Chapter 370: Fight against the wolf life!

(The two chapters are combined into one chapter, 5000+ words, and the number of words is not less.)
Jia Yan heard the referee's voice over there, and was anxious to leave Gutan, who had broken his mind.
At this time, he really hoped that he hadn't learned the language of the Otto, but at this time, his language skills were still in this ancient and broken thoughts, and he continued to improve. As a result, Jia Yan understood more and more. The more, the more bored.
"Your opponent is a monster that has won two games in a row. Don't underestimate the enemy. You must win ... don't go, listen to me ..."
The signal of the start of the game seemed to be Jia Yan's help signal. Jia Yan quickly set aside Gutan and walked towards the center of the battle circle.
That Gutan did not expect that the big mosquito seemed to be anxious to fight. At this time, when he saw the big mosquito so aggressive, even if he was dissatisfied with the other side and ignored his attitude, it was a relief.
The flying monster he has never seen before, he absolutely believes in combat effectiveness, but he is afraid that he underestimated his enemy. Now he can only count on this big mosquito!
How could he know that Jia Yan caught up with the stage so quickly that she was just annoyed by his uncle!
The wolverine monster over there also came out from the player's stop over there.
It walked around, stared at Jia Yan's figure, and kept roaring whispered, making both sides seem like a level opponent.
Maybe this monster got something wrong, that is, he thought that Jia Yan's strength was not much different from his, so at this time it was directly with Jia Yan, which had a strong meaning!
But in fact, the gap between the two is simply huge. And this is the state where Jia Yan's energy has not recovered. If his energy returns to the previous level, Jia Yan feels that relying on his powerful momentum alone can make this giant wolf. With panic and fear!
In fact, the words such as momentum are not so mysterious. It's like an antelope on the earth who sees a lion. Sometimes when this kind of creature sees a lion, it will be directly scared and unable to move. This is a kind of natural fear that is rooted in their bodies.
However, the situation of this giant wolf at this time is still a little different. That is, he has a little fear of Jia Yan, a monster that is similar in size to his monster!
"Roaring !!!" When the giant wolf slowly walked towards the center of the battle circle, he just shouted his own roar!
After that, the entire set of erect bristles was upright, and it seemed to know that it was now encountering a powerful enemy, so it behaved extremely fearful!
But his opponent, the big mosquito on the stage, was not dignified at this moment, but was very calm in the battle circle!
These pets have some wisdom, just like the giant wolf in front of them. In these days, Jia Yan has not heard that Gu Tan talked about the strength and origin of the giant wolf, so for the identity of this opponent, Still have some understanding.
The other party is a test subject from a life research organization. This is not a strange thing, just like other war pets, many of them also come from these places. Some of the life research organizations are for medicine, some are for the research of powerful fighting beasts, and some are simply satisfying some unique Interests and hobbies.
In aliens, it is not illegal to study such a living body, because all advanced alien civilizations have actually benefited from such research. For example, the Ostos, the former Ostos, were just My own home star is full of such a primitive society that is old, sick, and dead, but after a certain so-called scientific research, the entire civilized people were affected by that kind of research. As a result, not only did the Ostos get their life span Ascension, the wisdom of the head has also been greatly strengthened. It is just that today, can they say that they are still the original Ostos, they are no longer sure.
When the giant wolf saw Jia Yan's inquiring look, he came to the other side casually, and there was a slight anger in his expression!
It has been transformed with a certain amount of wisdom, and knows that the living body in front of it seems to look down on it a little, so at this time in the roar, there is a kind of aggressive action display!
"Look at the two monsters fighting below. One is a failed product from a life research institute, and the other is a mysterious substitute. No one knows the strength of this substitute, just watching the performance of that war wolf. You know that your opponent is not a simple product. This must be a fierce battle. Everyone can guess their victory or defeat before they start the war. Come on, throw your bet! Let the victory and defeat of both sides become your capital. Believe me, you have the right vision! You will surely win the funds for this battle, and accumulate costs for the next battle. "
In the broadcast on the loudspeaker, there was a commentary from the side of the narrator who continued to persuade people to bet on gambling. This narrator was drooling, and their salary was linked to the wager. At this time, it is natural to seduce how many audience Note how much temptation!
"I have more and more of these Ostor languages. I can already understand half of what the host says!" Jia Yan listened to the host's words, his eyes flashed.
In his view, some of the culture and traditions of this Osto are very similar to those of the Earth, but only
The giant wolf over there, at this time, no longer has any idea of ​​stopping because of Jia Yan's strength. As a monster with a certain battle pet battle experience, at this time, he suddenly entered the battle. status!
