Chapter 48: The second mutation! [Seeking collection]

Jia Yan's wings are like the blades of a helicopter propeller.
Then his whole body rose from the air and quickly rose to a high place!
The slamming pad hit in the air without any thrills.
Jia Yan actually exploded to his greatest potential at this moment, and avoided this attack!
"Hmm." The man in glasses was a bit surprised. He wasn't surprised that he couldn't slap the mosquito, but was surprised to see that the mosquito was flying faster than expected.
This individual is very interesting. If you can catch it and research it, you may have no gains!
"Damn! Here comes the power!" Jia Yan, who flew near the ceiling, shook his body.
The spectacled man below had reached aside and picked up a catching net with a slender handle.
These people have caught so many animals, and there are definitely many similar capture tools.
When Jia Yan saw this, he flew towards the iron gate!
"You can't run." The man in the glasses held the tool and opened the iron door to pursue it.
Jia Yan only felt extremely uncomfortable. Those purplish red liquid began to stir up in the abdomen, and some of the organs in the body have begun to transform the body. At this time, it was time to find a place to endure this pain Yes, but now is not the time!
There is also a man with glasses behind him who is chasing. It must be a death if he is caught!
The disaster is not a one-liner. Just as Jia Yan was about to get rid of the arresting tool in the hands of the man in the glasses, an office door in front opened again!
The man had a large, tall body, and at this time looked a little stunned.
He is the Northeast Tiger!
"Boss, catch
catch that mosquito, it's mutated!" The man with glasses caught it with the catching net, but Jia Yan put his eyes on him and saw that he had moved quickly to the side, letting the catch net go empty. !!
"Oh?" The Northeast wild tiger looked intently, and set his eyes on Jia Yan.
He returned to the office and took the capture tools.
I have to say that this place has been ravaged by insects for a long time, and most rooms have catching tools!
Jia Yan endured the physical discomfort, while praying for the onset time of the mutant medicinal solution to wait for a while, while trying to shake his wings to fly forward.
The Northeast Wild Tiger's office room opened again. He took a capture tool the same as a man with glasses, but the man was so tall and tall that he went out to Jia Yan who happened to fly to his office door!
Jia Yan is distracted and feels the pain of the body. I didn't expect that a huge catching net stretched out!
"Give me down!"
Jia Yan fluttered his wings forward and suddenly fell down.
Because the body contains a large amount of purplish red liquid medicine, Jia Yan has a very high weight. This falling action is naturally completed very quickly. He actually escaped the catching net of the Northeast wild tiger!
However, the fall was too fast, Jia Yan could not control the height. This fall, it just fell below, the face of the Northeast wild tiger ...
The Northeast wild tiger was also a little surprised, this tadpole who was only about ten centimeters away from his eyes
The black giant Anopheles mosquito made him look a little weird and beautiful.
The next moment, he stretched out a palm of his left hand and grabbed Jia Yan's body with a slap!
How can you catch a mosquito with one palm? !!
The vibration of Jia Yan ’s wings
flew up!
The big palm of the Northeast wild tiger Pufan suddenly grabbed the air!
Breaking through the last level of the Northeast Wild Tiger, Jia Yan, like a runaway wild horse, quickly flew up the aisle.
Behind him are two men chasing after each other.
"He can't run, there is no way to go out, and the effect of the potion will surely decrease after a while!" The man in glasses followed the Northeast wild tiger, panting breathlessly.
But at this moment, Jia Yanfei entered a room with an open door!
The two quickly chased.
But when they entered the room, they saw only this giant Anopheles sinensis, with its body descending, and was drilling into the gap of the screen window that opened a hole!
"Not good!" The Northeast Tiger made a stride and reached out to Jia Yan, who was drilling into the gap of the gauze net!
"I told you all, how could it be possible to catch mosquitoes with one palm?"
At the moment when Jia Yan's palm was worthy of grabbing, six strong supporters!
The whole body drilled out of the gauze screen, and there was a vast night sky outside. His wings spread rapidly, his body flew towards the dark night and flew away!
In the screen window, the empty palm of the Northeast wild tiger was already clenched into a fist, and his face was ugly.
I couldn't catch a small mosquito, and the Northeast tiger felt no light on his face.
"Isn't this a dormitory room? Inquire about who sleeps here, and don't know when to close the door, and all the windows will not use gauze anymore, please close the windows one by one, and turn on the electric fan if the heat!" The Northeast wild tiger hummed back and returned to the office.
Jia Yanfei was in the night sky, his body was dark.
From the dangerous environment, the feeling of slackening suddenly filled the whole body, but at the same time, the horrible impact of the medicinal solution was also accompanying.
