Chapter 11: White collar guy from a working-class background

After lunch at noon, Tang's father really brought his daughter to the gate of the Imperial Palace. Tang Yin originally thought his father would put himself in the doorway. As a result, the car had just arrived at the Imperial Palace, and he saw standing at the Imperial Palace Hotel. Xiao Qingrong at the door. +++ Cartino Novel Network
He wore a black (color) trench coat and a gray (color) shirt lined his skin white and shiny today. His long legs were even more noticeable, his waist and legs were thin, and just standing there, just It directly attracted the attention of many people, and made Tang ’s father who drove his car suddenly brightened, hurriedly slowed down and turned to look at his daughter.
"Yinyin, I saw Qing Rong. He also came to your classmate's birthday. I was a bit uneasy at first. I'm more relieved to have him take care of me." Son-in-law, the more you look, the more comfortable you are and the more you like them.
I am afraid that ordinary people ’s families do n’t like it when they see their son-in-law, but Tang ’s father thought of her daughter ’s accident and Xiao Qingrong ’s two years. He was so economically savvy. You can tell that you are a good man.
"... Well." Tang Yin was also startled by Xiao Qingrong, who was standing at the gate of the imperial palace. His face was suddenly tense. There were still a few cars in front. Tang Yin couldn't help but set his eyes on the door. On that person.
She always feels that there is a strange change in Xiao Qingrong. The gentleness and falseness once disappeared. Even if this cold and inhuman appearance is now, it is a unique peace of mind. As long as you know the other party is there, everything is fine. general.
Standing at the gate, Xiao Qingrong was listening to 618 Baidu ’s top ten boyfriend rules.
[The girlfriend comes to visit the house, be sure to pick her up, this will make the girl feel safe. 】
618 felt that she was qualified as a love mentor and was talking about it, as if she saw the success of her host's love, but Xiao Qingrong stood there expressionlessly, her hands were originally in the trench coat's pants pocket, while listening to 618 chattering, (Touch Mo) Come out a pack of cigarettes and smoke out a spot.
He just stood there, straight like a poplar tree, but the smoking action was handsome and intimidating. It was not as ugly as other people smoking, but it was a bit more chic and wanton, and suddenly he was more Slightly untamed.
The woman who was slowly driving Rolls-Royce parked, her eyes brightened when she saw Xiao Qingrong, and not long afterwards, a cool red (color) Rolls-Royce stopped in front of Xiao Qingrong, the woman was wearing white tender fiber Long long legs got out of the car and threw the key to the parking little brother aside.
This woman has a charming and charming face, and her wavy curly hair is even more seductive. She wears a small black rhinestone skirt next to her thigh, and she is stepping on the slender high heels. They walked towards Xiao Qingrong.
The woman's eyes were full of interest. While walking towards Xiao Qingrong, she took out the lady's cigarette from her bag and came to Xiao Qingrong, holding the cigarette in her exquisite figure.
"Handsome guy, borrow a fire?" If there is a fascinating voice in the hoarseness, plus a woman's pair of phoenixes, the smiling figure is enough to surprise all men.
While listening to 618's speech, suddenly interrupted, Xiao Qingrong glanced at the woman in front of his eyes, his eyes were cold, without any surprise (yan).
[Host! Host! Your girlfriend is in the third car behind, she and your husband are watching you! !! !! ] 618 quickly issued a red (color) warning, fearing that his host would be confused by a beautiful woman (tempting you), although such a possibility (sex) is very low.
After all ... the host is the legendary steel straight man!
The woman Chengzhu Zai stood there, but the next moment, she saw the handsome guy in front of her eyes looking away, then pressed the cigarette into the waiter's ashtray standing aside, and then did not look at it. She glanced towards the traffic behind her.
Tang Yin, who was sitting in the car, also saw this scene. He originally saw Xiao Qingrong being approached and was a little nervous, but he did not expect the other party to come towards her.
Father Tang was also nervous from the beginning to a smile, but it was only an instant. After all, a man becomes bad when he has money. In addition, a son-in-law is so good that it is normal for a woman to post.
However, son-in-law rejected such a beautiful woman and still loved her own girl.
After walking to the third car, Xiao Qingrong knocked on the window. Tang Yin, who was sitting stiffly on the co-pilot, didn't have time to respond, and his father shook the window down.
"Where's the wheelchair?" Xiao Qingrong still had no expression, but what Tang said made his father beautiful.
"In the back compartment, I'll open it, you can move it down." Tang's father grinned happily, thinking that his vision was right, son-in-law is good! There is no one else in her eyes except her own girl.
Xiao Qingrong nodded, and then walked towards the rear compartment. Seeing that the rear compartment lid had been opened, he took the folded wheelchair down with one hand, closed the rear compartment, and then sorted out the wheelchair, and started again. When you get to the door, open the door.
Tang Yin sat there, even if he couldn't move his legs, but he was tense and tense. Although he would have been held by Xiao Qingrong before, this person ... was nothing like the original person.
When Tang Yin was afraid to look at Xiao Qingrong at all, when he was nervous, Xiao Qingrong had bent down expressionlessly, got in front of Tang Yin (chest Xiong), and then untangled Tang Yin's seatbelt. For a moment, I just felt like listening To the speed of Tang Yin's heartbeat.
Tang's father looked at him this way, and felt that the closer the son-in-law and his daughter were, the better he could rest assured.
When Tang Yin came together, Xiao Qingrong's nervous heartbeat speeded up, and then the whole person was suddenly hugged by Xiao Qingrong, making her frightened and choked Xiao Qingrong's neck for a moment. Zi invaded Tang Yin's nose. The faint smell of cigarettes did not know what kind of woody fragrance was mixed with a kind of confusing and tempting imagination, which made Tang suddenly The sound turned red.
