Chapter 459: The mysterious strong is coming! [For subscription]

Big mosquitoes want to design their own equipment? Dauphin froze.
But she didn't say anything. Maybe she is stronger than Jia Yan for the time being, but in combat, the big mosquito is the real expert!
After explaining these two things, Jia Yan looked at Dai Fu Ni's resignation.
"Huh ..." The big rock that had been pressed in his heart finally let go.
As a suspicious existence, even after Da Fu Ni has done so much, Jia Yan still does not have much trust in this woman. After all, he has experienced too much since he became a mosquito. No one knows that he A little tadpole has become the current level, how much has been paid, and no one knows how far he has doubted everything!
However, until today, Dai Fu Ni's series of performances were finally accepted by Jia Yan. Perhaps there is still a little defense in her heart, but Jia Yan can already appreciate her kind of love for the earth.
What the other side wants is that this earth army has completely reached the Milky Way, while protecting the earth, it will even help the earth to develop technology that can let the earth enter the starry sky! To be honest, Jia Yan didn't trust her at all before, because he didn't think that a person could be changed so much.
However, Da Fu Ni's performance still moved him, after all, after doing so many Da Fu Ni, in his opinion, it is not the appearance of pretending.
"Well, Differny also said that it is not long before the construction of the gravitational wave equipment is completed. Even if the materials are not easy to find, it is a completely created case. If it is just barely able to start, probably It won't take more than a month of Earth time to start! "Jia Yan thought of this, and his heart was full of expectations again!
It did n’t take long to reach the gray and yellow star, but it actually took me at least many months. If you add the time spent in the gravitational wave, Jia Yan even suspects that it may already be a few years after Earth It's up! Because the theory of gravity in gravitational waves cannot be known by common sense.
"Defeney talked to me before. Maybe we came to the Schultz galaxy through gravitational waves. It didn't take long to see it, but it is possible to spend continuous time! So it is urgent to return to Earth now."
Jia Yan thought for a while, and his slackness was tense again, and the assembly of the equipment could not help. He knew what he could do, so he reluctantly immersed himself in his mind and began to study his future equipment.
Time is passing, 24 hours is not short, but it is absolutely too small for a study!
Fortunately, Jia Yan is not a scientific researcher. He just used the holographic mental brain of De Forni in accordance with his own thoughts, and sketched a rough sketch, and wrote it in Ostow below. On the explanation, I believe that those biologists and scientists will understand his words.
It ’s not long, but it ’s more difficult than a battle. Jia Yan finds that he has n’t used his mind like this for a long time. He clicked on the small screen with his forefoot, and after finishing the last stroke, he finally finished the design.
On the holographic screen, a sketch that seems to be drawn by a three-year-old child appears, but the approximate thing is still planned out. Even if you don't understand the sketch, you can also understand the principles of those structures by drawing on one side.
Jia Yan smiled at himself, he believed that the experts would understand.
He ordered the workers on one side to bring the holographic mental brain of Daphne to several scientists. After that, he was going to take a break and take a good rest ...
"Lord Assassin, it's been a long time."
Suddenly, a weird voice appeared near Jia Yan's body!
Jia Yan seemed to be shocked!
His whole body's sense of crisis, almost unstoppable spraying out, and a rushing sense of crisis, made him covered with a strange blue color instantly!
This sound is just terrible!
As a powerful star-level powerhouse, Jia Yan has reached a level that almost smiles at this star field. Even the top-level existence like Odowo has almost no way to kill him.
But the appearance of this weird sound is totally elusive, and even Jia Yan can't feel it. Is this brainwave power?
However, through the energy of sound, if the other party is malicious to him, he does not need to make a sound, but only needs to launch an attack directly. Jia Yan may even have no time to cover the blue defense, and he will be seriously injured!
He was somewhat frightened, holding his huge head and watching the Quartet constantly!
What kind of mysterious powerhouse is it? !! Even if he doesn't look at the actual combat effectiveness, Jia Yan can already be sure that the strength of the opponent is definitely more than Odotake! And in this starry sky, the strength can directly surpass the strength of Odobu's level, as far as Jia Yan knows, there is not much!
Even Jia Yan couldn't guarantee that if he confronted himself, he would still be able to save his life!
Damn, so it appears at a time when Earth City is still developing!
Jia Yan doesn't know whether the other party is hostile or kind! But he knew he couldn't make Earth City's current fleet destroyed by the other party!
After all, he also put in so much effort, and the success of the gravitational wave equipment at this moment is right in front of him!
"Master Assassin, I'm not malicious, if you like, please come out and meet." The ghostly voice faintly felt from all directions.
