Chapter 3005: Half a load [come to the starting point to subscribe]

Half year view.
The power of the first star is no longer what it used to be.
A reliable source said that there was an existence in the Chuxing faction that was enough to rival Chuxing adults. During the discussion between the strong and Chuxing, they destroyed the central cluster of Chuxing forces. outside world.
This battle domain master and the latter-level powerful 'first star', suffered a big defeat and lost, and after a full month of confrontation, he started a journey of escape.
After the incident, the entire Chuxing force did everything, and with a shameless attitude, the strong came together, and the technological weapons were superimposed with various defense technologies, to expel that strong person from within the force, but let the Chuxing force in. What makes people even more headache is that the other party is not an ordinary powerhouse, but a serious space talent creature.
In the exclamations of countless people, this single-handed super master overturned a series of internal arrangements of the Chuxing forces, shaking the sky and earth, as if thousands of troops were marching under the city, fighting the nearby overlord Chuxing forces for more than a thousand light years. , crumbling, almost falling apart.
In the end, after fighting fiercely for half a year, Chu Xing personally showed up with the remnant who had lost three heads, and humbly pleaded with the mysterious master to stop the fight.
I don't know what benefits Chuxing promised, in short, the attitude of the other party gradually softened, and they no longer attack the masters of Chuxing from all aspects of the sub-space.
For these rumors, the vast majority of the people of the Chuxing faction think that they are sneering, and someone is leading the rhythm.
However, some people became nervous, and based on the internal changes they saw, they came to a conclusion that was different from that of most people.
Fortunately, half a year has passed, and the Chuxing forces have vaguely returned to their former glory, which relieved those who paid attention to this matter.
Not all creatures in the universe seek chaos and strength.
In fact, more, the pursuit is stability and harmony.
The variables of the whole general situation, for local areas, the change is actually not that big.
For example, regardless of the zone, the impact was far less than imagined.
"I heard that the outside world is making trouble, and some big people are going to come. They want to manage the area that we don't care about. Miss Edissa, are we going to clean them up together?"
"You iron-headed baby, don't take our young lady with you if you want to die. The people sent by the Chuxing faction may be of the Xinghe class. What do we compare with each other?"
"Hey, what you said is wrong. Why do you think Miss Edisa can't deal with Xinghe-level ones? Do you look down on Miss?"
"Don't make a fuss, Miss can decide these matters!"
In the Three No Matter Zones, a group of stellar fans are holding a small Wang Jia, and there is a little girl playing games on the Wang Jia.
She calmly looked at the noisy subordinates, thought for a moment, and blinked with a pair of beautiful eyes.
Then he nodded unexpectedly and said, "Edissa doesn't want to deal with people from the Chuxing faction..."
The Lord and Pai immediately echoed: "Yes, Miss Edisa, our faction has just been established, I think, it is better to have a good relationship with the people of the Chuxing faction, if you don't want to deal with them, you can send One of us is going to be in charge, miss, you see, I can speak well on weekdays, why don't you just let me..."
Before the star-level voice could finish, another strong man's joking laughter came next to him, interrupting his words: "Let you? Hey, you are a newcomer to the gang. What are the possible benefits of dealing with people from the Chuxing forces? Miss, this person is not credible, I suggest that I wait for the old subordinate to carry out this matter."
"You execute it? Your last corruption case has not been settled yet, and you want more rights, it's just a hidden evil!"
"Miss, you know, I just didn't report it last time. All those belongings have bought your favorite toys for Miss!"
For a time, there was a lot of discussion below, the crowd was angry, and spittle was flying.
And Edissa is sitting on the head of the star peak powerhouse, which is more than ten kilometers away. Wang Jia swayed and watched the group of powerhouses swear and write with a blank expression.
The attack was almost over, and a smile suddenly appeared on Edissa's vibrant face.
"You don't understand what Edissa means."
This sentence brought all the subordinates back to reality, no longer sparring, but looking at the little brat who seemed to be a high-level sage, but whose actual combat power was unfathomable.
"Adisha has decided not to deal with those people from the first star power, so Edisa is leaving, everyone!"
