Chapter 62: Extreme extreme desire! [Seeking collection]

The greenhouse is an excellent employee in the second workshop of the ‘factory’.
But his condition was very bad these two days.
I often make mistakes at work and am half an hour late this morning.
The people in the previous class helped him for half an hour, and everyone was complaining.
But the greenhouse was still absent.
Of course, as a worker, he promised the director of the factory that he had collected 20,000 yuan of "acting fees" and pretended to be the scene of talking to Xiao Li. Now he feels very uncomfortable.
Although the factory manager promised that Xiao Li was okay, he just fell into a coma.
But in fact ... Will Xiao Li be really dead? If he knew what I was doing, would he blame me?
Those 20,000 yuan should not be taken!
"Listen, what's going on outside!"
Suddenly, the workers roared, and the greenhouse was shocked, and returned from the state of unconsciousness.
A sound outside seemed to explode, and there were some screams.
"What's wrong, isn't the police here? I'll just say it's not a good place here. We'll all be arrested in a while. What's the matter!"
Speaking abusively with an assistant at a job in the greenhouse.
"Although we were all deceived into it without knowing the situation, if everyone was doing drugs here, everyone would be sentenced to a few years for being light."
The workers in the workshop are all very nervous. In fact, no one is a fool. This factory is so mysterious and it seems that it is not the style of a formal unit. These situations have long been hidden in the eyes of these people. That is not what the factory is doing.
But for the sake of benefit, these workers did not speak one by one, and they did so until the giant insect bite incident occurred.
Some people can't stand this kind of psychological pressure and flatly offered to resign!
The Northeast Tiger was naturally unwilling to let these workers go until its purpose was achieved. So I found the shed in the middle of the night and intimidated me, and then there was the 'phone' incident that happened the next day.
Now there seemed to be a gunshot outside, and the greenhouse felt unable to sit still.
"Everyone listen to me!" He yelled, as if he had shouted all the crickets out of these days.
Everyone looked back and looked at the best friend in the factory with Xiao Li. Everyone had doubted whether Li was really dead, but the greenhouse had confirmed by phone, and of course became doubtful.
"Actually, it wasn't Xiao Li who talked to us the other day. It was the director who told me to say that! I'm sorry, everyone!" Tears fell as the greenhouse said.
Click, click ...
Just as these workers were clamoring, a fist-sized, giant black mosquito was crawling quietly through the pipes into the workshop here!
Jia Yan was in the pipe and heard the movement outside!
Fighting in the workshop!
"It's better, so I can do something while I'm in trouble."
Jia Yan crawled out faster.
At the end of the pipe, there is still an observation port. When Jia Yan came here, he quietly looked up and looked out.
The workshop on this side is obviously much larger than the other, and the workers are wearing protective clothing, which looks really high-tech.
However, the vulgar words of the workers, as well as the less professional movements, have made them not like anti-dogs, but more like the feeling of a small workshop in the countryside.
There were more than a dozen people in the workshop, and there seemed to be some people downstairs. Jia Yan saw that ‘Quan Wuxing’ was being staged in the workshop!
A group of people fought around a person who did not backhand!
"Does the factory bully people like this!" Jia Yan was stunned.
He naturally does not know the inside information, but just feels that this situation is more convenient for himself.
"The smell in the air really smells good. The smell of purple-red liquid is here. I must be looking for the right place, but if I just breathe the air here, I can feel something in my body. Excited, is it because of the huge amount of fuchsia solution? "
"Or is there any other secret here?"
As soon as Jia Yanfu's eyes brightened, he always thought that there should be some secrets of the Northeast wild tiger. Otherwise, with a man like him who also seems to know that it is impossible to master medicine, how can he casually come up with the so-called ' Antibacterial peptides?
Because Jia Yan does not know what this so-called ‘antibacterial peptide’, which is the purple-red drug solution, is good for humans, but it is an excellent drug for genetic mutation in some specific organisms!
With the equipment and facilities seen today, the Northeast Tiger can't study this level of things, or Jia Yan doubts that there is any institution in the entire world that can develop such a medicinal solution. Otherwise, creatures can mutate and increase. If the cost is reduced, a large amount of use, even if used as food, will change the entire world!
Of course, it is difficult for many people to eat huge crickets and the like, but the whole world has changed and you have to eat if you do n’t.
But the Northeast wild tigers have not been released in large quantities, let alone the existence of this medicinal solution.
Then there is only one possibility, that is, the production of this drug has certain limitations!