Jia Yan's compound eyes flickered several times, but he didn't think much about it afterwards. Heading out of the transport ship!
The fleet has already begun to slow down when it is set to be close to several alien settlements, and now it is not known why, it has stayed in a vacuum of nothingness, perhaps during regular power system maintenance .
After Jia Yan flew out from the hatch of the transport ship, he found a familiar figure directly in space a few kilometers away!
The moment she saw this figure, Jia Yan's glistening eyes suddenly shivered!
Before seeing the other person's true face again, he thought a lot, and even guessed whether the other party would be the most powerful and powerful of the Biochemical Empire!
But he never thought that what he saw would have been a long time ago, but he didn't care much about the powerful existence!
The highest commander of the gray and yellow star zerg!
It is actually a huge 30-meter-class moth monster that is comparable to Jia Yan!
Jia Yan couldn't believe the monster in the faraway place.
He thought too much, but the only one who hadn't thought about it was the existence of the strong one.
Not because he underestimated the Zerg commander, but because the opponent's previous performance in the gray star and the entire war did not stand out, and even confronted Jia Yan with the commander who accompanied the biochemical empire. In the process, he also did not make a sound!
All kinds of things make Jia Yan unconsciously ignore this existence, so much so that he only came over now!
In this starry sky, the most mysterious, but also the most inscrutable race!
Their emergence has been accompanied by the rise of the biochemical empire to the present. If the national history of the biochemical empire is a history of fighting on all sides, then the zerg will always follow behind them, and as assistants and allies, they will fight for hundreds of times Powerful empire of the year!
No one knows where the Zerg comes from, and no one knows the purpose of the Zerg! Many civilizations frankly said that their contact with the Zerg completely failed, and they wanted to follow the thugs behind the biochemical empire, and sometimes the combat effectiveness they displayed completely surpassed the biochemical empire, but they have never shown territoriality, and The demands of resources, it seems that their existence is only to help the biochemical empire fight, nothing more ...
But now, Jia Yan, actually saw a strong Zerg, appeared alone, and spoke!
The sense of crisis in his heart had reached a more terrifying level, but to this day, he still had to bite his head and fly gently towards the Zerg Commander over there.
After a while, the distance between them was close, but it was only 100 meters. If you want to attack, both sides can easily attack each other!
"Hi Lord Assassin. Please forgive me for uninvited sins."
After looking at Jia Yan's glance, the moth monster made a voice with no emotion at all.
This indifferent feeling has no hostility, no arrogance, and no feeling of emotional fluctuations. It is like a robot, but it is different from the robot.
"Hello, Dear Zerg Commander. Although I am surprised at your appearance, I welcome you, but I do not hope that you will come to arrest us. In that case, I will not be arrested!"
Jia Yanfu's eyes flashed, and he also respectfully responded. After all, the other party showed more respect. Others respected me by one foot, and I respected him. He naturally responded in the same way.
"Don't worry, I didn't come here to arrest you. If you wanted to do this, you would have been doing it in the gray star before."
The giant moth also uses its compound eyes similar to Jia Yan's, looking at the giant mosquito monster in front of it, but after seeing the azure blue on its body, the compound eyes' thinking expression becomes more prominent ...
"So I don't know what's going on with my adults? After all, I can't think of anything but arresting me. I can work for you in this vast starry sky and pursue any reason."
"Please rest assured, I didn't mean to arrest you. The Zerg army of the gray and yellow stars will only act in accordance with the requirements of the biochemical empire, and my strength does not want to be exposed, so you need not worry."
"I came to see you just to determine one thing."
The Zerg Commander looked at Jia Yan's body in a faint blue and blue look. In the cold look, there was a strange and strange light flashing.
"Oh? I don't know what happened."
The Zerg Commander did not respond positively to Jia Yan's words, he just compounded his eyes even more, and Jia Yan could not help but step back tens of meters with great vigilance!
Jia Yan is really alert to this mysterious monster!
The timing of his appearance, the way he appeared, and the unpredictable sense of strength were all things that Jia Yan could not explain!
The other side was just alone, but he appeared suddenly beside the Earth City fleet. In the surrounding starry sky, I don't see any support fleet, nor any carrying tools. It seems that he really, through physical ability, crossed long distances and pursued the earth fleet from the brilliant star, and at this time he did not Attack, but say these inexplicable words to Jia Yan.
It is simply a mystery, how much defense is not exaggerated for this existence!
In the compound eyes of the moth monster, there seemed to be a strange light. After Jia Yan took a sigh of relief, the compound eyes of the other person became a starry bright spot!
After that, the photoelectric came out, toward Jia Yan, as if it were the real speed of light, and it came!
