Chapter 2476: Explore the enemy camp! [Subscribe from the starting point]

It was five thousand light-years away the other day, did you get here right away?
Jia Yan was hiding in the subspace, and looked at the warship brought by the subspace powerhouse behind him with some uncertainty.
The seemingly simple warship has a streamlined appearance. Apart from being very large, about a hundred kilometers in length, it looks extremely mediocre.
Just this little thing can make him fly five thousand light years in a few days?
Jia Yan was shocked.
You know, he exists as the same subspace talent, no matter whether it is the main flight, the use of Edissa, or the breakthrough flight method of the palace as the forward, it is impossible to fly five thousand light-years in a few days. .
With such a speed, it would not take him long to travel between Orion's arm and the central star field of the Milky Way, at least several times faster. This is an extremely advantageous thing for the journey.
"If he is so fast, then the entire galaxy is not too big for him, it's like a magnified homeland..."
Jia Yan is already looking at the battleship behind him, and feels that if there is a chance, he will grab the battleship and take it back for research. Although roughly speaking, the key things are definitely not researchable after reaching this level of machinery. At least it can make people by analogy.
It is like a chip on the earth. If someone can give a mobile phone to imitate another mobile phone, then that person is definitely not an ordinary person, because the chip in the mobile phone is not something you can learn at a glance .
This phenomenon is even more so in the universe. The simplest battleship is for Jia Yan. He can't imitate it. The same is true for the earth. It is a little bit more technology than the earth, let alone just take the battleship to the earth. Today’s technology has imitated it, that is, the drawings, various design requirements, and all the parts and materials are given to the people on the earth, and they are directly asked to follow suit. I am afraid that the people on the earth will not be able to do it because the technology is not lit up. Without the materials, the machines manufactured do not meet the specifications, and the scientific research personnel cannot understand the manufacturing process.
So even if Jia Yan robbed it, it was just for Edissa to analyze it and refer to it if possible. If it is not possible, there is no way to abandon it.
As for direct use? Sorry, this battleship is only a hundred kilometers long. I am afraid that it is designed to fit the body space of the cockroach monster that went out. He can imagine that even if he gets it, his six long feet have to be sawed off. Into it.
Too small, so big, how can I get in.
It's the original sin, Jia Yan couldn't help but sigh secretly.
"Is that guy a so-called adult? Well, with such a perception, his strength is not as terrifying as the Intermediate Galaxy, but his talent is actually the same subspace talent as mine, so there is a certain tricky possibility...In addition, he With such a warship, is it extremely fast? Then if I am a little disadvantaged, it will be more difficult to escape into the subspace."
There was no contradiction, Jia Yan was already thinking about what would happen if the two sides went to war.
After all, the other party allowed himself to come here with such a low profile, which shows that he is malicious. If there is no maliciousness, it would be good for Jia Yan to chat with such a subspace talent, but it is a pity...
Don’t think that Jia Yan will be so magnanimous. Seeing a subspace talent that may have the possibility of competing with him, he will not want to live in harmony with the other party. In fact, he is essentially an existence who loves to communicate with others. In particular, many of his subspace abilities were all explored by himself, and a strong person who communicated with himself appeared. He was not hostile at all, but would talk freely with the other party.
"His strength is less than the middle level of Galaxy, so it must be the domain master category, and according to my opinion, even if he is a domain master, he will definitely not be a domain master peak, because a strong domain master peak, Presumably, the aura is also different. I was hiding here just now, and the probability of being discovered by him would be much higher. He didn't notice me, that is to say, he was not at the top of the domain master..."
Jia Yan has been thinking about the strength level of this subspace talented person.
But what he didn't expect was that in the distant place where the subspace talented powerhouse was supported, there was a figure flashing again, and then he was surprised to see that a familiar figure of himself arrived. This land of stars.
"Concubine Kun! The concubine of the domain master of the mountain green forces!"
It really was her.
Jia Yan was questioning whether or not there was the figure of the concubine Kun in these incidents. He didn't expect that he was really convinced.
And Jia Yan was also extremely surprised. Although this colorful creature also has a Galaxy level, her essential strength is not at the domain master level at all. That is to say, she can't be compared with the domain master strong at all. To say how she can line up with so many domain master creatures, just how can she rush to Orion’s arm from the central star field of the galaxy in such a fast time, and it seems that she has managed a lot of things. Jia Yan was extremely surprised.
Of course, surprise to surprise. Now after Jia Yan saw her, he suddenly realized that the various events in the arms of the Orion were probably caused by Concubine Kun in it, so his mosquito face was a bit ugly.
If it was just because of some of his own romantic debts that caused the Orion Arm to lose a lot, it would be very difficult for Jia Yan to accept. It seems that so many lives were caused by himself. Although Jia Yan is not sad, he is always a little sad inside, just as disgusting as eating Xiang Xiang.
"Huh, I still admired the beauty of this female a little bit before, but now I look at it, it's a femme fatale."
Jia Yan hummed coldly, and when she looked at the female creature, she felt that her colorful appearance was simply disgusting.
In his compound eyes, a trace of killing intent was already flashing.
If he says he has admirers, he is basically a little happy, but such an admirer does not need him.
What's more, he doesn’t understand it now. This concubine Kun has been looking for clues from the black hole area to the Orion Arm. Such a long distance, I must have paid a great price to get to the Orion Arm. Is it really just to have a relationship with Jia Yan? How could it be, Jia Yan didn't believe it very much, his charm had reached such a fascinating level.
In other words, she might have other purposes.
"Are these guys all hostile..."
In addition to Concubine Kun, there are also several ordinary galaxy-level powerhouses approaching this starry sky.
