Chapter 194: Despicable rebirth

[Blue Sky Day: Of course.】
Anyway, Xiao Qingrong didn't plan to write this book anymore. It was changed yesterday. It is very likely that the book will continue to be changed afterwards. Even if you take the outline of this book, you won't be able to write the same novel as the original owner. What happens to the plot after being released? For Xiao Qingrong, that is nothing.
After the editor Changfeng received the news, he felt relieved and looked at the editor-in-chief Yun Qing.
"Qingtian Bairi has agreed to put the outline on Weibo for netizens to watch."
When he spoke, he turned his head to look at the editor's side of the rainstorm. Everyone was made to work overtime overnight. It was because of the author's Weibo in the rainstorm. The plagiarism had already been searched for. The result is that the website will cover the plagiarist tomorrow. Now, the website has to spend money to reduce the popularity, and their website's app has also scored low, all of which are low scores by some Yan Gou tomorrow, which has a certain impact on the website.
"I'm also contacting Lang Lang tomorrow." The rainstorm was cold, and he didn't expect to have such a thing. He clearly told the other party that the website did not handle this matter because they gave them a lawyer. They solved it themselves. With the development of knowledge civilization, the copyright awareness is also very strong (strong qiang) .There are many lawyers who will fight this kind of lawsuit.The website is willing to ask for money to let the author make a lawsuit. Who wrote the novel in the end, the website (cao) writing, this is the easiest way.
But why is Lang Lang tomorrow angry because of this matter that the website is covering the blue sky and white day?
In fact, everyone sees such a result, and there is some speculation in their hearts. More of them think that Lang Lang will be a guilty conscience tomorrow, because if you are really the original of this work, the law will also be on your side, really understand a work It ’s only me, so after the intervention of a lawyer, the result will be more beautiful, and then it ’s impossible to copy anything in the sky.
But now Lang Lang is very disgusted to find a lawyer. He directly ignored the rainstorm and said that the website helped them to hire a lawyer. He directly believed that the website covered the blue sky and white days. This made the rainstorm somewhat doubtful. Only plagiarists will be plagiarized in the work. Silent!
"Everyone has seen about yesterday's hot search. Our website has been opened so far, for those who love literature, because of their existence, only now has the development of the website, but now one author said that we shield other authors, So this matter must be resolved, and it is a fair and upright solution! Our website will give the two authors the best lawyers to solve this matter, as long as you give an answer, you can clean up the eccentricity of the website. no."
Yun Qing said with a cold face, about the hacking of her website, Yun Qing was a bit irritable to say the truth. After all, it was originally a small matter of plagiarism. As long as you find a lawyer in private, you can quickly solve this matter, but However, he did get a hot search, which had a great impact on the website, which of course made Yun Qing unhappy.
Even with the dislike of these two authors, whether it is a long-range tomorrow that likes to make trouble, or a blue sky and a white day that is silent, Yun Qing has no good feelings. The good author just writes the work, but the result stands out and tears Pressing, it is really disgusting.
"Well, I will tell Qingtianbaibai about this matter. He hadn't returned any news before, and I didn't have time to say it."
Changfeng really knew Xiao Qingrong (sleeping Shui), so after the meeting, he did n’t say that the website wanted to ask him for a lawyer. Now when he was reminded by the editor in chief, Xiao Qingrong and you woke up. Changfeng quickly sat down, looked at the computer, and started typing.
[Editor Changfeng: Day, last night, in fact, our website has negotiated the results. The editorial department means that our original literature website will invite you two lawyers and a professional copyright lawyer. Then through the investigation in real life, and the understanding of literature to investigate, in this case, the final result is naturally clear at a glance, do you want to see if you want? 】
Xiao Qingrong saw that editor Chang Feng had proposed seeking a lawyer, and he suddenly remembered the sound laws of the world.
In this world, because of the importance of cultural knowledge dissemination (sexuality), everyone ’s awareness of copyright is very good, and the protection of copyright by law and the protection of literary creation have also been added. There are more laws, so if this case finds a lawyer, Xiao Qingrong is very likely to win.
However, Xiao Qingrong still does not know who the person opposite him is, so he still sent the news to Changfeng.
