Chapter 231: Koi three and a half years old

After taking the red scarf Mu Yingjun gave his mother to school, Ji Lingling saw her mother Ji Wanning standing there to pick herself up at a glance. It was getting cold. Ji Wanning was wearing a light gray (colored) cotton jacket, even if it was like this, She can't hide her beautiful face. She is still young this year, which is undoubtedly beautiful, especially because of being a mother, it gives a gentle feeling.
Ji Lingling trot into the mother's arms and was picked up by Ji Wanning, while Mu Yingjun, who was peeking over the door of the school, could only pretend to look at other students, carefully glanced at Ji Wanning, and then moved quickly Open your eyes.
I have to say that Mu Yingjun knew at this point that he had never been in a relationship, and he didn't know how to get along with people.
Ji Wanning hugged Ji Lingling, and when she was about to leave, she also saw Mu Yingjun in the crowd, directly met the other person's eyes, and looked at the tall man's suddenly panicky appearance, unconsciously (exposed) Smiling, then nodded toward the other party.
Mu Yingjun also nodded quickly, and then watched Ji Wanning take Ji Lingling away.
Since the school was opened in the village, because of the power of the toilet, everyone thinks that learning is useful. Otherwise, why can the educated youth still get something called a faucet? You can run water with just one twist! It's easy to use!
There is little knowledge in rural areas, and I do n’t know that faucets actually exist in big cities. I just think this thing is good. The village head even came to ask Xiao Qingrong what the faucet is all about. They can't get this faucet. There is a well in the village where everyone eats water.
As for the mountains and rivers left on the mountain, it is absolutely not drinkable. It was said that when some people drank the mountains and waters earlier, they died directly after drinking the mountains and rivers.
The weather was very cold. Ji Lingling wore cute little gloves on her hands and hugged her mother. Thinking of the red scarf in her small school bag, she felt that if you let Teacher Mu be her father, she would not be excluded ...
When the mother and daughter returned home, there was still a lot of snow falling. After all, the people in the village cleared a road when they cleaned snowflakes. No, all the snow around was cleaned (dry gan), Ji Wanning's room There is still a lot of snow on the top.
"How are you at school today? Do you know what the teacher teaches you?"
About as a mother, more care for children is like this, afraid that children will not learn knowledge, afraid of being bullied.
"Everyone has learned it, mother. Today I talked to Mr. Mu and two people. Guess what Mr. Mu said?"
When the two were talking, snowflakes fluttered outside and cold air blew in. Ji Wanning hurriedly closed the window, and then turned to look at her daughter.
"Teacher Mu? Didn't you say that you are learning some knowledge from Teacher Xiao recently?"
That's right, since Ji Lingling realized her inequality with her mother, she would choose to tell Ji Wanning what she wanted to do the first time, not to worry about Ji Wanning. Now Ji Lingling worships Xiao Qingrong and learns things with Xiao Qingrong Ji Wanning already knew.
"I was studying knowledge with Teacher Xiao, but Mr. Mu had other things for me."
Ji Lingling said, she opened her small schoolbag. This is the small backpack she (Qiang Qiang) strongly asked her mother to make. She took out a red (color) wool scarf from it. This wool scarf is of good quality. (Mo) feels very soft and slippery, and at a glance, it is worth a lot.
"Mom, what do you think this is?"
When Ji Wanning came over, she saw the red (color) scarf in her daughter's hand, which was also stunned, her brow furrowed.
"Is this Mr. Mu giving you? Did he give you this (dry gan)?"
Collecting things in this way is something that Ji Wanning is absolutely unwilling to do. At this time, he has been thinking about how to return the things.
"Mom, this is not for me, this is for you. The scarf Mr. Mu gave you, or did you buy it from a department store in Shangjing City, and a pure woolen scarf, you (touch Mo)."
Ji Lingling is not stupid. Naturally, it can be seen that Mr. Mu takes his mother in her heart. The most important thing is that Mr. Mu ’s family are all soldiers, and the relationship between them is good. Well, Ji Lingling agrees with her mother.
This time, Ji Wanning's ears suddenly turned red, and when he heard that the scarf was sent by the man, the tall body of Mu Yingjun appeared in his mind. When he refused, he couldn't say anything. He just wanted to say more, the door of the door It was pushed away.
I saw that the person turned out to be a mother in law, and she still had a smile on her face. After pushing the door open, she immediately closed the door.
Ji Mu, who was carrying a bamboo basket, smiled and groaned, his eyes fell on the red (colored) scarf in Ji Lingling's hand.
"It seems that I came here today. It's getting cold these days. Your dad went to buy some (meat rou) and eggs and the like. You cooked it for Lingling."
She put the bamboo basket down, and the cloth covered with it already had a layer of snowflakes, and Ji Lingling looked at her grandmother very well.
