Chapter 1599: Too much movement...

However, all of this was finally noticed by the road army, because he saw that all the killings were ordinary infected bodies, and he did not see a mutant infected body.
In addition, the infected group has been paying attention to rushing, and there is no intention to fight with them. These are relatively strange points.
After re-deploying his wings and flying into the air, the Lu Army discovered that without his attention, the infected group was less than ten kilometers away from the West Wind Fortress, which was a distance that could be "touched" by reaching out.
In this way, the Lu Army could guess the intention of the corpse controller to point directly at the West Wind Fortress, and immediately shared his findings through the short-range communicator.
The sudden news calmed all the members of the resistance army and stopped the killing action, as did the orc warriors.
At the same time, they were a little panicked in their hearts, because their base camp was about to be attacked, and they began to think about emergency response strategies...
But no matter what they think, they find that there is nothing they can do with the infected group.
Because the infected group has already arrived here, with their numbers, it is impossible to stop them, and sooner or later the infected will reach the West Wind Fortress.
Lu Jun also knew this very well, and he could see that he was very sad from his frowning brow.
"At their speed, it will take more than an hour to arrive. Even if it arrives, it is only the first batch. It will take a long time for the infected bodies to come over. We still have a chance."
"As long as we can make the movement a little bit louder in this hour or so, and expose another flaw to attract the attention of the corpse controller, it can still be delayed for a long time." Ruan Bing took the lead to speak to the road army.
"It's useless. Look at their course of action. They clearly pointed to the West Wind Fortress. The ordinary infected bodies just sent up were deliberately let us kill them, in order to attract our attention so that they can continue. go ahead."
But only the key members of the Lu Army and the Resistance Army know that the strength of the Lu Army’s dinosaurs is sometimes not determined by their size...
Following Ruan Bing's new order, the orc warriors and other dinosaurs soon re-adjusted their formations and prepared for battle.
Seeing this, the Lu Army let the Tyrannosaurus and Thunder Dragon take the lead and launched a charge.
The triceratops followed closely behind the swollen head dragon, and there was a group of wolf cavalry, which was bigger than the first charge.
Facing the charge from the road army, the corpse controllers had a headache, but they did not stop the infected group.
Because they know very well that these humans are here to stop them, and stopping is equivalent to getting caught.
In addition, their ethnic group is too large, and it is very troublesome to control, it is easy to stop, and it is difficult to move again.
However, no matter what, proper resistance is still necessary.
Therefore, in the next moment, the corpse controllers quickly adjusted their formation, keeping the hundreds of thousands of ordinary infected bodies of the Vanguard Corps in front, acting as the first echelon, which is the so-called cannon fodder.
The other thousands of Elite Infected Body and Double Hammer Infected Body are slightly behind, acting as the second echelon.
As for other types of mutant infected bodies, the corpse controllers have all been summoned back, and they dare not show up again.
Because their current purpose is not to fight these humans, but to block the attacks of these humans so that they can reach the West Wind Fortress earlier.
Only in this way can they spread their own forces and give full play to their advantages.
After dozens of seconds, the dinosaur on the road side came into contact with the vanguard of the infected group again.
When the two sides met, it was a collision between meat and meat, and the battlefield was full of dull crashing sounds.
If only facing the attack of Triceratops and Pachycephalosaurus, the infected bodies may still resist relying on their numbers.
But in front of the super-large Thunder Dragon and the extremely brutal Tyrannosaurus, whether it is an ordinary infected body or a mutant infected body below the S level, they can only be killed by a spike.
As the foremost Thunder Dragon and Tyrannosaurus rushed into the infected group, the ordinary infected bodies were instantly killed, some were knocked into flight, some were trampled down, and one was worse than the other.
Even if there is a fish that slips through the net, it will be killed by the triceratops and swollen head dragons that follow closely, and there are very few ordinary infected bodies that can survive.
When the wolf cavalry also rushed in, the road army was like a battlefield harvester, beating the ordinary infected bodies down in batches.
Even the later Elite Infected Body and Double Hammer Infected Body could not stop this offensive for a few seconds, let alone cause any damage to the dinosaurs.
It is no exaggeration to say that the tens of thousands of infected bodies of the Vanguard Corps sent by the corpse controller were sent to death, and they had no results except for delaying time.
Originally, the Lu Army thought the corpse controllers would be very angry when they saw this scene, and maybe they would send another batch of mutant infected bodies.
But the strange thing is that the corpse controllers seemed to have anticipated all this a long time ago, and did not care at all, just silently directing the infected group to move forward.
Even if Lu Jun and others spent more than 20 minutes slaughtering the hundreds of thousands of infected bodies in the Vanguard Corps, the corpse controller still did not respond.
Because they have made up their minds, that is, no matter how tossing the road army, they will not fight.
Anyway, there are enough of them, and these humans will definitely not be able to kill them for a while.
As long as they can survive this journey and reach the West Wind Fortress, then it will be their turn to show off.
In order to let the Lu Army and others go according to their plan, the corpse controller even sent out more ordinary infected bodies to let the Lu Army and others continue to kill, and reduce their vigilance.
And they are lurking in a huge group of infected bodies with other mutant infected bodies, silently approaching the West Wind Fortress.
Although this approach will lose a lot of ordinary infected bodies, it can protect more variant infected bodies, which is equivalent to abandoning pawns and protecting vehicles.
If dying some ordinary infected bodies with little combat effectiveness can keep the more powerful mutant infected bodies alive, then the corpse controllers are undoubtedly very willing.
With the passage of time, the Lu Army with a group of dinosaurs went crazy, killing nearly half a million ordinary infected bodies in more than an hour.
Whether it is the bite or collision of the dinosaurs, the abilities of the supernatural beings, or even the weapons provided by the road army, they can cause fatal damage to the infected.
If you look at it from a high place at this time, you can find that in an area of ​​more than ten kilometers, there are infected corpses all over the ground, and a large part of it has been trampled into meat sauce.
This is in line with the idea that the road army consumes the vitality of the infected group, the more the infected group die, the easier the battle behind them.
The plans of the corpse controllers also proceeded smoothly. They successfully used ordinary infected bodies to attract the attention of the Lu Army.
In this more than an hour, their large forces have successfully advanced more than ten kilometers, and they are very close to the Westerly Fortress.
The most important thing is that their mutant infected bodies are almost undamaged, and their high-end power remains intact.
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