Chapter 540: Interview with alien ‘beauty’ reporter [seeking subscription]

Jia Yan moved his body without moving all night, and then went towards the outside of the residence.
Outside, the existence of Angel Camp is already waiting.
"Jia Yan, we will not give up today. Try to win as much as possible, I hope you can help me with the angel camp!"
The four-eyed monster stood at the forefront and said solemnly to Jia Yan!
"Don't worry, I will continue to work hard!"
Jia Yan responded lightly.
He said to himself: "Even if you don't work hard, I have to work hard. After all, this is a big change for me!"
Of course, he couldn't say such an idea.
A lot of strong people continued to head towards the venue of the conference.
The universe is mysterious and unpredictable, and those who can rule the sky are often extremely powerful and brilliant civilizations.
In this starry sky, the civilization of the barren galaxy can be described as very powerful. If the earth people come here to watch it, it will be extremely horrifying and feel like they have come to the world of science fiction!
However, in this world, in addition to science fiction, there are different fighting powers than in science fiction movies. They are the true leaders of this science fiction world!
"Let's welcome the warriors of today's game. They are the teams that successfully passed the first match and broke through the opponents' obstacles. The host's voice rang out in the dark space of the deep tunnel.
In this starry sky, countless sightseeing spacecraft are coming and going, and the most central point of the spaceship is the venue of this competition.
The size of this venue is not too small, reaching a length of about tens of kilometers, which is full of countless alien life.
The powerful battle that made them extremely mad, under the watch of everyone, opened the curtain!
In the past, they could only worship the starry powerhouses who trembled under their feet, but today they are constantly fighting under their attention. These ordinary creatures are very willing to pay a little money to watch the battles of these powerhouses and satisfy them. In the past, I did not dare to vent my feelings.
"Look, this is the force spaceship of the Angel Camp. They also came today. I don't know if Master Jia Yan who was winning streak yesterday was in it."
Among the spaceships, there were violent creatures in the spaceship, pointing and pointing at the spaceship passing by the player's passage.
Sure enough, one of the anti-ships passing by the spacecraft has a wonderful logo, and the logo of this spacecraft and the spacecraft is still unknown to at least before today, but at this time, their appearance through various media , Has spread throughout the galaxy.
In the first game of the war, five consecutive victories were written, pulling this force back from the edge of failure. Lord Jia Yan, the ambassador of the battalion, was consistently rated as the most valuable foreign aid in the battle yesterday. The forces spoke overnight, intending to hire Jia Yan as a temporary foreign aid, and the commission was more than double the average star level!
You know, in this conference, it is still the world in the starry sky, and it is already an unprecedented thing to give such a high commission to the strongest in the early days of the starry sky.
Of course, giant mosquitoes cannot accept it at all, and these forces have not thought that the other party will accept it, because in this kind of competition, foreign aids for changing forces are generally not considered to be worthy, and few strong players do so.
Star-level powerhouses have heads and faces in this starry sky, and they will not do anything like that in order to increase the money for that point.
The angel camp players entered the playing field. Yesterday, Jia Yan only watched his opponents, so today I finally have free time to see the environment here.
The so-called battlefield is a tens of kilometers of interstellar material. In the central region of this barren galaxy, it is a behemoth.
At that time, I did n’t know how much effort it took to drag this behemoth from outside the galaxy into the galaxy.
"It really is the black technology of aliens. The earth people want to reach this level, I really don't know how long it will take ..." Jia Yan looked at the surrounding environment. Some sense.
This kind of dark technology, accompanied by his strength, did not know how much it had experienced along the way, but until now, Jia Yan could not keep up with this technology at all. If there are no instructions for a lot of things, he doesn't understand it at all.
Fortunately, after several mutations, the head of a large mosquito is definitely many times stronger than ordinary people, so even if it is not very adaptable in the beginning of this starry sky, after a period of understanding, it has gradually integrated into this starry sky. Live now.
Today's battle is a battle between the selection forces of the preliminary round, but the battle that did not pass the preliminary round is launched the next day.
In short, losing is not necessarily a bad thing, and winning is not necessarily a good thing. After all, maybe you will face the death schedule after winning, which is really a cry.
"This pair of angel camps, our forces may meet today, be careful of the guy called Jia Yan!"
"Angel camp? Among them, Jia Yan needs a little attention, and the rest is not a concern."
A strong man, when he saw the angel camp team, all looked at Jia Yan, a foreign aid, to cast a jealous eye, while the rest of the angel camp, they did not pay much attention.
"It seems that we are not optimistic about them, huh, huh." The scale monster looked at the star-level creatures around him, with a flash of anger in his eyes.
"Well, today's game, we have to do a good job, otherwise they are ridiculed, but it is not good to rely on good luck and get a foreign aid to be strong."