She understood at this time that if it were not the Ji family, if her mother was pregnant before marriage, it would be impossible for her to give birth at all, and she still lived safely in this village alone, relying on her grandfather and grandmother and a few uncles.
During the six months of school, Ji Lingling saw several times her uncle was near her door, just to protect her mother and herself, and it was said that it was snowing so much this time, it was the uncles and uncles who brought their cousins ​​over to sweep snow……
"Oh! My spirits, come and let my grandmother hug."
The little girl looks cute. In addition to her unknown father, in fact, Jimu, who is a grandmother, still likes the little granddaughter. She took Ji Lingling directly, then sat on a chair, her eyes fell there. On the red (color) scarf.
"Spirit, tell grandma, who gave this red (colored) scarf to mother?"
Jimu always came over at night. In winter, it was dark early, but she came early. This time, she brought some (meat rou) to her daughter, but did not expect to hear such a thing that made her happy thing.
The educated youth from the village actually fell in love with their own girl?
Isn't this a good thing? Nothing better.
"Yes, grandma, this scarf was given to her mother by Mr. Mu. She said she likes her mother and wants to be my dad."
Ji Lingling was like a child at this time. When she said that, Ji Wanning's face (color) on the side was redder.
From the moment she walked in, she had been secretly observing her daughter ’s scene. At this point, she knew that her daughter must be interesting to Mr. Mu. She thought that Mr. Mu was tall and well-dressed. gan) work, the mother is more at ease.
"Really? What about Lingling? What does Lingling think? Do you want Teacher Mu to be a father?"
Instead of asking her daughter directly, she asked her little granddaughter, but knew that her daughter should listen to the child for everything. Jimu felt that Lingling must like Teacher Mu, otherwise how could she get it back?
Ji Lingling glanced at her grandmother to assist, and quickly nodded.
"I think if Teacher Mu can be my father, no one would dare to bully me."
Those in the school who had cursed her and bullied her were all helped by Mu Yingjun. They even reprimanded those people. Ji Lingling was not ungrateful, knowing that Mu Yingjun was good.
This old and young talked here, so Ji Wanning was a little shy and had no room for self-confidence, and wanted to say nothing.
She admits that she is interesting to this tall Mu teacher. She has never seen such a tall man before, silly, and makes Ji Wanning think that people must be very good.
In the end, Ji Mu spoke.
"Wanning, since I'm here today, I'll listen to you to be accurate. I have met Teacher Mu many times, and your brothers have also met. Although he is not as smart as Teacher Xiao, he came from a big city. , (Shen) good health, able to (gan) work, is a rare talent, in fact, someone in the village secretly inquired about Teacher Mu, but that can not deliver, now that Teacher Mu has given Lingling to you I definitely like you when you buy this scarf. If you think it ’s appropriate, I will let your father send a message to Teacher Mu in the past. Take care, I and your dad and brothers can rest assured ... "
For this daughter, Ji Mu (cao) broke her heart. If it wasn't for Ji Fu's face, he was embarrassed to run towards this side. It is estimated that he would also run every day. All Jifu Xun (Mo) came back.
Ji Wanning originally blushed. At this moment, when she heard what her mother thought of herself, she was red-eyed, and finally squatted beside her, buried her head in the hands of her. She was enough to let her mother (fuck cao) ) I'm so worried, now I have to embarrass my mother ...
"Mom, all listen to you, all listen to you."
She said this, which showed her acceptance of Mu Yingjun's affairs, and proved from the side that Ji Wanning liked Mu Yingjun more. Everyone is more implicit this year, that is, Ji Lingling will directly ask Mu Yingjun if he likes Ji Wanning. Too.
This is a joy for Jimu. When he left, walking was floating.
He came out from his daughter's house to his own home, and hurriedly told her husband and several sons about it.
Ji-Fu and other Ji Wan-Ning's brothers were surprised and happy, and Ji-Fu was happy to smoke with a dry cigarette.
"For this matter, I went to see Mr. Mu and see what Mr. Mu said. If both of them are willing, the marriage will be prepared and they will get married when next spring."
For this daughter's marriage, Ji-fu was really sad with white hair. Although he drove the daughter out of the house, it was also for outsiders. Now that the daughter has a good home, Ji-fu has a smile on his face. The dark face is also unprecedentedly comfortable.
Ji Wanning ’s elder brothers were not happy either. The younger sister was bullied. They could n’t find the murderer. They could only let the younger sister have a baby. Now, the younger sister has a better person to get married. Can they please them? ?
In the following days, the school was on holiday, and Mu Yingjun was also nervous, ushering in his first meeting with his father-in-law.