Putting Tang Yin in a wheelchair intact, Xiao Qingrong was able to detect Tang Yin's heartbeat, and thought that there was too much traffic around him, and then tilted his head to look at the old man in the car.
"Uncle, I'll go in first."
Father Tang misunderstood that the two went to a classmate's birthday party and hurriedly waved their hands.
"Then you hurry in, don't be late. Would you like me to pick it up this afternoon?" By the way, tell your son-in-law about buying a house. Father Tang didn't know how happy he was.
"No, I'll send Yinyin back later." After rejecting Tang's kindness, he said goodbye to Tang's father, and then closed the door for Tang's father, then pushed Tang Yin towards the front.
The sexual woman wearing a short black skirt is still standing there, leaning slightly on the pillar with her cigarette in her hand, and tilting her head to look at Xiao Qingrong. After discovering that Xiao Qingrong picked up a woman in a wheelchair With a cut, he turned his head and twisted his body into the inside.
Tang Yin, who was in a wheelchair, saw the woman's secret disdain, and the hand on her leg was slightly clenched, and she lowered her head and said nothing.
The two entered the Imperial Palace in silence, took a proprietary private elevator, and went directly to Xiao Qingrong's room, one of the senior suites, which cost 10,000 yuan a day.
He lived in from the first day, and paid a deposit of one million yuan. Many things were usually bought by 618. The people from the hotel brought it in, and it was a good time here.
The elevator didn't stop until the 28th floor. Tang Yin was pushed out of the elevator and saw the decorated high-end promenade. At the end of the promenade, there was Xiao Qingrong's senior suite.
After swiping the card to enter the door, Tang Yin later realized that the Royal Palace was their largest five-star hotel in Anyang. The price for one night was expensive, and the lowest room price was about 1,300.
When Tang Yin entered the room, he suddenly saw the mess of this beautifully decorated hall. Yes, there are some materials written in black (color) on the table, on the sofa, and on the ground. Yes, I do n’t know. I thought it was a thief.
"Do you want to drink?" Xiao Qingrong asked. Tang Yin shook his head instinctively. Since the leg was broken, her use of the toilet has always been a problem for her. This allowed Tang Yin to avoid drinking outside, which would cause unnecessary trouble.
Without further questioning, Xiao Qingrong planned to let the other party be quiet for a while, then said.
"You take a break first, and I sort out the information."
Instead of asking for opinions, he was notified. After he had finished speaking, he sat on the sofa and began to organize his information as if Tang Yin didn't exist.
Such indifference, on the contrary, made Tang Yin feel a lot more comfortable. He glanced at the man who had bowed his head in the information. Tang Yin carefully turned his head and looked around. At a glance, she knew that the price was expensive, and she suddenly thought of the other side of the dormitory standing with a bunch of red (color) North American Holly that day, so noble and proud, as if born to live in such a luxurious place That's right.
I do n’t know how long after that, Tang Yin watched the busy man secretly, and quietly moved in a wheelchair to the front. Some medically incomprehensible words made her feel a little embarrassed.
Xiao Qingrong finally raised his head from the medical information, then got up and walked in front of Tang Yin. It seemed that he had just thought of something, and his face was a little confused.
"When I was hugging you in the car, your heart was beating fast."
He remembered that Tang Yin's heart function should be normal except that he had problems with his legs, but in the car he felt that Tang Yin's heart was beating too fast, which was abnormal.
Of course, fast heartbeat may also be a phobia of the crowd. In the Tang family, Tang Yin is still normal.
"..." Tang Yin suddenly felt awkward in his heart, and his face (color) burst into red. I never expected that the other party would say this seriously.
"Your blush."
Xiao Qingrong reached out and thought about (touching Mo) and (touching Mo) Tang Yin's face, and was waved away awkwardly by Tang Yin, only to feel that his face was like a fire.
"I, I'm fine, just a little hot."
She explained wildly, only feeling that she could not wait for a pit to bury herself in, and her face became increasingly red.
Xiao Qingrong was relieved, and he got up to find the air conditioner remote control, and readjusted the central air conditioner in the room. Sure enough, he saw Tang Yin's face (color) improved. After thinking about it, he organized the information on the table and passed it to Tang Yin in.
"These materials have been compiled by me in the past few days. Regarding the information on the regeneration of human neurons and human nerve cells, take a look. I think your legs still have a chance to stand up."
Tang Yin held a thick stack of information, and held it a little. Then he looked down at the medical information that he could not understand in his hand. His heart was extremely shocked. A weird thought spread throughout his heart, and his hands trembled slightly. The heartbeat accelerated slightly again, and it took a while before he looked up from the data.
"... Are you studying my condition these days?"
Suddenly her throat became a little mute, with a depressing tremor, and she felt that her vision towards Xiao Qingrong was a bit fuzzy.
Xiao Qingrong did not look up, was sorting out the rest of the information, and answered directly.
"Yes, I think your legs still have a life to save, but I did n’t study these materials by myself. I need to study more systematically, so I plan to re-enter the Department of Medical Science of the University of Hong Kong. At that time, you will also graduate. Come with me. I Will work out the medicine that will get you up. "
It was only a matter of time for him. Sooner or later, Xiao Qingrong felt that Tang Yin should know.
Tang Yin was sitting there all of a sudden, and he couldn't say a word. He opened his mouth, and his throat seemed to be blocked by something. He tried to tear back the tears in his eyes, and looked at the data in such a stunned way. Xiao Qingrong.
She thought, is this a gift of God?
God heard her heart call and gave someone who was willing to stay with her, and he was still trying to treat her legs, which had been sentenced to death by a doctor ...
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