Chapter 135: Porcelain Boy

There are so many coincidences in this world, and the person whose original owner was stabbed to death (sha) is actually the biological parent he should have. His father's name is Luan Qingquan, which is quite famous. University professor, mother Rong Baixin started a daily chemical company, and they have a child named Luan Zicheng. +++ Mobile reading visit
The original owner (sha killed) had to go to jail, let alone (kill sha) killed two people, so the original owner was controlled on the spot. After the police came over, he even checked the hospital's monitoring and learned after the investigation. For the reason of the original owner (sha killing), Xiao Peng and Tao Cuihua are of course happy at this time. They are happy that the original owner (sha killing) killed his biological parents, so he immediately pushed all the sins on the other person, so If this couple is dead, then everything they have is their son!
(Kill sha) people pay for their lives, this matter is justified, the original owner was finally sentenced because it was not long after he was an adult, plus the impulsive (offence of Fan) crime, even if (kill sha) killed two people, finally After being sentenced, he was sentenced to only 20 years in prison. After knowing this, Xiao Peng and Tao Cuihua were very upset. Originally, he thought that the kid could be shot directly, but he did not expect that the other party would only be in jail for 20 years.
In the end, the original owner was put in jail, and the idea of ​​wanting to learn was naturally wiped out. (Gangan) (gangan). After twenty years of prison life, with his hard work, he got out of the last sixteen years. After entering the prison, when he entered the prison at the age of eighteen, a teenager was in the prison for a long time and then turned into an old churros.
The original owner learned a lot in the prison. After all, there are a lot of people in this prison. So after the release, the life is okay. He never found his parents and chose to live alone, just to learn in the prison. The thing was originally crooked and evil. In the end, the original owner was too clever. He even joined a small gang and became better and better. He became the head of the red light district. He managed a lot of people under his hands. Later, he was scrubbed by society. It's completely dark, whether it's letting girls buy and sell, or people under their hands making powder, he doesn't care about it. As long as he has money, he keeps one eye closed.
If that's the case, it will be like this in his life, but unfortunately he once again met his biological parents, looking at the pearly jewellery worn by the poor poor biological parents, and it seems that these years have been going well, and the original owner even said no The nausea that came out, the pain in my heart could not be vented, and I wanted to find the trouble of my parents. As a result, I discovered that my parents had a son as big as him, and that son is now married. Son, now his parents have become grandpa (milk Nai) (milk Nai).
This matter caused the original owner to suffer. As a result, he learned in a subsequent investigation that it turned out that he was not the biological son of the husband and wife of the Xiao family, and that Luan Zicheng was the biological son of his parents. The two turned out to be their biological parents!
After investigating all the truth, the original owner was crazy. He then directly found someone to revenge the Xiao family by using thunder. He found someone to lead Xiao Peng on the road to gambling, and then let people use Taobao to cheat Tao Cuihua. He also sent a young lady under his hand to go and lead Luan Zicheng, who infected Luan Zicheng with AIDS.
But within three years, the Xiao family and Luan Zicheng's family had died, and even Luan Zicheng's daughter died.
Even so, the original owner did not feel happy, thinking of his miserable life, thinking of the evil things he had done, and finally killed himself (killing sha).
So far, all the plots, after Xiao Qingrong watched these plots, I do n’t know whether to sigh the original owner is a scum man or to sigh the impermanence of the world. Want to be a good person? But the original owner did not have this opportunity.
He loves to learn, and his learning ability is very strong (qiang), but the couple of Xiao family did not allow him to go to school. Later, in order to go to school, he covered his body with bruises, but in the end he still had no results.
Finally, when it was possible to see hope, the hope was broken. He (killed sha) entered the prison, but relied on his own instinct to learn in the prison. After he finally came out, he became the boss of one party. Such a person can't be overstated.
Unfortunately, from the beginning of the world, he was not given a chance to be a good person.
Lying on (bed chuang), Xiao Qingrong gave birth to sympathy for the first time. For the original owner of this body, perhaps, life is like this, unsatisfactory, eight out of ten, but every time there is one or two points of happiness, It is enough.
[Host ... Do you want to recognize your relative? 】
618 was a bit tangled. Thinking of the couple Ruan Qingquan and Rong Baixin, they felt extremely connected to the host. Even if they didn't live with the host, the name was somewhat similar.
"……Maybe later."