[Qingtianbaibai: Let me think about it. If a lawsuit is needed, I will be happy to accept the lawyer given by the website. 】
The editor Chang Feng was also very happy to see this news. At least his own author dared the lawyer to investigate, which proved that his author was not guilty about this matter. The one with the guilty conscience.
And here is the editor's rainstorm, also received the news of tomorrow.
[Lang Tomorrow: It is impossible to show the outline to everyone. How can I write it after showing it to them? Also, do n’t I have money to hire a lawyer at home? Why didn't your website block that person's book in advance? Do you have to wait until the lawsuit is over before closing it? What means? 】
Mo Shiming noticed that the website had not sealed the blue and white book, and even made this book rush to the tenth place in the new book list. It was very irritable. He certainly did not want to sue, although he knew this This book was written earlier than the other party, but he was not sure whether there was any evidence in the other party's hand. Mo Shiming wanted to make the website block Xiao Qingrong's book, but he didn't think about going to court.
Regarding this kind of copyright lawsuit, once intervened in the law, it is more embarrassing!
And it is still this kind of unfinished novel. If the lawyer intervenes, it will definitely ask many strange questions. For example, the materials collected by writing such novels, such as the source of inspiration, and other messy things, let Mo Shi Ming has a big head, so the matter of asking a lawyer is impossible from the beginning.
After seeing such news, the editor Rainstorm became more indifferent and typed back.
[Editor Rainstorm: Now our literary original literature website is willing to give you the best lawyers to sue you, do n’t you? Or did you actually copy this book? 】
Editor Rainstorm said this to his author for the first time. In the past, editor Rainstorm liked to maintain their own authors. As long as there were no major problems, they would maintain their own authors and give their authors a recommendation on the website. , But now, he was questioned by the opponent for a while, but he became indifferent.
[Lang Tomorrow: You plagiarized! Your whole family plagiarized! Ming Laozi's book is three days earlier than him. Is your website blind? Who can't see the plagiarism? Do you want me to sue? I just do n’t want to fight the lawsuit! ! ! 】
Mo Shiming was really angry too. After he was born again, Mo Shiming was in a good mood this month. His family did not go bankrupt. He was still the rich second generation, so his temper was naturally bigger, but this temper was not It should have happened to the editor Rainstorm.
Seeing what his author sent, the editor Rainstorm even thought that the other party was guilty, and he no longer said anything to the other party. He looked at his editor.
"Editor-in-chief, I have contacted Lang Lang tomorrow, Lang Lang tomorrow is not willing to hire a lawyer, even if our website asks him for a lawyer, he is not willing, just blindly let us close the blue sky and white book.
This sentence on the surface is about the lawyer, but in fact it is talking about the idea of ​​the rainstorm, which proves a thing. The rainstorm also doubts whether its author is plagiarized. Otherwise, a plagiarized one The author, who has the opportunity to defend rights for free, how can he choose not to defend rights?
In addition, Qing Tianbai said that he was very grateful to the lawyers invited by the website, so these editors in the editing room have new ideas.
Maybe ... Lang Lang tomorrow is the plagiarist, otherwise why would n’t he be willing to hire a lawyer?
And even if you do n’t want to hire a lawyer, you always want to seal off Qing Tianbai ’s works and pen names. This is an abnormal behavior.
At least in this matter, the kind of blue sky and daylight is more like a real original creator.
After hearing this, the editor-in-chief Yun Qing was silent for a while, then looked at the editor's rainstorm.
"Do you want to maintain him?"
The meaning of this sentence is, of course, whether the rainstorm will continue to be maintained tomorrow. If it continues, then the website will also think about how to deal with the situation afterwards, but if the rainstorm gives up this author, then everything will have new changes.
The editor's torrential rain became cold at this time, he said.
"Originally, I saw a good seedling and thought that the manuscript was written well and cultivated well. In the future, I will be able to find a way out, but this person is full of lies, and there are problems with his character, so I will not deal with the website afterwards. cha) hand. "
That ’s right, at Rewen Original Literature Network, the editing ability is so great that it can affect the follow-up development of an author. If Lang Lang tomorrow knows that he will be abandoned by the entire website after he has offended the rainstorm, it is definitely unwilling, just this He didn't expect anything, so the final result can only ask for trouble.
