Chapter 224: Koi three and a half years old

Standing a little far away from the crowd, there is a pair of mother and daughter. Among them, the woman holding the girl has a beautiful and moving face, especially when she looks at people with a pair of peach eyes. The little girl in her arms is also very cute, with pure white skin, baby face, big eyes, long eyelashes. At this time, she was held by her mother in her arms, but she was looking towards the village entrance. That black grape The same big eyes are lovely.
The mother and daughter are Ji Wanning's mother and daughter. The woman is only 21 years old this year, and the little girl in her arms is only three and a half years old and is her daughter.
I vaguely heard that some villagers talked about themselves, and the words "cheap" and "unknown" were coming from the crowd, so Ji Wanning couldn't help bowing his head, his eyes were a little red, but because the daughter was still in her arms, It can only look like crying.
Looking at the village entrance expectantly, Ji Ling later realized that her mother was crying, and quickly raised her mother's face, then coaxed very sensiblely.
"Mom don't cry, otherwise Lingling will cry too."
She looked at the woman's flushed eyes and sighed in her heart, thinking that she was also a 29-year-old young woman who had achieved the deputy general manager of the company, but in a blink of an eye, she not only became a baby, but also her mother. After being given nothing, he gave birth to himself. After living in this world for three and a half years, Ji Lingling already knew his situation.
Her mother Ji Wanning is a villager in this village of Anning. There are grandpa (milk Nai) (milk Nai), father and mother, and some messy relatives, but just over four years ago, at the time, Ji Wanning followed the villagers to walk relatives in the city. As a result, no one knew what had happened. It was more than six months after I came back. Ji Wanning's stomach grew up, and the Ji family knew that Ji Wanning (Huaihuai) was pregnant!
This time, Ji's family had a deep fry, and he hurriedly asked who was being bullied by her daughter, but Ji Wanning also reacted. She was bullied at that time. Some kind of sexual education was not open this year. Wanning didn't know how she was pregnant with the child, but just asked the family members to tell the family that they didn't know who the man was or how the children in the stomach came.
Although Ji Family is not a leader in the village, it is also a little famous. The life is good. As soon as the family came out, such a woman directly made the Ji family people lose their faces. It turned out that someone in the village eavesdropped, and even knew this thing, plus Ji Wanning was pregnant for six months at that time, and wanted to beat the child, that would not work, it was fatal.
Ji Wanning hadn't grown up at that time, and she didn't even know what she had (fa). Afterwards, she realized that she had a child, but she didn't agree to kill the child. She eventually talked to her parents and grandpa (nai) Nai) broke up, and went to a small house in the village alone, and gave birth to the little girl Ji Lingling safely.
After the child was born, Ji Wanning's family also visited, but Ji Wanning refused to bow his head, and was unwilling to give Ji Lingling to others. A person died spontaneously.
Only Ji Wanning's mother secretly brought it over, let Ji Wanning survive the first year, and Ji Lingling was born not long after, she also found that she not only passed through, but also seemed to have Koi life!
This koi behavior was discovered by her because Ji Lingling was able to start seeing luck on people. The dying person was black (color), the person with wealth was gold (color), and there was a plague of blood. People are red (color), normal people are green (color), white (color) proves to be sick, and yellow (color) proves to be lucky.
The first thing she saw was the red (color) on her mother Ji Wanning. On that day, when the mother wanted to go to the mountain to get some wild vegetables, Ji Lingling was very troubled. Finally, as Ji Wanning went up the mountain together, she kept making wishes. I hope Ji Wanning won't suffer from blood damage. As a result, a wild boar rushed out of the forest, but missed Ji Wanning and rushed directly to the big rock next to him. He crashed to death!
Looking at the mother's head, red (color) has changed to green (color), which proves that the fate of the mother has improved, which makes Ji Lingling more confirmed his koi luck, so as long as there is any change in the mother, Ji Lingling I will definitely make a wish, so although Ji Wanning (tuo) left Ji's house today, it seems that his life is very good. He even raised the water spirit of Ji Lingling more than many children in the village (dry gan). .
"Mom doesn't cry, she's so good ~" Hearing her daughter's weak voice calmed herself, Ji Wanning held back the tears in her eyes and didn't want her to cry with her.
Ji Lingling turned her head and looked at the long-tongue women over the village head. She just wanted to give her a middle finger. If she could curse people, she could only wish to curse all the long-tongue women and make them unlucky!
