Chapter 174: Suck animal blood

He didn't think he could cause any damage to these mutant hyenas with two melee weapons, he just wanted to come up to rescue the Velociraptor, and use his body to attract the mutant hyena's attention to help Ruan Bing delay time.
Because if the front rows of these dinosaurs were all down, the firepower output of their rear rows would not last for a few seconds. At this time, someone had to stand up.
Although he would be killed by a mutant hyena if he did this accidentally, and he could lose his life at any time, but here he is a man. If he doesn't stand in front, should he hide behind the woman?
Although Anan is afraid of death and does not want to die, he knows better that a man should do something and not do something...
The mutant hyenas around also felt Anan's fear, and what they liked most was to deal with the feared prey. Five or six mutant hyenas closest to Anan rushed towards Anan, wanting to torture Anan.
Looking at the mutant hyena that leaped over, Anan was panicked. He did not have superb fighting skills. He could only use both hands and feet. He raised a foot just to place it on the head of a mutant hyena, holding the energy axe in his left hand and holding his right hand. The saber swung fiercely, and blocked the attack of two mutant hyenas.
Lin Xiaobai at the back also used precise shots to help Anan block a mutant hyena, but there was still a missing mutant hyena that directly threw Anan down from the side, and then opened his mouth and bit towards Anan's neck.
Anan subconsciously used both hands to block, put the handle of the energy axe into the mutant hyena's mouth, and used the power of his whole body to hold up the mutant hyena without letting it bite.
The mutant hyena also felt what was in its mouth, which made it a little difficult to exert force. Although it couldn't bite Anan, its paws were not idle, and it kept scratching Anan's chest, seeming to want to take out Anan's heart directly.
And Anan didn’t take any protective measures, even combat uniforms. His thin clothes and ordinary human body couldn’t stop the mutant hyena’s sharp claws. There were more than a dozen scratches and wounds of the mutant hyena on his chest. Seeing the bones deeply, there is blood constantly coming out.
"Ah!" Anan roared, not knowing whether it was his painful scream, his bravery, or both...
Although Anan felt that his stomach was about to be scratched, his hands still held the mutant hyena's head tightly. Even the disgusting saliva of the mutant hyena dripped into his mouth without noticing it. I just know that if he can continue to hold on, he can live a little longer, if he dares to let go, he will undoubtedly die...
"Brother!" Akko, who had been shooting at the mutant hyena, saw that Anan was thrown down by the mutant hyena in a blink of an eye, and his life was at stake, so he couldn't help shouting.
Then I wanted to shoot the mutant hyena to relieve Anan, but the rifle in her hand happened to be out of bullets. It took several seconds to change the bullet. Anan might not be able to support her to replace the bullet, and she did not carry a similar saber on her body. Or a weapon like the energy axe.
In an emergency, she could only rush forward with an empty rifle, and a against the mutant hyena's head was an attempt to knock down the mutant hyena to help Anan escape.
But her strength was relatively small, and she couldn't smash the mutant hyena off Anan all at once, but angered the mutant hyena even more, causing the mutant hyena to attack Anan more frantically.
Looking at Anan who was covered in blood below, Akko's eyes were blood-red, and he leaped directly on the mutant hyena, hugged the mutant hyena, and overwhelmed the mutant hyena with his own weight to relieve Anan.
But after her pounce, Anan's encirclement was relieved, but she carried the mutant hyena and rolled to the group of mutant hyenas behind.
The mutant hyenas around saw that food was automatically delivered to their mouths. They were so excited that they all showed their fangs and bit them towards Ak.
Akko can only lie on the ground and keep rolling, avoiding the bite of the mutant hyena. She knew that as long as she was bitten, she would definitely be dead or disabled.
"No!" Anan, who had just escaped from birth, looked at Akko who was besieged by the mutant hyena, and roared, ignoring the dense wounds on his body, and struggling to get up.
He wielded an energy axe and rushed directly into the mutant hyena group, making every effort to swing an axe into the forehead of a mutant hyena. The mutant hyena died on the spot, but Anan's energy axe was also stuck in the skull of the mutant hyena. Can't pull it out all of a sudden.
At this time, Akko, who was rolling on one side, suddenly cried out in pain. It turned out that she was caught by a stronger mutant hyena with a claw on her right cheek while she was evading. The entire right cheek instantly appeared four deep lines. The blood flowed down the claw marks immediately until it filled the entire right face. It is estimated that this half of the face was completely ruined...
Fortunately, at this time, Lin Xiaobai had already supported him, leaving only Ruan Xue to protect Ruan Bing. Lin Xiaobai used her liquid kinetic energy combat uniform to block two mutant hyenas for Ak, so that Ak could get up from the ground. , But the mutant hyena that had scratched A Ke saw that A Ke was about to run, and immediately caught up with him, trying to keep A Ke behind.
Seeing this, the anxious Anan didn't care about pulling out the energy axe, and ran directly to knock down the mutant hyena that had hurt Akko, and swung his fist to hammer the mutant hyena's head twice.
But the unarmed Anan couldn't do more damage to the mutant hyena. Seeing this, the crazy Anan pinpointed the position of the mutant hyena's neck, opening his mouth wide and biting down.
Originally, it was impossible for Anan's teeth to hurt the mutant hyena, but the neck happened to be the weakest part of the mutant hyena's body defense, so Anan bit through the mutant hyena's skin all at once and bit into the meat deeply.
A smelly and hot blood sprayed into Anan's mouth, and Anan ignored it. Instead, he sucked and drank all the mutant hyena's blood into his stomach, as if only in this way could the hatred in his heart be eliminated.
Akko's injury deeply irritated Anan and made him want his life, who was a little afraid of death. Now Anan has only one thought in his mind, which is to make the animal who ruined his sister's right cheek pay the price!
The mutant hyena that was bitten by Anan is going crazy. It has always been biting others. There is no reason for others to bite it. It wants to turn over and tortured Anan for revenge, but the desperate Anan suppressed it firmly. Make it immobile.
In desperation, the mutant hyena can only use its limbs to scratch Anan's body constantly, trying to drive Anan away, but Anan is not even wanting his life now, and is still afraid of injury?
Regardless of the pain that came from being caught, Anan was going to gan die this mutant hyena today. He continued to use force on his teeth, constantly sucking the blood of the mutant hyena, allowing the stench of the smell to fill his teeth. Hot blood kept flowing into his throat.
At this time, compared to the mutant hyena, Anan who animal blood is more like a beast...
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