Chapter 477: Explore the underworld again! [For subscription]

The two just glanced at each other, and then there was no communication.
If anyone knew that these two were here, it would be absolutely shocking!
In this decade of the earth, many so-called 'strong men' have appeared. Of course, these strong men are different from those in the interstellar. They are different concepts. All the strong men in the sky can match the existence of the army. The strong men described here on earth are some that are slightly stronger than ordinary people Characters only.
Some of these strong men were already very famous in the old times, and some were only after the emergence of the metal monster crisis.
The power of these two men appeared before the appearance of the metal monster. But after the appearance of the metal monsters, their glory seemed to bloom.
But their strong ones are not used to protect the people. Instead, they constantly expand their interests in disasters!
I don't know what happened to these two people. After the metal monster was destroyed by the giant mosquitoes, it turned into this appearance and came to the large building area created by the giant mosquito here. I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse to this place.
"Let's go, it's not that we can be upset for the time being. Those few giant mosquitoes can blow our breath and destroy us!"
The two took their own supplies and, while led by the others, walked towards their future residence while whispering each other.
"Giant mosquito ..." The Northeast wild tiger stared at the sky, where the huge black monster that had been so huge, swept by instantly, and almost disappeared in the sky in a blink of an eye.
He had a weird look in his eyes, but it didn't take long before he retracted his gaze, and there was no strangeness in the slightest.
"Don't worry, the giant mosquito will definitely have weaknesses. We definitely have a chance in the future!"
"We have been human beings for so long, and there is even a way to greatly extend their lives. These monsters actually want to destroy our future, so simple!"
The two eyes were sharp. When they came to the room, they both looked at the outside world. Then his face became ruthless.
It turned out that these two guys, even at the end of the metal monster, did not stop jumping, but in that environment, became more fish-like. Northeast wild tigers became a hand because of the effects of the "mysterious liquid" drugs. A powerful character tearing a tiger. Coupled with the combat effectiveness of addicts, the two can pull up a huge battle team almost wherever they go!
Even because of an accident, they found a way to make humans grow and be powerful!
However, it did not wait for this method to be successfully tested, and the giant mosquito monster returned again. The two finally failed to achieve their purpose. But after destroying those devices, I came to this gathering point!
With a crisp sound, it turned out that the tall back of the Northeast wild tiger was a force to break a wooden pipe in the room! You should know that this is a wooden tube with a diameter of about 20 cm. It is beyond the scope of normal humans to cut off its power in one fell swoop.
"Don't be angry, I think that this giant mosquito cannot be without any disadvantage. It is said that he is the previous giant mosquito, so we must not be too impulsive. If he finds it, there is absolutely no place to die."
Thinking of the grievances with the giant mosquitoes, the two men almost wanted to spit blood. If they knew that the previous small giant mosquitoes had such powerful giant mosquitoes, how could they dare to fight!
But thinking so much is useless, the two of them can only wait for the opportunity honestly at this time.
Quickly skimming the sky, a black creature crawling through the sky!
Jia Yan looked at the huge gathering points that were almost 100 kilometers below, and could not help but nodded slightly.
"I did this in a few days. If it were me, I wouldn't dare to think about these things. After all, I am too limited as an earth creature. How dare you imagine these things can be completed in a few days?"
Those subordinates from the Earth City, one by one, have not only helped the People ’s Congress of the Earth in a few days, but the famous high-tech scientists have also worked hard. In a few days, the aircraft ’s previous Based on a small 3D printing device produced, a series of nearly 500 similar devices were erected. As a result, under continuous startup, those building modules were almost fast at an incredible speed. It's built!
These early materials were based on metal monsters and those available in the ruined cities of the Earth people ten years ago. They were quickly processed by printers and then compressed into a very thin metal sheet, which became the benchmark for large buildings. material!
Geoscientists are fascinated and incredible for the methods of the Earth City scientists, but the reality is that these methods are actually some of the most basic alien technology.
"This is just the beginning. Maybe only a small half of the population has been resettled. The next two or three days will be the stage of the big explosion and finally being completed!"
Jia Yan looked at the large-scale construction and population transfer according to the progress below. He couldn't help but have some longing for the earth. The earth can be described as being in a state of nothingness. It is also in this period that such an impossible change can happen. At that time, it was impossible for any Earth person to be willing to do so.
A celebrity was taken to the gathering place, in addition to a neatly arranged house, and a tall factory rising from the center, and in the next few years, these factories will be a The main factors of the life of the earth people!
In order to deal with the alien exploration ship from the attack, the entire earth must be desperate!
