Chapter 509: Master Xingrong 【Subscription】

When Jia Yan saw the distant city, he had an illusion. He seemed to faintly see it, a city like the gray and yellow star No. 6 city!
It's too similar. This city is not too big, it's similar to the sixth city.
There are also several distinct areas, and there are also very advanced things in them.
However, compared to the sixth city, this city has a more standard sense, and there are some powerful strongmen who are flying in the sky, and in the city, it is well organized and all living creatures seem to follow some rules.
At this moment Jia Yan has a strange feeling here, that is, at this time, all the creatures here are a kind of obvious dementia.
He looked at the slave monster flying next to him. Somewhat strangely, this monster didn't have such a serious tendency, and most of the ordinary creatures below were mostly sluggish in action.
Jia Yan faintly guessed something, at this time there was a hint of vigilance about the upcoming city!
"Well, come with me. In this city, only the city defense can fly. If you dare to fly, don't blame me if you die."
The slave monster that led the way led Jia Yan to fly down.
Jia Yan quickly followed.
In the city ahead, there are extremely high walls and gates, and the height of this gate reaches 100 meters. Even if Jia Yan is erected, it is simply not towering.
Jia Yan walked forward with the monsters in front of him, and he found that the ordinary creatures who had passed by them around, one by one, when they saw the slave monsters leading him, all kneeled down, a pious look.
Jia Yan also felt kneeling in tandem. He felt uncomfortable and slightly behind, and those ordinary creatures continued to crawl up and do their own thing after kneeling worshipping the slave monster in front.
"You know now, even if I am a slave here, is it a high status?" The slave monster walked ahead, and was somewhat proud of Jia Yandao.
"Yes, I see." Jia Yan said faintly, but with a smirk in his heart.
He does n’t want this so-called status. If this monster wants something, then chickens and ducks cannot speak the same language. His life idea is to become a strong man, but the other party is pursuing so-called rights and interests. They are not A creature!
When I came to the tall gate, I saw this monster from afar. In front of the gate, a small team seemed to have creatures about 5 meters in height, riding a creature that was 15 or 16 meters in length, and ran quickly towards this side. Come.
The ground was shaking and the ground was shaking. The cavalry of this squad was horrible!
Jia Yan looked at the cavalry of this squad without any movement. Because this group of cavalry, including the creatures under them, did not exceed the level, in his opinion, it was nothing more than a name.
"Master Kaka! Welcome to your return!" Riding in front of the slave monster, he quickly rolled down the saddle and knelt down in front of him.
At the bottom of Jia Yan's heart, he sneered sneerfully. It seems that in this so-called Tianlong field, the entire style can be seen through the leopard, which is obvious!
But he also knew that this slave was called Lord Kaka.
I saw the monster looking down at the cavalry knelt down on the ground, with a contented smile, and reached out and floated a little, so that all the cavalry stood up.
"How? If you're willing to be a slave, maybe you still have a chance."
When the cavalry lined up one by one and introduced Master Kaka and Jia Yan into the city, Master Kaka turned back and looked at Jia Yan, saying with some temptation.
However, Jia Yan has been disgusted by these styles of his work. He suddenly heard the words and was almost speechless.
The other party actually thought that he would like this ‘treatment’ like these guys?
"Hehe ..." Jia Yan smiled. Then he shook his head: "Master Kaka, I was born as a savage, but I am still not with you. Thank you for your invitation."
"I don't know what to do!" Master Kaka snorted coldly. How could he not see that Jia Yan still looked down on their style?
In fact, the other party did not have good intentions to let Jia Yan enter the ranks of their so-called slaves, because these slaves did not get this status in one day. Strong strength is only a requirement. If things are not done well, they will have the same status low.
If Jia Yan is hot and promises to join, then in the future, he has a way to let this proud master enjoy the means of his ‘Master Kaka’!
But Jia Yan couldn't agree at all!
The two continued to move forward, Jia Yan looked at the bustling scenery around him, somewhat surprised.
You ca n’t see it in the sky. Now when you face the city directly on the ground, you find that the style of the city includes not only those skyscrapers with strong science fiction in alien cities, but also some religious-like buildings, some of which are like religious members. Monsters, strangely dressed, come and go in them.
There are also some speeding cars flying in the sky, but they all obey the traffic rules and there is no possibility of collision.
Generally speaking, the style of this city is very unique, or in other words, Jia Yan has only seen a city with an alien planet, such as a gray and yellow star, and seeing another planet city, it will always feel a little different.
The two of them are huge in size. When they pass the road, there are always a variety of creatures who will scoop down and pray to Lord Kaka.
