Chapter 287: One-sided slaughter! [For subscription]

But the young son didn't know the danger at this time, or he was afraid, but couldn't hold back his crying!
Suddenly, in the sound of the approaching footsteps of the metal monster, the child cried loudly in the arms of her mother!
In the ruins, this voice is absolutely obvious.
The metal monster really accelerated his pace, the red light above his head flashed, and it was about to spray out almost immediately!
The hostess listened to the movement above, and she also wanted to soothe his son from crying, but now there is nothing to do but look at a few metal feet and walk to the husband's body!
After that, the corpse was severely thrown away!
A scruffy metal monster's head appeared before his eyes!
With the barrel above his head, the red light has reached the critical time of spraying out!
After that, it really turned red!
The red rays shot out!
The hostess did not have any method of confrontation, but closed her eyes tightly and squeezed the child in her arms even tighter!
Just as the red light hits!
A huge and proud body descended from the sky!
This body cannot describe how huge he is!
The wings stretched out, directly covering a 20-meter square circle, and six super-slender legs with a single length of 20 meters each, which were daunting at sight!
But compared to these appearances, his super high speed is even more frightening!
Directly with the sound of tearing air, in the night, rushed down!
He's too fast, too fast too fast!
Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang! !! !! !!
The hostess was covering her child, and when she was almost desperate, she felt only a huge shock wave attacking. The metal monster above her head was almost unresisted under the sweep of this shock wave. Sweeped into the sky!
The big mosquito doesn't even need to attack. The strong wind brought by his huge body has already swept away a large metal monster in the ruins!
Some even smashed into the surrounding forest severely!
The remaining one just rolled down to the ground, terrifying!
The big mosquito fell to the ground, and at his feet, he stepped on a metal monster. The monster was constantly struggling, but it couldn't shake such a huge giant mosquito!
Only struggling under his feet.
Afterwards, the giant mosquito seemed to notice nothing, and the midfoot that stepped on his body was forced hard downwards!
Click! !! !!
A crisp break comes out!
This metal monster, which is difficult to damage by human firearms, was actually stepped on by a giant mosquito!
How powerful is this, and how great is it to achieve this? !!
The giant mosquito stood proudly at the scene of the battle. His body, just standing there, was enough for everyone to focus on him!
Standing there normally, his height is also more than five meters, and none of the low ruined wooden houses around him exceeds his height!
This super-giant monster has a shining light on his compound eyes. He is standing in this place and looking at a house!
This house is exactly the house where the Jia family lived before. He found a small red suitcase at the door of this house!
The clothes and other things in the suitcase have completely fallen out!
Not only are the suitcases familiar, Jia Yan is also very familiar with even the few pieces of clothing poured out of them!
That's the clothes of young girl Jia Lin!
There was even one, which was bought by Jia Yan during the New Year's Eve of the New Year with his work-study money!
Look closely, there is a blood stain around this small suitcase!
For a moment, the anger in Jia Yan's heart almost exploded!
"You all it!"
He looked at the metal monsters around him, and his body moved suddenly!
Although the metal monsters in this battlefield can destroy a small village with such a population of thousands, their number is just over one hundred!
And scattered to hunt down those humans who have just been defeated recently, at this time the metal monsters in the ruins, but there are more than fifty left!
Jia Yan is angry!
These fifty metal monsters are definitely not enough to kill him now!
His body, move fast!
Even at this time, he used his brain wave power!
Boom boom! !!
A metal monster that was only approached by his huge body seemed to be frozen for a moment!
Their bodies are constantly trembling and unable to move!
This is a basic use of brainwave power!
But this basic use is not accessible to anyone!
Even if you can use it, you can only control some small things like paper without Jia Yan's super powerful brainwave power!
But at this time, Jia Yan was approaching one by one, and he controlled all the metal monsters!
Their power cannot be broken away at all!
Forefoot knife-shaped horny, lift it gently!
The scene seemed to kill the ants!
A pair of forefoot knife-shaped horny, rolled down!
A metal monster that couldn't move was just pierced directly under his huge knife-shaped cuticle, and even the whole body was broken into pieces!
The giant mosquito can be said not to use the sharpness of the forefoot knife-shaped horny, but the pure force, it is easy to see these human beings, extremely hard metal monsters, crushed to death!
Step forward with four long feet. A pair of forefoot with knife-shaped horns is attacking the metal monster on the ground!
Elephants fight against ants!
Metal monsters are fighting back!
Their red rays of light shot up!
The damaged human, one by one, reveals his terrible eyes from the hidden place.
They only saw that this super-giant giant mosquito that had never been seen before was actually extremely easy to kill in the face of those metal monsters that they could never deal with!
And the metal monster counterattacked the red light, and the giant mosquito root did not hide at all. The red light hit his body, and even a wave could not be stirred, except for the huge explosion sound and fire light. For giant mosquitoes, it seems to be an itchy attack!
Not a level match at all!
This big mosquito is invincible!
Those hidden humans are all horrified looking at the current fighting situation, or should not be called fighting, but slaughter!
Super giant mosquito slaughter of metal monsters!
Once upon a time, all human beings were trembling under the slaughter of metal monsters, but now the situation is that metal monsters are slaughtered without resistance under the attack of giant mosquitoes. Are they trembling and dare not say, but see their By doing this, you know that these metal monsters actually have a little timidity!
Metal monsters know how to retreat? Humans can hardly believe this!
In almost a minute, the shining fast figure had already walked around the edge of the battlefield!
His body is huge, but the speed is not slow. The figure of the big mosquito seems to be just a slow step, but one step is a distance of several meters. A few steps down, the whole small village went from beginning to end!
All the metal monsters on the way were slaughtered!
Wreckage of metal monsters all over the ground.
Jia Yan attacked these metal monsters just by the way.
As he attacked, he looked at the nearby ground and the human heat sources in those houses!
Hope to find the shadow of your family in it!
But to his disappointment, none of these people were like parents and sisters.
Finally, the way forward came to the tail of this new small village.
Jia Yan stood there, and in his compound eyes there was a moan.
Not found, it does not mean that it is a bad thing. At least in so many corpses, there is no shadow of his own family. This thing is the best news of the bad news. At least they did not die in this town!
"Did they leave this village after I left, and went somewhere else ?! Impossible, the box was just overturned, unless someone took the little girl's suitcase."
Jia Yan has a headache. For such a large Huaxia country, if his parents and sister are still alive, but they have already left here, where will they go, he really can't guess!
"No! I forgot, I now have the ability to communicate, I can ask these survivors!"
There was a sudden flash of light in Jia Yan's brain!
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