And within the starry sky, there is a very common black fog front in the central star field of the Milky Way, and all the galaxy level and domain master level enter it to discuss matters. And this thing seems to be relatively simple, but just because it has been promoted to a large scale, it shows that its effect is very good. At least Jia Yan is in the secondary space, and has no idea what they said in the black mist. What arrangement.
He only knew that within the black mist, there was a first-level expert in the galaxy who flew to the outside of the black mist, and then looked at the area where Jia Yan was, with strange eyes.
"Your Excellency Jia Yan, come out, our adults have found your trace."
Jia Yan's face changed when he heard this greeting, and then a lot of thoughts flashed in his heart, but he didn't make a difference. He kept hiding in the secondary space, waiting to see if it was the other party's bluff, or he really found it. His existence.
If the subspace powerhouse just discovered his own existence, then he would reassess the strength of this guy.
This matter is extremely important to Jia Yan. After all, understanding the opponent’s strength is the most basic thing that a strong person needs to do, and it is also what Jia Yan needs to do before each battle. Basically prepare, otherwise, with his ability to cause trouble, he would have died in a certain battle.
"Your Excellency Jia Yan, you don't need to hide, our adults really found you, come out, are you in this area?"
The other party smiled again and pointed directly at the depth of the subspace where Jia Yan was located sharply.
If the mentality is not very good, maybe they will take the initiative to go out now, or show some horns.
But Jia Yan's eyes flickered faintly, and he didn't make the slightest change. He just hid in the secondary space, like a tortoise with a shrunken head, motionless.
Whoever moves will lose.
Don't think that the tortoise creature he has installed in the central star field of the galaxy for so long is a fake. Today, he has gained a lot of psychological improvement from his status as "yin and yang".
"No? Huh...pretend me!"
The first-level strong man in Galaxy seemed to have given up, but his face was directly cold, and a group of terrible attack power erupted toward the inside of the subspace, which is the direction of Jia Yan.
"This attack power is definitely not a galaxy-level powerhouse near here, but a galaxy-level powerhouse from the central star region of the Milky Way."
Jia Yan judged it, and felt that even if he was affected by an attack by a strong first-level Galaxy, he could resist it calmly without moving, so he couldn't move his teeth.
However, this attack seems to come in the direction of Jia Yan, but the secondary space is not that simple. If you judge that the enemy is on the sixth floor of the secondary space, you have to use the corresponding power of the sixth floor and aim at it. The place must also be an extremely accurate sixth floor, otherwise, even if the direction looks the same, but if you estimate it is the fifth floor, then if you hit the fifth floor, then the sixth floor will be offset a lot.
This is the case with the attack made by this elementary powerhouse of Galaxy. He judged it was on the fifth floor. He probably hit the fifth floor accurately, but didn’t hit anything. Then the attack power rubbed the sixth floor where Jia Yan was. Flying over layers of areas, there is no way to hurt him.
Jia Yan exhaled a little while in the secondary space.
"Hey, is there no one? The lord also said that there was someone, let me come out and test it, but there was no, I said, Jia Yan, even if he was in the central star field of the Milky Way, but he was born in such a backward state. In the starry sky, how can the courage be so big, knowing that we have so many domain masters here, dare to come over?"
After attacking this sub-space, this first-level Galaxy creature turned his head back with a sneer, as if he had given up and killed Jia Yan in the sub-space again.
"I know, that guy is not sure if I am in the subspace. Of course, it seems that he should be a little aware, indicating that his subspace talent and exploration ability are not under me, which is a bit difficult. Up."
Jia Yan’s strongest life-saving ability is the subspace talent. This time he dare to come to the center of the encirclement of a group of domain master creatures. It is also because he has the subspace talent. If he wants to go, he can do it at any time. go.
But if the opponent's strongest person is simply a subspace talented person, and it is not the same as his own subspace talent, then things will be difficult.
He can compete with the opponent in the subspace ability, or simply fight in the subspace. He is really not afraid, but the problem is that this subspace talented person is surrounded by so many domain master level powerhouses, although a single Pulling it out, Jia Yan has nothing to fear, but interferes with him. Even if they fight in the subspace, the outside domain masters have enough interference capabilities. In this way, his battle is destined to fall to the wind...
"It's not necessarily the case, but I have to let this happen to minimize the possibility of it happening, because behind me is not my own person, but my hometown, if I lose the first battle, I can use Space talent, as well as my yin and yang ability, escaped, but Orion’s arm? Where’s the earth?"
This conflict is different from previous conflicts, and that is what Jia Yan cares about.
If it were in the central star field of the Milky Way, Jia Yan might be so angry that he might rush out and do it with others.
But in Orion's arm, he really didn't dare. Once he loses, it will be Orion's arm or the seedlings in his hometown, which will cheat his family.
"It just happened that I just lived such a sweet life with my family, so I lost them directly? How is it possible, I will definitely protect my family."
Jia Yan's memory is still sweet to his family who is still in the process of traveling, which is very clear. Now he is going to give up his family directly? He is absolutely unwilling.
Although the strong and the strong are strong to the back, nothing is left, and there is a great possibility that only a lonely family will remain, but Jia Yan has not yet been'behind' after all. He is very young and his family is close by blood. It is impossible for him to really abandon his family and only care about his own war interests.
"Well, I think of a way to move the battlefield to a farther place..."
As Jia Yan was thinking, he gradually released his subspace ability, and his brain wave power was extremely cautious, exploring the black fog, wanting to master more information.
If he can not fight, he still doesn't want to fight, but if there is a fight, then he will go all out to prevent his family from being in danger.
"The first-level star of the Galaxy went back and did not send anyone again, indicating that the sub-space talented man is not sure whether I am in the sub-space."
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