Chapter 1798: Ten degrees of subspace! [Come to subscribe]

If Jia Yan can go to the Zerg Starfield and get the guidance of the Zerg Queen, then he feels that his talent may fully erupt.
At that time, will the Zerg Queen still say that Jia Yan's talent is not as good as her?
Not necessarily.
That's why Jia Yan gave up healing, regardless of his injuries, and even gave up a somewhat unstable situation, and hurried to the Zerg area.
Hope it won't let him down.
"For me now, six thousand light years is no longer a big problem. When I ran to the northern star field, three or four thousand light years scared me. I think it is difficult to return to the Orion arm in this life. But now, even let I go to the middle of the galaxy farther, and even the other side of the galaxy, 100,000 light years ... forget it, it is quite far away, but there is always a way to come back. "
Jia Yan thought about the distance of 100,000 light years, and was afraid again. After all, the longer the distance, the more problems, not only the problems of technology and equipment, but also energy, durability, and the danger of roads. Wan Guangnian had too many places to cross, making him completely unable to mention the idea of ​​wanting to travel far.
But now it ’s very possible to go to the Zerg Territory 6,000 light years away.
After changing the form, the Edissa returned to its original intention of being originally manufactured.
It turns into a backpack, and unlike the backpack owner it transformed last time, Jia Yan now is a creature that has reached the level of Xinghe.
"Edissa, unfortunately you are not the senior in that backpack. If he can see the Edissa reborn as he is now, he will certainly be very moved."
Jia Yan silently looked at the Edisha behind, with a smile.
To be honest, the Edissa was not so powerful at all.
The current Edisha is a super device that gathers a lot of Jia Yan's materials, and then uses Kama's technology to even send some super-high-tech starfields to give pointers.
Compared to the Edissa backpack worn by the predecessor at the time, it is definitely much better.
Just a little Jia Yan is still feeling.
That is the predecessor. When he died, he was said to have only a half-star, but his size was actually larger than that of Jia Yan now. If Jia Yan expected it to be good, he can be sure he is not north The people in the star field are not the creatures on the Orion arm. It is likely that Jia Yan has not been there.
The size of this race is too large, and the strength of the semi-star stars has reached tens of kilometers, which is larger than the current Jia Yan. Speaking of it, it is a bit like a 'gigantic tribe' on the side of the gods .
Huge races, although their strength is generally much stronger than their peers, but they are too eye-catching. Some super-strong ones, if you look bigger than them, they are weaker, and they are likely to deal with you. The enemy's target.
In addition, consumption is also a big problem. If the huge body needs to continue to be strong, it will need to consume much more materials than other races. This is why the predecessor from the hometown that may be far away, all the way to the North Star Chaos star field near the field, and then murdered to death.
"In short, the Edissa is now reborn, and I am also in return for the light and shadow senior."
Jia Yan has always been thinking about the predecessor of the light and shadow in the original Edissa. It is said to be the previous clone of the Edissa intellectual brain 'Edissa', but after all, it is dead. If not for helping Jia Yan, It also won't die, so Jia Yan always misses him.
Today, re-using the new Edissa is just different from the past, not riding in it, but carrying it back to its essence, and Jia Yan can make it show what it should be again.
"Actually, even without the ability of this space march, I can rely on myself to move in the octave subspace. Of course, than it will go deeper into the subspace flight later, then I will be much worse. "
Even at the current Xinghe level, Jia Yan does not rely on technological equipment and wants to move forward quickly, it is still very unlikely.
He himself has been able to travel smoothly in the octave.
The cute Dissa has a way to advance Jia Yan, all the way to about ten degrees of subspace.
Only at such a deep place, Jia Yan needs to waste a certain amount of energy to maintain his defense. After all, he is not as good as before. He could be completely safe inside the Edish, but now he can only take a certain amount of damage from the outside .
But when the speed reaches a certain level, this kind of damage will escape quickly. There is a theory of escape in the subspace. This is still the information left in the previous Edissa, and then Kama mastered these. Information, which makes the reconstruction work faster.
During the conversation, after leaving the Orion arm a distance from the Ordish, pushing Jia Yan into a Jia Yan again could not reach the depth of the subspace.
"Uh ... it's a little stressful! I can't go into such a deep place at all. Of course, if there is a problem with the Edissa, I can still survive here and escape to the octave. After all, I leave Nine degrees is not far off. "
Jia Yan felt the inner feeling of the space nine times.
This is very helpful for him to enter nine degrees in the future.
Speaking of, Jia Yan's subspace talent is actually related to the inspiration of the Edissa, and now I did not expect to be inspired by it again.
When Jia Yan didn't feel the ninth degree of space for too long, he was shaken all over, and his body suddenly felt a sense of crisis.
Ten degrees!
Although Jia Yan already knew that the limit that the Edissa had been diving into was ten times the space, but now she dived into such a deep place with her flesh, and instantly felt a strange and uncomfortable feeling.
That's right, it's silence. There is nothing in the sub-degree space of ten degrees. The distortion in the previous sub-space is invisible here.
Even at the nine degrees, the silence has been shown very clearly, but compared with ten degrees as if there is nothing, nine degrees is still a little worse.
Today, inside this ten-degree subspace, every place is completely quiet, without any distortion, and without much confusion.
"Fearful, in this silence, there is extremely horrible energy flowing. It should even be said that in fact, it is not quiet at all here, but the distortion and tumbling here are torn into tiny tiny particles by the force of incomparable terror. It feels so, so ordinary animals and creatures can't detect it. "
Jia Yan can feel that the inside of the seemingly quiet ten-degree space is completely silent.
