Chapter 174: Sullen police

Three years ago, a truck running on a large highway was full of cooing chickens. This is a group of excellent domestic chickens that can be sold. Thirty dollars, and this batch of free-range chickens is a high price of sixty dollars, and the feeding time is relatively long, so each batch is very precious, this batch has made a total of this A car is worth more than 300,000 yuan. +++ Cartino Novel Network
In the front seat of the truck, Zhang Yichang is sitting in the co-pilot position, and Fang Weikang is driving. Generally speaking, big truck drivers need endurance and need to keep moving for a long time, so the body must be good, Fang Weikang I have been working for Zhang Yichang for half a year, and now I am chatting with Zhang Yichang happily.
"Brother Zhang, if this batch of chickens are delivered, will a new batch of chickens be added to the factory?"
Zhang Yichang ’s chicken farm has just been expanded, and the money made before has been invested. Today, this group of chickens is sold to make money. Many people look at this farming industry to make more money, but there are many ways to do it. If you are not careful, something will happen.
Although Fang Weikang said he was envious of Zhang, but he asked him to come to the (dry gan) farming industry himself, he was unwilling to go to (dry gan). To be precise, he could not afford it, after all, this gadget investment is very Big, and chickens also need doorways, if there is a bird flu, it really is a loss ...
"Almost, this batch of goods is very good, so the price has been negotiated, as long as the goods are delivered, one hand pay and one hand delivery."
The recipient was an old friend I knew before. Zhang Yichang remembered the recent expansion of the chicken farm in his house and was in a good mood. After all, he is a businessman who wants to gradually expand his industry. As long as he expands, he can have more With more money, the development is better. In the past two years, the aquaculture industry has been very good, and the country has also supported it. Zhang Yichang is very happy.
"Hey, that's all right, I heard that Xiao Bin recently passed the top ten in the whole class? It's amazing! The two girls in my family can't do it anymore, the younger ones haven't been in the first grade, and this is enough for me (Fuck cao ) Heart, I am satisfied to be admitted to a third-rate university! "
After the man had a family, he went outside. In fact, the most talked about were the children. The children are okay. They like to brag and show off. Zhang Yichang thought of his own son and was in a good mood. He laughed.
"He knows how hard he works. I don't care much with your sister-in-law, and my mind is good."
The two men were chatting, and the car was moving fast on the road. After two hours, Zhang Yichang saw that Fang Weikang was tired, and proposed that they change and he drove.
"It's troublesome, Brother Zhang. It's a bit embarrassing to see you pay me, but you still need to drive."
Although Fang Weikang and Zhang Yichang are subordinates, Zhang Yichang has always been a good boss, just like his name, he is very kind.
"It's okay. I didn't drive a car before. I can't drive for a long time. I don't think it's right."
After they talked, they found a place to park their cars and changed locations. They were not on the highway. If they were on the highway, they would have to go around for a long time, so they took a road that they usually take.
After changing people to drive, the big truck moved forward again and drove for a while. The time arrived at three o'clock in the afternoon. The car began to pass the road between Tianning Village and Shangzhuang Village. The car was very stable at first. Zhang Yichang slowed down, fearing that there was someone near the village, but he did not expect that when the car drove past, the entire body suddenly leaned over, and then Zhang Yichang tried hard to (control the car) to control the car, but there was no Way, can only slam in the car and fell to the ground.
The car fell down, and the chickens in the cage ran out. Fortunately, none of the people were injured, but they were dizzy. Fang Weikang just wanted to say something, but he saw a lot of people rushing out from both sides of the village. Originally, the two thought they were here to save people, but it turned out that after these people came, they ignored the two injured in the front, rushed directly to the chicken cage behind, and then madly took those The chickens were all taken away ...
Both men on the front of the car were frightened by this madness. When their minds were clear, Zhang Yichang and Fang Weikang both climbed out of the car crazy and stopped a villager.
"You let go of my chicken! Let go! This is ours!"
As a result, the villager glanced at the two of them and ignored them completely. They shake off their hands and walked forward, holding Zhang Yichang's chicken in their hands.
Zhang Yichang saw that he couldn't stop people, so he started to stop others. At this time, both people were dizzy, and they were constantly pushed and shoved. Finally, they couldn't bear it.