But what he didn't know was that although his opponent did not have the experience of fighting pets, the big mosquitoes had more actual combat experience. The experience of fighting in life and death was more than the so-called fighting pets. I do n’t know how powerful it is!
Moreover, Jia Yan's strength is much stronger than this giant wolf.
"Well, Budo officially started!"
Before the match began, there was a fence-like thing between the two sides, but when the host said the words to start the game, the fence was put down!
Roar! !! !!
For the first time, the giant wolf there roared, and then attacked Jia Yan and attacked at once!
Its fangs are extremely scary, and even have a trace of blood, this is a living body used to eating meat!
What Jia Yan knows is that although there are many kinds of life in aliens, a simple truth is the same as that of the earth! That is the development of a life race, which is basically based on plunder and plunder
And eating the flesh of other living things is an extremely simple way of energy source!
So this wolf must be the kind of life that eats meat every day and cultivates a fierce character!
It screamed towards Jia Yan, with a huge body of ten meters, with a terrible momentum!
As a monster that has won two games, this monster naturally has its own momentum and has its own creed!
Even if the opponent's strength exceeds him, he cannot give up!
The giant wolf launched an attack, and the large mosquito and the huge body opposite him seemed to be scared by the attack of the other party and did not move at all.
On the coke-like complexion of Gutan below, there is a darker anxious complexion. He doesn't know why the big mosquito refused to move. Is he worried about the situation most?
This monster actually looks powerful, but he doesn't have any combat experience? Otherwise, how could you get into battle, you just can't move!
As everyone knows, Jia Yan over there just looked at the giant wolf rushing towards himself. There is helplessness in the bottom of his heart. He didn't even care about a monster of this level before, even if he had a dozen meters and was about the same size as his own body, but the appearance of the opponent's shock and the opponents he had encountered before were simply not a level. of!
He didn't care about watching the impact of the other party. The speed of the attack might be two or three hundred kilometers per hour, right? It is very powerful, but compared with myself using the speed of sound as a speed measurement, it is not at all a grade.
"Boring!" Jia Yan shook his head helplessly, and then moved at will before the other party arrived!
The attack of the giant wolf is like that ten thousand horses galloping, the momentum and power are extremely terrifying.
It bounced, followed a speeding truck, moved extremely fast, and had an extreme beauty!
The entanglement of each muscle and the steps taken by each foot are a kind of dynamic accomplishment. This beautiful and powerful animal is the most beloved animal in the battlefield. Those audiences are cheering for this monster!
The giant wolf's eyes were about to approach the big mosquito's eyes. It felt its claws were extremely itchy and wanted to grab the seemingly solid exoskeleton of the other person! His fangs were blood red, and it seemed he could not wait to bite the enemy directly into pieces!
As a life abandoned by the Life Institute, he
But at this moment, he found that the huge creature in front of him disappeared directly in his eyes!
How is this going!
That giant wolf is just a stun!
At this time, many of the audiences also shouted. As individual lovers of war pets, in fact, most of their own combat power is also very high. The combat power of some life forms is even higher than all the combat pets present. Those life forms, see this time. The movement of the big mosquito was suddenly shocked. With the help of their powerful strength, they could barely see the movement of the big mosquito!
That's Jia Yan at this time, actually using a running speed close to the speed of sound!
A twist is to avoid the blow that the wolf is bound to get!
But at this time, those characters are all extremely surprised, without much fear. After all, there is also a part in the pet, and the strength is extremely powerful, especially if the special feature of a pet is speed. Then Jia Yan's performance now is nothing!
But they were also a little puzzled. They only had monsters they hadn't seen before. They obviously had a pair of wings. But his ground speed was so fast. Maybe this monster is not a flying life, but a A monster running on the ground?
Such a thing is a bit abnormal for the law of life. They all guess that this strangely shaped life body should be a monster running on the ground. Otherwise, how could he run so fast!
But these people do not know one by one. Jia Yan is a typical flying life, and the speed of flying will definitely make them lose their eyes! But in today's battles, he just uses his six long running speeds, which is enough, so he has no idea of ​​flying!
Bang Bang Bang Bang! !! !!
When the giant mosquito ran, it felt the air in front of it became a huge resistance. It is necessary to intercept him, but it is often a large mosquito that flies at several times the speed of sound. It cannot be blocked by this resistance of the air!
His speed became extremely fast in an instant. After turning around and avoiding the attack of the giant wolf, he had thought of a forefoot knife-shaped attack, but after thinking about it, Jia Yan gave up the direct attack!
As a newcomer to this city, he needs to retain a certain amount of strength, and victory is too fast, which is definitely not a good thing!
