Chapter 379: He is an illegal living being! [For subscription]

Jia Yan knew his situation.
He just had a superficial grasp of this method of using brain waves to cover people's ears. If you want to really master it, you still have to learn the formal method, but this simple simulation is enough for him to face those looks, and the power of brain waves will be known. It is impossible to have a powerful life!
"Hurry up! Informers come to report. It is said that government forces will carry out a large-scale raid on our side recently. Be sure to harvest all the mature Tonigans before they come over! Hurry up!"
In the squad of twelve living beings, the leader was an Otto male. His thin cheeks had a gloomy face, and he directed the living creatures in the back to run fast!
Jia Yan looked at the people there. Behind them, he saw a creature ten meters in size similar to himself. He wanted to be a pet of war.
These people ran to the side of the jungle, Jia Yan looked, there was a continuous and weird vegetation. At first glance, this vegetation seemed to be an unusual gray-yellow vegetation, but these people were so tight, Jia Yan couldn't help it Upon closer inspection, it was surprising to find that they were plants with green in yellow.
This is the first time Jia Yan saw green plants on this planet, which made him feel a little familiar.
But the alien life body over there is not his mentality like this. The yellow and green vegetation may seem to them to be the biggest treasure in the world. Each tree is about one meter high. When several people arrived here, they took out a sickle-like thing around their waist and quickly harvested it.
"What kind of plant is this?" Jia Yan looked at the harvest over there, and naturally knew that this vegetation was definitely not a simple vegetation. So there was a hint of doubt in his complexion.
This feeling did not last long. When another team came over, Jia Yan used his brain wave power to hide his body more, and then he heard the other person's whispering words. He heard these words. Here, I roughly understand what this kind of thing belongs to!
"Unexpectedly, this vegetation is an antidote to extraterrestrial life! And it is an antidote that combines spirit and energy!"
Jia Yan listened to the words over there, his eyes were bright.
He even heard it. This banned medicine belongs to a consistent formula for making nutrient solutions, but when it is planted, it has a greater lethality to those surrounding vegetation. After planting a piece of this vegetation, this area will become grass-free for decades. . So for the official of this planet, it is impossible to sit back and watch such a flood of planting continue.
In addition to this vegetation, it is like the drugs on the earth, which have a kind of spiritual irritation to almost all living beings, so that they are directly restricted to banned drugs. Only certain special agencies and companies authorized by the government In order to cultivate!
"It seems that this is the same existence as the so-called" poison
pin "! It is just amazing that planting the" poison
pin "can be mixed so miserably." Jia Yan looked at the figures moving extremely fast in the distance. Strange eyes flashed.
He deliberately tried to see if this kind of vegetation has powerful energy, but he felt that his body organs did not have much desire to absorb, so at this time, it was better to stop.
After all, it is nothing, and the energy it possesses can be absorbed by large mosquitoes. Since he seems to have no desire to absorb those vegetation nearby, it means that either the energy of this vegetation is not enough for the large mosquitoes to use, This kind of vegetation is not suitable for him!
No matter what, Jia Yan doesn't have any need to expose himself. Of course, if this kind of thing is useful to yourself, then things will be different.
While Jia Yan's thoughts were turning, the harvesting team over there has expanded to the size of 40 or 50 people. Jia Yan saw that the small towns there were still crowded. It is certain that even if the population of this city did not reach ten At a level of several hundred thousand, it must also have a huge scale. At least tens of thousands of life forms should be available!
However, the life forms in this small town are also busy and hot. When Jia Yan is watching, they are constantly doing some things. When Jia Yan is watching the harvest here, he is looking at it, compound eyes. Almost stared!
There are several huge buildings that are dozens of meters high at this time, like a chimney at this time, slowly falling down.
These buildings are certainly not built with ordinary building materials, even ordinary metals are unlikely, at least they are strong metals, and it is possible to fall down so easily.
Jia Yan saw the buildings over there all under his attention, all of them changed shape to look like huge vehicles that can be moved, and then under his attention, the buildings were dozens of meters large. The vehicle started, and the rear was vast and drove forward!
A large group of people harvesting here is also extremely fast. After the hastily harvesting, they will then ride a few cars that use wheels to chase the crowd!
In less than half an hour, the town, which can accommodate tens of thousands of people, turned into a huge convoy under Jia Yan's gaze, and the whole ‘away’ left!
Jia Yan was really stunned.