"If you grab my chicken again, I'll do it !!! I'll do it !!!"
He took a stone from the ground and wanted to threaten these crazy villagers, but the next moment he heard the villagers' voices.
"This kid wants to (kill sha) people! Make him!"
So in such a voice, everyone rushed up and hit Zhang Yichang, bleed Zhang Yichang's head all at once, then Zhang Yichang lay there, and Fang Weikang hurriedly stopped the people around him Acted, but he was also beaten, and the two were unable to resist the actions of so many people. In the end, Zhang Yichang even knelt on the ground and begged these people.
"Please, don't grab my chicken, this is my life ... don't grab it ..."
But such a Zhang Yichang was kicked to the ground by a villager, and everyone was walking towards the house with a happy smile on his face.
This incident took half an hour from the beginning to the end, and even the villagers took away the chicken cages. What remained was an empty car and two injured people ...
Fang Weikang had no choice but to rush to take Zhang Yichang for treatment, and then called 110 police.
Is the police on 110? Out of the police!
Because Zhang Yichang was injured and ill in bed, the police could only bring Fang Weikang to the scene of the crime. After knowing that the villagers took the chickens, they took Fang Weikang from house to house to see if the other party, and everyone did n’t recognize I took these chickens myself, and because the village was crowded, the police couldn't do anything about it.
Even after the compensation method was proposed, people in the village said that they had never seen a chicken at all!
There is no other way for the police. After all, people are more than just crowds, so this last case can only be left behind. Since ancient times, the phrase law does not blame the public exists because there are always some bad people who choose In this case, even if you know who the killer is, the victim can only recognize it.
Moreover, even if everyone took these chickens, the price of a few chickens could not make the other party pay any price ...
"The police told me that this case was not easy to investigate. Everyone did not admit that they took my chicken. I watched them take my things, but it was because there was no surveillance there and no witnesses proved them. I stole my stuff, ha ha ha ha! The police said that these things need evidence! Need evidence! I rediscovered their village, what do you guess? My chickens, they were cooked and eaten, chicken bones and chicken paws Throwing it all over the land, how can there be so many chickens in a village? Then I thought, do n’t they like to eat other people ’s efforts? I will also ruin their efforts!

Zhang Yichang's eyes were flushed at this time. All of this was undoubtedly a painful thing for him. At that time, he even had angry blue veins.
"Later, I happened to investigate Feng Tianhao and Xue Wen. Both of them went to school in Fengyang High School, and their parents were involved in the robbing of my chicken at that time. I will always remember Feng Tianhao's father and Xue Wen's mother. It looks like Feng Tianhao's father hit me, Xue Wen's mother is also grabbing me. I begged them not to do this, but they didn't listen at all. My head was broken by them! After I investigated these two people, It was easy to get started with these two people. I think it ’s like (sha-sha) chickens, chopped off their heads, and then disassembled their (shen) bodies and limbs. In the end, it was like the villagers threw them. Like waste, thrown out ... "
Xing Yuanxin didn't say a word. Zhang Yichang in front of him began to talk about his crimes. This situation made everyone a little silent, because this case was extraordinarily horrible and terrible, but it was born behind (fa) The story is a bit speechless. Even for a while, the police officer Xing Yuanxin was thinking. If the police traced the source of the incident three years ago, and found the chicken that had been lost by Zhang Yichang, would it be? There is no birth of this terrorist case?
"I got Feng Tianhao's body exclusively on another highway in their village. When it snowed at night, people were almost invisible. I threw the bodies on the road and looked at a big truck Run over, like those chickens who had taken my chicken before, broken pieces! And Xue Wen, I threw Xue Wen's body everywhere, think about their parents knowing this One thing, what would your face look like? Hahahahaha! They are not even as good as my chicken !!! "
Once again, he laughed wildly. Zhang Yichang ’s madness seemed to be towards the end of the madness. He seemed to know what was waiting for him, so he was so arrogant. When talking about these things, he also led the police Provoke.
"Where's that reporter? Why would you do something to her son?"
Xiao Qingrong looked up and looked at the man in front of him. Some people are like this. They no longer erupt in silence, but die in silence (death si). After Zhang Yichang experienced all these changes, the beast in his heart was finally released. That ’s why I did something like this.