The words of the rainstorm did not directly say that Lang Lang tomorrow is the plagiarist of this work. Even Changfeng heard this and looked at the rainstorm. He did not expect that the rainstorm was about to turn out.
"Okay." Yun Qing took a deep glance at the rainstorm and finally spoke again.
"Since everyone knows this matter, then the lawyer of our website will initiate a new lawsuit against Lang Lang tomorrow on behalf of the website, which is not in line with the website treaty signed at that time. This requires compensation for our website. In addition, the book "Underground Dead" is completely blocked. This book will be cancelled from the list of newcomers recommended and completely blocked. Only the "Underground Dead" will be left in the sky. Before the lawsuit is over, Can't let it go. "
Since I had chosen to sign the contract, I had to follow the instructions of the website and proceed according to the contract signed at the time. Now, the reputation of the website has been ruined tomorrow. This has violated the original contract, so the final processing result is of course a lawsuit.
This time, the original Wenwen Literature website consumed at least millions of losses overnight, and the money will eventually be compensated by Langlang tomorrow.
I hadn't planned to use the Law Department before, just because I wanted to deal with this matter in the face of the rainstorm, but this author thinks that even the rainstorm is a real plagiarist, then the website will naturally not protect such a person.
Anyone who works as a literary worker still has a point of view. The prosperity of a work, as well as the materials and outlines prepared, can actually tell the author's own style.
No one refuted the presence, and Changfeng, the editor, was not happy, after all, it seemed that his author had won! At that time, the website's newcomer recommendation list, only one author, can Changfeng be unhappy?
After the meeting ended, the editor Chang Feng hurriedly told this news to his author. As for Lang Lang tomorrow, it was natural to ask the legal department to take action. It is estimated that it would have to wait a few days. After all, the evidence still had to be collected. Evidence, as well as the contract between the website and Lang Tomorrow, all need to be re-collected.
[Editor Changfeng: You do n’t need to send out your outline. Now we have plans to file a lawsuit against Langlang tomorrow. Do n’t tell me before this news is revealed! 】
Xiao Qingrong didn't expect that the website's reaction was quite fast. After knowing that Lang Lang was torn directly against the website tomorrow, Xiao Qingrong found out that the other party should be a mindless person, but he did not expect that such a mindless person , Just playing yourself, you play yourself dead.
[Blue sky and white day: Um, I wo n’t say it, but I do n’t plan to write this book anymore. I re-applied the author account and wrote a new book. I plan to sign a contract with you. 】
Since destined to have an editor, Xiao Qingrong is very satisfied now that this has always maintained his long wind, so he talked about opening his vest and let Chang Feng froze for a moment.
[Editor Changfeng: What? Don't write anymore? How can it not be written? 】
[Editor Changfeng: If you are worried about the future of tomorrow, then you do n’t have to worry. If it does n’t work, the website will give you a lawyer. You wo n’t lose money with the website! 】
[Editor Changfeng: And this book is really excellent, how can you say no and not write? 】
For this book, the editor Chang Feng is really very optimistic, so now I know that his author did not intend to write it, it is really anxious, and directly sent a series of words to let Xiao Qingrong see it (lu) A smile.
But it ’s really not working, he knows all the plots in his mind, but the things he writes are strange, it ’s better to listen to 618, write comfortable autobiography and write, fortunately, he has a sense of substitution when writing. Things are not so easy to win.
[Blue sky and white day: No inspiration. This book has been prepared for a long time before. I have a lot of information here. If the website can, send a lawyer to me to get the information. I also hope to get a real result for myself. But I shouldn't write this book anymore. Originally I wrote books by inspiration. But now I have experienced such plagiarism. I really don't want to write such books anymore, so I opened another book to change my own. Happening. 】
A long paragraph of words replied to the past, and let editor Chang Feng sit there to watch for a long time, and ultimately there is no way. After all, people are right, which author will be affected by such a thing. After his own author is hit, it will produce This idea is normal ...
[Editor Changfeng: Well, you send me your new book to see, I signed a contract with you, but I still hope you write this book if you have inspiration in the future, of course, the lawyer on the side of the website We will arrange the best lawyer for you, you can rest assured, I will discuss with the editor, all free of charge. 】
Seeing that his authors have been attacked like this, Changfeng felt sad, so I decided to find a best lawyer for my authors later!