Jia Yan's heart trembled and he wanted to step back!
However, at this time, he only felt an unbelievably strong pressure. From the body of the moth monster, there was no irresistible fierce oppression.
This power is incredible!
Jia Yan has fought with so many powerful beings, but let alone see them, even imagination has never been imagined, there will be such a terrible power in this universe!
Impossible to resist, it is not a life-level power at all!
The opponent may not even have the idea of ​​fighting, it is just an intangible force that is different from the power of brainwaves and does not take it at all, so he restricts the movement of Jia Yan's body!
The alarm sounded at the bottom of Jia Yan's heart. The unbelievable feeling was simply incredible. He wanted to use his greatest strength and struggled.
The blue light also burst into its own dazzling color!
Throughout the starry sky, a blue sun appeared, shining a vast vacuum!
You should know that although Jia Yan was injured in the previous battle of Grey and Yellow Stars. However, under the recent restoration and the restoration of the nutrient solution, it has been greatly restored. Even if it is not 100% capable, it will definitely restore more than 95% of its vision. This level of combat effectiveness is not much different from the strength of the complete period.
But even if Jia Yan broke out, it was still useless!
Not a grade at all!
His struggle had no effect at all. In that powerful force, it instantly seemed to be dumplings, wrapping Jia Yan!
Afterwards, the stars emerged from the eyes of the Zerg Commander's compound, and came near the body of the big mosquito ...
They came directly in front of Jia Yan's head.
After that one touch!
Jia Yan felt an incredible pain rising above his head! Even if I know I can't show weakness at this moment, I still can't help screaming in my heart!
I do n’t know what kind of power it is. In an instant, I broke through the extremely strong defense of the Azure. This is the first time that the Azure defense appeared so simple and penetrated!
The Zerg Commander over there seems to have lost a lot of power in an instant after using this little bit of energy. The breath brake has weakened a lot, and even the restrained power has decreased.
The force that entered Jia Yan's head directly attacked Jia Yan's head, but in his head, he felt inaccessible!
Tenacious resistance!
When the Zerg Commander over there saw this scene, his compound eyes suddenly lighted up, and he seemed to have some surprises.
But what he never expected was that the big mosquito, which he thought was completely restrained, screamed at this moment!
The sound oscillated in a vacuum without any air at all.
The power of shock waves is almost heart-breaking and impossible to stop.
But for the Zerg commander, this was nothing. He was surprised that the big mosquito that was bound and impossible to move in his opinion actually moved!
Jia Yan's entire body is extremely terrifying blue color, and the compound eyes are all blue and faint, as if the ice cubes appearing from the deep lake, the quiet and cold shot coldness!
While he was roaring, he looked at the Zerg Commander fiercely. After that, the body that seemed to be very difficult to move, broke through the limit of the opponent's little energy. Although his head was extremely painful, he still shot backwards and escaped to the rear go with!
"Is the Zerg Commander in Captain? I remember your attack!"
Jia Yan's roaring voice continued to spread in the starry sky, and the madness in his words was extremely profound.
In fact, Jia Yan became furious and angry. Since he was strong, every battle has not been smooth, but at least when he was not so embarrassed, nowadays he has suffered so much damage without even understanding his opponent's attack methods. The shame he couldn't forget!
"Master Assassin, I don't want to ..."
The Zerg Commander standing in the starry sky was trying to explain to the mosquito that was far away, but in his compound eyes that were still a little bit of starlight, those starlights suddenly broke apart!
He seemed to be greatly hurt, and his speech was interrupted after a body shake!
The breath of the Zerg Commander languished, and the stars in his eyes were quickly dissipating.
"Okay, boy. You've done enough."
Suddenly, in the mind of the Zerg Commander, there was a arrogant, but strange voice sounded!
If Jia Yan can hear it, then he will know that the master of this force is the real master of the oppressive force he felt before!
But this being does not appear here!
"Oh, this remote place is really so interesting, there is another ..."
The faint voice disappeared in the ears of the Zerg Strong, and the words were not completely spoken at all.
At the same time, a moth-like pattern on the neck of the giant moth is gradually dissipating, and the moment when the sound completely disappears is the one where the spell has completely disappeared.
The Zerg Commander stopped catching up with Jia Yan's figure, standing respectfully, watching the disappearing pattern for a long time.
Over the Earth City Fleet, the mutation on the big mosquito side has long been discovered!
The fleet was ready to set sail. When the big mosquito was so blue, even when it flew into the cabin unsteadily, the transport ship launched a flame jet, and launched the fire at full speed regardless of the consequences!
Bright flames sprang up, and more than ten Earth City hulls entered a state of crazy escape!
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