Chapter 1813: Check in first class! [Come to subscribe]

Jia Yan's words were a bit sighing to be honest, because he knew that the Zerg Queen certainly didn't have that much time to point him.
But what he didn't expect was that when the words came out, a nice faint female voice sounded in the sky.
"Jia Yan, you want to give pointers, okay, start tomorrow, you will come to me, I will point you, no longer need to find any planet, come to live in my palace, I will choose a life for you Ground. "
Hearing this voice, Jia Yan gave a meal.
Then he did not respond, but Beamon on the one side reacted in advance.
"Jia Yan, Jia and other cultivating places of living, that's the best place in the palace. I didn't expect you to lose my planet, but you got there as a place of living. I want to change with you."
At this time, Jia Yan was considered to be returning to God, watching Beamon and a few Xinghe on the side, and looked at himself with envy. He only smiled in the air and carried out the distant Zerg Queen's location. Acknowledgements and a few more jokes.
"A first-class cultivation living place?"
It sounds like a cow.
Jia Yan also couldn't figure out what the first class meant. However, every time he entered the palace, some strong men were always in the depths of the palace. Even if Jia Yan didn't go to see, he knew where they lived. It must be much better than those cultivated in the corners of ordinary palaces. .
The most important point, it is estimated that it is not a question of energy, but that the Zerg Queen is nearby.
You know, all the strong come to this Zerg territory not for the energy of that area.
The energy in this area is very powerful, but if you really want to find it, there are many places in the universe with very powerful energy. For example, deliberately doing some stellar power collection technology next to the stars will definitely not be much worse than here.
Here comes the Xinghe class, each territory does not know how many stars, if you want to do it casually, you can get it.
The most important reason for them to come here is to communicate and get pointers to the existence of the domain master.
Therefore, Jia Yan was able to enter the palace's so-called Jia and other places to practice. That was close to the Zerg queen. The big guys were envious of envy.
"Oh, thank you, Mr. Beamon, for your love. I can't live on this planet. I belong to the original owner. I'll go to the palace."
Jia Yan smiled slightly, not mentioning Beamon's statement, asking him to change the planet and the other places, that is a fool's thing.
"Senior, I'll go first. In addition ... if you really want to challenge me, I'll be waiting at any time."
After Jia Yan said this, he looked at Beamon and some of the first-ranked galaxies who did not dare to look at him. He laughed, and then used the power of brain waves to fly forward.
Bimen didn't really want Jia Yan to exchange with him, only to see Jia Yan really left, but it was a bit embarrassing.
Such a talented Xinghe exists in the early stage, and he actually played against him as soon as he met, and did not know if he could restore the relationship in the future.
"After all, it's you guys who made me offend people!"
Beamon looked at a few people who didn't even dare to walk while looking ugly.
"Come, I heard that your recent practice has also improved a lot. Let me see how your strength is. Come one by one."
Beamon also knows that although he is weaker than himself, after all, he is a Xinghe class, and he has a stronger talent than him. He can't take it together, so he wants them one by one.
Several of them sighed, although they have the right to refuse, after all, they pitted each other once.
As a result, on this day, this group of Xinghe primary creatures was taught by Beamon, who just returned to the middle stage of Xinghe, and was beaten to the ground and screamed.
The news that accompanied Beamon's return was even more surprising or envious.
That is, Jia Yan, who had just been called by the Zerg Queen to the Zerg Territory, had only been there for a month, and was actually treated as a first-class palace.
You know, everyone is staring at that place and thinking about grabbing it. It was actually a newcomer like Jia Yan who was snatched away.
A group of Xinghe intermediate and intermediate creatures are all jealous. If this cultivation place can be grabbed, they will all start.
Unfortunately, this kind of place represents the recognition of the queen and a certain manifestation of the talents of the other party. Their talents are not working, and they have not been recognized by the queen. Even if Jia Yan is defeated, it is absolutely impossible to enter.
Moreover, everyone has heard about the results of the previous battle between Beamon and Jia Yan.
An elementary creature of Xihe was actually tied with Beamon.
Beamon still has the ability to improve outside the world, and it is worthy of a tie with Jia Yan, which is a bit powerful.
Beamon's strength, in the middle of the galaxy here, is not strong, not the weakest one, not to mention the strength.
This shows that Jia Yan's strength is definitely beyond everyone's imagination, and the Queen will agree with him, not without reason.
So who dares to really challenge the alien Xinghe's initial existence?
The middle-level win is nothing to be pleased with, and it is estimated that few of the first-level can compete with him.
"This guy actually has such terrible strength and talent. It seems that he did not do it so well a month ago. A month of guidance has made him reach the point where he is today ..."
Inside the palace, the creature that was only one step away from the domain master, that is, the ‘black sheep’ who were extremely dark all over, felt silently and came to Jia Yan within the palace.
To this newcomer, Black Sheep has always maintained a distrust and unfriendly attitude.
In fact, Black Sheep is not worried that Jia Yan will steal his position, because the difference in strength between the two sides is too large. Even if Jia Yan has the talent of the Queen, at least he needs a lot of strength to reach his strength. year.
The reason why he is somewhat hostile to Jia Yan is actually very simple.
That is, he once had a compatriot of the same clan, an elementary creature of Xinghe. He also wanted to come to this star field with his elder brother and accept the support of the Zerg Queen.
Although the opponent's strength and talent were originally poor, after all, it was the first stage of the galaxy. The Zerg Queen had a little idea under the black sheep.
Unfortunately, this place was actually occupied by another newcomer.
That newcomer is Jia Yan.
This is the origin of this black sheep creature's hostility towards Jia Yan.