[Blue Sky Day: Thank you Changfeng editor, my new book name "Human Dawn Project". 】
Xiao Qingrong beat the new book, but Changfeng didn't read it. He directly chose to sign the contract with him. After seeing the other person's new pen name, Ronghua Fugui, he was a little bit wanting to laugh, but in the end the two people were very happy to talk.
When the topic was over, Changfeng hurried to his editor-in-chief and talked about Xiao Qingrong's willingness to hire a lawyer.
"This is better! Originally, our website was slandered because of plagiarism, which led to the siege of netizens. Now if your author is willing to hire a lawyer, then if the sentence is really pronounced, then I think that this is a double benefit. The method can also prove the innocence of our website! "
Yun Qing feels that this author is really too good, and it must be the original creator. Otherwise, why would she be willing to hire a lawyer?
But then he knew from Changfeng's mouth that the author did not intend to write this book, and he felt a little sad in his heart, but after knowing that the other party opened the vest, he was more at ease. Will write.
After knowing this matter, the editor-in-chief Yun Qing hurried to the legal department, said the matter, and sent the best lawyer to investigate the matter first, and then planned to go directly to Xiao Qingrong ’s location for subsequent data collection and survey.
Lang Lang sees that the editor will not speak anymore tomorrow, thinking that he was scared by himself, not much to say, he went to the code word, thought he would rely on this book to go to the peak of life, marry a Bai Fumei, the mood is Excited not.
Although Miss You Jia has not appeared yet, he believes that Miss You Jia will definitely appear one day!
Lang Lang will know what to do if he thinks the website is not blind tomorrow, otherwise why the other party ignores himself? It must be the way to deal with it!
Xiao Qingrong, after chatting with the editor-in-chief Feng Feng, was somewhat curious about this long-term future, and did not know how to be arrogant, he was able to say such things, and he still declared war with the entire website!
So Xiao Qingrong did something that he would never have done before, and he hacked into Lang Lang's computer tomorrow.
Because Lang Lang just happened to log in the background in the code word, Xiao Qingrong's invasion was silent (color). He saw the rapidly increasing document and knew that the other party was code word.
Then I turned on the camera and saw a handsome man. Although he could n’t compare to the detailed picture posted on Weibo by Lang Lang tomorrow, he was also a handsome guy. Plagiarism?
Xiao Qingrong directly left a small program in the computer of Lang Lang tomorrow, directly copying all the work of the other party in the computer, and soon, many documents appeared in Xiao Qingrong's computer.
Xiao Qingrong opened a document called the future, and as a result, he saw something interesting.
It records the journey of a fool reborn.
It's probably because Mo Shiming's family went bankrupt, so he became engaged in writing after the bankruptcy. This made Mo Shiming accustomed to record these things that will be born in the computer after rebirth.
What Xiao Qingrong sees now is what Mo Shiming wrote about the future and the joy he felt after he found himself reborn.
Of course, the above is clearly written clearly. Mo Shiming liked a woman named You Xuejia before rebirth. He must get You Xuejia in his life! Then step on the blue sky and the day!
Behind the name of Qingtian Bairi, there is a series of novel names. The first one is "Underground Dead", and then there are "Strange City", "Dark Key" and the like. In short, Xiao Qingrong clearly understood the meaning of the other party. .
Of course, in addition to these things about the website, Mo Shiming also wrote some movies and TV series that can be burst, and the names of some stars. Xiao Qingrong searched and found that these stars are still unknown today!
In addition, there is a natural disaster a few years later. It is said that it is because of an epidemic, and the whole earth is caught in this epidemic, with hundreds of thousands of sick and sick people ... The infection is very serious.
These things are actually very simple, but it is enough to let Xiao Qingrong get some rules from it.
"It turned out to be an ignorant rebirth."
That's right, ignorance.
This is Xiao Qingrong's evaluation of Mo Shiming. A good person has a chance to be reborn. How many times are he lucky than others? After accepting this fate, instead of studying hard to change the previous tragedy, he chose to take away other people's things to achieve himself. Such a person is a little stupid and a little stupid, at least Xiao Qingrong is more annoyed.