The four-eyed monster does not enjoy the feeling of being despised. At this moment, there is a horrible energy creeping on the surface of its body, and it seems that it is too anxious to fight an opponent.
"Welcome to the spot of the Chaotic Stone Collection Conference Quota Competition. Here is an off-site broadcast from the host of the Great Tang Nationality."
"Now we can see the rest area of ​​the contestants. The sweet mood is very shameful. Will those star powerhouses be as terrible as we think? Will those powerhouses not be to the general public? Why not? "
A line of off-site interviews are broadcasting live.
A large group of workers followed an alien woman.
Tian Tian is a female life that looks very in line with popular aesthetics. She has two heads, and both heads have beautiful compound eyes. It looks like a star, fascinating.
Well, this is for alien creatures, and Earth people may not accept it or maybe.
"This strong man, what kind of power are you?" Tian Tian is about five meters high, and is completely small in front of a star-level player passing by.
"I? I'm a Ken Ken force, oh oh, Miss Tiantian, I'm your fan, can you sign me?" The strong man has no resistance to Tiantian's charm, and is directly against it. Say the signature request.
After agreeing to the strongman's signature request, Tiantian continued to broadcast live.
"Well, the special forces to be interviewed today are already waiting for us in the front, so what kind of forces will this be? We will wait and see."
The interracial beauty swayed in front of the media and came to a player lounge.
After turning into the media realm, he only saw a huge monster with four eyes. Behind him, there was a flying creature. The flying angry compound eyes were brilliant and terrible.
And beside this flying creature, there are the remaining three powerful starry sky classes, so that the outer standing is farther than the sky-level replacement creatures that can hardly occupy the realm.
"The mystery is revealed! The mysterious force interviewed today is the angel camp that made a splash yesterday!"
Tian Tian puts out an introductory look before the realm.
In front of the realm Jia Yan, Hao Xuan was able to resist, and she wanted to impress this huge, but cute alien woman.
"Speaking of the Angel Camp, everyone may not be very familiar, but if you see the face of this pair of strong men, I believe that you will never lose sight. He just made a comeback yesterday. The strength definitely made all the strong men in the early days of the sky The strong man who must be treated with care, is also the newcomer and star, Master Jia Yan! "
Tiantian came to Jia Yan, and at the same time, he pointed directly at Jia Yan.
"Hello everyone." Jia Yan felt a bit helpless and spread out to the outside world through the media.
The photographic machine pulled Jing Jing's expression on Jia Yan's expression in a timely manner.
"Haha, has Master Jia Yan seen the beautiful and sweet Miss Tian, ​​and the soldier's heart has melted, so Xian's absentmind?" The vice host on the side is a male, but he can only intervene in time. With this sentence in mind, at other times I was robbed of the opportunity to speak.
"Haha, yes." Jia Yan nodded after hearing a chill.
In fact, Jia Yan was also helpless. When he came to participate in the competition before, the four-eyed monster was so excited that he would have a huge surprise later. Then he was told that there would be media interviews, and the interviewer was this starry sky. The famous 'Community Flower Beauty Reporter Sweet'!
Jia Yan naturally didn't know any ‘beauty reporter’, so when I saw this ‘sweet’, there was an illusion of 10,000 grass mud horses running in front of me!
This is also called beauty? Jia Yan is extremely sorry for the slightly expectant one. Obviously, you should not believe in the eyes of the aliens. The eyes of the aliens here are more abnormal than the ones in the arm of the fairy, which makes Jia Yan feel speechless.
"Well, let's interview the leader of the angel camp with wisdom and knowledge. How did you look at this master Jia Yan, and how can you win such a powerful master Jia Yan to join your power? ?
"Ahem, this ... this is a long and complicated story." The four-eyed monster looked at the sweetness around him, and apparently was very emotional about this big beauty, so he wanted to show off.
After stunned by Jia Yan, he took the initiative to join and became a four-eyed monster who has gone through a lot of hardships and ignored his self-esteem. It came to the Angel Camp forces, and yesterday, after his exquisite tactics, he finally created such an amazing record!
It was not only Jia Yan who was stunned, but even the pink monsters and scale monsters on one side were extremely surprised, as if the four-eyed monsters they saw on weekdays were completely overthrown.
"Eh! This, let's interview the parties. That is, the strong man who has the limelight. Even before, he even had the experience of fighting with the Tianlong strong man-Master Jia Yan."
The blow to the four-eyed monster was so special, that even Tiantian couldn't hear it, and quickly turned the interviewee in one direction and turned toward Jia Yan.
In fact, anyone seems to know at a glance that people came for Jia Yan. As a result, the four-eyed monster was there in Barabara, and all the staff felt speechless.
This guy really has the power to accept their interviews because he is the leader of a small force, right? There is almost no self-knowledge.