Xiao Qingrong shook his head and did not intend to admit his relative. It does not mean that he would not admit his relatives in the future. He just felt that if he wanted to do something after admitting his relatives, it would be too frustrating, not like now, like the Xiao family. What should happen to them (fa) should be taken for granted?
618 knows that his host has his own ideas, so he no longer talks about it, and continues to make money. It feels that it has found new things to do. The host loves spending money and enjoys it. It must make more money!
In fact, 618 can also feel the change of Xiao Qingrong. From the cold and ruthless (sha-sha) killing machine to the beginning to enjoy the care and love of others, these experiences can only be exchanged for many years. Only by being Favorite talents can enjoy love, be wrapped in love, 618 hope, if possible, the host can be liked by many, many people in the world.
The night was cold like water outside the window, and the whole city began to quiet down gradually, and went to sleep (Shui).
Sister Liu is a live-in nanny, so she got up early in the morning. Yesterday, she knew that her new employer got up very early, and she got up early to cook, using the freshest vegetables.
At half past five, Xiao Qingrong woke up from (bed chuang) on ​​time. It is difficult for people to resist such things as the biological clock.
(Sleeping Shui) For a night, Xiao Qingrong's arm and calf after changing medicine were not very painful. He got up from (bed chuang) and changed his clothes to wash.
[Host, the (Shui Shui) clothes I bought for you and some clothes will be here soon. Remember to ask Sister Liu to sign for it! 】
618 has always been (fuck cao) Xiao Qingrong's clothing, food and accommodation. Many times, when the host has a loved one (fuck cao), 618 will let go. In many cases, only when Xiao Qingrong is alone, 618 will take care of these tasks. Xiao Qingrong needs daily Will buy everything.
Xiao Qingrong brushed his teeth and looked at himself who was dark in the mirror. It was really too dark, which made him look uncomfortable.
After grooming, at six o'clock, Xiao Qingrong came to the lobby. Sure enough, he had already smelled the smell of breakfast and sat on a chair in the restaurant, waiting for meals.
When Sister Liu heard the news, she knew that the employer was up, and hurriedly brought her prepared meals to the table.
"Qing Rong, you eat first, and some dishes will be ready in a moment."
Even if there is only one host, Sister Liu is not perfunctory. The dishes (plate) and plate (plate) are full of aroma and flavor, and the amount is small, and you can taste more flavors.
Xiao Qingrong picked up chopsticks and started to eat. Sister Liu occasionally brought something to Xiao Qingrong. After he was almost done, he was relieved and started to clean up the kitchen.
Xiao Qingrong was very satisfied with Sister Liu's work. He was sitting on the sofa. Now he was a patient. He reached out and picked up the book on the table. It was "Return to Starcraft" sent by Assistant Wang Zhe yesterday. , And looked up.
Sister Liu on the side was cleaning and saw that the child was reading a book, and the movements in his hands were much lighter.
In the community on the west side of the city, two middle-aged women were shopping on the road in the morning, and the middle-aged women said gossiping.
"Do you know what I saw yesterday? I saw Aya's humble girl hugging the Xiao family's boy yesterday, just inside the stairs!"
She remembered this thing, and some eyebrows (color) dance, surprised the aunt also suddenly surprised.
"What? The two of them? Isn't this possible? I'm afraid the kid in the Xiao family hasn't grown up. How dare he have any relationship with Ayao? Besides, can Ayao's parents be willing?"
This aunt remembers Xiao Qingrong, so I don't believe it at all, after all, how old is Xiao Qingrong this year ...
"How is that impossible? This man, there are (colors) in his bones, what about his young age? He is also a teenager, and he is well developed. I think that Ayao (shown) hugged him with a white flower thigh, I don't know if it was deliberately (gou go)! But optimistic about your son, don't let Ayao take your kid away (gou go!)! "
When this middle-aged woman speaks of this, she has a look of boredom, not only for her contempt for Aya ’s profession, but also because she thinks of her husband seeing Aya ’s eyes without looking, Aya ’s Be his daughter!
It is evil too! A good girl, long and beautiful, why did you meet such parents?
The two said that the gossip was gone, and on the fifth floor, Ayao was sitting on her knees (bed chuang) with a beautiful face looking out of the window expectantly. She is nineteen years old this year and her parents are in captivity. It has been here for a long time, because the looks are really beautiful, the kind of beauty between the innocent and naive, even if it has been sold many times by her parents, her eyes are still pure like As a child, she used such pure eyes to attract men, and then let these men secretly leave her some money. As long as she saved enough money, and then stole her identity card, Ayao decided to leave the house.
