Chapter 425: The desire of Rulan civilization! [For subscription]

"Post the poll results now!"
"The ones with the most votes are United No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, and No. 6 cities, and they requested Otto Empire air support to launch the city's joint defense force and launch a total attack on Earth City!"
A clerk, published the conclusions of all high-level votes!
At the same time, it also announced the threat to the Earth City from the golden desert, and treated it as the biggest crisis in the fifth city!
The response of the fifth city was extremely fast. In the face of this, it may be the biggest defeat in hundreds of years. This long-sleeping city seems to wake up, and those high-level people who worry about their status are also extremely fast and show terrible Efficient.
Not long after, snowflake-like requests for information and orders for wartime supplies flew in all directions!
This planet finally has a chain reaction because of Earth City!
This place, Earth City, Jin Mo, and the so-called "Assassin Master" have finally been formalized, and have entered the sight of all forces!
In the dark cosmic starry sky, there is a huge battleship quietly standing in a vacuum like a curtain. This warship is extremely horrible. Its head and tail are as long as two kilometers long, and its slender cannons are stretched out in all directions, which can completely eliminate all possible threats in sight!
This is the most terrifying space warship of all starry civilizations-Starry Sky Carrier!
Such a huge warship has no protection and combat power under any ground base, and his most powerful part is not his own combat power, but this is an aircraft carrier similar to the sea in the earth, which can be extremely Unleash the power of close combat units!
In this Star Carrier, the number of short-range small destroyers carried by it reaches a terrible number of 125. At the same time, it has 200 single-armed space armors. Once the battle begins, he can imitate the mother of the following eggs. Chicken, release a large number of combat units.
The combat power of a star carrier can sometimes even defeat a local battle independently!
At this moment, this powerful star carrier has an area for high-level living only.
A man in armor sits calmly on an open platform in a high-rise area.
A large metal spear was placed at his feet. The gun was sharp, with a faint cold light, and seemed to have the power, as if it could pierce the sky into a hole!
Even more frightening is that in the open area at this time, the transparent glass at the top was opened directly. The calm man was exposed to the vacuum of the universe.
As if he didn't realize the vacuum environment, he just picked up the aristocratic drink placed on the table in front of him and tasted it elegantly and shallowly, while browsing the holographic data in his hand.
When looking at a report article, the man's vision changed slightly.
"Well ... this Jinmo force is a little bit interesting." He said softly, and in the vacuum environment at the moment, his voice was speaking to himself.
It turned out to be brainwave power!
The survivability of this man in the cosmic vacuum is not much different from that on the ground.
If you want to mention his name, then the name of this strong man will definitely make many starry civilizations tremble!
One of the five strongest empires of Ostó-Gun God Odowu!
The name of the of guns is actually come out in real combat. One shot and one shot have been fought in countless battles. His existence is a huge deterrent to the entire Otto Empire.
Even in the past few days, fighting with the so-called biochemical empire has not occupied a great advantage, but that can only show that the combat power of the biochemical empire is really powerful, and that Ostto has too many card cards. Coming in a battlefield, even the strength has not been restored. Almost all civilizations in the gray and yellow stars understand that the Osto Gun God exerts his real power and the biochemical empire controls Ulla. There is absolutely no possibility of winning half points.
"Too tired, this has just come from the battle with the starry wandering civilization 'Tolerance One Family', and even the injuries are not good, so I fought so many battles with that Ula, it hurts and hurts." The tall man shook his head helplessly. .
Looking at the holographic material about the Earth City news in his hand, he went directly to the next report. Such a small force, in the war and civilization he has experienced before, has not seen how much, even if part of it is very loud, but each of them does not have much waves, he does not think that the earth city of gray and yellow stars Would be an exception.
For him, the biggest problem now is the problem of the gray star and the biochemical empire and the Zerg army.
"In this case, even if I quickly recover my strength, it is impossible to wipe out the biochemical empire and the zerg in one breath, that is to move the whole body with one shot, which will give the biochemical empire an all-out war. Now we are the Otto Empire, Just like the Ruan Empire, being caught in the mire of war with the stars and wandering races, tolerating one family, it is impossible to open another battlefield with the biochemical empire.
He sighed. As a powerful and powerful figure in the Otto Empire, he was an absolute belligerent hawkish figure, but in this situation, even his belligerent figure is a bit daunting.
"Sir, the defenders on the battlefield of Grey and Yellow Star have once again launched a small-scale battle with the Biochemical Empire, you see?"
Suddenly, the communicator sent a voice that made Odori look amused.