It is a pity that Ji Lingling found that his koi carp luck can only be used for good luck, but not for himself. He must let others be lucky. This discovery is simply mad at Ji Lingling.
But she couldn't help it anyway. Fortunately, her fate gave her such a good mother. She maintained her. She used koi carp to protect her mother. But this time, she came to her mother and wanted to see her go to the countryside this year. The educated youth, because they know from the village next door that these informed people will buy some living (using yong) products when they come to the village. The mother is clever, can make clothes and can do some delicate things, and sells to those educated youth, just let the mother come Make money.
The other is that Ji Lingling wants to find a husband for his mother and a stepfather for himself in the educated youth. Those two skinned faces in the village, anyway, Ji Lingling can't look down on them, and can only count on these educated youths. Those with educational level, and this year is already 1976. When next year, the college entrance examination will be officially arranged. By then, the mother will be able to live with her father in the city, and she will be able to show her strength!
In this small rural area, Ji Lingling really felt that he was overkill.
Just when everyone in Anning Village looked forward to the intersection outside, there was finally the sound of the tractor over there, and then it got closer and closer, and everyone saw the deputy branch secretary driving the tractor, and then also There were educated youths standing on the tractor, and all the young men and girls were very energetic, which surprised the villagers.
"The people in this city are different from us. After so many years, our village has finally got educated youth. Will the village head let the doll study with the educated youth?"
A woman asked the old man beside him, who was smoking a dry cigarette, and said.
"Our village heads know the development best. Although these educated youths went to the countryside for transformation, but several villages are rushing to ask for it. If the head of the village is not strong, they won't be able to share these educated youths with us. Village, I watched these educated youths are all culturally educated. When the time comes, my grandchildren will also study in the past, fortunately they are not illiterate. "
The people around were excited when they heard it.
The matter of educated youth going to the countryside was as early as ten years ago. Although there were many educated youths going to the countryside at that time, not every village had educated youths. For example, Anning Village never received it. For the educated youth, in the early years, everyone responded to the country. After the educated youth came to the village, they let the educated youth (gan) do the work and earn work points, so that they knew the suffering of the working people.
But later, with the development of the policy, many clever village heads asked the educated youth to teach the children in the village to read and read. They said that in the village next to Anning Village, all the children in the village would write their own names and let the villagers Envy is not good, so this time, the head of Anning Village almost rushed to get these few educated youth places.
The purpose is to allow children in their village to recognize words and be illiterate.
From the beginning of the educated youth to the countryside, to the past ten years, the village heads and party secretaries know more about the rapid development of the outside society. If the children in the village are illiterate, they will not be able to go out for a lifetime, so this time, these educated youths We are all thinking about the future of the children in the village.
As for (dry gan) work, are these people (dry gan) work more sloppy than these educated youths? They can also earn points, and as long as the children can read, they are happy to work!
Thinking like this, all the villagers couldn't help but come around.
"Secretary An! Are these educated youths in our village?"
Everyone came around, and after watching the tractor stop, they couldn't help but look at the educated youths on the tractor. Anzhi nodded.
"Yes! These are the educated youths in our village!"
The educated youths in the back also started to get off one by one, even if the clothes on them were very plain, but the spirit of everyone standing there was different from those of the rural villagers, all standing straight, giving a confident I feel that people in the village feel that this is indeed a cultural person from the city, which is different from the people who grew up in the village.
Looking at the skin of other people, the men are all white and tender, and they look beautiful and beautiful. It looks like the men in their village, all black and autumn, like loach.
The crowd was about to surround these educated youths. Some female educated youths secretly hid behind the male educated youths. They were too scared. Xiao Qingrong and Mu Yingjun stood there, completely unaffected by everyone, and let everyone watch.
"Okay, don't be around. Let's get acquainted later. Let the educated youths go to the educated youths' office to sort them out. Will I introduce them to you again?"
An Zhishu let everyone disperse, afraid to scare these educated youths, and after everyone dispersed, this led the educated youths into the inside.
Originally, Ji Wanning thought about the past, but seeing so many people in the village leaning in, they must be scolded in the past, but they did not pass. At this moment, seeing the person left, it is a bit difficult to stand on the spot.
Ji Lingling, held by Ji Wanning, has covered her eyes, because she was just about to be blinded!
