Chapter 788: Earth, I am back! 【happy New Year】

Fear of the biochemical empire, so that Jia Yan did not dare to directly enter the capital occupied by the Otto Empire.
But after two years of observation, Jia Yan finally got to know the bottom line of this biochemical empire army. And finally came to a conclusion!
That is the action of this army, just a certain mountain of forces in the biochemical empire, or the action of a certain strong man alone.
The scene of Jia Yan's killing of the capital star of the Otto Empire also proves this.
"Sure enough, there is no breath of a strong man ..."
After killing this big goose monster, Jia Yan watched vigilantly to the left and right, and his body half entered the subspace, but found nothing.
"It seems that this attack on the Otto Empire is what this strong man did himself. His existence is equivalent to a star-level peak outside, and if I do not appear, it is indeed invincible in this Orion arm. of."
Jia Yan was relieved, and then his body shot gently towards the sky.
The star of Ostor Empire is already a barren territory, and there is nothing to look at.
It wasn't long before a certain Royal Fleet in the Otto Empire continued to resist the Biochemical Empire's army, making a high-profile announcement that they would kill the top leader of the Biochemical Empire.
After that, the royal orphan named ‘Princess Xiaoya’ was quickly raised to the top!
The other major so-called royal forces did not refute anything at this moment, but only one royal force jumped out to protest, but the royal fleet quickly changed their minds one day later, expressing their obedience to the management of Empress Xiaoya .
Behind all this, of course, Jia Yan is playing tricks!
As a messenger of the Earthman, although he can obey the entire Ostto Empire by force, it is impossible for the Earthman to occupy this huge empire. After all, the Earthman himself is not strong enough.
"Master, the Quartet's fleet forces seem to know your existence through intelligence. They are like us, they dare not resist."
In a fleet of nearly three thousand, which quickly hung up the Austrian flag weaver in a few days, an old man came outside a luxurious room and said respectfully outside the door.
"Well, then it is your agreement between the Otto Empire and my earth. You should have read the content? I hope you understand what to do."
There was a clear man's voice in that room. The voice was magnetic and rhythmic. It seemed that the person who spoke was a gentle man.
However, anyone who knows his identity will not regard this existence that killed countless creatures as a gentle existence.
He is exactly Jia Yan!
When the old man outside the door heard Jia Yan's words, he quickly accepted: "The earth civilization to which the lord belongs and my Otto Empire are friendly, and you still don't miss the damage that my Ostto Empire had done to your state, regardless of The loss helped me to rebuild the Austrian Emperor. Of course, the Earth War claim is too small. I personally decide. The first batch of resources will be ten times that amount, and the staff will be five times more. In the next 100 years, In time, our Otto Empire will continue to provide resources and education for the Friends of the Earth until the civilization of the Earth and our country reach the same level of civilization. "
"Good, I hope you can implement it as soon as possible."
Jia Yan smiled slightly in the room.
After the old man outside the door seemed to retreat with a bit of cold sweat, Jia Yan looked around the room and felt that there was nothing missing, and he was about to step into the subspace ...
"Master Moker."
There was another woman's voice outside the door.
The sound is soft and pleasant, and it seems to be full of vicissitudes. In short, it has a special charm.
Jia Yan frowned, although he had just discovered that the woman was following the old man outside the door, but he did not expect that she would speak.
"Say it." He retracted his feet and said.
"Master Mo Ke, don't you just close the door and don't want to see me?" The woman outside the door made a moving voice with some grievances.
"Hehe, My Excellency and Emperor Ao Huang are just friends, and I don't see them in private, so as to encourage people to gossip." Jia Yan frowned slightly.
"You ..." The female voice was a little eager: "You know what I was like, gossip, etc. I'm not afraid, even if it's an Emperor, I don't want to be a prince, don't you understand my thoughts, Mo Ke? ? "
Jia Yan froze, then shook his head: "Okay, His Excellency Ao Huang, it's getting late, I'm going to rest, let's talk about some formal diplomatic occasions. Good night."
After Jia Yan said this, no matter what the woman wanted to say, she simply crossed the space and went to the space capsule docked outside the fleet.
I have been here long enough in the Ostto Empire, and almost everything has been discussed. Jia Yan wants to return to the earth as soon as possible.
"Calculate time, should the first batch of supplies and personnel of the Blue Empire come to earth?"