"Why? Hahaha ... she is not worthy of being a reporter at all! She said she wanted to expose the goods in the two villages, but in the end? What did she do in the end? The road was dug by someone but the car accidentally fell down? "
Zhang Yichang's eyes were a little stunned, and it seemed to be back to three years ago.
Zhang Yichang lying on the bed (bed chuang) looked exhausted. No one had thought of it. He would experience such a thing. Fang Weikang had told his boss of the police investigation, knowing that the result was ultimately borne by them. His face was full of sorrow.
"Brother Zhang, rest assured that the chickens will be returned. I have contacted the reporter of the Hengjiang Morning Post. I will be here tomorrow. When the news broadcasts this, I am sure those people will be afraid. We will definitely get things back! "
Fang Weikang knew that things had already happened, and any guilt was useless, so he could only see if he could think of a way to recover the losses. The clues on the police side were useless, and the police took the terrible villagers completely. There is no way, so they can only be exposed to reporters.
"... Um." Zhang Yichang, lying on the bed (bed chuang), nodded, but his eyes were already lit, and he felt that this was an opportunity. After Fang Weikang's arrangement, he was considered to have finished eating.
Sure enough, the reporter from the Hengjiang Morning Post came here that afternoon, so Fang Weikang took the reporter to the place where the car had a problem, and the car was still there. If the lane got up, it would cost money. Zhang Yichang was at the hospital Naturally, it is impossible to have this money to get a car, so reporters quickly took the first-hand materials.
Fang Weikang was surrounded by reporters and some villagers. He didn't know that Zhang Yichang was not at all relieved about this matter. He came over and wanted to see how the reporter resolved this matter, but he didn't expect that the interview took about half an hour. It's over, there's no problem at all.
I just asked Fang Weikang why he drove the car upside down, and then there were only a few words about the evil of those villagers, and he didn't say how to let those villagers return the chickens.
Fang Weikang was threatened again by the villagers because he came over to ask for something, while Zhang Yichang was wearing a black hat and heard the female reporter and another intern reporter.
"Sister Tao, these villagers are too terrible. They just robbed other people's things. How does this make the chicken boss live? I am afraid that the goods have already reached 200,000? Can we help him? What? "
The intern reporter started out as a journalist and wanted to give birth to those people who could not speak (fa). Now that I have seen the poor mountains and the bad people, I naturally want to expose it, as long as the matter is big By then, I'm not afraid that these people will not pay back ...
Moreover, it has already reached the Internet age. If these people's names and appearances are exposed, then there will be netizens who help them spur them ...
"Help? How can we help? We are here to run the news, as long as there is news, then it will be a blog thing. Do you really think we are here to be the savior? People in these two villages have seen it together. On the line, all the lies are exactly the same. The police all came to investigate. No results. Our reporters came to investigate? Isn't this offending? "
The female reporter, namely Tao Xiuzhen, glanced at the trainee reporter with a satire in her voice.
I do n’t know how many such things happen every year. If I help every time, are their reporters here? Is it here? What's more, it seems that the two villages did this together. It is estimated that even the village chief participated in it. If these small people join in, they will be asking for trouble.
"... Then, that's not very good, the chicken boss has lost a lot ..."
The trainee reporter was still a little tangled and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Tao Xiuzhen.
"Okay, do you care about this kind of thing (do gan)? Your salary for an internship is only two thousand yuan. People who open farms are estimated to be worth millions. It requires your little reporter's attention. "Our reporter, the tube should be controlled, the tube should not be closed, one eye should be closed and one eye closed, understand?"
After she taught the trainee reporter, she got into the car and left without notice. Behind them, a man in a black hat was watching her with bloodthirsty eyes.
"Isn't the reporter just to help our people speak up? What did Tao Xiuzhen do? She said that this thing was a news section. Come here for an interview and never care about my life. You say, she deserves it. A reporter? "
All the things of that year were told. So far, Zhang Yichang ’s reason for starting Gao Yanlu has also come out. It was because Tao Xiuzhen stood by and watched Zhang Yichang in an interview, and even said that he was in such an inferior state of affairs. Happening.
This really makes people do n’t know what to say. A reporter even said such a thing, he did n’t care about the news at all, just for the blog. This is really horrifying. If reporters across the country are like this, , So how do people go to the news?