The meeting place was outside the educated youth school. Ji-Fu also saw the educated youth for the first time. Knowing that the educated youths were all from the city, they were a little nervous, and Mu Yingjun was also nervous after knowing the identity of Ji-fu. For a long time, the two stood in the snow, embarrassed.
"Mr. Mu, I heard Lingling say, you are interested in my family Wanning, and gave her a red (color) scarf?"
Ji-Fun had a good wording before he said such a sentence, making Mu Yingjun even more nervous.
Since the red (color) scarf was sent, Mu Yingjun has never seen Ji Wanning. He asked Ji Lingling what the little girl was so ghostly, she said nothing, making Mu Yingjun excited and scared. I'm afraid people don't like it.
"……Yes, it is."
He nodded stumblingly, his face a little nervous, but let Jifu stabilize.
"Then you can send her something, it is not acceptable if it is placed between ordinary men and women. I heard that the youth in the youth institute said that before Mu went to the countryside, was he still single? If he got married in the village, wouldn't Mu know what he wanted? "
In fact, this kind of thing should be to let the man come to the woman's house to say, but the situation of Ji Wanning, Ji Ji had to lick his face to speak, and Mu Yingjun, although stupid, but also heard the meaning of his father-in-law, nodded quickly.
"Yes, I am willing, I am willing to get married."
He couldn't be happy, at this time (gougou) raised the corner of his mouth, it was almost frowning.
Ji-fu looked at the other person ’s silly look for a moment, but he said that this kid was stupid. It ’s such a good thing 㿺 砥 @ 彩〉 neon Zhijuan br />
"In that case, then I won't turn around with you. If you like my girl, find someone to come to my house to raise relatives. How about getting married next spring?"
When the time comes for spring to bloom, it is a good time to get married.
"Okay, okay, I will definitely raise my relatives!" Mu Yingjun nodded again and again, and after the reaction came, he quickly promised to explain again.
"I will write a letter to my family and say this, and then find someone in the village to help me raise my relatives, father-in-law, you wait for me!"
He ran in excitedly towards the educated youth, completely throwing his grandfather behind him, which made the grandfather standing there crying and laughing, just thinking that this kid was silly and cute.
However, Ji father was not angry. The more happy the other party was, he knew that the other party cared more about his daughter. He had already asked his daughter. Mu Yingjun did n’t care about the daughter ’s affairs and was willing to raise spirits, which made Ji father more at ease. Now, I decided to go back and give my daughter a good dowry.
Mu Yingjun went all the way to the educated youth school. He was very happy to see that everyone in the educated youth school was sitting there reading a book.
"I'm getting married! I'm getting married! I'm getting married !!!"
Happy things must be said three times before they can prove their happiness!
Xiao Qingrong also raised his head from the books. These books were made by the village chief without knowing where they came from. Many of them just happened to be seen by the educated youths in the village, and they usually taught to the children in the village.
"What? Marry?" Cheng and others all looked at Mu Yingjun and didn't understand what it was (fuck cao).
"Yes, I want to write to my family immediately, Brother Xiao, I'm so happy! I'm getting married !!!"
Mu Yingjun's smile was almost unstoppable. After he finished speaking, he went to the room to write a letter, leaving the educated youths outside with a look of brutality, and then someone looked at Xiao Qingrong.
"Brother Xiao, do you know what happened to the British army? Why are you getting married?"
Cheng is a female educated youth who went to the countryside, but she never thought of getting married in the village. When she thought of staying in the village in the future, Cheng could not accept it.
"The person he likes should agree to marry him." Xiao Qingrong remembered the red (colored) scarf and Ji Lingling's pouting look recently, and knew the result.
Ji Wanning (sexuality) is gentle, but not a perverse woman. She has her own ideas and will take care of people. It just complements the hardworking Mu Yingjun.
Mu Yingjun is a bit silly, but Ji Ling is clever, and if these two men become successful, their lives will certainly be excellent.
"Who?" Wei Wen was also a little curious, but he couldn't figure out who attracted Mu Yingjun in the village.
They came from these cities and actually expected to go home, never thinking about getting married in the village.
"This is waiting for him to come out, you ask him."
Xiao Qingrong didn't say much. He thought of the pigs in his school and said that he had raised them for four months.
The day passed by Mu Yingjun ’s excitement, and he sent a letter to his family, and then asked the village chief to personally match. When the village chief heard that Mu Yingjun was going to marry the girl in the village, he was not happy, although after listening to Ji Wanning, he was surprised, but also Not much to say.
At that time, the head of the village also knew that the little girl of the Ji family was innocent and had been harmed, but had never been married. It was a flower in the village, and now it is normal to be regarded by the educated youth.
After the village head went to raise his relatives, everyone in the village was frying pan before they realized that Mr. Mu from the city actually fell in love with Ji Wanning in the village and asked the village head to help raise the relatives. A hundred pieces of gift came out!