No matter where you go, just leave here.
Her beautiful eyes blinked, and she looked at the sky so expectantly. During the day, she was safer. Although she was imprisoned in this small house, she could see outside.
Ayao, who was beaten many times, hid (qiangqiang) in her eyes, and the hatred in her eyes was hidden. She began to disguise as the most innocent little animal, in an attempt to relax these terrible jackals He started to block his face, and the sun fell on Aya's face through his fingers. The harsh sunlight made Ayao even more looking forward.
On the third floor, Xiao Peng was still sleeping on the bed (chuang), and Tao Cuihua got up. She was beaten by her husband yesterday, and her face was injured. At this time, she prepared meals and dared to get Xiao Peng up.
At ten o'clock, Xiao Peng got up from (bed chuang), and asked while washing his face.
"Is that stupid boy back?"
He didn't care in his voice, only bored, but Tao Cuihua was a little flustered, said.
"No, I went to see it in the room. He didn't come back. Husband, what do you say about this, did he run away from home?"
Tao Cuihua remembered the injury on Xiao Qingrong. She admits that she was too much with her husband and pushed him out of the car when his legs were not good, but there is no money in this family. Can't even afford to eat, Tao Cuihua doesn't know what to do ...
Remembering that children of this age were rebellious, Tao Cuihua thought about whether the child would run away from home, but Tao Cuihua never thought about where Xiao Qingrong would go, because in this big city, where he was unfamiliar, where could the child go? go with?
To these rural people, this huge steel city is like a beast with its mouth open, easily swallowing them.
"Run away from home? Don't come back in your life with this skill! Don't look at this is the city, there are a lot of traffickers in the city, if he doesn't come back, I think he was arrested by traffickers!"
Xiao Peng said, sitting at the table to eat, he did not worry about Xiao Qingrong's safety at all, but thought that Xiao Qingrong had a temper, and came back in two days. This was the case when he was with his parents when he was a kid. After the parents cursed When you get angry, you pull out of the house and run for two days.
He thought about it that way, he didn't take matters seriously. Tao Cuihua was a housewife. The biggest thing he did in this life was to change his son. So Tao Cuihua didn't know how to go out and find someone. This was left to Xiao Qingrong. A lot of time.
618 bought a lot of things for Xiao Qingrong, from life (using yong) goods to clothes, all of which were covered by sister Liu. After seeing people coming in, she found out that it was the employer's things, but she helped Xiao Qingrong sort out (dry gan) (dry gan) clean net.
The second day after leaving the Xiao family, Xiao Qingrong sent Sister Liu out to buy a lot of traditional Chinese medicine. Thanks to Grandpa, Xiao Qingrong is not only powerful Western medicine, but also Chinese medicine is very exquisite. These traditional Chinese medicines have been used to treat these injuries and whitening. .
Although Xiao Qingrong was not Yankong, but he was not happy when he saw that he was as black as coal, so he started to cook the medicine. This thing was a whitening medicine developed by Xiao Qingrong for his mother at the beginning. It was very effective, seven days a course.
Sister Liu is (doing gan) work, of course, obedient, especially when she sees that her employer does not go out, but the outside things are sent to the house frantically, and she even feels that the employer is a rich family child, although I don't know why I was hurt so much, but I was more careful.
Of course, Xiao Qingrong didn't intend to let Luan Zicheng leave. He asked 618 to send an email to Luan Qingquan. As a university professor, Luan Qingquan often accepted these emails and made sure he could see them.
On Friday, Professor Luan, who was just finishing his class for the students, was gentle, with golden silk on his face and a simple white shirt. Even if he is in his forties, he is still the most handsome teacher selected by the students, and Even if it is known that this professor has a wife and a son, there are many little girls who confess to this professor, of course, they were rejected by Professor Luan.
"If you have any questions, you can send it to my mailbox. I will check it regularly. If it is something that is not useful, please do not send it to me. Otherwise, I may hack your mailbox. In this case, You will lose the opportunity to ask me about my topic, and I hope that everyone can finish the homework assigned to me before the next class. "
Professor Luan's voice is very magnetic (xing). Although the content of the speech is a bit harsh, the voice is not gentle. Let the students below immediately express obedience and obedience. After finishing the books, Professor Luan Leaving the classroom.
He returned to the office and after a short rest, he was ready to go home.
