Chapter 1122: Endless attack

They don't need to kill many soul bodies, just make enough movement.
As the energy bombs ejected between the various trees, a strong light flashed inside the forest from time to time, with all colors, like a flying dog.
It's just that this time the souls were no longer scared by the bright light, they seemed to be unafraid.
Or maybe it was the order they received that caused them to gush out frantically from various locations, surrounding the road army solo.
"They seem to be real." Lu Jun frowned deeply and said to the women. He could feel the hostility from his soul and body.
"In fact, they are still scared, but they should have received an order to stop us, so they are so crazy." Ruan Bing added.
While they were talking, there were more and more soul bodies, reaching tens of thousands in a short period of time.
And they no longer hide their body shape, becoming even tyrannosaurus to see.
At first, the Tyrannosaurus didn't know what the road army and others were nervous about, they just could feel the atmosphere around them was very wrong.
But now that the soul body became apparent, they immediately knew that what had happened before had something to do with it, and they surrounded the Lu Army and others at the very center, ready to fight.
Because the character itself is more ferocious, they are basically not afraid, no matter what enemy is in front of them, it is the same.
"They are getting more and more, be careful, don't let them come close, or you will be hurt to your soul." Ruan Bing further prompted.
"Then don't let them attack, let's do it first." The Lu Jun said viciously, and then he condensed a flame explosive bomb and slammed it towards the place with the most soul body.
He is also a violent temper. He has been surrounded by more terrifying things since the last days, and now tens of thousands of soul bodies will not make him feel scared at all.
As a huge fireball flew by, many soul bodies were directly hit head-on, and evaporated before they could react.
With the attack power of the flame explosive bombs, let alone they are just A-level creatures, even one level higher can't stand it.
Ruan Xue at the back promptly drew out the destruction and revival given to her by the Road Army, holding both hands, aiming at the soul body in the range and shooting it.
Due to the combination of characteristics, destruction and recovery can be fully utilized, and basically the soul body that is hit by it will die instantly.
Some bullets will continue to penetrate several soul bodies before they lose power and disappear into the dark night.
At the same time, every time a soul body is killed, the weapon of destruction will become stronger invisibly, beyond Ruan Xue's imagination.
The last is Ruan Bing's soul fire, often hitting a soul body will ignite a large area.
This is because soul fires are mutually contagious and immortal, especially for soul creatures.
As a result, the surrounding soul bodies were entangled in soul fire, and there was no other choice but to be burned to death.
As for Xiao Wan and Lin Yi lazy, they have no place to play for the time being, because the particularity of their abilities restricts them, they can only be responsible for providing lighting and warning to everyone.
But even if it loses two firepower, Lu Jun and others can suppress the soul body without any weakness.
Originally, the four tyrannosaurus was intended to go up and fight with the soul body, but the Lu Army ordered them to defend, which caused them to restrain their inner impulses.
A few seconds later, the soul bodies were killed in batches by the attack of the road army and others, and disappeared in the air one by one.
But the souls did not retreat because of this, but were angered by the actions of the Lu Army and others.
In the next moment, they collectively launched a reckless attack towards everyone's position and slammed into it.
If only a small number of soul bodies do this, Lu Jun and others can definitely handle it.
But now that all souls are doing this, the firepower output of the Lu Army and others seems a bit weak.
Ruan Bing also knew that the situation was critical, and immediately stopped using the soul fire, turned into a soul storm, and let a wide range of attacks "baptize" the soul body.
As a result, the souls are uncomfortable, and they are constantly struggling to die, and few can get close to the road army.
However, what is strange is that Ruan Bing could originally cover a soul storm of more than 300 meters. In this forest, it can only affect the surrounding ten meters, which is compressed dozens of times.
The unaffected soul body also knew the power of the soul storm, and no longer continued to rush inside, but watched quietly outside.
When the duration of the soul storm ended, all soul bodies swarmed up again, and continued to launch the second round of attacks, which seemed endless.
Although Ruan Bing's strength at this time is much stronger than before, no matter what the ability is, it needs to be cooled, and it is difficult to use the same large ability continuously.
Just when Ruan Bing was about to use another area ability to disperse the souls, the Lu Army raised his hand to stop her: "Don't waste too much brainpower, and then give it to me."
While talking, the Lu Army used its brain power and instantly summoned a dozen light elements to appear around.
"This...what is this?" Ruan Bing and the others were obviously surprised at these things that suddenly appeared.
Because in their impression, the Lu Army does not have this type of ability.
"Hey, just meeting, you guys are optimistic." Lu Jun made a somewhat evil voice, with confidence in his expression.
If there are people from the Apocalypse sect here at this time, they will probably wonder, isn't this light element a power that they can use?
In fact, the light element is really unique to the Apocalypse sect, but during the battle that night, the Lu Army thought it was very useful and copied it with the hand of God.
The ability to replace is the gate of the abyss, because the cooling time is too long and it is not very useful.
In addition, the Lu Army had just used it, and the next time it could be used was several days later, the Lu Army did not want to waste so much time, so he replaced it at will.
Originally, the Lu Army didn't take this matter too seriously, and didn't think they would use it. After all, the light element can only cause damage to evil creatures.
But in reality, there are basically not many creatures of this type, at least not many times since the end of the world.
Unexpectedly, his unintentional act would actually help him a lot now. The characteristics of the light element can definitely restrain these soul bodies.
Sure enough, the moment the light element appeared, the surrounding soul bodies seemed a little timid.
After all, the pure and flawless light can make them feel scared more than the artificially created light.
However, because the light element is now only B-level, the deterrence it exudes is not great, causing the soul bodies to be able to overcome them, and they start to move towards the position of the road army and others...
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