Chapter 29: Male (color) era

On the street of Beijing's bar, all fans can stand in crowded places where people can be seen, and they are holding the five-colored and six-colored lanterns in their hands. At this moment, several The fans of the family are as firm as ever. There is no such tension as before because of resource tearing. Everyone is red-eyed and talking to the people around them, or they are constantly looking towards the blue dye bar. +++ Cartino Novel Network
From seeing Xiao Qingrong's first Weibo, the little koi who really liked Xiao Qingrong quickly headed to the blue dyeing bar. Outside of Xiao Qingrong, Liao Chongjun also posted positioning on their Weibo, let everyone Everyone knows that Xiao Qingrong took everyone in the blue dye bar.
At this moment, the fans were standing there, thinking that their brother didn't know how much grievance they had suffered. They just felt that tears could not help falling.
"I heard that a reporter went in for an interview, and I don't know what happened to my brother ..." A female fan with a headband talking to the girl next to her. She came alone, and the people around her were only temporary comrades-in-arms. .
"It must be okay, that Fang Xuenan hates it very much! He even forced the elder brother (qiang) rules! Old witch !!!" A male fan beside her gave a firm answer, if his eyesight was not so Red is just fine.
At this moment, the performance of all fans is the same. They are worried about their idols, knowing that the idols are in the blue dye bar, but there is no way to approach them. They can only express their support for idols by standing here. It ’s okay to raise (bao bao), or qiang (give). The entertainment industry has never been this simple. The more fans who follow the stars, the more clearly they understand the matter, the easier it is to get the stars. Get your own happiness in the process.
The Qiang rule and the Bao Bao were both made by Fang Xuenan and Fang Xuenan's studios. Their brothers were also aggrieved. If they were not coerced, how could they be bullied willingly? Sometimes, the superficial scenery can't prove anything. Perhaps some people experience the pain that ordinary people can't bear.
When many fans were looking forward to it, they saw the door of the blue dye bar opened, and the blue boss appeared at the door with his bodyguard, holding a microphone in his hand, and then stood at a table where the bodyguard moved. on.
"All fans! Come here! Come here !!!"
Fans holding lantern signs quickly gathered towards this side, but most of the fans who really did not give up at this time, most of them have their own sense, even if they come together, everyone will not make any radical behavior, Instead he looked at the fat man holding a microphone.
"Just now your idol has a press conference! The reporters have left! From now on, your idol will invite you to the carnival tonight! All fans can queue up to enter our blue dye bar! All consumption tonight All your idols are contracted! Just prove your sincerity, just shout out your likes! You can see them right away! Have a best night with them !!! "
I have to say that the encouragement of Mr. Lan was very amazing, and the fans were pleasantly surprised. I was thinking of waiting at the door. I might see my brothers, but I didn't expect that now my brother invited them to drink! It's hard to believe! Everyone suddenly became excited, looking at the blue boss very hot.
At this moment, the blue boss looked directly at the fan in front of his desk and said.
"This little girl, shout out the name of the person you like! Then confess! You can go in!"
The bodyguard on the side hurriedly passed over a microphone, so that the fan holding the microphone suddenly red-eyed with excitement, then shouted with a choked, but full of voice.
"Liao Chongjun! I like you! I like you no matter what you do! The world likes you the most !!!"
They didn't know that the sound inside the microphone was in the bar, so when they shouted their love with the most excited and hot voice, everyone inside could hear it. Liao Chongjun had already drank a lot of wine. At this moment, when I heard the words of the female fans, the corners of the eyes suddenly turned red, and the tears fell down, but her eyes were bent and she smiled happily.
One fan was put in, and the bodyguard passed the microphone to the other fan.
"Xiao Qingrong! I like you! Little Koi will always be with you! Always be with you! Protect you !!!"
This was a shout from a small koi. She was red-eyed, talking about her assurance, and saying what everyone wanted to say to Xiao Qingrong. Their idol was only 20 years old this year. When she was deceived two years ago, I'm only 18 years old! Still a child! Now they only have themselves!