She can see the luck in people, all kinds of faces (colors), and today, in order to find a husband for her mother, she specifically wants to see the luck of these educated youths, but unexpectedly, she saw a straight The purple (color) light almost blinded Ji Lingling's eyes, so that Ji Lingling could only close her eyes quickly, pretending that she couldn't see it, but the small heart was thumping. With.
She has never seen purple (color) luck, what does this mean?
What kind of identity is that man?
At this time, I can't help reminding my mother. Ji Lingling can only plan for another plan, and waits for the educated youths to leave before lifting her head from her mother's shoulder.
"Mom, let's go home."
Just like An Zhi said, they will meet sooner or later. Ji Lingling was blinded by the person with purple (color) luck, and was really curious about this person.
At the same time, in the educated youth office, the village party secretary asked the educated youths to choose their own rooms, which are all houses in the village. Although they tried hard to repair them, they still looked bad. One room needed two people.
"Brother Xiao, shall we live in a room?" Mu Yingjun offered an invitation. Xiao Qingrong nodded. The room here has two beds per room. Although it is made of earth, it should also be able to live.
"That's great, let's go pick a good room together!"
In order to prevent a good room from being occupied, Mu Yingjun hurriedly ran between several rooms and finally took Xiao Qingrong to this room on the east side.
"I think this is good. The windows of this room are open in the morning and there is sunlight. The bed is also good. There are cabinets, chairs and tables. The space is large. Brother Xiao, how are we staying here?"
Mu Yingjun, who regarded Xiao Qingrong as a friend, was very attentive. After Xiao Qingrong nodded, he put all his luggage down and started to sort out his bed.
He brought in the bedding and quilts used in the bed (chuang). He was so tall that he made them completely stress-free, so it was done in a while, and as soon as he turned his head, he saw that Xiao Qingrong was still sitting there. Did not move.
"Brother Xiao, can't you make a bed? I'll make it for you? Is your luggage here?"
Mu Yingjun had carried Xiao Qingrong's luggage before. At this moment, he voluntarily walked over and was planning to open Xiao Qingrong's package. Xiao Qingrong just wanted to say that he didn't bring a quilt, so the luggage was opened.
I saw Xiao Qingrong's dead luggage, there were several things wrapped in cloth bags, I couldn't see what was inside, there was canned food wrapped in cloth, and other food, but there was nothing in the quilts and sheets ...
"Brother Xiao, won't your luggage be stolen?"
When he saw that these things were few, Mu Yingjun was very nervous. He thought that Xiao Qingrong had lost his luggage. He didn't think about it at all. Mu Yingjun didn't bring them at all.
Although the village prepared (bed chuang) is also paved with things, but the look is not very good. Mu Yingjun feels that people like Xiao Qingrong who do not touch the spring water with their fingers must not live.
"No, I didn't bring it." Xiao Qingrong directly told the truth, and then looked at the situation on the bed (chuang), frowning.
"Wait a little while and go out to the villagers to buy a new set. I will bring the money."
With such a wealthy appearance, Mu Yingjun had nothing to say. He quickly helped Xiao Qingrong put his things in the cupboard and sorted out his own things. He went to the village on the first day today, and the village party secretary said to let them Get familiar with the environment first, and wait for the meeting in the village ’s main square after tomorrow.
After sorting things out, it looked fine, and it was still dark, Mu Yingjun suggested.
"Since it's not dark yet, let's go out and ask if there are any quilts sold to us in the village, and our educated youths are going to eat together. Brother Xiao, I don't think you're used to it. I'll be in our house when I look back Make a fire in the small field behind, I will cook! "
Mu Yingjun also talked to other educated youths, but he didn't speculate and still like to chatter with Xiao Qingrong.
The two eventually went out together and walked out of the educated youth. At this time, the sunset was just outside. Every household had cooking smoke, and the village was in sight, which made Mu Yingjun shut his mouth again.
"This village is very similar to my grandma's house. It's all like this. This way, it's okay to go now. When it rains, it's all mud. It's hard to walk ..."
The two were talking. In fact, Xiao Qingrong listened to Mu Yingjun and wandered around the village. At this moment, the villagers all went home to eat, but there was no one on the road. Trotting at the end of.
This girl is Ji Lingling. She just saw who had purple (color) luck at first glance. She was thinking about coming to Japan, but she still couldn't help her curiosity and wanted to come and see.
The little doll suddenly rushed in front of the two, which made Mu Yingjun startled.
