Chapter 2879: One enemy six! [Subscribe from the starting point]

The other end.
The dark breath swelled in the entire starry sky.
Dark brown eyes staring around.
The slender and crackling clothes fluttered in the space, and there was a certain unspeakable coldness and indescribable tolerance on the entire young face.
"Black God, isn't it? You mentioned this condition yourself. I will wait for a few mid-tier stars to join hands and fight against you. If you lose or even die, don't blame us."
"I won't blame you for waiting, please don't keep your hands."
The four directions are huge gatherings of giants, and they are several kilometers in size. When looking at the black-haired human figure who is only a few meters away, they often have a little surprise and a little fear in their eyes.
In the past few days, the'Black God' has become completely famous in this star field.
Although the magic gate is weak, there are still many strong people in the magic gate. There are many capable people, and some unfathomable strong people are becoming the foundation of the whole magic gate.
Among the constant star powers, no one dared to say that they would ignore the magic gate powers of the same level.
However, there is such an existence that does not even reach the constant star rating, who has single-handedly challenged the constant star powerhouse among the magic gates.
Now the first stage of Stellar has been completely defeated.
This venerable class who claims to be the "Black God", after defeating many mid-level stars, named Dao, and asked the mid-level stars in this starry sky to gather together, and then he challenged these powerful people. Join hands!
"Are you really going to challenge me to challenge the post-stellar stage after waiting?!"
"Hehe, really bold, do you know that the star's rear stage is only half a step away from the galaxy's level, and their strength is fundamentally different from the middle-level stars of ours. You want to die?"
"No matter how strong it is, it must be difficult to cope with a few mid-level stars teaming up."
"This...this is also, well, Black God, if you can defeat me and join forces, then the stellar rear stage in our magic gate will meet!"
See the real chapter under your hand!
Otherwise, the magic door of this star area would be really embarrassed and lost to Lao Lao's house.
They swarmed up.
The Black God in the center of the encircling circle had a slightly satisfied expression on his stern face.
Each clone seems to be Jia Yan himself, but the actual will of each clone is slightly different. For example, the human appearance clone who once was the who created the world is arrogant and faint. The ego-dominant temperament revealed is particularly obvious.
He said that when he came to this magic gate area, he came for the challenge, and then he would firmly implement it to the end.
And for a test, what is the difference between my own clone and other clones? By the way, let's see how much influence this clone has after the main body is strengthened.
"Is it the stellar post? As long as you defeat them, you can really see if the has the opportunity to challenge the external stellar post!"
As long as you have defeated the star rear level, you will have the opportunity to continue to improve, and finally reach the opportunity to challenge the Galaxy level!
And if a clone can challenge the Galaxy class...
At that time, Jia Yan was really one of the top-ranked powerhouses when he went out. If there is any problem, it will not only be the real body.
The mid-level stars besieged this clone one by one, gearing up.
They agree that the ‘Black God’ in front of them is stronger, but if they want to deal with so many mid-level stars of the magic door, they really don’t feel that they and others will be defeated.
The strength of the middle-level stars in this magic door has long been called the word ‘famous.’ No matter which sect, this kind of strength is a high-level person, maybe it is the leader of the faction.
They don't want to lose, and they can't lose.
"Everyone, please do it."
"Well, Lord Black God asked so, don't blame me for being unable to show mercy."
All stellar mid-level powerhouses showed aggressive attitude on their faces, and they soon joined forces to attack.
There is no antagonism with the Black God, but it is like a kicking event, which is hardly a good thing, so it is reasonable for them not to show mercy.
The people around did not look like mortals, but first two people rushed forward, the huge figure pressing the top like an asteroid.
Jia Yan's black clone's eyes didn't last for an instant.
In the face of a large number of intermediate stars, this clone is absolutely impossible to relax.
He even extracted a lot of mental abilities from his real body, which almost affected the real body in the breakthrough at this time.