"Well, here on Earth, I have to work hard. And through the early things, my personal strength started to appear not enough, so what I am doing now is not to help them build!"
There was a flash of faint light in Fu's eyes, and Jia Yan flew away.
Under the condition of howling and flickering in the sky, he only felt that the air of the earth was so intoxicating, and he was used to the air of gray and yellow stars. Every time Jia Yan now breathes the air on the earth, there is something that he can't let go. Comfortable.
After the mutation, the already-developed cardiopulmonary system has made the large mosquitoes have a kind of respiratory organs different from ordinary animals. At this time, these organs seem to be making extremely comfortable sounds.
If it wasn't for the facts, he would still be mutated now!
Of course, time still needs a little, maybe in the near future, it is unlikely to make another mutation.
"All I have to do now is to say that place!"
The figure of a large mosquito swims fast in the sky.
From Shanghu City to the north of Huaxia, it is the place that has been visited before and even the most important first mutation of a lifetime—Changtu City.
This is where Jia Yan mutates for the first time, and it is also where this big mosquito embarked on a powerful road. After returning after so many years, Jia Yan can no longer see those scenes of the past.
Because of the attack of metal monsters, this is exactly where they exit from the army, so it can be described as extremely ruined. There are ruins everywhere, countless houses have collapsed, and there is a sense of desolation that has been inactive for a long time. The range is permeated.
"Well." Jia Yan sighed at the bottom of his heart.
He didn't watch in the ruined county for a long time, but after a circle, he headed towards the forest not far away.
"I'm here this time, and the goal is the so-called 'fantastic thing'!"
The so-called fetish, that is, the machine that can display the azure blue crystal, now obviously appears to be just like a mining machine. But for the big mosquitoes, this is also a rare good thing. Those Earth City scientists also said that if they can get a few of these devices, it may be some good modification materials for them!
In Jia Yanfu's eyes, Jing Mang flashed lightly, and then the speed of flying came to the ground extremely fast!
He still remembers that when he was flying in this area, he couldn't fly far for several hours in a row, but at this time, such a short distance was almost instantaneous. The change before and after is enough to make the big mosquito sigh.
Below the sky is a very exaggerated small forest area. Everything here is different than before.
The forest has almost disappeared, the ground has cracked, and countless battle pits on the ground.
Many metal monsters still have broken bodies and fell to the ground. The big mosquitoes did not come to fight in person. This area was cleared by his subordinates. Through the lodging of the metal monsters, you can also see the fighting of the previous day. What a terrible scene it is.
However, Jia Yan didn't pay much attention to the battle scenes below, because he created countless scenes of this kind. After all, liberating the entire earth, it is impossible to fight without fighting, and there is a battle, no matter how powerful he is, he cannot guarantee it There will be no loss, even Jia Yan acknowledges that in the previous battles, there may have been many humans who suffered death because of his battle with metal monsters or red light buildings. These are inevitable things, and war has always been such a cruel thing.
The main direction of his sight now is a huge hole in the earth that has been opened up!
Outside this cave, some faintly visible architectural ruins are displayed here. We can see from the shape of the building that they are exactly where the former 'factory' was located!
However, there was not much underground hole originally. At this time, it was enlarged. It had a diameter of about five meters. It was unfathomable. It looked like a black hole that could devour human beings.
But for the big mosquito, he is absolutely familiar with the scenery below.
"I don't know what the underground world below has become. What about these giant puppets, have they turned into ghosts of metal monsters? But I don't need to guess, you can find out immediately!"
Seeing this big hole, long-term memory was stirred up, Jia Yan almost felt himself, back to the time when it was just a little mosquito.
But he is not the mosquito that was only ten or twenty centimeters now. It's a monster that reaches 30 meters in length and spreads its feet, which is like a skyscraper that can cover more than 100 meters!
Even the huge burrow, which expanded to five meters, couldn't make it easy for large mosquitoes to enter!
But it's hard to dig a big mosquito, dig a hole, even if he is not a digging expert, but with its current strength and strength, this is a very easy thing.
The forefoot stepped gently down on the ground, and the soft terrain could not bear his weight, and there was a dent in an instant.
But the big mosquito did not stop in shape, but quickly came to the ground cave.
The dark hole in front of me still looks so mysterious, but the big mosquito is used to the existence of strong winds and waves. There is no possibility of deterrence except to evoke his meeting!
Huh! !! !! !!
A stab on the forefoot brings up a piece of dirt, and before the dirt is flipped out, the next forefoot is already carrying a large piece of dirt again!