And through this kind of scene, Jia Yan also has a preliminary understanding of this so-called 'Tianlong field'.
It seems to be playing here.
Lord Kaka came to an open place, and then he heard Jia Yan.
Jia Yan looked up and saw a large bling in front of him.
This is a building similar to the Earth ’s Sanjiao religion. The surface is bright and eye-catching.
It covers a vast area, from side to side, you can't see your head at a glance, it may be more than ten kilometers!
Many of these various creatures come and go, some monsters are still some powerful creatures, reaching the peak of the sky.
The clothes worn by these monsters are similar to those of Lord Kaka who led Jia Yan in front of him.
"Haha, Kaka, you're back. That's what I said before. Is that the one who challenged the lord and won?"
A guy who looked similar to Kaka, walked in front of Kaka and looked at Jia Yan at the back, with a look of interest in his eyes.
"Yes, it's still a bargain. It seems that we will have fun next time." Kaka responded with a smile.
Jia Yan's eyes flickered, but after that, he didn't show anything, followed Kaka to move on.
"Here is the hall of Lord Xingrong. There are a total of seven dragons. Lord Xingrong is one of them, and the cities around the hall are all affiliated to the hall." Lord Kaka casually followed Jia while walking Iwa explained.
"Okay, thank you for your guidance." Jia Yan nodded.
However, Nakaka didn't seem to have any idea to continue to say something, but took Jia Yan to move forward.
When he came to a long promenade, Kaka was a little nervous, and he said to Jia Yan, "Next you will see Master Xingrong, remember not to say extra words, and not to challenge adults, if anything happens Accident, don't expect us to save you, but don't drag me into the water, you know I brought you. "
"Okay." Jia Yan agreed silently.
He had some bright eyes in his compound eyes, and looked at the hall in front, where the so-called 'Xingrong Master' was located, and what kind of powerful person is this Tianlong strong, and the Tianlong strong will be What kind of existence, the answer to this matter, will soon appear in front of him!
Kaka continued to lead Jia Yan forward.
Jia Yan looked at the front a little, and after not seeming to feel any dangerous breath, he did not say a word, and went forward.
Kaka Kaka ...
When Kaka reported that a mountain in front of the hall was generally tall and tall, and the momentum was far beyond Kaka's monster, the monster slowly opened the heavy iron door of the hall and opened it.
Jia Yan was a little more dignified at this time.
Because he found that the monster guarding the hall was actually a ... starry sky!
Although it is just a guy who seems to be in the starry sky, there is no starry sky with any moisture!
This can't help but make Jia Yan a little surprised. After all, even the guarded monster is also a starry sky, then how powerful is the so-called Tianlong Power, and he can't figure it out.
Just as Jia Yan passed the monster, this huge monster, more than 40 meters in length, had a stiff muscle, and then looked at Jia Yan in amazement, but did not see that he had any star-level appearance. Suddenly weird, I took my eyes off.
Jia Yan looked at the star-level monster. When he saw the other side, he looked at himself with some doubts, and quickly converged some of his brain wave power. Fear of being noticed by the other party.
However, he originally lost the existence of energy, and in the previous moment, just like this monster, the survey reached the early stage of starry sky, so now as soon as the energy decreases, the other party naturally cannot see his bottom line!
However, Jia Yan still felt a little palpitated, and walked forward, thinking in his heart, if the Lord Xingrong saw his strength, there would not be any changes at that time.
"My lord! Your most faithful slave, Kaka is back, my lord!"
As soon as Lord Kaka entered the hall, he seemed to have changed his appearance. He knelt down, lying directly on the ground, kneeling forward all the way.
Jia Yan was taken aback by his performance, but instead of taking a closer look, he put his eyes on the top of the hall where Kaka moved forward!
This is a main hall with a length of about one kilometer and a height of about two hundred meters. It is full of jinxuan on the wall, and it is very luxurious.
The front of the main hall has a seat high.
Sitting above it was a monster with a parrot's mouth but a fat body with ten arms.
This monster is about 70 meters high and has a bloated figure sitting there, just like a mountain of meat.
He was wearing a soft gauze, transparent, and decent on him.
Although the few people around are aliens, even from the perspective of the Earth people, they can see the huge female creatures full of beauty. All of them have almost the same level of strength, but at this moment they seem to please the powerful niece. Two were feeding, and two were helping the strong with a breeze of energy.
It is simply the greatest enjoyment in the world.
When the other party looked lazy, when Kaka entered, his eyelids were not raised, but he crossed Kaka and looked directly at Jia Yan, the big mosquito!
At this moment, Jia Yan only felt that his body had a huge sense of oppression!
This sense of oppression is extremely strong, such as Yuanyuan, which makes Jia Yan feel uncomfortable all over his body.
