Chapter 2961: It's good to be young [come to the starting point to subscribe]

He is definitely not slow to turn his head, and he can quickly analyze what the other party's words are.
Tianlu should be talking about the terrifying road that Taishang led him through.
Could it be that this late-level power has also been led, and among them, is there a small-stage strength level that has been re-divided because of the way of heaven?
"No, no, it's impossible!"
Jia Yan's heart was dignified, and he denied this idea.
The so-called domain masters and the latter ranks have all reached their peaks, although there will definitely be a gap in strength.
But it is absolutely impossible to delineate the strength level.
At this level, the emphasis is on the ability to control each other, whether you have combat experience, and although there are differences in strength, it is no longer an exaggerated difference between absolute ranks.
And the so-called 'path opener' of the other party is definitely not an obvious hierarchical division method.
"The way of heaven is to wait for me to 'enlighten' the path that may hit a higher level."
As Jia Yan stepped back, all kinds of thoughts flashed in his mind.
"And stepping on it, I am a person who has just entered. Although it seems that I have walked a long way, I have no unforgettable understanding of the way of heaven itself."
"Other powerhouses, such as me, domain masters and post-rankers, must have set foot on the road of heaven earlier than me, and their understanding of the road of heaven, at least at the basic level, is much more than me."
"And the basic level they have divided is by no means a gap in strength, but a gap in understanding of the way of heaven..."
Jia Yan's eyes flickered.
Although the understanding of perception may not necessarily be turned into strength, when it comes to the matter of heaven, it is definitely the most bizarre thing Jia Yan has felt in the entire galaxy so far.
In his life, apart from the original 'world of giants', there is nothing comparable to the experience on the road to heaven.
Of course, in terms of magic, superstars, etc., can definitely rank among them, but Jia Yan is talking about cultivation perception.
Jia Yan collided with the power of the ice sculpture.
The situation on the scene between the two sides seems to be evenly divided.
But the other party's expression was calm.
Jia Yan was a little bewildered.
In the battle of the strong, a similar feeling will create a gap little by little, and eventually there will be a difference in strength, which will determine life and death.
Jia Yan understood something.
"The various grade differences on the road to the sky are probably not based on strength, but on the perception of the 'path'. He has walked steadily on his own path, that is, the opener, I am new here, at most count. Beginners."
"Having more insight into the 'Original Path', this kind of character can see a lot of things about 'Original' when doing anything, although it may have little impact on strength, but it will react for a long time. Combat, perception, crisis premonition, etc., will be an excellent weapon."
"Speaking of which, in fact, the strength has been greatly improved. No wonder he dislikes me so much!"
After Jia Yanming realized it, there was a bright light in his eyes.
You are on the road of heaven, the more you understand, the more powerful you are?
Or is it that you look down on the powerhouses of the same rank just because you have a lot of insights?
There are a lot of insights, but it doesn't prove that you can get close to the real late stage of the galaxy right away!
Jia Yan can be sure that he is on the road of heaven, and the distance ahead is not short, and he has this confidence.
So even if the things that you have learned have not accumulated, you can think about your strength, and it will definitely not be any worse.
Since the other party is full of confidence, Jia Yan will not hide it.
Breaking through the secondary space, he suddenly slammed into the opponent's arms.
"Huh? Sub-space talent!"
The ice sculpture creature suddenly changed its expression.
He never thought that he would encounter someone of the same rank who mastered the sub-space talent.
You must know that sub-space talent exists, and in the entire galaxy, it represents synonyms such as 'difficult', 'undead' and 'ferocious'.
Even before this, the ice sculpture creature had never heard of it, and there was a sub-space talent of the same level.
The circle of the domain owner and the latter order is not too small, not too big, not too big.
Even if it were thrown on top of the entire Southern Giant Star, the circle might not be that big, with hundreds or thousands of people reaching the top.
You know, this is a South Star, and one star is said to be worth the place of other three stars.
In the Milky Way outside, it is said that if all the top powerhouses are assembled, they can be compared with the giant stars like the North Giant Star. The masters who are difficult to come out of the domain master and the latter rank may not necessarily be as many as those on the North Giant Star.
