Chapter 1389: Choose two from four

The Lu Army also came into contact with many Tier A creeping monsters, and the ability of the Resistance Army drank the mental or physical reagents provided by the Lu Army, and the powers were fully activated, killing the surrounding creeping monsters.
But due to the violent ability of the creeping monster king, coupled with the help of a large number of Tier A creeping monsters, the creeping monsters became less easy to kill, and they were able to fight back and forth with the resistance army for a while.
The orc warriors and the dinosaur corps were directly involved in a hard fight, because they had been fighting for too long and were a little weak.
However, the witty wolf cavalry centurion soon chose to lead a team to break through to the dinosaur corps and fight with the dinosaurs of the road army.
With the combination of both of them, they will soon be able to continue to contend with the creeping monster, and the battle situation has therefore become stalemate.
Seeing this scene, Lu Jun thought thunderously, constantly thinking about ways to break the deadlock.
But before the Lu Army came up with a method, Xiao Wan who was flying above suddenly said: "No! Those creeping monsters want to besiege the troll hunter!"
Hearing Xiaowan's words, Lu Jun immediately turned around and looked at the location of the Troll Hunter.
I saw that those troll hunters were indeed being entangled by a large group of creeping monsters, as Xiaowan said.
Although they ride on Frostwolf and are relatively mobile, the crawling monsters are not slow, and they soon surrounded the troll hunters.
Hundreds of troll hunters were besieged by nearly two thousand creeping monsters, and the result was obvious, gradually falling into defeat.
Although the troll hunters have resisted desperately, what they are good at is long-range attacks after all. When the creeping monster is close, it is difficult to use it, and soon there will be injuries.
Seeing this, Lu Jun felt a little anxious, he did not expect that the troll hunter who remained outside would become a breakthrough.
These troll hunters were finally produced by him. There are only more than a hundred at present. If there are casualties, he must die in distress.
The wood next to him also knew what the Lu Army thought, so he immediately raised Lei Ying's horizontal sword and said, "I'll help them! Keep it!"
After speaking, Wood patted the back like a ostrich and rushed to the position of the troll hunter.
The surrounding creeping monsters saw that the wood had escaped from the resistance army, and they attacked the wood one after another, planning to get the wood down from behind the ostrich.
But Mu Wu didn't panic at all, and immediately used the thunderstorm ability of Lei Ying Heng Sword to make waves of lightning bombard the surrounding creeping monsters.
After being electrocuted by a thunderstorm, the creeping monsters fell to the ground instantly, their skin was scorched and looked very miserable.
But a thunderstorm is at most equivalent to a Tier A ability, and its damage to the creeping monster is limited. It is difficult to clean up all the creeping monsters blocking in front.
Seeing this, Mu Wu's eyes condensed, and immediately activated his second ability, the clone.
Since Wood's current body development value has reached 39%, his clone ability can summon two energy clones at once.
When his energy clone reached the designated position, Wood immediately condensed his brain power and used his third ability, the Thunder Knife, which covered the surrounding area of ​​about 30 meters.
At the moment when the wood used its abilities, hundreds of the incorporeal bodies of the Thunder Shadow Blade flew into the air, and the creeping monster within the range of the Thunder Prison Blade also became immobile.
Then the corpses of Lei Ying Heng Sword moved one after another, only the traces of the sword light flashing in the air.
When the duration of the Thunder Prison Knife Array Killing ends, the creeping monsters in the area become a mass of meat sauce, chopped to the point that there are no bones left...
In addition, the other two copies of the wood are also imitating the wood using the thunder sword to kill, because they can also use the ability that wood can use.
Although their attack power is only half of that of wood, it is terrifying if only this half of the attack power is added to the Thunder Prison Knife Array Kill. The low-level creeping monsters inside have also died, and only Tier A creeping monsters can resist for a moment.
This also means that when the copy of the wood is turned on, it is equivalent to three simultaneous killings with the Thunder Prison Knife, and the coverage area is as wide as ninety meters.
When the three thunder swords are all over, the 90-meter range in front of the wooden body becomes empty. No creeping monster can survive...
Seeing this, Wood took a breath, retracted the Lei Ying Heng Knife, and ordered the ostrich to step on the meat sauce on the ground and rush towards the troll hunter.
Although Wood's physical strength is now running out, Wood feels that his remaining aura is enough to deter the creeping monsters and dare not come closer. After all, he has just killed so many creeping monsters.
But the next moment Wood found out that he was wrong, because he rode a ostrich for about forty meters, and the creeping monsters surrounded him again, and became even more crazy.
It seems that with the blessing of the creeping monster emperor's violent ability, the creeping monsters have become fearless of life and death, and they don't know what they are afraid of.
Even some creeping monsters swallowed the bright red meat sauce on the ground, as if they didn't know that these were the corpses of their companions...
Seeing this scene, Wood can only once again pull out the Lei Ying horizontal knife to fight the creeping monsters, resisting the creeping monsters who are completely crazy.
However, due to the wood's lack of physical strength, he couldn't use the Thunder Prison Knife Array to kill this ability during this period, and naturally he could no longer pose any threat to the creeping monster group.
But in this way, the situation of the troll hunters is even more difficult, and if there is no support, they may soon suffer heavy casualties.
Seeing that the wood’s support was not successful, the Lu Army slammed a fist, ready to let the rebels give up this better position for recovery. After all, the position can be retaken again, if the person has no loss. Just too big...
Just as the rebels were planning to follow the Lu Army's orders to return for help, Xiao Wan above suddenly gritted her teeth and said: "Brother Lu Jun, there is no need to return for help, I still have a way!"
After speaking, Xiao Wan didn't wait for the Lu Army's response, and closed her eyes in mid-air, seeming to be using brain waves to give orders.
Just when Lu Jun didn't know what the method Xiao Wan said was, the location of the troll hunters suddenly shook.
Immediately afterwards, the sand worms rushed out of the ground, and then opened the huge mouth full of small teeth, and swallowed the creeping monsters that besieged the troll hunter one by one...
With such a sneak attack by the dug sandworms, the crawling monsters went into chaos and fled in all directions, because the ground is always shaking, if they don't retreat, they will have to die.
But the digging sandworms finally got the chance to fight, how could they easily let go of the creeping monsters.
Under Xiaowan’s order, the underground sandworms began to attack the densest places of creeping monsters. Everywhere they went, large pits appeared on the ground, and the crawling monsters were eaten by the sandworms. No bodies were left.
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