A person's rebirth is a body, but it is not a brain. Even if it is reborn, it must be similar to the previous one. After all, everything that has been cast has been cast. Even if you want to change again, it is impossible.
Now Xiao Qingrong understands why the other side of the book "Underground Dead" will be published three days earlier than himself. After a long time, it is not plagiarism, but the future book is directly moved back. .
After trying to understand this, Xiao Qingrong felt that the other party still didn't understand the cruel world. He had to teach the other person to be a man ~
The small program left on the other party ’s computer can monitor the other party ’s computer. Xiao Qingrong was very satisfied, so he left the hotel and took a taxi back to his den, sorting out the materials he surveyed when the original owner wrote "Underground Dead". Come out, the lawyer will use it.
Lang Lang finished writing a new manuscript tomorrow. After uploading, he found that the website was still indifferent. Eventually, the light flashed, and he directly spent 200,000 to buy a hot search.
After going through yesterday's events, this hot search about # 热 文 包 避 拟 评 者 # once again rushed into the top three! Now more people have seen this hot search, and some passers-by who don't know the insider come to eat this melon. I just think that since the copyright law is sound, there has been no such big copyright melon for a long time!
Many passers-by have different opinions on Rewen, and believe that Rewen really protects the plagiarism.
[Small obedient: I see, this matter will not be dealt with one day, and it will be searched one day. When will it start protecting plagiarists? Didn't you say respect for originality before? 】
[Securityism comes first: how did this hot search come up again? Yesterday it went down, and today is it? 】
[I am a king of the sea: I have long felt that there is a problem with the situation of Rewen. Only the great gods can recommend it. Those small authors can only eat a lot of food. Hit the dark hot article! 】
[Dream lover: But this author is so good, I like it, even if I directly question the Rewen website, are n’t you afraid of being blocked? 】
[Jianghu passers-by: I think there is a problem with this hot search. They are very civilized. They will ask the author for a lawyer. Who will be the plagiarist at that time, as long as the lawyer appears, can't you see it? Need this discussion? I see, it's the hype! 】
[Faithful reader: God! Look at you! "Underground Dead" has reached the first place in the new book list, and the collection has exceeded 500,000! If there is really no problem with this book, it will definitely be a god! 】
A lot of readers have read this book because of a hot search. This one is not enough. I think this book is really good. Of course, everyone also thinks that the two books are exactly the same. There must be a copy. Still not standing up to speak?
Rewen Original Literature Network had originally held a meeting because of this matter. It was originally planned to wait for the legal department to prepare the information and then publish it on the official website. But now that a hot search has come up again, it is suddenly anxious. , So the editor-in-chief Yun Qing directly locked the book "Underground Dead"!
It ’s Locked Up tomorrow ’s Underground Dead! ! !
You know, this book collection already has half a million! It can be said that it will be the rhythm of a book in the future, but after the netizen clicks on this book, it is found that the cover and book are still there, but all the chapters are not visible, and there is a big official stamp on it.
[This book involves copyright issues, temporarily blocked. 】
Then when everyone re-searched "Underground Dead", they found the blue sky and the white one. The original content is the same. Everyone reads the book, and they do n’t think who is doing it. Some people think that since the website is locked, tomorrow is sure. It is because there is a problem tomorrow, so the collection of the blue sky and white day is rising rapidly, and it grows by hundreds of thousands in an hour.
This hot search and original website was not completed this time. Instead, it started to interact with the great gods of many websites, and wanted to use this thing to attract traffic.
It can be said that the book "Underground Dead" once again reached the top of the rookie list, but the author changed the name.
At the same time, the original website of Weiwen on Weibo issued the latest statement.
[Regen Original Literature Website: Regarding the plagiarism of the book "Underground Dead" by the author @ 朗朗 明日 and author @ 青天 白日, my website has taken the following measures! The author Qingtian Bairi has been willing to accept the lawyers of the legal department of our station for copyright protection, and will show the lawsuit tomorrow, and then follow up the processing. The website used to provide legal assistance to both Lang Lang tomorrow and Qing Tian Bai Ri at the same time, but Lang Lang tomorrow refused. In addition, yesterday evening, the author posted a personal microblog with information about the damage to my website ’s reputation, and forwarded more than 500 comments, which has caused a reputational impact on the website. The legal department of our station has arranged legal compensation . Finally, because Lang Lang is unwilling to accept legal aid from our station tomorrow, our station has the right to lock the novel "Underground Dead" under the name of the person. When the result comes out, it will be unlocked again. 】
A long paragraph can be said to be clear about the arrangement of things, saying why the site did not say anything at the beginning, because the author was originally provided with legal assistance, but I did not expect to be rejected by the author, even if it was refused, and it was a rake. Who can be happy after listening?