Dai Fu Ni over there, seeing the obvious water-releasing action of the big mosquito, couldn't help it.
She knew that Jia Yan's attack could definitely make the wolf lose his combat power directly, but now he didn't do that, but after he avoided the attack, he went straight to the side.
"That's it. Your wisdom is really stronger than I thought ..." As a character who has been in contact with Jia Yan for so long, she suddenly understood Jia Yan's idea. At this time, she had a little Inexplicable complexion, no one knows what this woman is thinking about.
"Hello! Don't run ... fight! Roar!"
While the wolf was running, he actually issued the language of the Ostto. Although not familiar, Jia Yan came out, and he was able to speak!
"It seems that these so-called war pets are not impossible to have some very intelligent existence, so if I show my own wisdom in the future, it should not be so compelling!"
When Jia Yan heard the sound of the giant wolf, he ignored the other party's invitation to speak, but had a different look, and had other ideas.
The wolf caught it again!
Jia Yanfu's eyes had strange weirdness, but he still didn't do it directly, but at this time, he seemed to be a little bit evasive, and the survey was caught by the giant wolf, under the sharp claws, and in between. . Dodge the attack of the opponent!
Some of the spectators on the stand recovered their expressions. They saw that the big mosquitoes could reach such a horrible speed all at once, and thought that the other party was so powerful, but now he saw him suddenly avoiding the wolf. Suddenly thought that this big mosquito just broke out for a moment before the strength, but now the strength has not recovered, and the opponent was almost attacked!
"This monster doesn't have any great things. I want to know where he is the failed life body of the local research institute. Otherwise, he has a pair of wings, but there is no way to fly. This is not failure. What else is failure?"
The big mosquitoes on the field seem to be really in danger. Except for the first hit to avoid being more beautiful, the wolves' attacks in the back are not so simple to avoid. This kind of performance appears to others as a dragon and a snake. Performance!
"Miss Daifuni! You won't lose this pet, right? You know, I invested 50,000 Osto dollars in this battle!" Gutan stood with ugly face at this time Nei asked bitterly.
The darkness of his body is definitely two contrasting contrasts compared to the glorious De Fu Ni around him.
"Rest assured, he is just playing with his opponent now." Da Fu Ni glanced at the battlefield, the scene of this battle, Da Fu Ni is a bit down, she is even more unlikely to think that the one she can solve Giant wolf, big mosquito will not solve it.
This big mosquito wants to be a pig and eat a tiger, so just satisfy him. Gutan is so thrilling that it's hard for him!
Of course, Daphne would not explain anything, but looked indifferently at the situation on the battlefield.
Next, the attacks on both sides became yours. In general, the speed shown by Jia Yan still suppressed the giant wolf. Although not as amazing as the first moment, it was not slow at all. !!
Bang Bang Bang Bang! !! !!
Two huge bodies are constantly running in the battlefield, and then the big mosquito suddenly comes to the side of the giant wolf!
A light stab on the forefoot pierces the wolf's belly with a blood hole!
"Oh !!!! " The wolf monster screamed in pain, and then a tinge of blood appeared in his cold pupils!
As a fighting life body, this monster naturally has its own nature. The big mosquito is attacking him, so that its inherent nature emerges!
At this point, the monster, regardless of his abdominal injury, directly twisted his head in a near-impossible twisting manner!
The blood basin opened wide, biting at the big mosquito!
"Huh! I didn't expect you to be stiff!" Jia Yan saw the ruthless color of this monster, and it was obviously too different from his own strength, but at this time, he felt that this giant wolf monster was a bit like himself!
Isn't Jia Yan just like him, in countless dangers and despairs, he used such a fierce color over and over and survived one crisis after another? !!
"Forget it, just let him lose a bit."
Thinking of this, Jia Yan's body moved suddenly!
Seems to explode again!
It became extremely fast.
"Here again! This living body with double wings must have a potential burst mode, which broke out once before, and now again!"
The commentator over there quickly carried out his own analysis, but found an excellent excuse for Jia Yan.
And just as he was talking, Jia Yan was already avoiding the fierce bite of the giant wolf in his extremely fast speed!
Dodging this fierce counterattack, Jia Yan had no intention to play with him at all!
He quickly came to the head of this giant wolf's head!
The giant wolf's eyes were blood red, but after the bite was unsuccessful, the harsh colors in his eyes were weakened a lot.
Now when I see the big mosquito come to his face quickly, the color fades very quickly, and the kind of terror emerges!
If you like the rebirth of the giant mosquito, please collect it: ( The literature of the rebirth of the giant mosquito is the fastest.
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