Chapter 434: Battle live! [For subscription]

This different monster is that Zerg command!
He is also the highest officer of the Zerg army in the gray and yellow star, and his body is strong, and it is not under Jia Yan's terrible giant mosquito!
Its length of more than thirty meters, looks like a moth, looks like a fluttering body, but the power it contains is absolutely terrifying and powerful!
At this moment, this huge moth monster, after hearing the agitation of the biochemical empire not far away, has a unique sheen in the compound eyes composed of countless small monoculars, which shone slightly!
After a while, a virtual light screen appeared in front of this monster.
In the light screen, it appears that the big mosquito is fighting with the Osto spaceship!
Originally, when the monster saw the combat effectiveness of the big mosquito, it still did not have much movement.
But at a certain moment, this huge and incomparable flying monster, the complexion in his eyes, suddenly became extremely fierce!
What changed his expression was the moment when the giant mosquito became blue and transparent!
The giant moth suddenly had a dignified color, and began to stare at the scene on the screen with savage eyes.
It wasn't until the Osto battleship crashed that the giant mosquito's leaving scene appeared on the screen, and the camera where he was was also unable to see any scenery because of the engulfing of the flames. It has to dim.
But as far as I saw and heard before, this giant moth was no longer in a state of insecurity.
Perhaps after some thought, this giant moth finally turned to the biochemical empire's barracks ...
The Zerg dominance, which has never paid attention to the world, only advances and retreats with the biochemical empire, and has entered the barracks of the biochemical empire. If this scene is known by other civilizations, it is definitely a huge news. Unfortunately, in this two major There can be no spies from other civilizations in the Empire's barracks. What kind of conversations they have and what they decide is bound to be a secret!
At this point, all three warring empires in the Scholz galaxy have all paid different attention to the 'Earth City', or the 'Assassin Lord'.
Needless to say, the Ostorians must be hostile. At least for now, the biochemical empire seems to be friendly, although Jia Yan fought against the white life in the past.
As for the most mysterious Zerg, no one knows their thoughts. The Zerg has always been a mystery in this vast star field, and they have stirred the wind and rain in this star field, but no one still knows that they are a What ideas, little is known to all mysterious interstellar forces.
Their thoughts on Jia Yan are still unknown!
This is how the major belligerent nations view the big mosquitoes. As for the other major forces, as well as those star civilizations who have also stationed their troops and benefited from the gray and yellow stars, most of them have maintained an Osto joke. idea.
Earth City is really famous!
Even the Jin Mo, which was originally in the dark corner of the gray and yellow stars, was forgotten by most living beings. At this time, it was also exposed a lot. The history, the past, and some internal things were almost wiped out, as if this Huge human planet, all intelligent lives have gathered their sights here!
Jin Mo is famous, but this does not mean that Jin Mo's forces, large or small, will be happy.
Because the 'Earth City', which became famous in the gray and yellow stars, didn't go down after being turned into scorched earth, they were even more crazy!
Yes, the terrifying 'Assassin' in Earth City, that is, the rumored star-level powerhouse, has negotiated with Earth City's No. 1 'smart brain' Daifuni, and it has been greatly reduced. The powerful Earth City has become even more radical!
Each Earth City team, under the leadership of the strong, split more than ten roads, and attacked in all directions!
That's right! This is the part of Jia Yan and Dai Funi's so-called 'decision'!
They seem to be dying, constantly developing and strengthening their power!
Those large and small Jinmo forces, at this moment, no matter how huge the forces are, are patronized by the Earth City.
This patronage is different from the expansion that Earth City had previously had scruples about, this time they are really crazy!
There are materials to grab the materials, no materials to grab the money, there is no money, so good, the population is also in the hunting range of the Earth City!
Some powerful Jinmo forces, because there are more or less big yellow and yellow stars behind them, or the background of major civilizations, so at this moment they are desperately resisting, and even throw out their existence behind them. I hope that the earth city will Be wary.
However, the heads and minds of these forces found that the Earth City army did not take into account so much at all. Where their performance was too aggressive and they dared to resist, they completely implemented the strategy of clearing up and killing!
Yes, it is massacre!
The strong men of the Earth City, after being attacked by the sheriffs, have a more stable mentality of attaching to the Earth City, and they have increased their strength to a certain extent. In addition, they have a starry level as a support, at this time they can break out. The strength is at least 20-30% higher than before!
In contrast, the resistance forces, after knowing that Earth City can actually resist the gray and yellow star sheriff's coalition, and even have a star-level strong who can destroy the Ostto space battleship, the mentality has long become fearful, so The original combat effectiveness will also be reduced to the lowest point.