This time, it was really unexpected, even a little unexpected.
Who would have thought that this little girl who just spent half a year, fought several times, and conquered the current power, would give up if she gave up.
You little brat, how about playing the house as a child?
However, at her age, she might really take these processes as a family.
But it's cool for her to play at home. What about so many strong people who follow her? Didn't the tree fall and the hozen scattered?
"Miss... don't, you... eh?!"
The next star peak powerhouse couldn't help but speak, but before he finished speaking, he felt that Wang Jia was light on his head.
The little girl tore apart the secondary space, shook her head with a smile, burrowed into the secondary space, and disappeared.
What the hell!
Is this gone?
Do you want to be so simple!
A group of subordinates looked at each other directly.
"Lord Edissa, do you have a space talent?"
"Never heard of it, nor did she cast it!"
"Miss is really a goddess. Even with such strength, she also has sub-space talent. This... This at least doubles her combat power out of thin air. Being able to serve Miss is really a fortune in three lifetimes... "
"You're still flattering, the lady has left, this is really gone, my spiritual talent feels that she has left tens of thousands of kilometers..."
For a time, all the subordinates were in sorrow and could not find the backbone.
And Edissa, who left such a temporary force, still smiled so cutely, sitting on the king's car, full of doubts on the baby's fat little face.
"There's still half a year left, and Edissa has been promoted to the high rank of the venerable. In the second half of the year, Edissa will be promoted to the peak of the venerable, and the master brother must be happy!"
Edissa made a decision, raised her hands carefree, and flew in the other direction.
There are so many subordinates, she said that if they abandoned them, they would abandon them, no matter what happened to them in the future.
"Previously, in these three no-care zones, there were rumors of a young life using a strange ring... I don't know if it is related to that..."
At the periphery of the Three-No-No Zone, a sympathetic powerhouse entered the Three-No-No Zone under the guidance of another No-No Zone powerhouse.
It is said that it is not a matter of three things, but it is actually a place that the Chuxing forces deliberately created internally to facilitate the reconciliation of contradictions and the sale of things that cannot be easily sold in the entire force. To put it bluntly, it is equivalent to half of the official family in management.
The incoming creature, whose strength is the first-level Galaxy, is greeted by the Galaxy-level that manages this three-needle zone for the Chuxing forces. Both of them are the best choice to manage such a chaotic area without any pressure.
The newly arrived strong man explained another mission of his trip, and the first-level Galaxy in charge of this three-needle zone flickered slightly.
He hesitated for a long time and said, "Shangfeng, don't worry too much, the young strong man who used this technique first arrived half a year ago. I have secretly observed this young body. She is not at the venerable level. The big man used a similar one, but I'm sure that the little girl should have nothing to do with the other party."
"Is your judgment accurate? It is said that the girl contributed more than half of the income to you."
"Uh... this matter... I'm not sure about this matter, but since you have doubts about his identity, Shangfeng, why don't we call him to see him and ask him face to face."
It is extremely embarrassing to manage the first-level Galaxy of the Galaxy here.
He did receive money from that power.
It's strange to say that when he first saw the little girl's origin and identity, he also thought about whether the other party had ulterior motives, but when he first saw the little girl, she was such a lively and lovely personality that he couldn't hide anything, and even he was quite infected. In particular, the little girl said that her experience was just a matter of experience, and the resource requirements were not high. Half of the resources of the entire force could be donated to this Galaxy-level, so he agreed to accept that as long as the other party did not do too much, he could tolerate everything the other party did.
Now that the same rank as the imperial envoy of the Chuxing forces is coming, he helped and said, but the imperial envoy did not want to listen, and he had nothing to do. You can't lose your future because of that little girl.
At this moment, during the time of speaking, there are three subordinates who don't care about the area hurriedly flew in front of the two Galaxy beginners, Bing reported...
"Report, then... that Edissa has already left the Three No Matter Zone in a hurry, and she used the way of leaving... yes... yes..."
The faces of the two Galaxy-levels sank, especially the new imperial envoy, whose expression became solemn.