"It is indeed a high-tech planet, even if it looks like a refugee, but the technology it possesses is not conceivable by earth people!" Jia Yan looked at the smoke and dust far away, his eyes were full of shock.
But after the shock, his body suddenly bounced.
How could Jia Yan easily let go of such a good opportunity to touch a living body!
If he can, he is unwilling to deal with the life forms in those cities. These guys who don't seem to be official forces are a good choice.
As for safety?
Jia Yan doesn't think that those people can threaten themselves by owning several deformable houses.
You should know that Jia Yan had previously opposed cannons of tens of meters in length, and he could directly destroy each other, not to mention these, it seems that there may not be such a deformed house with a high cannon height.
Besides, it may be just some living settings, maybe it is completely out of touch with the battle.
It didn't take long for Jia Yan to get up and he found that there was a huge movement ahead!
A strong sound of gunfire continued to come from the front!
"this is?!"
He was taken aback, and he quickly wrapped his body, using his brainwave power more covertly, and wrapped his body down into the gray-yellow vegetation.
There really was a crossfire over there!
Jia Yan didn't dare to approach. Looking far away, he saw the huge convoy on the other side and was besieged by dozens of aircraft with a length of about 20 meters.
On those aircrafts, there are the coatings of the gray and yellow star police forces. After all, Jia Yan has been here for a short time, so he is still very familiar with the signs of that police force.
As Jia Yan expected, although there are a large number of convoys there, there is no way to defend the police aircraft flying from the sky. There are a few things on the huge variants. It is just a fire with little lethality, fired overhead!
On the side of the police aircraft, the fire was a fiery red color that Jia Yan was very familiar with!
When Jia Yan saw this color, he had a glittering luster in his eyes. After all, for such a thing that has been fighting for a long time, I saw it again and said that there was no response, it was deceiving!
But the red light of the aircraft over there does not seem to be as intense as those encountered in the magnificent buildings of the earth!
Boom boom boom boom boom boom! !! !! !! !!
In the sensation, the vehicles transformed by these buildings were damaged one by one. Even a huge vehicle that was dozens of meters long was cut off at both ends, and the ground was filled with flames!
The counterattacks of those vehicles were not so powerful. Several of them seemed to be the main defense, but the weapons they shot were a dim gray light with a significant weakness, and they looked even better than Jia Yan before The red light emitted by the top of the metal monster's skull experienced a little weaker look!
How could such an attack deal with those powerful opponents of ships that were no less than Da Fu Ni's original? !!
The result is doomed!
Jia Yan didn't have the idea to help directly, but the aircraft on the other side seemed to be chasing a fleeing vehicle and moved towards him!
"No, I'll try to stay away!"
Jia Yan has a huge body, but under the cover of the jungle, he can leave quietly.
After all, the other party is the one that has the detection function. The closer you get to the big mosquito, the more life features on Jia Yan's body become more obvious!
Jia Yan saw the flying vehicle chasing the vehicle over there, and flew towards Jia Yan's position!
Boom boom! !! !! !!
Just as the other party was approaching, Jia Yan flapped his wings decisively!
He knows that he has been found. If he does n’t leave now, all the aircraft will react after a while, then it ’s not a problem of walking or walking, but a problem of walking away!
The giant mosquito suddenly appeared, making the battlefield there a momentary pause!
After all, it seems that such a strange and powerful life body appears, no matter which side of the two sides, there will be a bit of uncertainty!
But this pause is only a moment. On this planet with a lot of pets, I saw a life that may belong to the pet. These intelligent lives, naturally, have no other thoughts besides the initial shock. !!
But the big mosquito over there obviously did not reconcile them without a little surprise.
The speed of Jia Yan's flight speed broke through the speed of sound under an instant of acceleration!
That aircraft, it seemed that the monster in the front room could accelerate to such a degree, and under a momentary stun, the big mosquito flew to a distance of one kilometer!
Jia Yan's speed is still increasing!
But it didn't take long for the subsequent aircraft to speed up as well!
Huh! !! !!
The opponent's speed and ability to accelerate are not under the big mosquito, and there is even a certain amount of power left.
Jia Yan naturally knew that the other party's flying ability was above himself!
However, several times here with these police aircraft, Jia Yan also found the other party's biggest weakness at the same time, or should not be said to be a weakness, but it should be said that the other party has some scruples!
That is, they may suspect that Jia Yan is the kind of powerful fighting life!