"This biochemical empire doesn't even let people take a good rest." Otto Takeshi sighed.
After that, the slightly tall man grabbed the large metal spear placed on the metal ground. I saw him looking under the giant star carrier, where there was a vast planet with a grayish yellow color.
Suddenly, this person's legs kicked!
I saw a wonderful arc drawn in the starry sky. The Ostto Gun God actually did so directly, flying towards the gray and yellow stars below the starry aircraft carrier!
A small-scale battle between the Osto Empire and the Biochemical Empire, and that Zerg, begins again!
In any case, in the memory of the powerful Osto gun 'Odowu', the name of the Earth City, and the name of the powerful leader 'Master Assassin' in the Earth City, can also be remembered, possibly in In the future, the name will reappear in his mind, maybe!
The so-called Master Assassin is just a small person who leads small forces.
This is the Otto Empire's attitude towards the sudden emergence of small forces in the Jin Mo, just an indigenous force on the warring planet, and it is not at all scary, and at this time, they did not really analyze the power of the Earth City. Because it is not necessary at all.
On the contrary, it is another huge star civilization force, and has made great research on the Earth City.
This force, together with the Otto Empire, dominated the 'Rulan Empire' of the gray and yellow stars, which is the 'Empire' as De Fu Ni said.
Such as the blue empire in the star field of gray and yellow stars, although they have been expelled by the biochemical empire and replaced them, but they are still in this starry sky, except for Ostor and the biochemical empire, the most powerful force!
Just outside the gray and yellow stars, the Ruan Empire deployed fifteen conventional 500-meter battleships! The so-called 'protection of the people in the blue and yellow star Rulan'. This is a good excuse. Even the biochemical empire will not start a full-scale war with the Ruan Empire for this.
Today's Rulan Empire, even if the power in the gray and yellow stars is like Muxishan, it can still deter the rest of the forces except the Otto Empire and the Biochemical Empire!
At the same time, they are also the super forces who know the 'Earth City' best today!
"The so-called Master Assassin is what the biochemical man Dai Fu Ni once said, a native evolutionary beast from the earth! And this monster is far more powerful than previously estimated, from which he can deter and even kill many Jinmo From the perspective of the powerful life forms, the strength of this evolutionary beast is definitely the peak of the heavens! "
Starry sky area more than 100,000 kilometers away from gray and yellow stars, where is an asteroid belt, a small team of blue battleships lurking here.
The distance of hundreds of thousands of kilometers is just an instant distance for starship battleships. At this moment, they are still staring at each other, waiting for the result of the battle between the Otto Empire and the Biochemical Empire, and they may counterattack the gray star at any time!
However, at the moment, as in the blue battleship command, as usual, the affairs of the Otto Empire and the Biochemical Empire were not put first, but almost all the research directions were put into the strong rise of the gray and yellow stars. ' Earth City '!
"We know a lot about the information of Earth City from the previous Deafney. We did not retain her at that time, but research showed that the biochemical woman did not lie at the time! So about the biochemical beast, and even about gravity All the theories of wave theory are true! "
For example, in the Lan Empire Command, the highest commander of the Lan army, that is, the highest commander of the gray and yellow star, has an extremely encouraging expression in his eyes at this moment. To the remaining high-ranking officers of the Ru army, he launched a report about the reported status of De Fu Ni. Intelligence.
A senior man named Lan Jun looked at the report, but he didn't have any moving expression, and gradually changed, especially when he saw the words "gravitational wave theory". Incredible expressions appeared one by one!
They are all soldiers, and they are also a talented student from the higher education institutions of Rulan Empire. They absolutely understand the theory of gravitational waves, and even have data on actual successful experience. These things are important to Rulan Empire and even this entire star civilization. What a temptation to say
Let's put it this way, the entire range of starry civilizations, such as the Blue Empire, is known to be more than 700 light-years away. No matter how far away, there may be interstellar civilizations, but it is limited by the distance factor. They're not quite there now.
If you can master this theory of gravitational waves, then for Rulan Empire, more than 700 light years will not be a problem anymore!
You know, in the data submitted by Defferny, they only took about one month (earth time) to cross the distant twenty light-year distance from Earth to the Scholz galaxy. You know, even the fastest aircraft in the Empire of Lan, it takes at least ten years to leap 20 light years away!
Leaping over twenty light years in ten years, this is something that can be achieved by surpassing the speed of light and using technologies such as curvature navigation and alien gravity memory routes. But the "gravitational wave theory" that De Fu Ni said, actually shortened this time by dozens or hundreds of times! Even they may have accidentally hit and knocked down, wasting a lot of operable things, and only spent more than a month. If they continue to squeeze, they may cross a distance of twenty light years without a month!
