Chapter 562: Powerful sound? !! [For subscription]

The collection point on the port star is at this time a hot artificial day, and as the final stage of the gathering, the liveliness here is even more lively than in the past. Many media gathered in the area near the channel, waiting for the meeting stars after the collection. In front of them.
In fact, previous conferences have gradually developed a similar model. No one really cares about the actual collection, because no force cares about the chaotic stone. It is only for the popularity of their own power and their reputation. Conference.
"What kind of stars did you say this conference has achieved? I think in addition to the winning Jiji team, there are a few dark horses that can be considered winners."
"I think there is an encampment for that day. You have to know that their popularity was not there before. After this meeting, their reputation has risen to a very high level. It seems that their power will definitely develop more smoothly in this galaxy in the future. of."
"Isn't Angel Camp relying on that Jia Yan? But Na Jia Yan is no better. His strength is as good as a real master. He has not been defeated in a real battle. He wants to have If you are capable, you will win a mid-level powerhouse? I think he will fame, and the future is doomed to wipe out everyone. "
Several reporters were discussing the outstanding existence of this gathering. They were reporters and had a strong sense of smell. They quickly analyzed several powerful beings, but no one was optimistic about Jia Yan.
Just as they talked ...
boom! !! !! !! !!
An earth-shattering sound exploded as the voices of these reporters exploded. A famous journalist was not a strong person. Sometimes they developed tinnitus. A famous journalist could not stand the noise and fell directly to the ground.
Only those above the prefecture level can not be greatly affected. At this moment, they are horrified to put their eyes on the place where a loud noise broke out.
The explosion is the channel!
They were very surprised one by one. This interstellar channel is not ordinary material. If a powerful existence can be destroyed, they believe it, but the strong existence here is only possible for those under the top ten. Such things, will the top ten destroy themselves? It's impossible.
They were a little surprised in their eyes, looking at the area that exploded violently, and then saw it, struggling to produce a dark monster.
"Isn't this Jia Yan that we just talked about? How could he be so fast!"
A slightly more powerful reporter saw Jia Yan's face. After all, there are various strong men among the reporters. This strong man is a sky-high peak, although it is not much in front of the star-level strong. However, it is still possible to see the figure of Jia Yan in a distant place. After all, the farther away, the faster the object can be seen clearly.
"Jia Yan? Why is he!" Several reporters on the side who were not injured seemed to be frightened and asked back.
However, the top-level strong reporter has no time to respond to his words. At this moment, the strong looks at the scene in the sky, and some words cannot be said.
It turned out that behind Jia Yan's body, a series of figures suddenly appeared through the hollow and flew directly, and each figure was not much slower than the Jia Yan that appeared in front.
What stunned the reporter is that each of their postures is an unimaginable noble existence for the existence of life in this galaxy!
And it is an incredibly powerful man!
"What! Isn't that the Lord of the Blues? The top ten strong men are pursuing Jia Yan?" The reporter shouted in a little horror at the pose that appeared behind him.
And several reporters on the other side, at this moment their strength has not reached that level, one by one can only see the shadows flying in the sky and fighting. But when he heard the words of this strong man, these famous reporters were extremely surprised.
"What, you say that the man who chased Jia Yan in the sky was actually Pai Lan? Isn't Jia Yan very weak? How could it be that Pai Lan pursued in person? His strength is not even that of a powerful star in the sky. Could it be defeated? Now hunted down by Pai Lan himself ?! "
After seeing Pai Lan, the powerful reporter flew slowly towards the one behind Pai Lan out of the hollow and tiny existence of the broken channel, his eyes could not help but stare straight!
"This is ... it's actually Xingwu Master, Jia Yan's He Dehe Neng, even Xingwu Master is dispatched. However, his speed really seems to be a lot stronger, no! It's just terrible. Do n’t, oh, his defense power can even defend the attack of the blue lord. This, what is wrong with this, is there a problem in my world? We said that Jia Yan, who has no strength, would be so. Terrible existence? "
The reporter murmured directly for a while, and constantly doubted himself.
The rest of the reporters looked at each other at this moment. As reporters, one by one smelled what might be the biggest news in these decades.
They quickly set up their own equipment. Although a large number of assistants fell down, how can they not be able to do this as they can resist the existence of the sound waves? Although one can't see the battle over the sky, they started broadcasting directly.
Regarding the dryness below, none of the strong men in the battle above looked distracted. For them, the fighting at this moment came to an extremely fierce situation.
"This Jia Yan, his combat effectiveness, has broken through again. In this way, our strength will be surpassed by him!"