After all, such a powerful living body has been reached. From the materials that Jia Yan recently understood, Jia Yan will be directly recruited by the warring parties to become a member of the war.
In fact, the life forms that appear on this planet are even some alien civilizations, unless they have a unique identity. Otherwise, it is necessary to be prepared to be recruited at any time. Just like Jia Yan's existence, he must be prepared to be recruited by the warring parties to become a 'soldier'.
Even in those battle pets, some powerful pets appear on the battlefield. If they are strong to a certain degree, or have relatively unique abilities, they are the targets of the military forces of both sides.
And Jia Yan has such a short flight capability that it can compete with these police aircraft for a short time, which is more likely to be on the military side!
So the aircraft that trailed behind did not dare to attack!
However, as to assist the war parties to manage the existence of this planet ’s law and order, they cannot fail to pursue it. Instead, they have to pursue the attack while publishing a procedure to determine the identity of the two warring parties. People!
"What the is that monster? It's so powerful, didn't it come out of the military!"
It didn't take long for the sheriffs in the aircraft to get the answer. This answer surprised them all. After all, on this planet, a powerful living body flowing out is basically impossible. After all, this planet does not Not a traditional planet of life. If seriously, it is actually a planet of war. Even the vegetation is hundreds of years ago. When the mines on this planet were discovered, the Osto plants and animals continued to grow. A variant life combining plants!
In this way, it is impossible to own an indigenous planet, it is impossible to suddenly emerge a powerful life form, and it is still a life form powerful to this extent, how can they not be surprised!
"Try to fire! But don't use the strongest firepower," naturally there is a commander in the aircraft, and at this time the commander-like life body issued an order!
He was calm-minded and had more thoughts than his colleagues.
If this is a living body that was secretly developed in some way, it would not be good to shoot it down!
As the public security defenders on this planet, these sheriffs are helpless. Their power is actually not great. In this warring planet, most alien life forms are mixed in their own planet and do not exist as intended. Even these sheriffs are like this!
The real native life may be those of the oldest immigrants who have developed generations on this planet, but there are very few of them. Most of the people who live on this planet think of this place to get rich. Other civilized characters.
It ’s just that on this barren planet, there are actually not many opportunities to make a fortune, so most of them are those who have spent all their belongings to this place. As a result, they have become unable to leave, even at any time. Likely to be warned by the army!
But this place is not really unable to make a fortune, just like the previous team, what they do is to buy and sell some of the stars, plant interstellar poisons, and then sell them to other planets through special channels. Such things are here. The planet is everywhere. Some people can get a lot of gold and silver for a while, and then leave the war-filled planet and return to their hometown!
Most of the time, their sheriffs actually deal with these characters, but there are some large-scale poisons. Alas, they still have relationships with the warring parties, and they are constantly in chaos. They are naturally unmanaged. So it just strangled these small beggar-like organizations.
I just didn't expect that in this strangulation, I encountered such a weird flying life!
Huh! !! !!
In the rear aircraft, several red rays burst out suddenly.
This kind of light is not powerful, but the speed is definitely faster than the red light emitted by those earth metal monsters that Jia Yan has seen before!
After all, the metal monsters have used the technology hundreds of years ago. The current technology, even these sheriffs who belong to the marginal forces of the Osts, cannot be worse than the technology hundreds of years ago!
Jia Yan didn't notice for a moment, and those rays of light in the rear were sprayed behind him!
Flutter flutter! !! !!
The continuous beating sounds!
"What ?!" The unbelievable voice of the sheriff was sounded in the aircraft behind.
The red light they emit, even if it is only compressed by power, is at least not an ordinary pet.
But the monster in front of them didn't even react at all. It seems that these red rays of light can't even penetrate the other skin!
Their attack this time is just the level of a general metal monster, and Jia Yan has been immune to the metal monster's attack long ago, but now he still uses this level of attack to hit him?
It's just too underestimated his defense!
"In the database, increase the monster's threat level! Not only is it flying fast, his defense is unexpectedly as powerful!"
"Next, the launch energy will be raised by one level! No! You will be raised by three levels in one go! There is no organization to claim the other party. Obviously this is an illegally researched life body, and we have all our strength to shoot it!"
The sheriff had a strong sense of murder during his speech!
Such a powerful life form has exceeded their bottom line. In addition, there is no organization to publish a contact. He comes to claim the monster's affiliation, and he has the right to determine that the monster belongs to that illegal life form!
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