Of course, this money was given by Xiao Qingrong.
Mu Yingjun's family has many children. He didn't bring much money to go to the countryside. His own money was only a dozen pieces. During the past six months, Mu Yingjun called his brother, but Mu Yingjun was doing all the hard work. This time, he got married and just finished talking to his family. Before the family's money was remitted, Xiao Qingrong directly gave him a hundred.
This money was originally not intended by Mu Yingjun, but when Xiao Qingrong froze, Mu Yingjun counseled him and could only take the money, but later he was more diligent with Xiao Qingrong.
The students in the village finally had a holiday after January. Ji Lingling was held by Mu Yingjun and came to the pigsty in the village. Xiao Qingrong was already standing on the side of the pigsty.
Now the pigsty has been made very well, and the grass shed has been put on it, and the snow can't fall. The six pigs inside are also (dry gan) (dry gan) arched together, and the white big pig let Ji Lingling cheered instantly.
"Wow! It's so white!"
She has n’t seen these pigs for almost a month. The students in the school like to watch them.
Since the student's holiday, the pigsty was handled by Mu Yingjun alone. Bathing the pig (xi), cleaning the pigpen, and feeding were all by Mu Yingjun.
"It has been a total of 105 days from the beginning of raising piglets to now. I have asked the village chief to bring people over to weigh these pigs."
Xiao Qingrong looked at the chubby pigs, and was not sure if his breeding business was successful, but a little more than three months ago, he had raised the white and fat pigs. It looked quite big. It depends on the villagers coming to weigh.
"I think it must be more than three hundred pounds! Some (meat rou) pigs can grow to eight hundred pounds in less than half a year!"
Ji Lingling said with certainty, this (meat rou) pig refers to some (meat rou) pig in later generations, but now, it is estimated that it is unlikely, and Mu Yingjun does not understand this, just looking at these pigs in vain. Fat and happy.
Soon, the head of the village came with some villagers. Yesterday, Xiao Qingrong received a notice saying that he wanted to know the weight of these pigs. There was no other way this year, just find someone to tie the pigs, and then raise his reputation.
Therefore, there are seven or eight villagers who come, there are (dry gan) goods, and there are also lively people.
After all, isn't this winter? Everyone has nothing to do, and being bored at home is better to come out and join in the fun.
"This pig grows so big!" The village head was also shocked. He had raised pigs in his family. Naturally, he knew how long a pig had to be raised before he could grow up. Now the pigs sent to Xiao Zhiqing are only over three months. Has grown so big?
"Yes, this pig looks like it has grown up, it's bigger than my family's one year ... (meat rou) almost ..."
A villager was also surprised, but only thought that there was no way to make this educated youth true. The pigs raised were also better than those in their village?
Let's take a look at these six pigs are (dry gan) (dry gan) clean, and they can not compare with their dirty pigsty, suddenly a little embarrassed.
Soon, everyone started the action, took the rope, and drove one of the pigs out. Several people helped tie the pig's limbs, and then began to weigh with a very thick stick but on the shoulder.
The first pig, four hundred and thirty one pounds.
The second pig, three hundred and ninety pounds.
The third pig is four hundred and sixty pounds.
The other pigs are also inseparable, the heaviest one even broke the weight of 500 kg, which surprised the villagers. You know, this piglet has been brought over to raise it to now, it is only more than three months. It has risen to a weight of 500 catties, which can already be eaten ...
When Ji Lingling heard the weight once, she cheered and couldn't be happy. Do you think there are some reasons for her wish?
Of course, she admits that it must be Teacher Xiao's feed.
"Wait for the New Year, eat the biggest one (kill sha) (meat rou)."
Xiao Qingrong was also very satisfied with the weight of these pigs, and expressed that he had to kill a pig during the New Year, which made these men more excited and wanted to come to help, and the village chief looked at the pigs in these pens thoughtfully When the villagers left, they could not wait to speak.
"Xiao Zhiqing, I really didn't expect you to have a hand to raise pigs. You can raise these pigs so big in three months. It really is amazing ..."
He complimented him with a look of expectation on his face. Xiao Qingrong didn't care about these strategies for raising pigs. He took out a book and handed it to the village head.
"This is a strategy for raising pigs. According to this pig raising, a pig can reach about three hundred pounds in six months. The village head can ask if anyone in the village wants to raise pigs and teach them."
At this time, Xiao Qingrong did not know that because of his strategy of raising pigs, Anning Village would become a real pig farming village in the future. He did not even know that even Ji Lingling's memory was problematic.
Generally speaking, the weight of a pig can only be about 200 to 260 kg at six months, which proves that it can be sold.
Now, these special pig feeds make a pig grow to three or four hundred pounds in six months. This is a terrible thing.
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