Hearing the news of his coming, he ran away in a hurry. Isn't this absconding in fear of crime?
Even if the other party is not related to the incoming criminal, he has definitely committed a case.
The other person was horrified and shuddered.
This time, I am afraid that I have really shielded a person who cannot be shielded.
He hurriedly asked: "What is the way for Edissa to leave? Say it!"
The star-level subordinate looked up at the two adults, and said in a tone that was almost mourning; "She...the way she left to use...secondary space..."
With a buzzing sound, the two Xinghe-levels present only felt their minds go blank.
If it is said that the circle-shaped ability used by the other party before may be used by other forces in the universe, or under the falsehood, it has been publicized by a conscientious person to be similar to the big man who invaded, and there are other variables.
Then, at this time, the suspect actually used the sub-space talent that the big man would also have, and the relationship between the two was already obvious.
"This this……"
The Xinghe-level stationed in the three-in-one zone felt trembling all over. He looked at his subordinates, and then at the Xinghe-level master next to him, his expression was as pale as paper, and under the trembling, he could not say anything.
Having an affair with the mysterious master who came to commit their first star power is a big thing.
He wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in.
If Lord Chuxing pursues his responsibility, it would not be too much to execute him, because this is collaborating with the enemy.
"Quickly investigate, what is the purpose of the young body, and also investigate her whereabouts!"
The star-level powerhouse quickly retreated, for fear that Shangfeng would put the responsibility on himself, although he did receive a lot of benefits from Edissa's power.
"As for you... do you want me to go to jail myself, or are you bound by yourself?"
"I...I...I..." The Xinghe-level who accepted Edissa's bribe, with a sad face, finally sighed in grief: "I'll do it myself..."
Fighting wild geese all day long, one day you will be blinded by wild geese.
He has been entrenched in this place for hundreds of years, and he was soft on accepting bribes from the leaders of the Three Regardless of the Zone, and in the end, he fell on this matter.
It's just that, if you do a lot of injustice, you will kill yourself.
And the little girl who caused the end of this first-level powerhouse in the Galaxy, didn't care so much at this time.
"Edissa, there's still half a year left, I miss the little fish!"
Edissa is rarely alone, and she always has a playmate by her side, whether in the creation of the world or in the galaxy.
It's been more than half a year now, and no children of the same age have played. Although she has lived a fulfilling life, she is still lonely.
Zhinao life experienced the feeling of loneliness for the first time.
In the depths of the subspace, the king car the little guy sat on, although the material was ordinary, could be transformed into a subspace aircraft under the protection of the formation ring.
And this time, the depths of the space are far from being as simple as the first layer of the sub-space.
Instead, it reached the fourth floor.
This is the sub-space ability that Edissa has simulated after converting her formation talent.
For the sub-space, she was so familiar that she couldn't be more familiar.
As an age of intellectual brain, he leads Jia Yan all the time, operating flying equipment to navigate in the depths of sub-space.
It can be said that she knows more about all kinds of data in the subspace than Jia Yan.
Therefore, after possessing a good array of talents, Edissa also automatically has the ability to navigate at least four levels of space.
In fact, there are more than four floors, maybe it will be like a duck in the water on the fifth floor, but Edissa will not do things that are uncertain.
The nature of the brain makes it difficult for her to do uncertain things.
To put it harshly, there is no adventurous spirit.
"I don't know what happened to the master's brother. It seems that he had a fight with Chuxing, and he fought even harder than Edissa."
Edissa took out the intellectual brain she was wearing, and saw that the data on it quickly flowed by, and a large piece of knowledge was reflected in the depths of her mind and recorded one by one.
After reading this, Edissa nodded her head contentedly, identified the lower position, and flew towards the place she had previously decided.
With half a year left, Edissa is going to give her master brother a little surprise.
It's not about cultivation.
"I don't know if the master brother will be happy when he sees it!"
Jia Yangao is not happy, Edisa doesn't know, Edissa must be very happy. Children who are immersed in their own world are often happy, no matter if she is doing business or a destructive incident done by a bear child.
"Hmm... someone is thinking about this seat?"
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