In the narrow space cabin, Jia Yan smiled slightly, thinking of the earth, he thought of his family, made so much, to put it plainly, mostly for the family, even if he said it was for the earth people, but Jia Yan actually more selfish .
"I have worked hard to create a better future for my family." Jia Yan smiled, then drove the space capsule and quickly flew to the starry sky.
He didn't care that the Osto officials who wanted to talk about the specific assistance to the earth the next day, were stunned when they couldn't find him, no matter what happened to the biochemical empire.
The biochemical empire seems to be in this battle, regardless of the behavior of the big goose strongman, even if he was killed, he did not appear to say anything. Jia Yan didn't know what was going on. In short, the other party did not respond, which was what he wanted to see most.
As long as time delays, if his real strength breaks through and reaches Hengxing, then he is not so afraid. The predecessor of the light and shadow monster has not said that. When his master is in Hengxing, he can escape a galaxy. Is the hunt for the strongest?
Jia Yan believes that when he reaches the star level, he will have similar capabilities!
In the starry sky, Jia Yan's space capsule is extremely fast, and it takes some time to reach Earth.
While Jia Yan was sailing, some things were still fermenting ...
Especially in a country that is not far from the Ruan Empire and not far from the Osto Empire, the matter of his "Emissary of the Earth" is far from Jia Yan's own imagination so not to attract the other party's attention!
"Haha, that Tuzi is dead! The trial task for him is so simple, it just destroys an empire in a barren starfield, he will all die, and it will just kill me."
In this country, a huge monster that looks like a starry sky, when he receives a message, he is happy.
He smiled back and forth, as if happy with the news.
On the other side, another strong man was not so happy.
"Well, how worth it, can you laugh enough? Tuzi's mission is to find out the variables of the earth's messenger. No one would have thought that in this barren star field, there would actually be a strong man suspected of the rank of the outside world. I see if we can ask an adult in the empire to investigate in the past, maybe some other forces have given us this trial starfield.
"Do n’t think about it. The emergence of this strong man is just an accident. You should be happy too. Now there is one less person competing with you to enter the genius battlefield. You give me a hard work, as long as you can enter the genius battle. Domain, it also counts me a little bit up. "
"As for what earth messenger, we will observe again in the future. If he reappears, give him a little warning as appropriate. I hope he understands the rules of the universe."
A loud sound made the star-level presence in the two conversations quickly and respectfully stand up and listen modestly.
Jia Yan didn't know that in the conversation in this weird place, he revealed the huge problem of his headache before, which is why this biochemical empire will not act for the dead goose. And he didn't know that in his eyes, the homeland star field was just a 'barren star field', or even the trial place where the other party used to hone star-level juniors!
Fortunately, this biochemical empire did not want to do anything to him. Jia Yan escaped this calamity.
Of course, if he really fights, he may not lose to a branch.
These are things that have not been sent out. It will not be known whether the so-called branch of the biochemical empire will regret it in the future.
Jia Yan didn't understand that his actions almost caused the attention of the behemoth, and he was still flying.
The speed of the space capsule is extremely fast. Because it uses the most advanced technology of the northern star field, its ability to penetrate space is almost unprecedented in this star field.
After flying for about half a month, each of the starry sky areas was crossed by Jia Yan, and finally he was surrounded by familiar starfield scenes.
In front of the space capsule is a small dot that appears slowly. This small light spot is getting bigger and bigger, and finally it turns into a glowing star.
This is the solar system!
After seeing this galaxy, Jia Yan felt a long absence from his hometown and sprang up again.
As a strong man, his strength can exceed all the existence in the entire star field, even more than his family, all the life in his hometown, and even the earth people can just kill the entire planet at will. presence. But the hometown is the hometown, and this feeling is extremely important in the heart of every creature.
Jia Yan looked closer and closer, and with the jumping space again and again, the earth that slowly appeared, the smile on his mouth became more and more obvious.
It's been a long time since he smiled so naturally.
The earth changed from a small black spot to a large spherical shape, and Jia Yan's space capsule gradually slowed down.
And that little black spot is now a huge blue planet, under the glory of the sun, like pearl agate, beautiful and moving.
He is just an ordinary star in the starry sky, but in the eyes of Jiu Xingyou, it is a mother's peace of mind.
"Earth, I'm back!" Jia Yan jumped out of the space capsule, gazing softly at the beautiful star.

2017 is here! !! Happy New Year's Day, I wish the genuine book friends who read this book, happy to spend the new year.
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