And the news appeared to tear the dark side of society and change those dark sides, but now what happened to these reporters?
There are also the police investigating this case before. I am afraid they have never thought about it. After a lapse of three years, such a huge murder case will occur. The source of all the beginnings is a chicken.
Yeah, a cart of chickens.
At that time, Zhang Yichang lost his loan because of the chicken, so he had to sell the chicken farm. After paying the loan, the whole person was hit. In the end, he could only change places to live. After living here, my son changed schools, his grades were bad, and people started to introvert. Finally, there was a matter of being jumped by a fairy. This seems to be a matter of nothing. , But all the layers are united together, so that everyone can see the full context of things.
Zhang Yichang pleaded guilty and accounted for all the facts of (guilty of Fan). After Zhang Yichang spoke, Zhang Yichang's wife Wang Hongye and father Zhang Demiao subsequently pleaded guilty. After comparative authentication of the weapon, Zhang Yichang only (kill sha) Four people were killed, namely Feng Tianhao, Ai Yuke, Qiu Jiaqi, Xue Wen, and Wang Hongye killed (sha) Xie Jindou and Peng Huachen.
(Kill Sha) The hypnotics of the dead Xie Jindou and Peng Huachen are psychotherapeutics bought by Zhang Yichang and Wang Hongye to his son. There are hypnotics in them, which made Wang Hongye's (kill Sha) plan successful. .
As for Zhang Demiao, he did not (sha), but he had the crime of shelter, because the snowman was made by himself, and because his grandson died, he was also the most uncomfortable in his heart.
In addition, the dissection results of Liu Bin and Qiu Jiaqi appeared.
Xiao Qingrong was sitting in the office, watching the latest anatomy results. In the forensic results, Liu Bin did die from sleeping pills without any fatal (sex) wounds. A large amount of drug residues were detected in the stomach of the deceased. It proves that Liu Bin's parents are right, Liu Bin killed himself.
Qiu Jiaqi was followed, Qiu Jiaqi's body was frozen, and the actual (dead si) death time was about fifteen days, and her body was inspected with a lot of trauma, and she suffered various abuses before her death, and her genital / partial tear was severe. According to Wang Hongye's account, because his son liked Qiu Jiaqi, he forced Qiu Jiaqi to serve his son.
This incident made the female police officers inside the police station a bit creepy, but after thinking about it in a different way, Qiu Jiaqi first calculated the people, and now she pays for this matter, and she doesn't know what to say.
These children are young, but Ai Yuke, Qiu Jiaqi, Xie Jindou, and Peng Huachen are considered dead and killed, and this is also retribution.
After learning that the case was cracked, Ai Yuke, Xie Jindou and Peng Huachen's parents all came to the police station. The family members of the three people gathered in a lounge and waited for the police to explain.
They need to know who the killer was and why they killed their children.
"Comrade Police, who is so mad and kills my child ... I want him to pay for my child ..."
Seeing what these parents were expecting, in fact, Xing Yuanxin had a hard time saying anything, and he could only give the information to them.
Some people say that the child who knows the child best in the world is the child's parent, but sometimes this sentence should be reversed.
The world's least acquainted with children may also be their own parents.
"Impossible ... impossible ... how could my son do such a good thing ..."
Peng Huachen's parents saw that Peng Huachen joined others to make Liu Bin's fairy dance, and immediately refuted, but Xing Yuanxin was expressionless.
"We have found evidence, right on your son's phone, with video and photos as evidence."
These mobile phones were searched at Zhang Yichang's home. Inside how Liu Bin was abused, they took photos and videos. Those children's happy voices were intertwined with Liu Bin's painful groan / groan, like hell.
This is why many police officers no longer sympathize with Peng Huachen and others.
"No! Impossible! My daughter can't bully people, and she's so small ..."
Ai Yuke's parents did not acknowledge the incident either. They agreed that the police investigation was wrong and they felt that the case was definitely a problem. The police deceived them, maybe the case was done by powerful people, otherwise How could the police give such a ridiculous reason?
None of their parents admit that their child is a demon, even after knowing it all.
Xing Yuanxin explained in every way that they just didn't listen, and finally got the deceased's cell phone through the application. Now these will become the latest testimony.