From school, Professor Luan drove to the commercial street in the urban area. After buying her favorite white rose for her wife, she also brought a pair of sneakers to her son. He promised the son before, as long as the son can take the exam this time. To get a grade of 100 in the middle class, it is necessary to reward the son. He is a very trustworthy dad.
I bought a gift and returned home. It was more than five in the afternoon. My son had n’t returned and his wife had n’t.
Thinking that his wife had behaved like a workaholic in the past two years, Professor Luan laughed and hid the roses first, and the shoes, and it seemed that it would be a while before the two returned, so they went to the study first.
In the study room, Professor Luan opened the computer and logged in to his own mailbox. As a university professor, in fact, Professor Luan's classes in school are not intensive every day. Even in the case of class transfer, it is enough to go to work about three days a week, but more During his time, Professor Luan was improving himself and solving problems for these children.
As soon as the mailbox was opened here, Professor Luan saw a sticky email. He was used to clicking the first email, so he just opened it.
The name of this email was only written to Professor Luan, but the words I saw after clicking it opened it up, and Professor Luan was a little upset.
After the email was opened, it was a dense letter, but the content was actually one line.
-Luan Zicheng is not your biological son with Rong Baixin.
This sentence is constantly circulating and compact, forming this letter.
Seeing this letter, Professor Luan first froze, and then instinctively frowned, trying to delete the letter, but when he moved the mouse to delete it, he didn't know what to do, and suddenly thought of his son, Could not help looking at the family portrait by the table.
I saw Professor Luan's table next to a family portrait of three people. Professor Luan had cold white skin, long phoenix brows, plus (thin bao) lips, and a wife. The wife had a melon face and face. Qingxiu, a pair of eyelids is also a double eyelid, looks very bright and generous, but the child in the middle ...
Luan Zicheng in the middle of the two seemed to circumvent all the advantages of his parents. His skin was a little yellowish, his hair was scribbled, a pair of single eyelids made his eyes narrow, his nose collapsed, and his lips were thick. Maybe Because it is a child's (guanguan) system, his face is also fat.
This look is really different from myself and my wife.
Holding the mouse's hand tightly, Professor Luan was in a mess. He didn't know if he should doubt something, but some things were like this. Once the seeds of doubt were planted, sooner or later they would take root.
He eventually deleted the e-mail, but instead wrote down the address where he sent the e-mail, and then wanted to continue to look at the students' test questions, but found that he couldn't read any more.
Professor Luan sat in the study so dullly, I don't know how long, someone pushed in the door outside.
"Husband? I heard Aunt Wang say you are back?"
The people who came in were Rong Baixin and Luan Qingquan's wife. She was in her early forties this year. The two were not married early or late. This year their son was 13 years old and both were forty years old. A little bit ahead.
"Well." Professor Luan nodded and looked at his wife. After his wife came over, she pinched his wife's waist.
Professor Luan, who was so sticky, made Rong Baixin funny, reached out and rubbed her husband's soft hair with a gentle voice.
"What's wrong? Is the school student angry at you?"
Her husband has always been a gentle person, so Rong Baixin did not think of anything other than guessing whether the school students made her husband angry.
"No, it just feels down."
Armed with his wife, Professor Luan's eyes were scattered on their family portrait, and suddenly said.
"Don't we go home last time? Mom told me that the child grew up like me and you, not like my dad."
Luan Qingquan said this, but in fact, his appearance is inferior to his father. Luan Qingquan's father was a famous handsome man in his youth. Luan Qingquan's mother chased his father back then.
"You say this, it's not all that you blame, you don't control the amount of food you eat, you see, these are thirteen years old, and there are some chubby baby fat, and when you go out to exercise, you are as tanned as coal. I see, it will look like you when you lose weight. "
Rong Baixin did not hear the meaning of her husband, but thought that her husband said that his son was too fat to lose weight, and also felt that his son should lose weight.
Hearing what his wife said, Luan Qingquan didn't say anything, and then gave the wife the white roses he had previously hid, and it turned out that he got a fragrant (kiss wen) one.
Son Luan Zicheng will return after tuition in the afternoon, so he did n’t come back until seven o'clock in the evening, seeing his parents were at home, and suddenly could n’t be happier, a chubby little face was full of smiles, but the more so, Luan Qingquan Yue I feel that this child is not like himself.
I just don't know why. Recently, his son is particularly sticking to himself and his wife, making Luan Qingquan a little strange.