Jia Yan looked at the workers who were huddled outside. For a moment, the man who did not fight back also started to fight back!
His protective suit was torn twice, and it turned out to be inferior.
A group of people fought even harder!
"Shack, you idiot! That's Xiao Li, your best friend from a village knows it! You dare to do it! It's okay to lie to us, even if your best friend is dead, you dare to do it You do n’t understand, you are a beast! You are a beast!

"You bastard, you want to kill us, or I'll leave a few days ago, now the police are here, what should I do! What do you say I should do!"
The workers also made sense while fighting, and this fighting method also refreshed Jia Yan.
"But watching the excitement is not my first task. My first task is to find the purple-red liquid medicine!"
Jia Yan looked around, he was feeling, where the taste that attracted him was the strongest.
The olfactory organ of the mosquito is the two slender tentacles above the head. At this time Jia Yan's tentacles moved, and finally locked in a certain direction!
"There, there's the most appeal to me!"
As soon as Jia Yanfu's eyes brightened, he seemed to perceive it in his senses. The central one, which seemed to be ingrained and extended to the ground floor of the first floor, had the most fascinating taste.
He spread his wings and flew directly there!
"Mosquito, mosquito ..."
When the besieged besieger saw Jia Yan flying in the air, he raised his finger and pointed at the giant mosquito.
"Control your mother's mosquitoes!" Some workers actually saw Jia Yan, but for them, mutant creatures are already strange, and they usually find things to fight, but at this time the anger is rising, it must be Let's talk about the greenhouse first!
"You guys, don't blame me for fighting back! I said I'm sorry! You still fight!"
The greenhouse is also a young man. He originally wanted to atone for his sins, but was beaten a few times. The young man's unique impulse was shown. Just now, he just pushed and shoved. Now when he points at a worker, he punches his face in the face.
Suddenly, the factory became more lively!
Jia Yan didn't hide his figure. He felt that there was something in the central boiler that was extremely attractive to him!
Even if some of these workers pull out their hands and come to hunt themselves, he can rely on flexible speed to return to the passage.
Jia Yan does not know how long the chaos in the two workshops will last, but what happened here, after the Northeast Tiger and others resolved the incident created by the university boy outside, they would definitely come to the workshop to resolve the chaos.
At that time, we ca n’t expect the workers to fight with the Northeast wild tigers. After all, the Northeast wild tigers and others have guns in their hands. Even if the workers want to resist again, they have no capital!
Therefore, the chaotic time now cannot be long.
"Fuchsia medicinal solution? Will it attract me so much when the quantity reaches a lot? Or, is it something else ..."
He stared at the huge metal boiler in the middle of the workshop.
On the surface of this boiler, there are very clear Chinese characters.
‘CQ-0002’, plus a series of scriptures that Jia Yan could n’t understand.
It is this internal thing that is attracting itself.
Jia Yan is not a true insect who is only loyal to his instinct. He has a human soul. At this moment, his mind is thinking while flying!
"No! If the fuchsia medicinal solution attracts me, then this feeling of attraction will be ten times stronger! I don't think that the more the fuchsia medicinal solution will increase the tenfold attractiveness! This is the end What is it? "
Jia Yan is more curious.
Within seconds, he flew in front of the central boiler.
He found no way to enter.
Also, if a boiler can let a mosquito fly in casually, it is no wonder that the boiler does not explode.
If the boiler can't get in, it doesn't mean that you can't get anything!
Jia Yan found that there was a metal object shaped like a faucet just outside the boiler.
At this moment, some unknown dark black liquid was dripping down slowly!
The dripping liquid drips into a metal pool with a length and width of 30 cm above and below, forming a deep black pool water which is only two or three centimeters deep and dark like ink ...
Huh! !!
When Jia Yan saw this drop of dark black liquid!
I just felt my tube-shaped heart, beating suddenly and violently!
The inner voice is ...
Extreme extreme desire!
The fuchsia liquid medicine may not be able to make a third mutation for itself, but this black liquid can definitely work! !!
What exactly is it? !!
This problem comes at the same time.
Jia Yan found himself, already instinctively using the fastest speed he could fly, rushing towards a pool of black liquid!
To be continued.
Seeking collection! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Thanks to the 588 fans for the book "Love Tomatoes"! Thanks to ‘mengying Luoluo’, ‘I smiled and cried, and forgotten’, ‘Wind Wind’, ‘Slightly Flavored’, ‘Xuanyuan Renzu’, and other book friends for their rewards. Thank you so much! !!
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