So even if it is a subdivision of Earth City with a great loss of strength, at this moment it is Lien Chan.
Even the big mosquitoes in the middle of the town often flew out of Huangzhou after their subordinates encountered a difficult target, and rushed to the battlefield with their super speed of becoming more than fifty times the speed of sound. Those forces that dare to resist fiercely swept without mercy!
The Earth Army in this way even made those Jin Mo forces feel that this Earth City is not weaker, but stronger.
Finally, after fighting again and again, Jin Mo's almost 99% of the forces completely gave up resistance.
Wherever the Earth Army went, a white flag rose, all of the major teams and forces surrendering.
Some of the media from the six major cities are stunned at the moment, not forgetting to publish what they have seen and heard in Jin Mo to the news media, and with the tracking of these reporters, the Earth City is almost to achieve unified statistics. Yu Jinmo's 'ultra-absolute forces' finally made almost all the residents of the gray and yellow stars know its existence!
"Dear audience, please! This is the frontline report from the reporter from the Fifth City Frontline Battle Report. As shown in the picture, the Earth Army is attacking two forces located on the outskirts of Jinmo. According to our newspaper, this The two forces are where the two research institutes under my fifth city are located. It consumes no less than 50 billion yuan in the fifth city. The Earth City hastily attacked. The two research institutes had too many materials to transfer, and my fifth city lost. Great! Here, on behalf of the interests of the majority of the residents of the Fifth City, this newspaper has launched a serious condemnation to the Earth City! "
A very stylishly dressed Ostto woman, in the sound of war, in a very hidden gray-yellow woods, published her own report to the camera.
Not far away is a battle group, because the madness of the Earth City in one day is only one day, that is, almost four days on the Earth, the Earth City will advance its army to the edge of the Jinmo!
The fifth city, not far from Jinmo, is where this matter is most concerned.
Of course, although the sheriff's coalition has been defeated, no one will believe that this earth city dares to reach out to its fifth city! After all, the fifth city is a belligerent country and other starry civilizations, and ordinary people's settlements set up in the gray and yellow stars. If you dare to move that place, let alone the Earth City, even the Otto Empire may be overwhelmed!
People in the fifth city just don't want to lose too much of their own interests, because not far from Jin Mo, in fact, the interests of many life forms in the fifth city are tied to Jin Mo. Earth City ’s crazy behavior has seriously affected their lives and interests!
When the beauty reporter hid in the dark, and continued her impassioned speech, suddenly there was a shocking sound at the 'Research Institute' over there!
The camera lens quickly pulled past. This starry civilization camera is not a simple product on the earth. Their functions are very good. At a moment, the picture is stabilized to the battlefield a few kilometers away, and the lens is pulled. Extremely close!
Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom! !! !!
The picture over there was passed, but it exclaimed the live broadcast female reporter again and again.
It turned out that in the picture, a huge flying monster came to this difficult-to-understand research institute. At this moment, he stepped forward, facing the numerous research guns and facing the research base. Then, a flashing flash destroyed the main energy supply unit of the institute. After a moment, most of the artillery fire stopped roaring!
"Look at everyone, that is the highest rumor in the Earth City rumor, and also a rumored star-level existence! Look at his attack, this attack is so terrible. , He couldn't stop his attack. Whether this monster is starry or not, there are still many disputes in our fifth city, but seeing this picture, everyone's disputes should be less! "
"This monster is too scary. For a moment, the institute has completely fallen. It is too scary."
When the beauty reporter broadcasted the news, she had forgotten her position, and all she said was her fear of the giant mosquito flying in the air that day.
And her sense of fear was passed through the lens to countless city lifeforms. Those residents are not without insight. On this warring planet, they have more star-level horror than peace on those stable planets. Urban residents know more. So at this time, they saw the flying monster that was flashing in the fighting and destroyed the research institute's defense, and instantly understood how terrible this monster was!
As for whether it is starry or not, this matter has a scale in the heart of every living body.
"Ah! It exploded!"
At the moment when the beauty reporter rushed out to express her views on the fires not far away, the two No. 5 Urban Mystery Research Institutes relying on each other actually sent out a blast of fire!
Almost instantaneously, the shock wave caused by the explosion came to the woods several kilometers away. Those tall gray-yellow trees could not withstand the attack of the shock wave. It was the first time that beauty reporters and videographers sent miserable 凄Scream, one by one, the impact of the shock wave rolled up, life is hanging!
The live broadcast screen also suddenly disappeared. As for whether these people are alive or dead, it is unknown.