The black power comes from the power of the black who created the world, and white energy emerges from the palm of his left hand. This is the power of the white from the white dolphin.
After breaking through the creation of the world, not only Jia Yan's real body had a breakthrough, but even this black body had more than one breakthrough.
Because the two parties share a relationship of using energy, it can't be said that the clone has grabbed the power of the real body.
The superposition of the two energies between the two palms creates a potential energy similar to the Yin and Yang Dao.
This is what makes the Black God clone the most different from other clones, and it is also the real reason why his strength leads all clones.
The power in the palm quickly caused an incredible turbulence of positive and negative energy, welcoming the mid-levels of the two major stars that attacked.
The shocking collision appeared, and the slender figure was able to resist a giant monster for several kilometers.
Jia Yan, the black clone, has another unique advantage, or a disadvantage, that is, their bodies are relatively light and agile, and their speed is extremely fast.
But at the same time, the offensive power was not strong enough to be able to strike the Kanae.
So after colliding with the first monster, he adopted a one-touch approach.
He dashed to the other direction quickly, but the top of his head was like sinking into an endless Five Finger Mountain, and saw a one-kilometer monster slap falling down. It turned out that another middle-ranked star who was besieging had already attacked.
He didn't feel uneasy, but seized the opportunity unmovingly and passed the creature through the gap between his claws.
Look at the other party for a while.
Rarely fight against such a small creature, this constant star will almost never play.
The Black God clone will use his own advantages to the limit. It can even be said that before being sent to the outside world by Jia Yan, because he has maintained a certain sense of self, he has been thinking about how to make good use of the advantages of his clone. , Defeat the powerful enemy as much as possible.
It's a bit sad to say that although their main consciousness belongs to the giant mosquito Jia Yan, they have a certain amount of self-awareness because of the need for consciousness, and this is the reason they want to live.
If you don’t want to be swallowed by the real body and reintegrate back into the real body because the combat power is not strong enough, or the real body is not very helpful, then you have to perform well.
Even the strongest black clone in the true body has been under great pressure recently because of this.
So he thought about a lot of good things, and now is the time to show them.
"The second echelon, at this time, go!"
There were also two mid-level stellar powerhouses who rushed towards the black clone.
The black Jia Yan, who could have been able to fight against the two mid-level stars, stared at the two newcomers for an instant, and then he quickly felt a shock all over his body. The speed of the greatest advantage was restricted by the opponent. .
It turned out that these two were actually strong in the spiritual realm. They released the shocking brain wave power and restricted the surrounding space, making it more difficult for Jia Yan to move.
"Don't be stubborn. It is impossible for the Venerable to challenge a group of intermediate stars!"
The two great spiritual powers are still speaking tirelessly, and there is hypnotic energy surging in the words that come out of their mouths.
"It's impossible for others, but the deity may not."
Jia Yan shouted decisively, blowing away the opponent's influence on his own mind in one go.
If he is really a Venerable-level powerhouse, then that's fine, but he himself is a senior domain master-level existence, and it is impossible for the willpower of this mid-star existence to affect him.
However, these two strong men in spiritual power actually affected Jia Yan's shadow movement, and he couldn't help but need more power to deal with the attack of the two stellar mid-level strong men who charged in front.
In addition, we need to separate some of our attention, carefully watch out for those who are able to release brain wave power to interfere with his mental talent. Slap down, maybe it's not worse than the mid-order star that is more powerful than the flesh.
"The third team!"
The last two people behind, sprinted forward with gloomy eyes.
They really didn't expect that the first four people were still a bit unable to successfully win the foreign venerable class.
If this venerable class escapes in the hands of the four major star intermediate powerhouses, or is tied, their face will also be lost.
Therefore, the last two of them also shot, taking advantage of the small Venerable-level powerhouse who is still surrounded by four people, they will come to a strong defeat, so that they can save their face.
The two powerhouses are actually strong in the field.