In other words, in a circle as large as Nanjuxing, he has never heard of a domain master or a late-level master who has mastered the talent of the subspace.
Unexpectedly, an unfamiliar person appeared in front of him.
"No matter how much innate talent there is, it's just a 'beginner'!"
After being shocked for a moment, the ice sculpture powerhouse ignored Jia Yan's sudden figure, and the ice sculpture long sword in his hand hit Jia Yan's forefoot with great precision.
Jia Yan's heart skipped a beat, and the expression on his face became a little ugly.
For a long time, he has relied on the sub-space talent to elude ghosts, assassinations, etc. When he first used it, he did not say that he would succeed.
But the other party seemed to be calm.
It's not that he has known that he has a talent for space.
but at a deeper level.
He has understood more of the 'Origin of Heaven's Path', and he knows all the changes in his chest. You don't understand as much as he does. Even if the assassination is sudden, in the eyes of the other party, it is just an ordinary move.
"Heavenly Road is so magical, I knew I would have served dim sum even earlier!"
Jia Yan sighed long, restrained his anger, and retreated before the opponent attacked again to greet him.
The current situation is that no matter what move you use, the other party will not move.
It seems that he is also undefeated himself, but in the clear situation of the two sides, it is obvious that Jia Yan is at a disadvantage.
This is the gap between the 'Pathfinder' and the 'Beginner'.
Not absolute superiority.
It is the difference in perception and understanding between the two sides.
It is possible that Jia Yan can still defeat or even kill the opponent, but this will be quite difficult, and there is still an element of luck, plus the crushing of strength can be done.
At least for now.
Jia Yan felt extremely uncomfortable, thinking that he might not be the opponent's opponent.
There is no need to fight, because the opponent is not a strong talent in the subspace, and if he wants to escape, it is impossible to chase and kill.
rumbling —
The two are instantly separated.
This fight made Jia Yan very painful.
Unlike previous battles.
It is a feeling of being suppressed by the opponent in every aspect, like falling into a spider web, everything is under the control of the enemy, every time you make a move, you have to work hard, cheat and fake, and make hundreds of thousands in an instant. One, otherwise it will definitely be seen through.
However, even if hundreds or thousands of them are made, it is difficult to get a harvest.
The other party saw through him, and the resistance was light and clear.
In the past, Jia Yan's battle, even if he couldn't beat it, he could fight well, just doomed and madly attacked.
But in front of this...
That's not to say it's impossible to beat.
It's just too exhausting and tiring.
"It's over there..."
"Confrontation between powerful powerhouses?!"
"Hey, the one who took the shot seems a little familiar..."
"Jia Yan? Impossible, how could it be him!"
"He... Jia Yan is actually a powerhouse?!"
Below, although the battle site is already some distance away from the battlefield, this distance cannot hinder the gaze of the domain masters.
They looked far into the distance, and immediately discovered the characters of the two sides in the confrontation here.
The most astonishing existence.
It was Jia Yan.
Jia Yan is already famous on the battlefield, especially the one defeat and one victory, and the final reversal, which made him famous.
But the current situation...
For a time, everything that happened after Jia Yan came to this place echoed in everyone's mind.
Many people reacted with tears and laughter.
Dare to love, is this a 'power' in the game world?
Damn, everyone got screwed. can you be disrespectful to the Mighty One.
It should be said that this almighty person is simply approachable, even willing to play games that were defeated by the domain master on the battlefield, without caring about his face at all.
"So strong..."
"This is the ability of the Almighty..."
On the other side of the battlefield, the hostile domain masters and other powerhouses also looked at them one after another.
After recognizing Jia Yan, many enemies looked at each other and their expressions suddenly changed.
"No, the other one, how come he looks like the master of our power?"
"Ah, so it's true, Lord Lord is the most powerful existence we know. It is said that in the process of competing for the Wuhe area, Lord Lord once killed more than one powerful and powerful person. What is this? Yan, it shouldn't have escaped the sniper attack of the Lord!"
"Yes, if you see it, then Jia Yan has been suppressed!"
Battle scene above the sky.