What a temptation this is
Confusion! If this technology can be obtained, then their Rulan civilization will leave all current civilizations far behind, and they can even rely on related technologies to overpower all the scientific and technological levels over the rest of the civilization. The general star overlord of the empire may become a true star overlord!
Some of the senior members of the Lanjun Army are also similar in appearance to Earth people, but they are different from the Ostos. The life forms of these humans are closer to some animals in appearance.
As for the rest, there are monsters like big frogs and brown birds.
At this moment, all these life forms are extremely amazed. Looking at the series of data on the theory of gravitational waves, they are full of desire!
With this powerful technology, let alone, even for their army, it is an unimaginable benefit. Think about it, they can completely reach the enemy's nest at will, destroy the other's aunt army, and then later Disappeared in the enemy's sight, such a war, you can win no matter how you fight!
However, when they saw the information below, they said that Dai Fu Ni, a biochemical woman who had returned from afar, actually fled from the Rulan Empire Office because of some trivial matters, so that they all gritted their teeth!
I did not expect such a major discovery, but was abandoned by the fat-eared stocking Rulan officials in the gray and yellow stars, and now the woman was actually sent to the so-called Earth City. In this case, would it not be difficult for them to obtain her data? Yet? !!
Moreover, the biochemical person was also terrible. Before the departure, he could completely eliminate the data kept by the Ruan Empire. Although there were reasons that those officials did not pay attention to at the time, the other person alone could do such things. It is also a very surprising thing for them.
"You must bring that Daphne back. Even the so-called Assassin, that is, the evolutionary beast, must be captured! No matter how bad it is, Daphne needs to provide gravitational waves again. This is our first priority now! "
Rulan Empire Commander finally made the next thing characterization!
"The advantage we have today is that the Otto Empire and the Biochemical Empire do not pay much attention to the Earth City, so if we use some excuses to interfere and even send troops to the Jin Mo, they may not have Too big a reaction, and pay a price for the big deal! "
"Remember, the next thing is one of the most critical parts. It is extremely difficult for us to make it impossible for several forces to not notice us, and for escape from Daphne and Assassin. So, you have to figure it out. This task is divided into three steps. It is expected that the time will be eight days! The next plan will be distributed to you. Please note that the confidential registration of this plan is AA level, the leaker. You must die! "
With the words of the Supreme Commander of the Empire of the Blue Empire, the rigorous discussion office suddenly shuddered.
Recent developments in Earth City have been developing too fast.
Every living creature in the Earth City has a feeling in the clouds and fog, and a feeling of riding a mountain bike. Even some of the life forms, at this moment, were fleeing because Earth City was too noticeable.
After all, there are still people with good eyes. Now, do n’t look at the Earth City that is sweeping the entire Jin Mo. It looks very beautiful, but the guns have shot the head. In the hundreds of years of Jin Mo ’s history, there have been some powerful forces, but they have not appeared in the Earth City. Such a terrible desire to attack
desire, this is not to say that the previous powerful forces did not have their own expansion ideas, but that they did not dare!
After all, this planet is still the back garden of the big real civilization-level forces, even if these civilizations are killed here, but those small forces think that they can take the opportunity to intervene, that is absolutely impossible!
After all, a small combat team casually arranged may be able to completely wipe out a so-called powerful force. No matter how these Jinmo forces can jump, they can't compare with the real starry civilization. !!
After all, those who can be called star-level civilizations are powerful civilizations that have controlled at least several galaxies! Even the tyrannical races that can tolerate the Rulan Empire and the Ostto Empire at the same time, cannot be called the starry civilization, but are defined by all starry civilizations as the vagrant race.
And the little earth city, want to stir the wind and rain in the wrestling of several major civilizations? This is simply impossible.
Those smarter beings have found that the Earth City is touching the sensitive nerves of those civilization-level forces, and it is completely doing death!
"Reporting Lord Daphne, after our statistics, the population leaving Earth City today exceeded 3,000 again, reaching a new high of more than 3,100. Adult, if this continues, Earth City will collapse!"
The noodle man stood in front of an Earth-like woman, and at this moment he had a very worried look on his elongated cheek.
"Anyway, these people want to go, then go. Earth City doesn't need unsteady guys." Dai Fu Ni is still reading the virtual light screen in front of her, and there are some tasks that her subordinates do to her remotely. report.
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