The powerhouses with constant star ratings, at least in the area of ​​Orion's arm, like to use things like domains.
Jia Yan also believed that the realm was the kingly way for some time in the stage of constant star level.
However, after going to the central star field of the Milky Way, the black hole area, and even the northern giant star, he learned that the field at the constant star stage can only be regarded as one of the methods at best, not absolute.
But in this area, in the vast area where the Northern Territory and Orion Arm are located, the use of constant stars is justified.
Just now Jia Yan was still wondering, why they were useless domains, they didn't expect to be here waiting for him.
"If you are fast, reduce your speed again!"
One's domain is to create a powerful obstacle to the spiritual power of space, which seems to have little effect, but this move has the greatest impact on Jia Yan. At least he can no longer use his small body to increase his speed and flexibility to the strongest. To the extent that the readers can’t reach.
"The hallucinogenic realm!"
The other is the domain of the illusion system. In this domain, everyone thinks that they are in a fiery space, and the impact of the battle is greatly reduced. The magma in the four directions is even gushing, and you need to be careful.
Originally, the hallucination domain was also a better skill in the domain, but it didn't work much in the black clone.
Because he seems to be at the venerable level, but his mental resistance is a real senior domain master level.
The role of the domain, especially the hallucinogenic, is almost zero to him.
The six intermediate stars are now all shot, and they are perfectly coordinated. It can be said that the foreign genius who attaches great importance to the summit of the Venerable.
But after such a rainy day, there was an accident.
First of all, the black clone does not eat hallucinations at all. A large swath of hot magma just flies and shuttles directly, and everyone who looks at it is dumbfounded.
"He is very resistant to hallucinations? Otherwise, even if he knows it is hallucinations, he will be scalded by magma because of my ability!"
The psychedelic powerhouse, the whole person is not good.
In an uneasy situation, several other mid-star stellar powerhouses were affected by hallucinations and did not dare to fly too fast for fear of being scalded by magma.
This also neutralized the effect of Jia Yan's greatly reduced speed, causing him to rush to one of the stellar mid-level powerhouses who was fighting against him and punch him.
Pros and cons penetrated the entire arm, and the stellar mid-level powerhouse roared with horror, and a large area of ​​his cheek was hit by him, making pits appear.
This is like a little ant, punching a pit in the human cheek, which is a very irritating picture.
"Why is this sacred?"
Everyone took a breath of air, and their eyes became more suspicious.
The injured star Intermediate had a quick reaction and moved away from Jia Yan.
But after Jia Yan took the lead, he already gained momentum. With this momentum, he volleyed towards another strong man.
Surprisingly, the intermediate star was in the domain of the illusion system. He attacked the first moment in Jia Yan, converged his domain, and used both hands and feet, just like a gliding bird, directly pulling away. The long intercept distance, the original domain is only one of his strong points, and his other strong point is that he is generally more flexible and faster than the black clone.
"Take your domain, don't release it again!"
The mid-level expressions of the other stars suddenly became much more relaxed.
Jia Yan doesn't care about the hot field, it is better to close it, because turning it on will cause them to have an impact.
The strong man in the hallucinogenic field with an extremely fast speed felt very uncomfortable.
Because his hallucinogenic domain is almost very oppressive in the same level, many people don't want to fight him. After all, he has the ability of hallucinogenic domain and the advantage of extremely fast speed. Many people fight with him. , Almost always thankless.
Unexpectedly, today, in front of a Venerable Existence who is less than a constant star, this point of pride will be broken.
"Don't run away, the next one will defeat you."
Behind him, Jia Yan seemed to be at odds, biting him to death.
And behind them, the five mid-level stars are chasing, the domain has been open, but they have not been able to narrow the distance between them and Jia Yan.
However, the existence of the hallucinogenic domain is by no means a fool. He circled around and joined the five people, but Jia Yan failed to track him down.
"Well, it's time to end this challenge farce, sir, if you only have this ability, our six major existences will be bullying the small."
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