Chapter 220: Bai Yueguang murdered (sha)

"Yu Han invited a lot of powerful lawyers to defend. The reason for the defense is that Yu Han has many villas under his name. The construction of the basement has nothing to do with him, and the dead have nothing to do with him ..."
Zheng Yun looked at the smoke and said the most funny thing in the world. This is the defense, the defense that finds loopholes in all aspects.
Ming Yu ’s basement doors were scanned with Yu Han ’s fingerprints and pupils, but those lawyers issued a personal mental report of Yu Han, which indicated that Yu Han had long-term insomnia and even sleepwalking. Therefore, the things in the basement of his villa may not be related to him. Even if it is related, it is also something Yu Han did during sleepwalking and could not convict Yu Han.
"The lawyer produced Yu Han's mental report, which stated that Yu Han has a long-term bipolar disorder, which has been for almost five or six years, and has dreams. Although it is temporarily unknown whether this mental report can take effect, but once it takes effect If so, Yu Handing will be sent to a mental hospital, like a rich man like him, he will come out in a few years ... "
These days, Zheng Yun is also the first time to see such a (strong qiang) large team of lawyers. No wonder people always say that money can make ghosts grind, and now it is the same in the world. Obviously everyone can be sure that Yu Han is that ( The murderer, but the lawyer has come up with Yu Han's personal spiritual report, proving that Yu Han may have a mental illness. According to the laws of our country, Yu Han is very likely to escape.
Xiao Qingrong listened to Zheng Yun saying these things quietly. In fact, the news could not be revealed. But as a victim, Xiao Qingrong was a smart victim. Zheng Yun did n’t understand what he said. Yes Want to find the answer from the other party, or say something else, as if just talking.
"In addition to your case, we continued to investigate the case of your driver before, but the wife of the deceased did n’t even know the behavior of her husband. After investigating the account of the driver, I still got a fake account, it can be said that there is no Any traces. And the last time you were nearly smashed, the car that followed you was investigated by us, and the people inside also caught it, but that person has no contact with Yu Han at all, and tracks you It ’s just because you are the son of Dean Xiao. He is the head of medical trouble. Recently, something happened in your hospital. He planned to make trouble, secretly took a lot of pictures of you, and planned to put on the Internet to slander your father. "
"As for the construction team, we also investigated, but the person who put the reinforced concrete slabs on that day was just an apprentice. At that time, the master said that when the reinforced concrete slabs were parked there, they were left there. Accidentally, because the machine broke ... "
Of course Zheng Yun doesn't believe that the so-called machine is broken. Sometimes, it is a fact that things that are too coincidental are connected into a line, so Zheng Yun is very sure that Yu Han definitely started Xiao Qingrong.
Not only that, he now has money, almost hands-on, so those who do it must have received money! Or if you got something else, the police are still investigating ...
Xiao Qingrong sat there and listened to Zheng Yun casually saying this, but he did not expect that Yu Han was not afraid of the police or arrested, but had already thought about the behavior of retreating.
He has enough money in his hands to make many people willing to sell his life for him, so when he started to act like this, he started to create a way for himself. The mentally ill is the one who escapes from the sanctions of the law. Weapons.
"That is to say, the police can't take him right now? Even if they can finalize the case, in the end the other party will use the name of the mentally ill to escape the legal sanctions. Am I right?"
Xiao Qingrong asked back, Zheng Yun didn't know how to answer in an instant, because he didn't know what the final result would be. From the beginning, the murderer must be caught, and now he is afraid of the murderer's escape from legal sanctions. That kind of tiredness and panic, Zheng Yun was also very tired.
"... I don't know, Mr. Xiao, I can't tell you."
What can make the police dare not guarantee, the final result is naturally conceivable, Xiao Qingrong raised his eyebrows, not surprised Yu Han has such ability, he said.
"I may have a way to get Yu Han to confess his guilt. Of course, this requires the police to cooperate. When I talk to him, I cannot have any monitoring measures."
This sentence directly surprised Zheng Yun. He did not expect that Xiao Qingrong would say so. He opened his mouth and wanted to refuse. However, he thought that the case was so anxious, and he finally answered.
"... OK, I will arrange it for you immediately."
When the two hung up, Zheng Yun went to arrange the meeting. This matter is still to be reported, so it must be carefully arranged.
Xiao Qingrong made a phone call. The woman at the other end was a little stunned when she heard Xiao Qingrong's voice, but she agreed to meet with Xiao Qingrong.
The place where the two made an appointment was in a coffee shop near the medical university. It was a bit cold on the day of the meeting. The sky was dark and dark. It seemed that it was going to rain soon. Mu Mingyue was wearing a big sweater and wrapped himself. Fear of cold.