The row of blues fell down, but his attack was blocked by Jia Yan's forefoot. Even this resistance was impossible to even Jia Yan's shock!
The speed at which he can improve his strength is simply terrible.
"Let ’s go, I'll come." A terrible sound came from behind, making Pai Lan, who was fighting Jia Yan, could not help but retreat directly, but at the moment of his retreat, a small posture directly affected the situation. So far, the blue row will be thrown away.
"You guy!" Pai Lan's eyes were a little angry, but the enemy now has only to endure this breath for the moment when he broke his own existence.
Jia Yan also looked at the presence of the impact with a certain dignity. For him, at this moment, only the existence of the enemy who came out of the blue line and the impact could pose a threat to his life.
As for the other existence, it is not that they are not strong enough, but that Jia Yan's defensive power at this moment has even reached the level of mutation completion, so they cannot easily break his defense, so the damage to Jia Yan can be described as small. A lot.
And the existence of this shock is naturally more dangerous than Jia Pai, which makes Jia Yan feel the crisis, and it is also the supreme strength of the dragon family that day-Xingwu!
The existence of this small man is very powerful for Jia Yan at this moment. Even if his strength is improved again now, Jia Yan still has no confidence to stop the opponent's blow.
"Why not come yet! Hurry up!"
At the moment, Jia Yan used the power of brain waves to press a hidden button in the wing membrane of his body, which is exactly the button of the spaceship controller.
At this moment, Jia Yan really doesn't have much countermeasures against the strength of the opponent. In fact, even if he is strong, such as Pai Lan, he has no countermeasures at this moment, but his defensive body can block the opponent's attack. .
He can only find a way to escape.
The button things in the fin membrane made a crisp response sound.
At the bottom of Jia Yan's heart, he looked at something in his wing membrane with a little surprise.
What he pressed was naturally the button of the spaceship. Before that, it seemed that the signal was blocked in the channel, so their previous operation was completely invalid.
The spaceship has now responded.
"Fortunately, I had prepared before and parked the spacecraft at the port of call of the private company. Otherwise, the other party might have blocked the Unley Bay a long time ago." Jia Yan thought about the situation at the moment, and was somewhat grateful.
The spacecraft was activated, but the immediate crisis did not subside, and the strike of Xingwu came directly. The faint one seemed to be more powerful than the previous attack.
Jia Yan felt a touch of stasis in the heaven and earth beside his body. This was the feeling that the opponent's energy exceeded him so much that he sealed the whole world.
"Huh! I can really improve after the mutation started. You want to block me easily, it's not that easy!" The spirit of Jia Yanmu directly exploded.
After that, on his body, a golden light of Huang Chancan lightened suddenly. Although it feels a little weaker than the real light shining on the surface of Xingwu's body, it is still extremely dazzling.
This is the true energy of Jia Yan after reaching the extremely terrible stratum after the mutation energy addition!
"It's really good, but you can't master it, you die!" Na Xingwu saw Jia Yan's true light, but also hesitated for a moment, his expression recovered, and he continued to attack his skull with a single blow.
The head of each creature is an important key point. He also thinks that Jia Yan's defense is too strong, and he can only attack Jia Yan's head of the head in order to kill in one shot.
"Hum! Hold me back!" Jia Yanmu flashed slightly, and then he called all his strength, so that the blue defense was directly at the top of the skull.
This trick is extremely dangerous, because using this defense method, the defense power of the remaining parts will be greatly reduced. If the other party knows this, he directly gives up the original attack part and attacks the rest of Jia Yan, then Jia Yan is dangerous. Already.
Fortunately, it was impossible to understand Jia Yan when he saw Xing Wu, Jia Yan ’s defense method. He thought that as long as his attack fell on Jia Yan ’s body, the battle would end.
The contact, a bright radiance, reflected in the spot, although Jia Yan's body is larger than the other party and do not know how much, but the brighter side, but Xingwu!
At this moment, a bright yellow ray appeared in Jia Yan's body, but the brightness of the other side was no longer a level. The yellow awn of the other side surpassed all the strong ones that Jia Yan had seen, and the energy In terms of density, I don't know how many stronger than he has seen.
Of course, the opponent is the fifth of the top ten, and it can even be said that Jia Yan has the strongest existence!
Jia Yan felt a little bit of shattering on the top of his skull, which was a bit unpleasant.
"This guy is too strong. It is definitely the strongest of all beings I have ever seen. Will I lose to him? After all, even without any resistance, it is normal to lose!"
Jia Yan saw a bit of struggle, and he also wanted to escape, but the strength of the opponent was not a level with him, he could not think of any way he could escape.
"No!" Just when Jia Yan felt unable to escape, a piece of memory appeared in his mind.