He was startled, a little surprised, that the monster was far more powerful than he expected, and it might have a starry level!
At least compared to that year on the gray and yellow stars, the battle of Odotake is more than one piece!
"Oh, Kaka, you did a good job. Oh oh oh, very good."
Such a huge monster is also such a terrible lord Xingrong. When he spoke suddenly, Jia Yan, a big mosquito, almost did not spray out!
It turns out that this guy's mouth is a parrot's mouth, and the voice spoken is like a little parrot, with a high and sharp tone.
Not worthy of his momentum and appearance!
Jia Yan almost knelt!
"Yes, lord, this is the guy named Jia Yan." Kaka stepped forward on his knees, and stared at Jia Yan at the back!
"Master, you're in front of you, do you dare to stand without kneeling down ?!"
Jia Yan froze, then a hesitation flashed in his heart.
kneel? That's too much!
But if he doesn't kneel, the opponent seems to be extremely powerful. Even if Jia Yan has restored all his combat power, he can't stand in front of this guy for a long time. If this horrible adult is really angry, can he afford it?
Is it a kneeling to relieve one danger, or even if you are in danger, you will never lose your dignity? !!
Thinking of this, Jia Yan suddenly had a kind of arrogance and emerged fiercely in his heart!
What to worship? !! He Jia Yan has not had such a restless moment since his rebirth. Even if there were several times of life and death crisis, which time did he spend his teeth with self-esteem?
Is it necessary that I have reached such a point, overthrow my efforts, and go to the one who has just met, regardless of self-esteem? !!
No worship! It is impossible to worship!
Thinking of this, Jia Yan did not move, but made a low voice ...
"Master Kaka, there is no rule that if you want to become the lord, you must bow to the Lord Xingrong?" He seemed to take root under his feet. Although the mosquito may bow, it may be just a cricket, but in front of other creatures. He bowed his head, this feeling was not very good.
"Miscellaneous account, what do you say! Which lord is not like this, you ..." Kaka didn't expect Jia Yan to not even cooperate with this at all, and at this moment suddenly shouted and shouted in shock.
"Oh oh! Kaka, you brought an interesting person here, it's fun. Oh oh boy, you don't need to kneel, come and let me see you." The bloated monster above, there seemed to be a small naked eye A faint whisper emerged, and then made a weird noise.
His voice seemed funny, but Jia Yan didn't mean to laugh at all, even if the other party used even stranger voices, but under the background of strength, anything he said was enough.
"Jia Yan! Lord asked you to come forward, hurry up, you respect me!" Kaka quickly turned around at this moment and yelled at Jia Yan.
In Jia Yanfu's eyes, he had an inexplicable weird glance. With Kaka's urging, he finally took a step!
But at this time, his energy began to stir up.
He knows that he is probably far from being the opponent of this adult, but if the opponent really has any malicious intentions, then Jia Yan will definitely fight to the end, even if he is fighting.
However, this did not seem to happen!
"Oh oh! Good looking guy, you are still very young, very young!" Master Xingrong issued a series of exclamations when Jia Yan came less than 50 meters away.
Fifty meters is already a very, very close distance for such a huge monster, and it can be said that it takes a while to launch an attack.
"Master Xingrong has won the prize, I am really young." Jia Yan responded lightly. The age of a creature can be roughly seen from its appearance and energy, but it requires a little experience. Obviously, this Xingrong Master is this kind of existence.
"Oh oh oh! I can see that you are hurt! Have you ever been a starry sky before? Oh oh! Don't look at me with this look, quack, ordinary starry sky, old and inferior! You are included, quack. "
The voice of Lord Xingrong is extremely sharp. His words are also hurting. Although there is no bad behavior because Jia Yan was once a starry sky, he actually said that he was even a starry sky No different words for him!
Jia Yan froze.
He has been energized by the energy, presumably this point can also be seen by the other party, but he apparently did not expect that this powerful existence seems to be even a guy who suddenly emerged as an injured starry sky, not too much care.
The next moment, the words spoken by Xingrong made Jia Yan's big rock finally have a landing!
"Oh, oh! Your injury is very serious, and your energy loss is also very serious, so you need at least fifty years of cultivation time to recover. Good guy, give me your life, Lord Xingrong. There is a way for you to recover in thirty years, and then you will be one of my generals, oh oh oh! What a wonderful decision, you can watch the door for me in the future! "
He was happy, and seemed unable to suppress his own energy, but there was a terrible shock wave for a moment, and he flew a female creature around him fiercely!
If you like the rebirth star mosquito, please collect it: ( The rebirth star mosquito is the fastest in the literature.
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