After having dinner together at night, the couple lay on the bed (chuang) before Rong Baixin held her husband down and said with a low voice.
"Qingquan, even if my son does not look like us, I was born. Genetics is so wonderful. This child may not inherit very well. You must not show anything in front of him that he is not our son. Performance, he was very sensitive and asked me secretly today, saying whether we will love him forever ... "
When Luan Qingquan heard what his wife said, thinking that he was always stupid, the stupid boy would even ask such a question, and he felt that he was not too skeptical, nodded, and promised.
"Be assured, wife, I will definitely not say anything."
The two entered here peacefully (Shui Shui), but in the next room, Luan Zicheng lying on (bed chuang) was crying silently holding his father's newly bought shoes. He thought that he came to the school door and blocked that day. His son, a man and a woman, said that he was their biological son, and said a lot, that Luan Zicheng no longer remembered.
But Luan Zicheng didn't believe it. He didn't believe that such a person would be his biological parent, but ... But he could see that he looked like that woman, and he was praised by his father since childhood. Mom looks good ...
Obviously the handsome father and mother are good-looking, but he was not good-looking. This has always made Luan Zicheng unhappy, but now after seeing the couple, Luan Zicheng only realized that he was not inherited from his parents. Good genes, but because they are not children of parents at all.
Just like the ugly duckling in a fairy tale, the ugly duckling finally turned into a swan, not because it was kind-hearted or because it had endured many disasters, but because it was a swan from birth.
Luan Zicheng remembered the couple they saw that day, and tears fell again.
He didn't want to leave Mom and Dad, he didn't believe that the two were his Mom and Dad, his Dad was a professor, and his mom was the president of a company.
In such self-hypnosis, Luan Zicheng entered a dreamland. In his dream, the couple is absolutely impossible to exist!
In a blink of an eye, it was seven days. One week may not change for ordinary people, but when Wang Zhe came to Xiao Qingrong again, he was shocked by Xiao Qingrong.
"You you you you! Who are you !!!"
Xiao Qingrong, who was sitting on the sofa, was wearing a white (color) shirt. Her arms no longer had to be wrapped in white (color) bandages, and her feet were much better. At this time, she was wearing black (color) pants and a pair of slippers under her feet. Sitting on the sofa and holding "Return to Starcraft", this is not the key, the key is the dark face like coal a week ago, but it was quite white at this time, although it is not excessively white, but it is also with Many ordinary people are almost there.
It's not deceptive to cover one's ugliness. In addition, Xiao Qingrong's original appearance was that of Qinglang with a gentle appearance. Now he is sitting there, because his dark eyes are shining like black gems, it is even more for Xiao Qingrong. Adds an intriguing beauty.
Obviously such a child is sitting there, but everyone who sees this scene will treat this child as an adult for the first time.
Sister Liu has also stayed here for a week, and I fully understand that her employer, regardless of her young age, is capable and opinionated. Now, Sister Liu completely obeys Xiao Qingrong.
Wang Zhe stood there in astonishment. After seeing Xiao Qingrong looking up, those black eyes looked annoyed, and suddenly realized, then pointed at Xiao Qingrong.
"Qingrong! You! Why did you turn white !!!"
His face collapsed, and he wanted to make Qing Rong film when he was black. If it was white, their crew would have a way to do it, but now Xiao Qing Rong was white for a week. Is it terrible?
Especially after Xiao Qingrong became white, it was so good! It's the kind of person who can't tell what's good-looking, but is a good-looking one!
Especially now that he has changed his white shirt and sat there, it is almost not the same as the child he met at first. At this time, Xiao Qingrong is more wealthy than the wealthy masters in the TV series movies! !! !!
For such a noisy person, Xiao Qingrong chose to be silent. After Wang Zhe collapsed for a while, he found that he was too noisy and could only calm himself down.
"Ah ~ It looks like you will need to make up and turn black when filming, but your skin is pretty good, better than those female stars in the circle!"
Wang Zhe came here this time to see how his actor's life was going, so he was naturally surprised when he saw Xiao Qingrong.
"What's your business?"
Wang Zhe had said before that the crew had some time to prepare, so he studied the novel at home. Wang Zhe had the assistant come over last time and brought the script with him, and Xiao Qingrong just researched it.