Still in this lounge, Xiao Qingrong was holding the mobile phone, and the mobile phone was put in a transparent bag, but at this time it was playing.
The voices of several children came from inside.
"Hot him with a cigarette butt! Look at him as pale as a girl, and he is disgusting!"
This voice made Ai Yuke's parents pale, because they could hear it. This was the voice of their daughter.
Then came the scream of Liu Bin. In the video, he could see a hand holding a cigarette and pressing it on Liu Bin's (chest xiong) mouth, and that hand was wearing a watch worth more than 3,000 yuan. After seeing the watch, their parents were suddenly nervous.
"You scream, your screaming sound is so unpleasant, you scream too, the more I want to hit you."
The master of the voice was talking, and slapped a fan on Liu Bin's face, making Liu Bin's face flushed instantly.
This is Peng Huachen's voice. Peng Huachen, who is a good student in the eyes of both teachers and parents, left his parents like a demon, and he was abusing another person.
"Let Jean, come here, let me come. This is a good thing I just made. Although it's not a boy's urine, I think Liu Bin definitely likes it!"
A boy's hand appeared, then he held a glass cup and filled Liu Bin with something. The yellow (color) m flowed out of Liu Bin's mouth, and the flow was everywhere.
"My Cao! Xie Jindou, you are disgusting! I got my skirt on !!!"
Another girl's voice was complaining, and Xie Jindou quickly apologized ...
This video is still very long, more than an hour, and Xiao Qingrong stopped the video and looked at Xing Yuanxin aside.
"I believe you know your children. What did they do, use me?"
At this moment, the three families were all pale and stopped talking, because they clearly realized that the other child, their child, would go and bully another person together, and in such an insulting manner.
"The person who was bullied by your child is the murderer's son. After being bullied for a month, he dropped out of school. After dropping out of school, he suffered from a serious mental illness and was liable to self-harm. He later took a whole bottle of sleeping pills while his parents were at work (killing sha), so his parents went crazy before revenge. "
Xing Yuanxin rarely talks to the victim's family in this way, even with a bit of ridicule, because the victim's family is very fragile, and most of them as police officers need extra protection, but what about this matter?
Yes, Ai Yuke, Qiu Jiaqi, Xie Jindou and Peng Huachen are all dead!
But Liu Bin? Should Liu Bin be deceived and bullied by them before?
Isn't Liu Bin's suicide (sha) due to the insults of these four people?
All causes and effects in this world are related. There are causes and effects. Xing Yuanxin sees these things. If these parents are noisy, he doesn't mind letting everyone know what these dogs look like!
Sure enough, I knew the reason why my child was actually killed. Although these adults were in pain, there was no way to say anything about their child. One of them wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Xiao Qingrong.
"The one-hour video here is just a small part of it. There are a lot of these abusive videos and photos. You can sit here and watch and see the darkness."
In a word, these parents have blocked the hearts of these parents who want to be upset, even if they want to push their children for tuo, but this video is so bright and taken in the hands of the police, they also know that they ca n’t be upset. What, I can only accept the words of the police, but knowing that the killer is very likely to be sentenced to death, they are much more comfortable.
The three family parents who left with the corpse were sent away, and then faced with the parents of Feng Tianhao and Xue Wen. Feng Tianhao's parents were the earliest victims' families, and they even hit the hospital the most. I've been waiting for the result with the police, and Xue Wen, the family members of the two children are now together, hoping to find the killer quickly, so when the police are moving, they ca n’t be excited. After Xiao Qingrong and Xing Yuanxin It is also very exciting.
"Comrade police, did the killer catch it? The killer who killed my son caught it, right?"
Xue Wen's parents got up quickly, Feng Tianhao's parents looked at the police with the same nervousness, hoping to get a definitive answer.
"Yes, the killer has been arrested and has pleaded guilty. According to the current charges, the final result should be the death penalty."
Xing Yuanxin looked at the two parents who were concerned about the child and thought of Zhang Yichang's words. For a moment, he didn't know what to say. The behavior of the parents was the child who paid the price. If the two couples knew it, there would be How uncomfortable, let alone Ling Chi, it is estimated to be 100 times more painful than Ling Chi.
In particular, Xue Wen and Feng Tianhao's parents both had only one son. Such a blow can be imagined.
