighting the ancestor's predecessor behind him is a medium-level existence. If the ancestor appears, fight with him, who wins? negative?
Could it be that the final battle is about to begin here?
A group of soldiers were immediately worried about the war in front of them, because they never thought that this war would end here or something.
But in fact, the giant creature that was as big as the sky and the earth, that is, the actual body of Jia Yan, the giant mosquito, appeared in the sky ...
In the distant starry sky, entangled by several big avatars, killing eight Xinghe mid-level creatures that were still tangled in a row, at this time also felt in the distant starry sky that a terrible strong man came.
"This momentum?"
He was shocked.
At the same time, a group of avatars around him entered the subspace all at once.
They don't want to be entangled with the strong one, because if they continue to fight, it will only be a dead letter. Sending a clone to the other party as an exercise opponent will not do it again.
And the giant mosquitoes in the distance have come. It is a fight and there is not much to do with these avatars. At most, if it really starts a war, then they will help.
Of course, this group of avatars will occupy Jia Yan's energy, so when fighting, it can be used or not.
The Xinghe mid-level creature could have been hunted down, but after feeling Jia Yan, he gave up the idea of ​​hunting down the clone.
Now that the real body is here, what's the point of being a clone?
From a distance, the creature silently looked at Jia Yan, who was several million kilometers away.
For such a huge creature, millions of kilometers are not too far away.
In the distance, the terrible momentum is also locked in the Xinghe mid-level powerhouse here.
Behind the scenes are the helpers of the middle-level powerhouse who are star-level helpers. At this moment, they see the two most important powerhouses in this battlefield, and finally they are hostile. to.
Of course, these galaxy-heavy powerhouses know that Jia Yan's ontology is naturally not the same creature as his avatar, and it will definitely not be comparable.
So they are more dignified, even if there is only one enemy in front of them.
But this enemy has too many means, especially those who can share with the enemy. Once the number increases, they will be surrounded and they will not be able to escape.
So even if they deal with a Jia Yan, they have not the slightest contempt, because their contempt has already killed their friends in Jia Yan several times, and slowly disappeared.
The rest is similar to coping with the pressure of the previous Xinghe Intermediate.
Far away, the two sides confronted each other.
The difference is that there are several large galaxies here, and there is also a middle galaxy.
On the other side, Jia Yan is just a giant mosquito that has reached the Xinghe level. The rest are his avatars, and several warships under the command of Jia Rong, who can't do anything.
Those who are not even half-stars are unable to play the slightest role in this kind of battle.
"This, this, this ... the enemy is so many stars and stars, and it seems that the star is still a middle-ranked strong star, the ancestor of the ancestors made their real appearance for the first time, should they fight such an enemy?
One of Jia Rong's subordinates felt a little bit shocked by the situation on the scene.
There is no way to be scared, because let alone them. Even in the Orion arm, there is no one except the ancestor, who can help the ancestors to solve problems with this level of strength.
Jia Rong looked at the sky, facing the last group of Xinghe class, but there was no giant mosquito retreating in the slightest. For a time, he actually choked a little.
Because he now knows what kind of pressure this father, who has never been close to their mother and son, is experiencing.
If he changed a scene, it was his respect for the previous group, and he would be crazy.
But this super-powerful giant mosquito dad is just like this. It looks like a huge mountain towering in the sky, looking at the lives of their hunter arm from afar, it seems to have been protecting everyone.
Even with such a terrible lineup of enemies, he still didn't take a step back.
"Let's go first, don't bother our ancestors here."
Jia Rong calmed down and made his resignation.
No matter what kind of war will happen in a while, and no matter what the outcome of this future war will be, but their group of the weakest creatures here will only be a hindrance.
At this moment, he suddenly had a pain, because he felt that he was very useless, and he couldn't help his father who was only a little older than him.
"Well, it's a pity that I never hated it so much. My talent was so poor that I didn't inherit half of this talent."
Jia Rong is lamentable, but even if he is so lamented, he has no idea that Jia Yan's talent is just one of the strengths he has. If he insists, his evolutionary beast talent really helps a lot, but He can live to the present, can have the current strength, the biggest help is his own persistence and his ingenuity.
If not, he would be like other predecessors of evolutionary beasts that couldn't develop anymore. Borrowed in the nameless history, even evolutionary beasts cannot be counted.
Above the interstellar, in the case of several large galaxy-level creatures confronting each other, this group of battleships quickly retreated, because they could not help anything.