"Wen Hong! I like you! I always like you! I only like you !!!"
Wen Hong was sitting on a high chair and heard his fans shouting at himself. He smiled softly on his face, as he often felt when facing fans. Suddenly it became fearless.
The feeling of being liked gave him countless courage.
"Fang Huaiyang! I like the way you dance on the stage! I believe you can !!!! I like you !!!"
Fang Huaiyang also heard the shouts of his fans, and he was also infected with red-eyed eyes. He was originally a child. Now when he hears such emotions, he ca n’t let go, especially he does n’t know if he has a chance to stand again On the stage, is there any chance to repay these fans who love themselves and love themselves.
At this moment, his heart was full of joy, but it felt as if he couldn't breathe in the next moment.
"Gu Yuan! I like you! No matter what! I will support you! You must protect yourself !!!" The cry of a male fan passed into the bar, and Gu Yuan heard it suddenly lowered. head.
He doesn't want people to see his embarrassing look. The passionate love of these fans makes him reluctant, makes him happy, and makes him sad. At this moment, all his thoughts are attracted by the shouts of these fans. These people's blazing (dry gan) love came back.
They cherish all this enthusiasm, cherish this moment of love, because when the day dawns, they will face the unknown future, and ... may lose these loves.
"Shi Hailan! I like you! I don't know what to say, but I like you so much ..."
Suddenly there was a crying cry of fans crashing in the stereo, which made Shi Hailan's hand on the side slightly tremble. Only when the star became popular did he understand the grandness and jubilation surrounded by people on the stage. The love that these fans can't conceal, it becomes more clear how unsatisfactory all this is.
His hands were clenched secretly, and there was blue veins in his neck, as if something was stuck in his throat, so that he couldn't say a word, obviously, he wanted to say it.
He wanted to say: Don't cry, thank you for your love.
He would like to say: I also like you very much.
He also wanted to say: I have always treasured you.
From the entrance of the bar to the interior, the blue boss directly arranged a live broadcast, saying hello to Xiao Qingrong. In the camera, you can see these fans crying and excited for the idols. In the bar, six people sitting on the stage Is the starlight of all of them.
Some fans on the Internet saw the live broadcast, and they called for friends as soon as possible. This weird live broadcast soon became popular and went directly to the hot search, so that fans who were originally unable to (Shui) because of idols, here Shi finally was able to see the look of his brothers through the live broadcast.
They heard their brothers and sisters confess to their idols and heard their most outspoken shouts. At this moment, countless fans burst into tears in front of mobile phones and computers.
They were excited but bitter, crying for their idols being difficult, crying for the suffering of their idols, crying for the pain they had come all the way, crying for their helplessness ...
What else is more painful to see that the person you like is trapped and cannot help?
And what they can do is to tell their idols with their most sincere heart in such a night.
Don't be afraid, no matter what happens, we are all there.
Don't be afraid, we will always like you and always like you!
As the fans began to enter the bar in an orderly manner, everyone also saw the six people on the stage. When the fans came in, everyone converged and smiled toward the people who came in.
No matter whether this moment is the beginning or the end, as stars, they hope that in the memory of their fans, they will always look like they are smiling.
In the past, when I saw my beloved brother, many fans wanted to scream and were excited, but at this moment, when I entered the interior from the bar door and saw my idol on the stage, no fan of each scream Most of them covered their mouths excitedly and wept silently.
Because they are really too worried about their brothers, they will be relieved only when they see that they are good.
But when I saw my brother, I felt so wronged and wept.
Inside the bar is a slow love song, which is an original song by Shi Hailan before. These fans sat down under the arrangement of the bar waiter. Just watching their idols so quietly was enough to satisfy them.
In the slow love song, you will hear the confession of sisters or brothers outside, a confession like a vent, as if suddenly giving everyone courage and strength.
They followed the idols on stage with the hottest eyes and told them with their eyes.
We will always be there and will protect you forever!
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