Chapter 1051: Catch the Spiked Ant King and Blade Man King

Although he had no combat effectiveness at this time, if he could fuse two flame explosive bombs, the damage caused would not be underestimated.
However, before the road army passed by, the Night Demon took the lead.
It seemed to have known that Siwak was going to escape, so it just arranged the dark enchantment when using the dark realm.
When Siwak was about to leave with two severely wounded Zerg leaders, a dark barrier suddenly rose on the ground, trapping Siwak in it.
At the same time, the night demon also ordered the bone dragons to surround the barrier, intending to directly kill Sivac in it.
Feeling the power of imprisonment coming from the surroundings, Siwak didn't panic at all, and immediately used his brain power to use its teleport ability to escape.
But when it was moving, it was discovered that it did not leave this area, but was blocked by the dark enchantment.
Because within the range of the dark enchantment, any displacement ability is invalid.
This made Siwak stunned at once, it really did not expect that it would not be able to run away.
At the same time, Siwak also discovered a problem, that is, if it alone, with its brain power fully exploded, it can forcefully leave the dark barrier.
But now it is carrying two "cumbersomes" and is seriously lacking in brain power. It is impossible to forcefully leave the dark barrier.
Seeing the bone dragon army getting closer and closer to it, Siwak knew it would be too late if he didn't leave.
So it immediately decided to be cruel, abandoning the heavily injured Spiked Ant King and Blade Manking Man, using the teleport ability, and left the dark enchantment alone.
After being abandoned, the spiked ant emperor and the blade maniac fell heavily to the ground, not only smashing a hole, but also splashing a lot of blood.
They also know that Siwak is gone and want to follow Siwak, but they really don't have this ability...
When the night demon saw Siwak leave like this, he was shocked, because its dark enchantment was clearly unable to use space powers, so how could Siwak run away?
Only the road army in the distance knew that Siwak belonged to the final rank, and it was difficult for the super-order ability of the night demon to completely restrict it.
When Siwak made up his mind to leave, as long as he had enough brainpower, he could completely break the dark barrier directly.
The immortality of Siwak means that their troubles are still not over. When Siwak will come back again, they will definitely face another battle.
However, in any case, they are now victorious, and they can still live in this end time, breathing the air freely.
As for the future, just save it for later, it's useless to worry about it.
And this time they captured the spiked ant king and the blade man king, which was a huge blow to the Zerg and Siwak.
Seeing that the situation on the battlefield had basically calmed down, the Lu Army slowly fell to the ground waving its dragon wings.
The people of the resistance army and the orc warriors also collapsed on the spot one after another. They didn't even have the strength to cheer, only the dinosaurs were still around.
Although the victory was won, to be honest, everyone was not so happy.
In addition to being too tired, another point is that the casualties they suffered this time were too great.
Let alone the key members of the Resistance Army who fell into a coma, the corpses of their own creatures that can be seen everywhere can make them feel shocking.
Not to mention that the Westerly Fortress suffered a lot of damage, and many strategic buildings were destroyed.
The fire guards and plucking artillery that the Lu Army had accumulated with great difficulty were also destroyed by nearly half, and the loss was as high as millions of dragon coins.
It is no exaggeration to say that this is the largest casualty of the Resistance since the end of the world.
After this battle, they didn't have seven days to recover. If there was another attack in the past few days, the consequences would be unimaginable...
Looking at the members who were about to fall asleep on the ground for ten seconds, the Lu Army slowly sighed and pressed the short-range communicator: "Get up, clean the battlefield, count the casualties, and dig out the monster's spar. , Dispose of the corpse, and keep the corpses of the creatures here, and we will bury them together when the matter is over.
It's not that he doesn't give rest to the tired members, but that this place is full of corpses, and there are millions of corpses lying on the ground.
The stench is estimated to be smelt ten miles away, and some disgusting maggots are still crawling on the body.
If they are not dealt with in time, these corpses will not only attract other monsters, but also produce unpredictable diseases and even plagues.
So they can't rest yet, they must clean up this place and return a piece of pure land to the Westerly Fortress.
The members of the Resistance Army also knew this truth well, and soon got up from the ground, shaking their heads and lifting their spirits, began to walk towards the pile of corpses.
The same goes for other dinosaurs and orc warriors, who set out to cooperate with the members of the resistance army.
It is worth mentioning that their next workload will be very heavy. Just digging out the spar of these infected bodies does not know how long it will take.
Not to mention the need to distinguish between the corpses of oneself and the enemy, this is definitely a big project that can keep them busy for a day.
Fortunately, dinosaurs and bone dragons can help "digest" some of the corpses, making their workload much smaller, otherwise they will be miserable...
And when the creatures were busy, the sound of real-time task completion also rang in Lu Jun's mind.
"Ding! The legendary real-time mission, complete the attack of repelling Zerg creatures, reward dragon coins 200000, dragon title value 1000000, strategy points 3000, research points 1500, super dragon knight supply box 5."
"Because of catching the spiked ant king and the sword man king, we will reward you with a supply box3 for the Super Dragon Knight."
"Ding! The legendary real-time mission to protect the strategic facilities of the Westerly Fortress is completed. Since the loss value of the Westerly Fortress is 9% and the completeness is 91%, it reaches the requirement of triple rewards. Special rewards are Dragon Coins 900,000, the value of the dragon's title is 4.500000, the strategic point is 12,000, the research point is 6000, the super-order dragon knight supply box15, the super-order dragon knight supply box1."
Seeing this terribly rich reward, the Lu Army couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and the haze left in his heart after the long battle disappeared instantly.
Among other things, just these two dozen super-order Dragon Knight supply crates were enough to make him happy.
As long as he can get a few super-order dinosaurs from inside, his combat power will undoubtedly increase by flying.
Or next time you can see the exciting scene of several super-order dinosaurs beating Siwak, Lu Jun thought to himself.
In general, although they suffered heavy losses this time, after the completion of these two legendary real-time missions, the situation suddenly improved a lot.
Because as long as he has resources, he can make more dinosaurs and orc warriors anytime...
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