Jia Yan felt silently that the battleship behind him retreated.
He was also relieved.
In fact, this is exactly who he rushed to this battlefield.
And it ca n’t be said that because everyone knows that this is near the final battlefield, of course it will be here, and it will not be far away. With his subspace talent, shuttle space is like a play. So it's not too amazing to be here.
"Jia Yan ?!"
Just when Jia Yan felt the departure of his rear son Jia Rong, and was a bit relieved, in the picture occupied by the Xinghe class in the front, the most prominent 80-kilometer-sized huge creature of all the Xinghe class, Suddenly spoke.
"Hello, I'm Jia Yan."
Jia Yan didn't feel any fear, smiled slightly, and responded calmly to the other person's question.
"Oh, you're fine. You don't have that much fear in the face of a middle-level creature in Xinghe."
The Xinghe-level intermediate creature didn't have any anger when he saw Jia Yan being so equal.
If he changed to another Xinghe junior player and spoke to himself like this, he would probably have hit it in a long time.
It can be replaced by Jia Yan, who has already shown in the battle of the Orion Arms a lot of the existence of the primary biological strength of Xinghe, so he will not have much feeling and will not feel offended.
Because Jia Yan has this equal strength, of course, he doesn't think that Jia Yan can really fight against a middle-level existence like him. He can only say that he thinks Jia Yan has the ability to fight with himself. It was enough for him to look at Jia Yan differently and tolerate his equality.
"My Excellency, I am not disrespecting you, but you and your friends do n’t know the so-called attack on my Orion arm. Of course, I will have some resentment against you. If you can leave, I will see you in the future I still respect my respect for you as an elder, somehow? "
Jia Yan said lightly, but also said that if the other party was willing to leave, he would be willing to exist in the middle of the galaxy with an elder attitude.
This is not a sign of weakness, but the true words of Jia Yan.
After all, fighting against a mid-level existence in Xinghe is different from his previous over-the-level battles. It is extremely difficult. Jia Yan has no certainty as to whether he can defeat the other side. Besides, the other side is not alone. So many Xinghe levels exist, even if Jia Yan defeats, but there are so many Xinghe levels around to carry out sneak attacks and make up guns, etc., he estimates that he is still in danger.
Therefore, without a fight, Jia Yan bowed his head, recognized the other party as an elder, and there was nothing. After all, in the system of cosmic power, I saw a power higher than himself, called his predecessor, and so on. Big deal.
It is a pity that the falling flowers are deliberately ruthless, and Jia Yan's recognition and advocacy will only be a small step down on him.
"Haha, Jia Yan, do you think this is possible?"
The middle-order creature of Xinghe didn't have time to answer. The other first-order creature of Xinghe beside him showed a sense of insanity. Speaking to Jia Yan is not bad.
The Xinghe mid-level strong man could not help but be very angry, but because everyone is still a strong person in the common camp, he can not say much. After all, the current Xinghe-level camp is also a guarantee for him. What is unexpected, then they are also able to contain Jia Yan's creatures. Even if there is a certain gap between the first stages of Xinghe, the gap will not be too big. Although he knows that Jia Yan has many means and his strength of Yin Yang Road, However, even if it is still able to tie with an intermediate level of Xinghe, even a small victory, it will never reach the level of ignoring ordinary Xinghe preliminary creatures.
So he was not good enough to blame the Xinghe classmates around him.
"Yes, this is impossible. When we came to this battlefield at the 15th Xinghe level, we said that we would not retreat. Besides, we have lost so much that we can never return empty-handed, so "Jia Yan, you deserve it."
The Xinghe mid-level creature smiled silently.
"That's the case, you really can't retreat, but I won't resign willingly, then, our battle is inevitable?"
Jia Yan watched silently, the opponent did not make up a team of Xinghe-level existence.
There is still a part of the Xinghe-class strongman present, which means that if he starts fighting with the opponent, he may be better off than at the selected place in the final battle.
Unfortunately, after thinking about these thoughts, Jia Yan gave up on his own.
After all, he is not yet in the strongest state. He just felt the fighting situation of the avatar here during the rush, so he appeared in the starry sky, and many methods were not arranged.
Therefore, in this battle, it is better not to fight.
"Oh, a few, today is only our first meeting, so this battle, for the time being, if you want to chase, then you can fight."
If you like the rebirth star mosquito, please collect it: ( The rebirth star mosquito is the fastest in the literature.
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