Chapter 1935: The top of the four galaxy stars! [Come to subscribe]

In fact, there are better things, even semi-permanent armor suitable for him with a relatively long life.
However, Jia Yan was frightened when he saw the price.
He doesn't have the money, he has the money, it is better to buy a little more advanced energy to sell Cass forces.
Besides, semi-permanent, Jia Yan is not right to buy it, because his strength is improving very fast. Maybe he bought it today. After two battles, he is promoted. What about semi-permanent armor? Selling second-hand is less valuable.
Better to buy extremely cheap disposable armor.
Jia Yan saw some sweetness in the armor last time, because it helped him resist several attacks from the strong.
"Have this and this, too. Give me three sets as well."
Jia Yan commanded, and was relatively proud.
The semi-permanent armor last time was broken without insisting on two wars. This time, I bought some disposable armor of average quality on purpose.
To be honest, the things in this universe are weird. For a one-time thing, the actual effect is a one-time effect, and the manufacturing process is poor. I do n’t know how much.
But the problem is, it doesn't look right, but it really has that effect.
At a planetary factory, Jia Yan controlled the power of the brainwaves and put on a pair of armor that looked rough around him.
"Jia Yan, this armor is very suitable for you. It seems that the disposable mold is not wrong."
Accompanying him is still the first existence of Xinghe. He can be said to follow Jia Yan all the way.
The disposable armor can be said to be a special product of their star field, and the manufacturing time of a pair of armors is not much. Jia Yan urged a little to enable the other party to speed up the manufacturing.
The first stage of Xinghe has always been with him. After all, the existence of a middle stage of Xinghe is considered to be the strength of a high-level person in their star field. No first stage accompany of Xinghe Definitely not justified.
Moreover, although Jia Yan needs three sets of disposable armor, the price of these three sets is not cheap at all.
Xinghe's intermediate supplies, even if disposable, caused Jia Yan to bleed.
For this reason, Jia Yan lost money for several merits, and the prices of these three sets are not much cheaper than the previous one hundred boxes of high-level energy.
"Very good, have all three sets been made successfully?"
"All are made, and the quality of each set is not bad. His Excellency Jia Yan, you know, we can't be sloppy to deal with any customer who exists in the middle stage of Xinghe."
"Also, for my Zerg Queen, I will do the same."
Jia Yan nodded, and also deliberately pointed out that there were forces behind him.
Although the Zerg Queen's power is nothing in the entire central star field of the galaxy, it can be placed in this small starry sky.
At such a short distance, all the surrounding star domains will be clear. There are many strong people in the Zerg Queen's power, especially the Zerg Queen himself, who is so strong that even the local domain owner cannot beat her. This can I am proud of the strength of the sky around me.
Of course, the strength of the Zerg queen is not too exaggerated. If there is a domain master stronger than those two domain masters, she may not be able to eat.
This is still the queen of the Zerg country. After coming to the middle of the galaxy, do n’t raise it too fast. If her speed is skyrocketing, it ’s likely that a strong star will come out of the sky. Domain owner.
As for Xinghe Advanced?
Sorry, being able to be a strong domain master already belongs to the praise given to you in the Central Galaxy of the Galaxy. Wanting to become a high-level existence of the Galaxy is really difficult, at least in the domain of the Central Galaxy of the Galaxy Of the Lord, at least half of them dare not want to be Xinghe Advanced.
That's too far away, so many domain masters don't dare to imagine, just like the existence of a star, many dare not imagine that they will become the domain master.
Anyway, Jia Yan said that the Zerg queen power is like a declaration, there are powers behind me, and you want to give me low-quality fake and shoddy goods, then you can take care of it.
The other side looked funny at Jia Yan's attitude, and couldn't help but talk.
After waiting for half an hour, watching Jia Yan take off from this planet and leave far away, he could not help sighing.
"Country folks are rural folks. Why do forces like ours lie to people? It's impossible, okay, not to mention that this is not a big deal, a small one."
The other party thinks that Jia Yan is basically a countryman. To them, such a countryman is really difficult to buy and sell. He always asks some very basic questions.
This is the attitude of a galaxy within the central galaxy of the Milky Way, and treating a galaxy from the countryside. It can be said that unless it exists in the central galaxy of the Milky Way for a long time, it will often be the local Galaxy Look down on it, even the star-studded creature dares to sneer behind.
But then.
They laughed at them. Jia Yanming knew that he might speak a little rustic, but he acted in accordance with his own heart, and naturally he would not care what others think of himself.
Bought a good thing, for him, the affairs of this trip can be considered perfect.
"Unfortunately, there is too little money. When I was in Orion's arm, how could I have thought about money. I don't think I need any money for my own cultivation. Nowadays, any cultivation item is inseparable from money. "
Jia Yan believes that it is a relatively correct decision to go to the Central Galaxy of the Galaxy, because he knows that if he is still in the Orion's arm instead of coming to the Central Galaxy of the Galaxy, then they will really do as they say, It is basically a country-level Xinghe class. Even in an area, he is invincible. Maybe he won't recognize super-domain master creatures like Zerg Queen in his whole life, but this will block his own cognition.
Give him a chance to choose again, he will still come to the Galaxy Central Galaxy, at least this is a good time to broaden his horizons.
"I can wear one of these three sets of armor now ..."
While flying forward, Jia Yan slowly and slowly took out one of the three sets of armor from the subspace and slowly put on his body.
The body structure of giant mosquitoes is relatively complicated. It is very difficult to control the size and proportion of such armors. Jia Yan also paid a lot of money for this because of this.
But this is also good, that is the last set of trophy armor, said to be semi-permanent armor, but in fact the armor is not good at all, but it has been used by others, it seems to be a good fit with Jia Yan, but Everywhere, there are several places, and the gaps between several earthly buildings can be built.