She was sent by her parents. The parents were sitting in a seat beside them, and Xiao Qingrong looked at Mu Mingyue in front of her and realized that the other party was still a little pale. The hand on the table tapped gently and issued. Orderly sound.
"Are you still thinking about what happened before?"
He took the initiative to speak, but Mu Mingyue was a little surprised. He heard the sound of his fingers tapping on the table in his ear and responded obediently.
"Yes, I have been thinking all night and all night, and I can't (sleep Shui) at all."
This kind of reaction is injury trauma sequelae, which generally refers to the insomnia and multi-dream scene that will occur after a person is injured. Because of the pain, he will continue to repeat the painful process in the dream.
"Is there any concern about Yu Han's case?" Xiao Qingrong continued to ask, and his eyes fell on Mu Mingyue's face.
Mu Mingyue was still a little dumbfounded, and his eyes lost the light he once had.
"... My parents wanted to hide from me, but I asked the police who saved me at the time, Yu Han could not be sentenced, he had information from a mentally ill patient, he and he would not be sentenced to death ..."
At the thought of this, Mu Mingyue's face (color) was paler, and it seemed to recall something.
Then Mu Mingyue's hand holding the cup kept bursting with blue muscles, and her face became a bit more terrified.
"He will definitely come to me ... if he does not die, he will definitely come ..."
Her panic eyes looked at Xiao Qingrong with pleading. At this time, she didn't know who could save her, and she could only plead with anyone he saw.
She knew clearly that once Yu Han did not die, then no matter how long it was, Yu Han would reappear beside her and do things that made her more afraid ...
"Senior, why can't he die, why can't he die ..."
As he talked, the tears fell, and the Mu family and the couple who secretly watched from the side were startled. Mu mother wanted to get up, but was stopped by Mu father.
Xiao Qingrong continued to knock on the desktop, and his voice remained stable.
"I have a way to make him plead guilty, but you need to cooperate, school girl, if you want to put (tuo) such a person, you should know what you should pay."
After that, the two said nothing, and no one knew until the day when Zheng Yun called Xiao Qingrong.
This day is the day to arrange Xiao Qingrong to meet with Yu Han. Yu Han now has a special status, and there are many lawyers defending him, so the police station is now under great pressure. This is why Xiao Qingrong has arranged a time to meet with Yu Han. .
The meeting place was a small inquiry room. Yu Han's hands and feet were locked in the chair. Xiao Qingrong walked in black (color). Before that, the police had shut down the recording and eavesdropped according to Xiao Qingrong's request. Naturally, it is impossible.
Moreover, in order for Xiao Qingrong to make Yu Han plead guilty, he was able to stand in the way of public opinion and gave Xiao Qingrong a separate time.
"Mr. Yu, I haven't seen you for a long time. It seems that you are fine."
After coming in, it was Yu Han ’s gentle smile. It seemed that the loss of calm was only temporary. As long as Mu Mingyue was not here, Yu Han ’s reason would come back. Without any flaws.
"Of course I am fine, but the food in this police station is not very good. When I go out, I will donate some food expenses to here." Yu Han smiled and replied, even if he was in the police station, even in his own So many corpses have been found in the villa, they can still calmly plead guilty, and found the act of opening (tuo) for themselves in the fastest way.
"Oh? Really? I originally came here today to bring good news to Mr. Yu, but unfortunately, it seems that Mr. Yu is still very satisfied with the police station."
Xiao Qingrong said with a smile, but opened a file, and then put a piece of information on the table, let Yu Han see it for a moment, then looked at the file tightly.
I saw that the picture on the data is so obvious, the black piece is not visible to others, but people who have a long-term understanding of the human body can see at a glance that this is b-ultrasound, and this black piece is human uterus……
"Moon Moon ... Moon Moon ..."
After Mu Mingyue reappeared in his mind, Yu Han lost his reason once again. His face was stern with a grin, and there were some arrogance and arrogance. His eyes were glowing. After reading the picture, he was excited Looking at Xiao Qingrong in front of him.
"Is Mingyue (Huaihuai) pregnant? Am I going to be a father?"
He just thought about it at a glance, and Xiao Qingrong was very calm, took the b-ultrasound on the table and showed it to Yu Han.
"Yes, you guessed it right, Mu Mingyue (Huaihuai) is pregnant, just about seven weeks old. Look at this, your child, how is it? Do you feel very happy? I am also very happy, originally you entered The police station, I think you should die, but I thought of a more fun method, I heard that your lawyer is defending you against mental innocence, right? At that time, even if you do n’t have to die, you have to Go to a psychiatric hospital for two or three years? At that time, Mu Mingyue ’s children were also born. The children were the cutest, but the mentally ill children were also mentally ill. Courtyard, who made his dad crazy? "
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