"Well, he was actually mixed into the core armor and other palaces, but don't worry, the talent and strength of this guy should be relatively poor here. There must be some small shoes caught by me, even if he is driven out. Go, my brother of the same family can't come, at least I'm out of breath. "
The black sheep still looked down on Jia Yan very much, because he knew Jia Yan's birth, and Jia Yan's past information, so he thought that the outsider was just a countryman.
This is the view that the Xinghe mid-level creature is even about to step into the domain master level.
He knows that he seems to be only a little closer to being promoted to the domain master level, but in fact, after talking to the Zerg Queen many times, he knows that his promotion is not that simple, after all, his talent cannot be a lot worse than the Zerg Queen Even if he is much older than the Zerg Queen, the details are still insufficient.
Even if he is promoted, he will definitely be the weaker one among the domain owners.
Therefore, he has been doing small moves near the Zerg Queen recently. First of all, he must definitely improve his strength. In addition, he is trying his best to be second only to the Zerg Queen. Ascended to the Zerg Queen.
Of course, it is absolutely impossible to fight or fight with the queen. After all, he is dependent on the queen, not an enemy of the queen, and because of this, although the queen knows what he is doing, It didn't mean to stop him. Right was to let him solve problems for himself and allow her more time for cultivation.
That's right, the Zerg Queen don't watch her keep guarding the starry sky, but in fact, she spends most of her day in cultivation.
A talented strong man, in addition to having talent, must also have a certain amount of perseverance, otherwise how can he be promoted quickly.
The Zerg Queen has exactly two types of talents, and her perseverance will never be weak.
"The Zerg Queen is really a very hardworking person."
Jia Yan was in the palace and felt the benefits of this palace silently.
At the same time, one of the benefits is that he can feel his cultivation in the Edish, just like the members of the Jia Yan squad. He is now feeling the practice of the Zerg Queen.
For a domain master, a group of junior and middle-level creatures of Xinghe practice beside themselves, as long as they are not too powerful, there will be no danger.
Therefore, the Zerg Queen practiced in the palace with ease, and her feelings during the practice, as well as the dissipation of energy, could make the surrounding junior and middle-level creatures get the help of Mo Point. You know, this is the black sheep And other creatures have always been pursuing the true reason to cultivate around the Zerg Queen.
At this time, Jia Yan can also be considered to understand, what is the meaning of this first-class place.
Energy is one thing, and proximity to the queen at this time is another huge benefit.
"Even during this practice, I was able to realize that the Queen's experience of certain forces in the universe and so on. Although I won't follow her path, I can still have great benefits under the quasi bypass."
Jia Yan realized that during the cultivation of the Zerg queen, she had a deep understanding of the universe and a profound way to enhance her strength.
The subtlety of this, although it is impossible to show it directly to everyone, is also a direction of guidance after all, it is also a great help to many junior and middle-level creatures of Xinghe.
At least for Jia Yan, who has hardly done this and has not seen other strong men, how to perceive and cultivate is almost a great help.
This day was the first day he had just arrived in the palace, and he realized the value of this first-class place.
And then, it is the second reason why he understands the value of Jia and other places more and more.
"Jia Yan, do you think there is anything wrong with the question I just mentioned?"
After the practice, the Zerg Queen talked to Black Sheep and two other Xinghe mid-level creatures, but her words did not isolate the strong men in Jia and other places, so Jia Yan also heard them.
Hearing the question from the Zerg queen, Jia Yan froze and then smiled bitterly.
"I don't think there is anything wrong, or should I say, Her Majesty the Queen you talk about, I do not understand most of them."
At the same time as he spoke, there was a burst of light laughter around him.
Of course, some of these chuckles are disdainful, some are just jokes, and some are even friendly.
After all, Jia Yan's arrival, everyone knows that he is definitely qualified to come here, at least the Queen agrees, otherwise he cannot come.
So everyone knows that he doesn't know nothing, he is doing so now, just because he was not born well.
"Oh, don't laugh at him, he is just because of birth issues. If he was born like you, it is estimated that there is a place for him in the Xinghe Intermediate or even the domain master level."
The Zerg Queen shook her head slightly at the laughing creatures around her, and then expressed her opinion on Jia Yan.
The black sheep stunned first.
Because the Zerg Queen actually said the word domain master.
You need to know that the Zerg Queen does not boast anything. That is to say, if Jia Yan is really born well, she may now be the domain owner, even if it is not likely, but at least it is expressed that it is possible.
In other words, it is possible for Jia Yan to practice the domain master within a hundred years?
He is not yet a hundred years old now.
Wouldn't it be no worse than the Queen Queen?
Black sheep said that he was tired of snacks, how could that be.
He Black Sheep is also considered a genius, but today he is almost a thousand years old, and it is not too slow.
But if Jia Yan was really a hundred-year-old domain owner, he would have to be killed.
Fortunately, the queen is just talking, this Jia Yan is still an elementary creature of Xinghe. Compared with the domain master, I do n’t know how much worse.
The Black Sheep used this as an occasional joke for the queen.
After all, the queen is still young, and occasionally still jokes, even if she is young, she will show a temper that only a little girl has.
"The queen is amazing."
Jia Yan said so quickly.
Because he saw, not only the Black Sheep, but in the eyes of Jia Jia, there was a hint of shock in each of them.
He didn't want to, and became the object of jealousy of everyone.
And the queen is a little too much. She was promoted to the domain owner in a hundred years. It is definitely worthy of Jia Yan. As a person with previous life experience from the beginning, Jia Yan's life, actually, It's a bit open, but in this way, it is still progressing to the beginning of Xinghe.
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