"Master Jia Yan's oppression is different. How can I approach the adult with a different sense of fear!"
Sweetly approached Jia Yan, and immediately felt a horrible feeling of horror that she accepted.
After all, Jia Yan stared at her: this sense of terror, but Jia Yan deliberately released the coercion of the starry powerhouse.
His meaning is very simple. He doesn't want to be interviewed or interviewed by 'Star Beauty'.
"So Master Jia Yan, the leader of the Angels said before, do you agree?" Tiantian smiled and turned the topic into it.
"I agree." Jia Yan said lightly.
"Oh? What's your outlook for today? Do you think that Angel Camp today can go on?"
"Everyone said that your victory yesterday was a huge miracle, and some people say that it is an absolute demonstration of your strength. Do you think this statement is correct?"
"Well, it's okay to say it right, but I don't want to say more."
For a few questions, Jia Yan said coldly. The sweetness of this sounds a little awkward.
Jia Yan's attitude was clearly uncooperative. This starry beauty, interviewed so many strong people, this is still extremely rare.
What's even more depressing is that this situation is not a live broadcast, and there is no chance of switching.
"Well, Master Jia Yan, continue to win today, we will not disturb the rest before the war." The sweet voice became a little unnatural.
When the camera walked away with sweetness, Jia Yan and others still faintly heard the sweet interstellar beauty, shouting loudly at the moment: "He really is a strong man? How many mid- and peak adults? I refused to have dinner with me. This guy still pretended to be strong? "
Sweet and humming away, leaving only speechless Jia Yan and the strong men of the angel camp.
"I actually talked to Miss Tiantian."
The four-eyed monster changed the former stableness, and kept looking at Miss Tiantian.
"Jia Yan, you really are not a man who values ​​beauty." The scale monster came to Jia Yan and gave Jia Yan some inexplicable praise.
This kind is also called beauty? The brother who didn't scare was very good to wake up in the middle of the night.
Jia Yan thought silently about the so-called beauties. What did it mean? After that, he didn't have much conclusion and had to give up.
And on the side, the beauty is ‘sweet’. During the pause of the interview live broadcast, I quietly stepped aside, flipped through the game directory, then took out the communicator and broadcast a number.
"Master Tongpisha. I am sweet. Someone bullied me just now. I'm not happy. Would you please teach me lessons?"
Jia Yan didn't know everything about this alien beauty, let alone that an alien beauty, what she actually did, was no different from the girls with small stomachs on the earth.
Actually at this time yelling to help come forward.
"Okay, put away the fun just now, the next day is our second day of competition." After the four-eyed monster left sweetly, he straightened his face and said to the other strong ones.
But his appearance has been damaged, and now he can't take it back for a while.
"The exciting second day of the conference will begin immediately. Welcome players to the field."
A contestant came on stage.
The host on the stage is still working hard to explain.
He said not only the situation on the day of the game, but also some notable news of the strong.
The collection conference is a profitable huge gold-absorbing machine. The Datan family has no exception to the official opening of the winning and losing games. Some people who have spare money will buy their favorite strong ones.
Those contestants, depending on their performance, will be given certain funds by the organizers.
In fact, this also shows that this kind of competition has changed from just hiding the chaotic stones from the beginning, to now it has become an activity for the whole people. There are even such weak forces as the Angel Camp.
"All the teams in the match have been introduced. Now let's look at the big screen. Which two fighting forces will play the first battle?"
"Okay! The first battle was against the keel forces. The confrontation was against the Pickenall mercenary regiment."
On the battlefield, the first two opposing forces came to power and started the battle.
The angel camp cannot always be arranged in the first one, that is too aggressive. It is also unfair.
"This is today's battle chart. Let's step up and look at it, including the other party's battle video yesterday."
Holding the image of the four-eyed monster, Zhi Yan, Jia Yan gently looked at Lee ’s first battle and found that there were no mid-term powerhouses and no one that needed his own attention. He shook his head and opened it. After understanding the brain, watch the video and introduce it.
"Huh? This is called Tongpi Club. It's worth noting!" Jia Yan watched three games and directly identified the opponent's first player to play.
"Although this guy gave up in the third game, it was not that he lost, but that he took a break in order to save energy."
"What's more frightening is that this guy is infinitely close to the mid-term existence of the starry sky!"
Jia Yan turned over the opponent's battle yesterday. In the end, because the number of players differed too much, he decided that the power of Natong Pisha was directly winning.
"It seems that his greatest enemy today is him."
Jia Yan thought lightly. Unconsciously, his thoughts returned to those combat materials that he had seen overnight.
(This book has been over 2 million words the day before yesterday! Oh, so long since I wrote the book step by step, the first book with over 2 million words was born, uh, the giant mosquito is 2 million words! It is worth celebrating )
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