This kind of armor is not practical at all, so in the last battle, it was directly damaged by the enemy. Of course, it also helped Jia Yan to block a lot of attack power. This is why Jia Yan would buy one-time Reason for armor.
And this time the disposable armor, it seems that the manufacturing process is not good, it is quite rough, but Jia Yan felt the feeling of sewing with his own silk.
"Very good, this armor, each pair is quite good, haha, sell armor in the Cars Caravan, for that price, this time they sell less than one tenth of them, I buy three sets, It's only three-tenths of that set, and the effect must be better than a permanent set? "
Jia Yan smiled and felt that he had bought the right thing. After all, it would not take him so long to buy it permanently.
He always thinks that his strength should improve quickly, and in the future, he should be able to reach the peak of Xinghe Middle Stage quickly, and even reach the domain master's strength soon.
In this way, he can further use other grades of supplies. Why buy anything permanent and definitely be eliminated by then.
"Those three sets, although said to be disposable, should be able to use me for a while."
Jia Yan is thinking.
Then he analyzed his possible future battles.
"In the Zerg queen force, I should need to fight for a period of time, but this battle is in the position, the battle in the position, there must be no more lethality, then I try not to use armor, so, my It is estimated that in the days of the position, the armor was used ... "
"Next, it will come to my promotion period. Presumably I will grind for a while, it will be the time when I may be promoted, even if it is not a promotion, it is also a period of strength improvement. During this time, I need to go outside and strengthen I ’m going to fight to let my strength explode. In the meantime, one or two armors. If you are lucky, it is a pair of armors, and then my future of strength improvement. "
Jia Yan has analyzed how many disposable armors he will use in the future.
Then he felt that his own planning was getting more and more on the right track. In his previous life, often he was not able to judge his future. There were always many unexpected situations, which made him very passive.
Shouldn't this plan be wrong now?
Jia Yan thought.
He was trying to score a point for his ingenuity, and then continued to fly forward ...
"Jia Yan! Let's meet!"
"Hahaha, it was blocked by us, Jia Yan, you died!"
"This starry sky is just not the focus area of ​​this star power. They should stand by and watch, Jia Yan, you just wait to die."
Several earth-shattering calls made Jia Yan almost startled.
Jia Yan was frightened. He heard from each of these sounds that each one had great strength that killed him.
What is even more amazing is that the masters of these sounds actually broke the hidden effects from the hidden starry sky while they were speaking, and each of them appeared with their most terrible combat power instantly. .
"This! The mid-level peaks of the four galaxies exist?"
Jia Yan's heart trembled.
That's right, from the distorted starry sky, or the strong who was invisible with equipment or strength in the dark, the first time he rushed out, Jia Yan felt their strength.
It's all the peak of Xinghe Middle Stage!
Every strength is definitely not something that Jia Yan can handle!
"Is this ... the one who ran out of hostile forces? To deal with the existence of a middle-ranking galaxy of me, actually using the strongest of the four peaks of the middle-ranked galaxy? It's too trivial."
Jia Yan's expression changed instantly.
To deal with the existence of such a middle-ranking galaxy, a person who ran out of influence, actually used the peaks of the four middle-ranked galaxies. This is an unthinkable thing for Jia Yan.
An Xinghe mid-level peak, he couldn't beat each other. What kind of enmity the other party had with them, actually used four people!
"Yes, they are hostile to me, because the last time the domain owner creature shot himself, they did not kill me. For them, this is the enemy that makes their power greatly shame!"
Jia Yan's heart was extremely dignified.
At this moment, he quickly pulled away and wanted to retreat to the subspace behind him.
However, a rebound force in the subspace prevented him from entering it at all.
"Hahaha, Jia Yan, you carelessly, you do n’t walk inside the subspace. If you enter the subspace, you will know that the subspace is blocked by us, but if you do n’t go, it should be your life . "
One of the mid-level peaks of the four Xinghe who flew in was smiling proudly at Jia Yan.
If it is said that before Jia Yan appeared, they still have a certain sense of uncertainty about this action.
But now it's different. Jia Yan actually doesn't go inside the subspace, and enters the area where they interfere with the strongest subspace at a stretch. To them, it is like Jia Yan himself abandoned his escape method. Almost equivalent to giving them their lives.
It really is a fool from the countryside.
"Damn, that's a big deal."
The scolding in the heart of the other person would definitely agree if Jia Yan heard it.
Aren't you a fool?
I believe too much in the security capabilities of a force.
This is inside a family. For an outsider like Jia Yan, among other forces, shouldn't there be any forces daring to make trouble?
But he forgot that he is Xinghe class. The rules of Xinghe class are different from those of other strong players.
The level of the Xinghe level is not low. If the battle between them does not affect the production and life of others in the star domain, and it will not cause property damage, this force itself will definitely not interfere with their battle.
After all, no one is willing to offend the existence of the four peaks in the middle of the Xinghe, not to mention, there are definitely domain master creatures behind these four.
If there is a domain host creature, then it is their strongest one who appears in the star domain, and they will be tied with each other. Presumably, they will not interfere with a domain master because they interfere with the battle of a mid-level existence in Xinghe.
"I'm really stupid, but with so little space interference, you want to affect my entry!"
There was a savage look in Jia Yan's eyes.
He had been resisted by others before entering the subspace.
The powerful people in the central galaxy of the galaxy let the subspace talents exist and cannot enter the interior of the subspace. Jia Yan gradually understood how to do it. It was nothing more than disturbing the interior of the subspace and turning the subspace into an iron bucket. Generally, the subspace talent exists, and it cannot be properly entered.
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