Jia Yan's body trembled suddenly, almost all his wings stopped.
"You can't stop flying yet! This is still the factory area, so fly further!"
This absorbing mosquito made the belly round
the mosquito rolling, flying in the air, swinging up and down for a while, completely unable to control the direction.
Jia Yan only felt that stinging appeared around his body. His six long legs began to tremble violently. Sometimes his wings agitated and the other stopped moving.
"No way!"
As soon as he flew out of the factory fence 20-30 meters away, he couldn't stand it.
Quickly planted towards the bottom!
Sight has blurred, Jia Yan's body is tingling, and even his consciousness is blurred.
I just saw a vaguely vague place and went straight in.
Severe pain!
The pain was still so intense, it was still the kind of life-threatening feeling.
"Persevere! Last time, I insisted on it this time. I couldn't insist on it this time!"
"Jia Yan, you can do it! As long as you endure these pains, you will change and strengthen immediately!"
"Your life will increase and your power will be greater! Think of good things!"
"Maybe no longer afraid of bats, no longer afraid of small birds!"
"Not even afraid of humans in the future, such a good thing is in sight, why not take a pain!"
"It must be possible! It must be possible!"

The black mosquito is constantly struggling to swing in the hole.
Night passed and bright white daylight appeared outside the hole.
But the little mosquitoes in the holes are still fighting life and death!
Flipping and struggling, weird writhing!
Some weird material on the surface of the exoskeleton is flowing down, and then the exoskeleton seems to be stretched and cracked a little!
A new material subsidy immediately came up at the cracked part, but the next crack appeared again!
All the internal organs are boiling!
It feels like every cell in the body is dividing and mutating violently!
The sun is shining and Jia Yan is still in fiery changes!
A thin layer of substance condensed on the surface of his body, and the body under this material seemed to be completely melted. Under the transparent exoskeleton, there were almost internal organs visible to the flesh
These internal organs are also changing. Numerous damages are unfolding at the cellular level. These damages have caused major changes in the entire genetic structure, becoming more perfect and more painful!
Jia Yan's consciousness has long been in a semi-coma.
He floated up and down, thinking a lot, and dreaming a lot.
Memories seem to go back in time, that human day.
In the college, in addition to searching for some biological information on the Internet every day, research those animals that have disappeared into the long river of history. These are the biggest joys of Jia Yan's life.
While researching what I like, I'm waiting, looking forward to that day, will there be the goddess in my mind, will hang up to myself, invite where to sit, talk about animals, talk about plants.
Looking back, it was when junior high school and high school.
In school, everyone likes sports, cartoons, and computer games. He is the only one who is quiet, only likes to hold biology textbooks and read with interest.
There seems to be a day of being bullied, but this day suddenly broke out on one day, when a classmate took away his schoolbag in the classroom, and his face was covered with blood, these bullies were over.
As if in my bones, I was a little impulsive long ago.
Back in memory, Jia Yan came to the elementary school.
At that time, I had to take care of my younger sister who was also in elementary school, and went to school with her every day. Sometimes she walked, and her younger sister Jia Lin cried.
No way, my sister is three years younger than myself, still a child!
At that time, he thought about this, and comforted Jia Lin without complaint.
"Brother, the mosquito bites me!" The little girl cried.
Correct! I am no longer human, I am a mosquito!
The spirited Jia Yan suddenly returned to God!
Isn't this a marquee! It is said that before death, people will have the same memories as walking horses and walk through life.
I also have memories of the marquee, is it going to die? !!
Will i die!
No, all right! !!
Never die!
It was so difficult to find the factory of the Northeast Wild Tiger from thousands of kilometers away. During this period, I experienced so many dangers and searched for two days in the forest!
Utilizing wit and bravery, it was not easy to get a purple-red medicine solution for the second mutation and evolution from the man's laboratory of glasses, which took so much effort, and I just died.
Jia Yan growled in his heart!
Chase, give me the end!
I don't want to die yet!
All my delusions are shattered to me, I do n’t want to remember, I only need to live now, as long as I live well now!
"I will never die!"
Jia Yan's inner roar almost turned into substance.
As if something broke, I felt it in Jia Yan's auditory organs ...
Click ...
Click, click ...
A series of crackling sounds kept ringing.
Jia Yan used all his strength to pump six long legs.
Click! Click!
The cracking sound was more severe.
To be continued.
"Recommended for my collection!" Bu Yue growled in his heart: "As long as the grade is acceptable, this book is definitely not supervised!"
Hey, spoof it. Thanks to the bookmates of the post-80s uncle ‘Book Friends 140728182903457’ ‘Depressed Silly
Melon’ ‘mengying Luo Luo’, thank you! !!
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