Yesterday's hot search and today's hot search have a certain influence on the original website of Rewen. That's right.
Netizens returned in an instant and stood on the side of Rewen Original Literature Network.
[Xiaofeifei: I agree with the meaning of the website. In the case where it is impossible to determine who is the original, the website cannot be wronged. The best way is of course legal aid. As long as the lawyer intervenes, this matter will soon have results Anymore? So the website is doing right ...]
[Hello every day! : I always feel that Rewen Original Literature website is saying that the plagiarism is the one who will be copied tomorrow? Apparently released three days earlier than the other party, but was regarded as a plagiarist? What's happening here? 】
[Fang Fangzhengzheng: I am also a little curious. Generally speaking, if there is such free legal aid, the original creator will be willing, but tomorrow is reluctant to accept this matter. Instead, Qingtian Bai day received legal aid from the website Everyone knows that the legal aid for Rewen is free. Is n’t he a guilty conscience? 】
[Pride of Heaven: Huh! Broken website! Cover the plagiarist! And also lock the real original creator, this is your (fuck cao) work? 】
Various netizens have various opinions, anyway, some are applauded, some are cursed, and each one is a brave warrior who turns into a courageous person, and hopes that this matter will be discussed clearly.
But Lang Lang did not appear tomorrow, which makes everyone a bit strange.
So why didn't it appear tomorrow?
It turned out that something happened to Mo Shiming's house! A girl who used Mo Shiming's beauty products at home died of allergy (sexuality) (dead si)! So the parents took the corpse directly to Mo Shiming's house! Mo Shiming knew about this.
I never had such a thing in my last life, but now, looking at some helpless parents, Mo Shiming can't figure out what is going on.
Outside the Mo's villa, there are victims' families with white (color) cloth on their heads. Many of them are outside at this time. A black (color) coffin stops at the door of Mo's house. The sound of suona sounds a headache.
"Dad, what the is going on?"
Mo Shiming is really embarrassed. My family has always dealt with the industry at home. Mo Shiming just graduated not long ago and has not had time to enter the company at home.
"It was a girl who was allergic to our products. After her death at home, her parents felt abnormal and sent the person to an autopsy. As a result, the forensic doctor said that she was allergic (sexual) (dead si), Then she tested everything at home and found out that our face cream had a problem. There is a medicine in our face cream that can make girls allergic. "
In fact, cosmetics are also related to biology and chemistry in some way, and pharmacology should also be proficient. After all, if a person is allergic, some of them will really die (si si). Suddenly, I didn't expect the family to be so miserable.
This girl is the only child in the family, so after her death, her parents couldn't stand it, and they found someone to make trouble. They didn't lack money at home, just such a girl, so far away, Want to ask for a fair, but the Mo family can not admit that their products have a problem, this makes people blocked the door.
"So what should I do, I can't keep them stuck here?"
Mo Shiming's blank face, Mo Shiming, who has not experienced these things, does not know what to do, and can only look at his father, but now Dad Mo has no idea that his beauty products will make people die. It is also at a loss, there is no way!
Obviously no such thing happened in my life, how could such a thing happen?
Thinking about being born again for a month, is the family going bankrupt as before? When he thought of this possibility, Mo Shiming couldn't understand it, and he couldn't believe it.
Mother Mo didn't know what to do either. After all, she didn't touch the business, so she didn't know what was going on, so she could only frown.
Mo Shiming was worried about this matter and didn't know that things on the Internet would spread into reality. These things in reality alone made him one head and two big!
As for the lethal product, it is not surprising.
In the last life that Mo Shiming knew, he only knew that his father ’s company went bankrupt, but he did n’t understand how it went bankrupt. His father did n’t say that. In fact, the product was allergic at the time, which led to customer poisoning. The Mo family went bankrupt ...
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