He calmed down quickly and didn't dare to move.
Because every time you move, there will be a very powerful force in the surrounding subspace, squeezing Edissa and him, not to mention the loss of energy, and may also cause the body and Jia Yan's body load to increase.
So he can't move. If he moves, there will be losses and accidents will happen.
Edissa's speed gradually became extremely fast, and the gallop was beyond description.
Jia Yan can't see what it feels like outside the subspace, because even he can't observe the outside through the tenth and ninth subspaces.
Everything is like he used to ride the Edissa. The darkness and absolute silence outside made him unaware of any time and space.
But he knew that Edissa was moving forward.
In the area drilled by Edissa, the black behind will turn into a devil like crazy, chasing and killing frantically.
This is not really a person or creature, but energy is hunted down, they are just bridging.
But he was really overtaken, it was absolutely dead, and it was difficult for Jia Yan to escape from ten degrees.
So he dared not move more.
"It seems that the predecessor of that year was definitely a terrible technology star domain, otherwise it would be difficult to develop such a machine."
Jia Yan was silent, and it seemed that the senior's hometown was a little scarier than he had imagined.
Because it is less than ten degrees, it is difficult to develop such a machine without knowing ten degrees, indicating that everyone has the ability to reach ten degrees.
"Of course, the next eleven degrees, I think there should be no technology that can be reached there. It should be said that there are no outside things entering at all. Even a terrible strong person should be difficult to enter unless This high-level Xinghe talent exists. "
Jia Yan silently turned his attention to the deeper subspace.
Thanks to the help of Edissa, he came to such a deep subspace in advance and felt the clue of the eleventh subspace.
To be honest, if it weren't for returning here again, Jia Yan would never know what level of subspace the Edissa was.
Now coming back, for the subspace talent that has increased again, he already knows that he is at ten degrees, and can even feel the existence of ‘eleven degrees’.
"Oh, eleven degrees ... Could there be twelve degrees behind it? It's unlikely, if any, then there are thirteen degrees underneath? That's not something I can imagine, thirteen degrees ... Even if I reach the high level of Xinghe, I think it will be difficult to enter. Unless I can break through to the Milky Way, it is said that there are no strong stars who can break through, or it is impossible to enter.
Jia Yan felt a deeper level of subspace silently, but shook his head helplessly after gaining nothing.
He was a little self-deprecating. He couldn't even get in nine degrees. Where would he dare to think about thirteen degrees?
In short, he feels that he should get the ninth degree first, and even enter the tenth degree of space, and then the more terrible eleventh degree and the depth of the subspace in the future.
"Well, although I say so, I am not sure about the future. Maybe I will come up with new tricks in the future to allow me to quickly enter the deep sub-space?"
Jia Yan thought about it and decided his own subspace path.
While speaking, Jia Yan didn't know how long he had been flying in the subspace.
It's too dark here and I can't even feel anything.
Time seemed meaningless. In short, he flew all the way and didn't dare to move too much all the way.
But it's not nothing.
He was still injured after all.
Can't move along the way, just don't think about the other, and heal the wound directly here.
It ’s enough resources, because Edissa has a lot of resources inside, and after getting used to ten degrees, he also slowly mastered how to move without causing external pressure, so it is often Take some resources to repair or practice.
"Very well, the injuries have also been repaired, and they are almost able to fight, with little effect."
Jia Yan finally repaired most of his injuries when he didn't know how long past.
He estimated that the time was less than three months.
After all, as a strong person, even if he is a family of evolutionary beasts with good repair ability, but the strength is too strong, no matter how fast the repair can't be faster.
So there are still three months.
So Jia Yan asked Edissa.
"Master, coming soon, right away."
"Okay, come and tell me, I'm ready."
It seems that Edissa didn't enjoy the feeling of being able to act in the subspace. She thought she was going to die. I didn't expect her master not only helped him survive, but also gave it another better control of the body. Be happy.
However, Jia Yan's order will not be ignored, or in fact, it is an intelligent program, and he does not even know whether his happiness and joy are operating at the same level.
In short, no matter what it is operating, it thinks that it already has a certain human feeling, even like a real intelligent creature.
"Coming soon to the master, I'll drive the Edissa out."
"Okay, I'm ready."
The Edish, which has been flying smoothly, sinks slowly, ready to burst back into the ninth degree of space.
But the silence within ten degrees was not so easy to let them go.
Countless darkness, countless twisted fragments, all surging, it seems that as long as they take a beat, they will be caught up and then torn.
But Edissa was originally a machine born for subspace movement, how could this happen.
Everything is being calculated. When that piece of debris flew around the Edish, the Edish was already sinking into a quieter place.
Nine degrees.
"Actually, there is no clear depth characterization in the subspace. Everything happens naturally, nine degrees and ten degrees, just as if the density is different. Even one degree is different from ten degrees, and it is just a twisted density. This is like a planet. The density of the surface is lower, and the inside of the core will be denser because of external gravitational pressure, even the earth. "
Jia Yan quickly analyzed the relationship between subspace depth and density.
Of course, this is still different from the planet. The subspace is the subspace, not the planet, what is underneath, what are the principles, what he does not understand, even nobody understands, because this is a problem of the universe, It's like nobody can explain what the universe is.
"Don't think so much, anyway, I'm coming!"
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