"This Xingwu is not the most powerful existence I have ever seen. I have seen a presence that is more powerful than it, and I do n’t even know how strong it is!" Forbearing the pain of his head being attacked by the other side, Jia Yan used the blue defense Resisting the opponent's attack, at this moment I remembered the 'strongest one' I really encountered.
The emergence of the strongest person, Jia Yan used to regard the existence of the other party as a memory error or a legend. But now think about it, the ability used by the other party is not similar to the true path he is taking now?
That existence was the strong zerg that Jia Yan encountered in the grey-yellow star domain. In one hit, Jia Yan once hinted that he would treat it as A dream.
But now think about it, although the energy of the other party is still more powerful than the true feelings, but the feeling is somewhat similar.
"Xingwu's energy in front of the other side is nothing more than worth mentioning. From this point of view, his true energy seems to have some huge loopholes compared to that Zerg strongman ..." Jia Yan's eyes were at this moment A little confused.
"Huh?" Xingwu struck Jia Yan's head with a single blow. Although the opponent did not know in what way, he sharply improved his defense, but he knew that as long as the stalemate continued to rise, the opponent would undoubtedly die.
But at this moment, when he saw Jia Yan's gaze, there was a faint horror.
Due to the closeness, he was able to see that in Jia Yan's eyes, a terrible figure appeared suddenly. The breath of sound and shadow was extremely horrifying. Not only stronger than him, even the strongest of their top ten seems to be far weaker than the other!
"How is it possible, what is this !?" Then Xingwu wanted to step back in amazement.
But it was too late to step back.
boom! !! !!
A force sweeping the sky and the sky emerged directly through Jia Yan's body.
The power is extremely terrible, and the whole planet can be faintly destroyed.
"Ah!" Star Wudang was shocked by this horrible breath and flew out directly. Some of his eyes were unbelievable, and some shivered.
Even he did so, not to mention the remaining platoons and the mid-level powerhouses. They were looking at Jia Yan's body at this moment, and one by one, they couldn't believe it.
Jia Yan's state was a bit unstable, but in his eyes, he looked a little stunned.
And the powerful and unparalleled momentum was directly exposed through his eyes. But he didn't seem to feel the slightest.
"Hehehe ..."
A crisp sound echoed through the world.
The sound contained terrible energy, and the beings who heard it couldn't help but faint.
Even the horrible Xingwu was spurting out of his blood and flying backwards, and his eyes were full of fear.
And the row of blues was even more unbearable. His body appeared large and small wounds in an instant. The energy of this body sound seemed to be directed at the two of them. Although they did not directly burst their bodies, they were greatly eliminated. Their fighting power.
"Well? It turns out that the two of you guys are using the energy clone? Yes, only the energy clone can cultivate to this extent. It's not bad, but in front of me, let's go, otherwise I will follow your energy. Destroy your true bodies in an instant. "
The voice said softly.
Xingwu and Pailan looked at each other in horror. There is nothing wrong. Their current body is actually not their real body, and even the combat power of this body is not half as strong as the real body, but this is in Jia Yan. The sound transmitted from the body is really horrible, and they will not feel that the other person would say nonsense about killing them.
Who is this?
Xingwu and Pailan, do n’t think it ’s Jia Yan for convenience. Not only the demeanor, but also the characteristics of life have changed too much. The more important thing is strength. This existence is more powerful than Jia Yan ’s strength. Almost different.
"Giggle, but don't be afraid, I won't come out again in the future, I will only protect this child once. If you want to attack him, you can do it in five days. I forgot to tell you, his body, Hidden secrets for your strong men to be promoted to Stellar Star, if you can catch him, Stellar Star will be in front of you. "
The voice was ringing softly in the heavens and the earth. Although extremely terrifying, she could hear it. Her voice was like a woman.
"But what is your true statement? Does Jia Yan have the secret to enter the stars?"
That Xingwu retreated, but was attracted by the voice of the girl's voice. These strong men have been stuck in the starry peak for too long. He dreamed of being promoted. He heard the words of the voice and ignored the other party. Powerful, quickly stopped his body and asked solemnly.
"Yes, but I also said that you must attack him after five days, you can even chase him all the way to the ends of the earth, or you can notify the world. But if you do n’t respect the agreement and attack him within five days, I will again It appears, huh, huh, five days later, I will not show up, giggles, I hope you can see me more, this kid's fun, fun, really fun ... "
With that said, the voice wandered continuously in the heavens and the earth, slowly becoming smaller, and finally disappearing invisible.
(Busy fish to buy things, torn with the seller late, update late, sorry.)
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