Not far away, the large mosquitoes that just attacked the two institutes just now did not notice it at this time. There were actually some ordinary alien life a few kilometers away, and they were filming them.
He just complied with Da Fu Ni's request and provided strong support when the Earth Army's attack on the Jin Mo forces was blocked!
Although these two research institutes, the former Earth City, were also expanding madly, they did not move them because Dai Funi understood that they belonged to the fifth city.
But now they have completely torn their faces, and the ‘determination’ that concerns them can naturally attack!
The previous small-scale Earth Army could not wipe out this place. After all, it was a formal official organization, and it was not something that the average Earth City strong could attack.
In order to prevent huge losses for the Earth Army, Jia Yan was dispatched again!
In the soaring fire, the large mosquitoes rolled slightly in the air, and the clear blue of the surface of the body showed a trace.
"This research is quite interesting, it's really explosive!"
Jia Yan looked at the research institute below, and saw a huge pit exploding there. The walls of several buildings were completely destroyed, and the researchers and guards who had not had time to escape were all dead.
Even some attacking strong men in Earth City were seriously injured in the explosion!
However, war will kill people. This is also an inevitable thing for alien living beings. After seeing similar things, Jia Yan only slightly distressed these strong men who became loyal, but there were not many. Sad feeling.
Suddenly a reflective thing, a few kilometers away, caused big doubts to the big mosquito.
He looked at the gray-yellow woods a few kilometers away. Due to the impact of the shock waves, some of the trees fell over, and the strong ones were all up to 100 meters.
That reflection appeared from one of the 100-meter giant trees!
But when Jia Yan looked, the reflection had disappeared.
"I'm suspicious ..." The big mosquito shook his head indifferently, and then his wings flickered!
The huge body flew up, continued to move towards the earth city, and moved away quickly!
As a fire-fighting presence, he is very busy. He wants to return to the Earth City, because there is more complete communication capabilities, if there is danger, he can quickly receive the communication, and then rushed over. So the trouble is solved at this moment, and that is to return quickly!
For those individuals who died, as well as those of alien life, Jia Yan felt completely accustomed after seeing many terrible scenes of death at this time.
Huh ...
The big mosquito's body that covers the sky almost covers the sun.
But compared to its body, the big mosquito at the moment was flying without much movement. This is really a world-like change from the previous flying feeling.
This is exactly the flight method that gradually evolved after he realized the more ‘natural’ flight method. This way of flying is not just as simple as the sound becomes smaller. During this period, he was able to suppress even the power he used to fly to a minimum!
"In a day or so of recovery, a lot of nutrient solution was used to restore strength. Now I have a stronger need for energy!"
During the flight, Jia Yan thought about the changes in his body over the course of the day.
He was dissatisfied with the speed at which his body recovered energy after the war. After all, in the past, he never needed too much energy and was able to engage in several battles. But now mutated to the starry sky level, a battle actually consumes so much power, and after a lot of supplemental nutrient solution, can not recover in a day.
Of course, this is because Jia Yan doesn't understand the body of other powerful life forms. If his recovery ability is known to other starry sky class, those guys may be jealous.
You need to know that the more powerful life is, the higher energy level is needed. In contrast, they lose energy and it is extremely difficult to recover. A powerful star-level life body often appears in the battlefield. After battle, the energy Continue to reduce, and then easily killed because there is no fighting power!
Jia Yan only recovered all the energy in one day, I don't know how many starry levels to envy.
The dilapidated scenery of the Earth City remains unchanged.
The big mosquito sighed in his heart.
After circling over Huangzhou, he fell to a giant tree that was fortunately unaffected by the fire in the center of Huangzhou.
Next to the giant tree, a well-built woman was already waiting there.
"It's over ?!" asked Daphne softly.
Jia Yan fell to the ground, as if on a small hill. In front of the red-haired woman, she seemed to be able to smash it completely with a slight movement.
Of course, this is also the case. Jia Yan's crazy promotion of combat strength has completely surpassed De Fu Ni, and it is not a level at all.
"So good, then Jin Mo has completely grasped our hands if the two research institutes have solved it." De Fu Ni took out a device, pressed one of the buttons, and then a large, five or six meters The light screen appeared in front of both.
In the light screen, a map of the entire Jin Mo is displayed, and at this time, all places marked with forces are replaced by the flag of the Earth Army, or they have disappeared from the map.
The red-haired woman touched the red hair blown by the breeze, and her eyes flashed.
"Then, then, it is time to show our determination ... Three days have passed, and the next two days are the key to success. Mr. Giant Mosquito, are you ... ready ?!"
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