And the splashed dirt was gently thrown away by the power of brainwaves and flew into the distance.
Some people may question the efficiency of such digging, but the strength and speed of the big mosquito has reached an incredible level. His speed is described by the speed of sound! At a very fast speed, a huge pile of dirt appeared quickly in the ground, which was all excavated dirt!
And this time is just a few dozen seconds!
After more than ten seconds, the big mosquito was already a creeping body and entered the cave!
At the rear is the writhing mud and rocks, Jia Yan's body leaps quickly.
For a long time, only stay in the underground world in memory!
"I don't know if those strange plants are still there. The 'home' I built myself is still there."
When thinking about what he did in the past, he has a kind of memory. Obviously, in the time he felt, this elapsed time may not be three years, but at this time, it seems as if it has been hundreds of years apart. It almost made him feel a sense of eagerness!
Huh! !!
The dull voice rang out constantly in the ground!
Star-level powerhouse, digging? !! How efficient is this!
No one knows, but all alien creatures will understand that creatures that have reached the level of the sky, if they want to do this work, their efficiency is definitely extremely powerful. After all, they are so powerful that they can't even be restrained by the starry sky, let alone the earth and dirt of a general planet? !!
Rumble Rumble ...
Finally, Jia Yan heard the mud in front of his forefoot.
He blinked in his eyes, then looked into the sky above his head.
About two kilometers below the ground, it took him less than five minutes to dig through, without much effort.
In the past, in order to pass these distances, he and Da Jun were living a life or death. You flee to fight for so long, but now, it is nothing.
He shook his head and put aside these unreal feelings.
Jia Yan looked at the tunnel below. After that he sank a bit disappointed.
The tunnel below has been opened. Obviously, the metal monsters have carried out construction here. Although the space has been expanded so that he can barely enter it now, the integrity of the underground world cannot be preserved Now ...
He went down into the tunnel.
The tunnel below is a huge space with a height of more than twenty meters, and looking forward, a huge space has been flowing into it.
At the rear, I don't know where to go because I can't see the corner of the tunnel.
After the mutation, the eyes are getting better and better. Under low-light environment, the big mosquito can still clearly see the scene in front. action.
Jia Yan still walked forward.
Click! Click!
There was a bang, and his heart moved.
Dozens of tiny figures appeared in front of big mosquitoes!
Metal monster!
Puff puff! !! !! !!
Waiting for these monsters with red flashing heads to launch attacks or whatever, their skulls burst into a pile of scrap iron under the force of Jia Yan's brain wave power!
Jia Yan continued to move forward.
The appearance of metal monsters here did not exceed his expectations. After all, they just eliminated the metal monsters on the surface of the earth, and the true identity of these monsters is the mining machine.
Click! Click! !! !! !!
The sound of footsteps of metal monsters kept appearing, but they all had huge explosions in their brains before approaching the big mosquito!
Bang Bang Bang Bang! !! !!
These explosions were not enough to cause the space to collapse. Jia Yan also paid attention to these things, so he went all the way without any accidents.
Finally, the ‘underground world’ I ’ve been to before has arrived!
"It turned out to look like this ..."
Shown in front of the big mosquito is a bright world!
Under his surprised gaze, he found that the light-emitting algae that filled the space were replaced by lamp heads. These lamp heads are naturally not the inefficient light-emitting appliances of the Earth people, but the use of alien technology and extremely advanced lighting . They are everywhere, reflecting the entire space in front!
The underground space is no longer the space that Jia Yan knew before.
In the huge space, there are no longer tall trees, but a huge machine, and countless large and small pipes. These pipes are interspersed in all directions and extend toward the openings. I do n’t know. Where to go.
Those tall machines are still in a moving situation. Metal monsters are being moved from some fully automatic moving orbits, and some welding-like machines are constantly showing light, and their bodies gradually become so gradual. Formation.
"It's actually a metal monster manufacturing workshop!"
When the big mosquito was shocked, some understood how the metal monster made it.
"But since I saw it, it's definitely going to perish here!"
Thinking of this, the big mosquito had a puppet body that actually disappeared from the spot!
boom! !! !! !!
(The new book has been opened. The title is "Super Evolutionary Variation", but it has not been approved for a day, and it may not be seen until tomorrow. To reiterate, the update of the giant mosquito will not be slowed down by the new book. Please everyone can also Support the new book, the same variant type, thank you!)
If you like the rebirth star mosquito, please collect it: ( The rebirth star mosquito is the fastest in the literature.
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