Xiao Qingrong glanced at Ji Lingling, after seeing Ji Lingling's look completely different from that of the child.
The child's eyes are very dry, whether it is good or bad, it is very obvious, but Ji Lingling's eyes are a complex and full of inquiry, which makes Xiao Qingrong also Start looking at Ji Lingling.
"Two uncles, are you educated youths?"
The three-and-a-half-year-old child speaks very cleverly, plus the clothes (dry gan) (dry gan) are clean, the white face with a smile when talking, people can't help but have a point Goodwill.
"Yeah, we are educated youths, little girl, why are you here alone? What about the family?"
Mu Yingjun looked at the little girl's clothes and knew that the little girl was from the village, but even so, it was unsafe for a little girl to run around in the village alone. It would be miserable if he met a bad person.
"My family is in the west of the village. Uncle, my mother will make a lot of things, and the food is delicious. Will the uncle order my food?"
Ji Lingling is quite sure that the two educated youths in front of her must be rich. If her mother cooks, one month's meals are not expensive, just five dollars. You can also contact these educated youths for the best of both worlds!
I just do n’t know if there is anyone cooking at the educated youth, if no one buys mom ’s meals, it ’s not good ...
With such thoughts in her heart, she couldn't help but look forward to it, hoping that the two in front of her could buy her mother's meals.
Mu Yingjun felt for a moment that the little girl in front of him was cute and dead. The other party made him willing to do whatever he wanted. He just wanted to promise to buy food, but Xiao Qingrong beside him spoke.
"I want to buy a new set of quilts. Do you have any at home?"
Just a second ago, a feeling similar to the hint of the mind appeared in Xiao Qingrong's mind. This kind of thing is equivalent to the hypnosis of a hypnotist, letting people involuntarily enter the routine, making him want to spend this money to buy this Takeaway for little girls.
But this low-end hint can't deal with Xiao Qingrong.
Ji Lingling was disappointed for a moment, but his eyes lit up again and nodded.
"Of course! Uncle, do you want a quilt? My mother made a new quilt."
Xiao Qingrong nodded, then in Ji Lingling's happy jump, the two were taken to the house in the west of the village.
"Mom! Mom! I'm back !!!"
Ji Lingling shouted happily, and a woman immediately came out of the room. The woman had a beautiful appearance and fair skin, which made Mu Yingjun stunned. Then she turned her head to Xiao Qingrong and whispered.
"This man doesn't seem to be here, let's not go in, just talk at the door."
When the two were talking, Ji Wanning came out and saw that her daughter brought two strangers, but they thought of their identities. Although they were far away at the time, Ji Wanning also saw the two educated youths at a glance.
One is because this white and educated youth is so good that people can't help but look at it twice, while the other is because it is too tall to be ignored.
"Hello, my name is Ji Wanning. I am from Anning Village. Are you two educated youths coming today? Thank you for bringing Lingling back."
I thought my daughter was out and was sent back, and Ji Wanning thanked them both.
Ji Lingling hurriedly took her mother's hand and said.
"Mom! These two uncles are buying quilts. Isn't there a new quilt in our house?"
Ji Wanning listened to her daughter's words before reacting, a little surprised.
She listened to her daughter and made an extra quilt, but she didn't expect that a really educated youth came to buy these things.
After all, everyone earns work points this year, and there is no money in their hands. Only the educated youths can use the money to buy things.
"Do you want to buy a quilt? The newest cotton quilt I made is guaranteed to be warm and beautiful."
The woman's expectant eyes fell on Xiao Qingrong and Mu Yingjun. Mu Yingjun did not buy it, and naturally looked at his brother.
"Take it out and see."
Xiao Qingrong doesn't lack money at all, so she can show the woman generously.
Ji Lingling's eyes always fell on Xiao Qingrong secretly, then she suddenly laughed, and then followed her mother into the house to get the quilt.
Ji Wanning was very happy that she could sell the things she made, but when she packed up the new quilt, she was hugged by her daughter.
"Lingling is so good, and she knows to sell things to her mother. With money, her mother can buy canning for Lingling."
Looking gently at her daughter, Ji Wanning was in a good mood.
"Mom, do you like the educated youth outside? It's the pure white, especially good-looking one, would you let him be my dad?"
Ji Wanning's hand holding something was stunned, and then (lu) made a bitter smile, but dare not let her daughter see.
How could a woman who gave birth to an unidentified daughter like this be worthy of the educated youth from the big cities outside?
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