Jia Yan was really suppressed by the opponent everywhere.
No matter where the mad attack came from, Jia Yan was stunned.
"Beginner, you don't have to struggle, just go by yourself, or you might get hurt and the shame will be even worse."
The ice sculpture-like creature looked at Jia Yan with a sneer.
He is very satisfied with his fighting ability.
And he is more satisfied that the other party is of the same rank, and that he can drive him away.
After all, even if he was a 'Pathbreaker', he would never think that with his current strength alone, he would be able to injure or injure a space talent of the same rank.
So his purpose is very clear, that is, to defeat Jia Yan and drive him away in full view.
In this way, if Jia Yan still has some face, he should not appear in this area again.
Otherwise, it is really trying to compete with him for the initiative of this site, and the two sides will reach an endless situation.
"Hmph, what about the so-called trailblazers?"
Jia Yan held his breath.
Under the connection of his brainwave power, some objects in the subspace quickly interspersed, and the lightning flint shot to the battlefield where the two were fighting.
"What's in the subspace?!"
The other party obviously felt it.
However, before he could do anything, Jia Yan made a comeback, so he had to bite the bullet and resist.
Subspace shoots out a pebble-like thing.
The ice sculpture powerhouse's eyes were suddenly solemn, and Shi Potianjing slashed out a knife, which happened to slash on Jia Yan's foot, and he himself quickly retreated by the reaction force of this force.
There was an earth-shattering explosion in the air.
The other party's eyes revealed a little coldness.
There is also a hint of fear.
The power of the self-destruction of the stone does not seem to be too great, but it is a technique to limit the spread to a small area as much as possible. If it is covered by a hood, even he will suffer a little trauma.
In a battle of the same rank, don't underestimate a small degree of trauma, it is likely to be a huge variable that changes your fighting tendency.
"Your subspace abilities are surprising."
"Is it just an accident?"
Jia Yan smiled, and in the ferocious voice, there was a lot of movement in the secondary space.
He also entered the subspace as a whole.
That's right, Jia Yan's combat power is never just a normal fight in the outside world.
Although he can play beautifully outside, from the beginning to the end, he started his career by relying on the sub-space, and killed the enemy by leaps and bounds.
Now the use of sub-space explosives is Jia Yan's true fighting ability.
Just consuming secondary space explosives is a bit reluctant to Jia Yan.
The battle for the face of the strong is sometimes unavoidable.
It seems that there is no loss in defeat, and he can escape no matter what, but it will be his determination to keep moving forward. Such a defeat, and defeat at the same level, is not just a bolt from the blue for him, who is just over a hundred years old. , it is very likely that his will to advance will be temporarily blocked, and it will be difficult for him to make any progress in the following dozens or even a hundred years.
For ordinary domain masters, such failures are probably nothing.
But for Jia Yan at this age, it has a huge impact, so he is willing to use his trump card.
This guy is in a hurry?
The other's expression changed.
Obviously, Jia Yan's sub-space explosives made him a little surprised.
But what is even more unexpected is that Jia Yan is willing to start a near-kill battle with himself without the huge conflict of interests.
As a result, his momentum was also somewhat hindered.
He wants to quit.
It's not worth fighting with such a presence.
"It turns out that the vitality in his body is so strong, it's good to be young."
Suddenly, the ice sculptor felt Jia Yan's vitality, and even vaguely read out that Jia Yan was not even three hundred years old.
A truly peerless genius.
Such a genius, going forward bravely, is unwilling to lose even one game.
Moreover, he has reached the second stage of the domain master, and he is still a sub-space talent. It is difficult for him to lose.
Unless he encounters the same sub-space talent and can hunt him down in the sub-space talent, he is unlikely to be defeated by the same level.
Obviously, the ice sculpture powerhouse is not within the scope of Jia Yan's admission of defeat.
So he simply used his trump card neatly.
"Then let's try it."
The ice sculpture powerhouse understood why Jia Yan opened up, but he didn't give up his plan to fight directly.
puff puff.
The explosives that lingered in the subspace shot out two of them.
The ice sword in the hand of the ice sculpture powerhouse shoots a slender ice-shaped light.
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