"Caught it! Thank you so much, Comrade Police, I kneel down for you!"
Feng Tianhao's mother opened her eyes wide, and then knelt down on the ground, kneeling to Xing Yuanxin and Xiao Qingrong, but was pulled up without kneeling. The parents of the two families wept with joy and spent so long. After receiving the news that his son (Death Si) was dead, now that they know that the murderer has committed his law and that he has paid his life, they can finally be assured.
All four were emotional, crying for a while, but after crying, what should be asked is when can the child be brought home first, and how can their children offend such terrible (sha) hands .
In the face of this problem, Xing Yuanxin looked at Xiao Qingrong. He felt that the result was too cruel. He could not bear to speak to the couple in front of him, but Xiao Qingrong was expressionless.
"The killer was the chicken owner who had been looted three years ago when the truck collapsed."
In a word, the four crying people froze, their brains turned fast, they had already thought about the situation, and their faces were pale, but they couldn't figure it out.
Xiao Qingrong was in opposition to these four people, and his appearance remained unchanged.
"You snatched his chicken, (kill sha) and ate, and he retaliated (sex) (kill sha)."
The more cruel words were not spoken, because Xing Yuanxin grabbed his clothes, Xiao Qingrong glanced at Xing Yuanxin, and finally chose to be silent.
"Ahhhhhhh ... hhhhhhh ..."
Xue Wen's mother finally reacted and cried after a while of sorrow, while Feng Tianhao's mother was madly beating Feng Tianhao's father.
"It's all you! It's all you that killed your son! It's all you !!!"
How the two families reacted afterwards, Xing Yuanxin and Xiao Qingrong did not know. They left the room. Xing Yuanxin took Xiao Qingrong to his office. The two sat there and Xing Yuanxin took out the cigarette and handed it over.
Xiao Qingrong took over, and then the two swallowed clouds and fog in the small room. No one spoke for a long time.
In the end, Xing Yuanxin couldn't take it anymore. He pressed the cigarette into the ashtray all at once, his eyes were flushed.
"What a special thing!"
Everything obviously can't be born from the beginning!
If the people in Tianning Village and Shangzhuang Village are not so vicious and did not Zhang Yichang ’s chickens, if the police station ’s investigation is more detailed and the truth is restored, let the people in the village compensate Zhang Yichang. If the reporter can bravely expose All this, let the people in the village return Zhang Yichang's things ...
In this way, Zhang Yichang will not go bankrupt or move, and will not affect his son after moving. Let Liu Bin be introverted and end up being abused by the fairy jump. This round of rounds, like the domi card, requires one finger and all the cards. My faces collapsed one after another ...
"The village heads of Tianning Village and Shangzhuang Village are about to be investigated, and the police who dealt with the case at the beginning should also be held responsible for this case. This case will be reported tonight, which is a lesson learned."
Xiao Qingrong looked at Xing Yuanxin and understood his pain, but sometimes people (sex) are like this, selfish greed is carried in people (sex), just like the people in these two villages, they are bullying Weak, because Zhang Yichang couldn't do anything, he chose to bully him, but now Zhang Yichang (sha) was forced.
This case is also considered a chain reaction. The village heads of the last two villages are likely to be removed for investigation. At that time, it is certain that the chicken robbery case will have to be reinvestigated. By then, no one will be able to run.
Even if this result is too late, but everything is to warn posterity.
Who knows if Tianning Village and Shangzhuang Village will continue to other people's things, what if one day they provoke someone who should not?
"I just hate! How can there be so many selfish people in this world!"
Xing Yuanxin patted the table, and he couldn't eat anymore. The room was still smoky, and across the smoke, Xing Yuanxin glanced at Xiao Qingrong, always felt that Xiao Qingrong in front of his eyes seemed to express (kill sha).
In the other office, Ge Yunxing was talking to Shao Yang.
"I'm going to recommend you one of the best-looking police officers on my team."
Shao Yang spoke, Ge Yunxing froze and smiled.
"You let someone who looks like that be undercover?"
That ’s right, the □□ team in Hengjiang City has recently arranged a new bird's nest plan, so you need to pick a suitable undercover from the police force, but the undercover needs to be inconspicuous, like Xiao Qingrong, it is too conspicuous.
Shao Yang nodded, serious.
"He can do it."
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