"It's okay, let's see if your injury is okay. Isn't it necessary to prepare for the crew? It is estimated that it will take at least three months to start up. Then your ID will come back. I came here to tell you this time. I need to go abroad for more than a month and plan to talk about a special effects company. I won't be here in the near future. "
This is why Wang Zhe is here. He is just afraid of going on a long business trip. What should I do if he runs away?
That's why Wang Zhe came to inform.
"I see."
Xiao Qingrong nodded, he knew what Wang Zhe meant, and Wang Zhe looked at Xiao Qingrong as if he was really trying to read "Return to the Star" and asked him if he couldn't understand. The two started a discussion on this novel, making Wang Zhe more It is deeply aware that Xiao Qingrong is not a child's thinking!
Because of the special meaning in these novels, I am afraid that many adults do not understand, but Qing Rong understands it ...
The two talked happily. In the end, Wang Zhe also recorded the conversation between the two, and plans to go back and study it at that time, by the way, send it to the screenwriter, and then watch the change.
This excitement, when Wang Zhe left, it was already night, but he did not run for nothing in this trip.
Xiao Qingrong had a comfortable life, but the Xiao family in Xicheng was a little anxious.
If Xiao Qingrong left at the beginning, neither Xiao Peng nor Tao Cuihua felt nervous, and later thought whether Xiao Qingrong wanted to run away from home. A child who has no money and no identity card can't live in this city. Two Personally, I never felt how far Xiao Qingrong would go, so it took me a week to see it now. The child has not returned yet, and the two talents are a little nervous.
"Husband, do you say where did he go? I have looked around here, but there are no one, and I also asked the people around me, they all said they didn't know ..."
Tao Cuihua was a little worried at the moment, but it wasn't the kind of worrying about the children, just thinking, how would they make money without Xiao Qingrong?
Xiao Peng was irritable when he heard this, he said.
"If you don't know, you don't know. I don't think the cub is dead outside. I save him to feed him. He is not my son anyway!"
After knowing that Xiao Qingrong is not his own son, the excellence of this son has become an annoyance for Xiao Peng. After all, the better the son, the more Xiao Peng knows that this is a child of his own, not his own!
Because of this, Xiao Peng didn't find Xiao Qingrong these days. Now listening to his wife say that, instead, he feels that the child is dead, and it is best to never show up, and his own son will be embarrassed at that time!
After finding his own son, Xiao Peng found that his own son was well-bred, so he felt even more unable to let Xiao Qingrong return to that home. He would have been smart. If he went back, would he have his son's position? ?
Although Xiao Peng is a selfish person, but he is also a long-term person, he can see that the family must be good, so when his son is cultivated, can he still deny his biological father? By then I will be able to follow the blessing ...
"Yeah, but we can't help but look for it. The day I heard him disappear, it seems that I've seen Aya upstairs, otherwise we should ask Aya?"
Tao Cuihua still felt that she had to ask, otherwise, she couldn't rest assured.
"If you ask yourself, I won't go!"
He said, turning his head (sleeping Shui), completely leaving his wife behind.
In the end Tao Cuihua went to the fifth floor alone and knocked on the door.
The door opened quickly and was a somewhat fat middle-aged woman.
"Wang Aier, I want to ask Ayao for something, can I?"
She spoke, but the woman was agitated and sneered.
"Aya, my family doesn't know anything, ask anything!"
She said that she was going to close the door, Tao Cuihua had no choice but to quickly take out a hundred and handed it to the woman, and said with a smile.
"I just want to ask Ayao about the disappearance of my son, just a few words."
Her one hundred pieces moved Wang Xier. After Wang Yier took the money, her eyes dropped slowly, which made people enter the door.
"Just five minutes, only five minutes!"
She took Tao Cuihua to Ayao's room, and saw that Aya's room was full of pink (color), but she had an indescribable (暧 ai) ambiance.
"Ayao, Qing Rong is gone. Do you know where he went?"
When Ayao heard these words, his expression remained unchanged, and he shook his head.
"How do I know, I'm not familiar with him again."
"But on the day he disappeared, I heard someone say that you were hugging him on the stairs." Tao Cuihua could not hide the scorn and ridicule, but A Yao ignored it.
"There are more men hugging me. Who do you say?"
This is what she didn't want to say. Tao Cuihua wanted to ask more, but after five minutes, she was urged out by Wang Xier, and in the end she didn't ask anything.
There were no guests this night, and Aya was lying on the window counting the few stars in summer, but suddenly laughed.
"It looks like you are not stupid ~ you know how to run away ~"
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