Chapter 1833: Naga helps

The only thing that is more fortunate is that the ability of Burning Heaven is still there, giving him the opportunity to continue to absorb it.
Lu Jun was not the kind of person who gave up lightly. After checking his physical condition for a while, Lu Jun poured a bottle of mental and physical reagents.
Although it is difficult for his body to absorb these things, even if it is useless, it is also very good as a thirst quencher.
As the two bottles of reagents entered his throat, Lu Jun suddenly refreshed, as if the fire in his body was extinguished, making him feel relieved.
Then Lu Jun shook his head, sat upright again, took out a large amount of mineral water from the armed module and placed it on the ground, and then opened the bottle so that he could pour it out at any time.
As for why he did this, it was because he felt that the absorption failure was due to lack of water. This time he poured water as long as he felt hot, and he should be able to succeed.
With this thought in mind, Lu Jun continued to enter the ability module, and began to absorb the ability of Burning Heaven for the second time.
"Warning, this ability has a higher order and contains extremely strong energy. Absorption will bring certain risks. Please be cautious."
It was this mechanical body shape again, without changing a single word, but Lu Jun had made up his mind and nothing could stop him.
The moment the warning sound ended, the Lu Army thought about it, confirmed the absorption, and was ready to resist the pain.
The feeling this time was exactly the same as the last time. Lu Jun immediately began to feel hot all over, as if he was about to catch fire, and his internal organs began to hurt.
Since he had been roasted once before, Lu Jun only felt the pain inside his body ten times more, making him close to suffocation.
When the temperature reached its extreme, Lu Jun knew he was going to be unable to withstand it again, so he immediately picked up a bottle of water from the ground and poured it on his head in an attempt to lower the temperature.
But this is obviously a very wrong approach. When the liquid touched Lu Jun's body, he heard a "chih" sound and a lot of white smoke came out of Lu Jun's body.
Immediately afterwards, the Lu Army squirted out a big mouthful of blood, and the whole person fainted directly. At the same time, there was blood in the nose and mouth.
The process of fainting this time was a few minutes faster than last time. Last time the road army could at least struggle for a while, this time he didn't even have a chance to react.
This was because when something was boiling hot, suddenly touching the cold liquid, the reaction was very violent, and it was normal for Lu Jun's body to faint.
In fact, this is the lightest result. If the Lu Jun had just found a river to jump in, or used other methods of contacting the water source on a large area, then he is probably dead at this time...
About three hours later, the Lu Army slowly got up from the ground. At this time, he was wet, blood and water covered his clothes, making him look very embarrassed.
However, these are not important. The key is that the Lu Army's head is a little confused now, and he doesn't even know where he is. It is probably the stupid way that just hurt his head...
Knowing that he had rested in place for ten minutes, Lu Jun came back to his senses and remembered what happened before.
And the first thing he did was nothing else, it was just to continue to check whether his ability was successfully absorbed.
But the first time he fainted, he didn't succeed. The second time was worse than the first. How could he succeed?
After seeing the failure again, the entire road army collapsed on the ground, feeling a deep sense of despair.
In Lu Jun's idea, he has the help of the ability module. When absorbing the ability, even if it fails, the ability will not disappear, which means that it will not cause loss or waste.
In this case, he has nothing to worry about, at most it is a bit painful.
And he has experienced so much in the last days, and suffered all kinds of injuries, and his pain tolerance is absolutely extremely high, no big deal.
However, after he started to absorb with confidence, Lu Jun found out that he was wrong, because soon he found that his whole body seemed to be on fire.
Except for heat, his body was hot, and even the gas he inhaled was hot, and he burned his internal organs along the respiratory tract.
If the flesh is attacked, it's fine. The Lu Army can hold it, but the internal organs seem to be roasted by flames, making Lu Army's feelings uncontrollably kick up and roll.
At this time, he already had the idea to stop absorbing the abilities, because he felt that he could not do it anymore, and he might die if he continued.
But under the circumstance of actively absorbing the abilities, there is no way to stop halfway. There are only two results: success or failure, so the road army must continue to bear it anyway.
As the temperature rose sharply, Lu Jun felt that there was no trace of water in his body, and smoke was almost coming out of his throat, causing him to cough frantically on the ground, and his eyes were too painful to open.
At this time, Lu Jun wanted to jump into the water and soak it, but unfortunately there was no water source around, and he couldn't get into the system to get water out.
Slowly Lu Jun stopped struggling, because he was so painful that he almost lost consciousness, his body was like a mass of mud, and he had no strength at all.
Although knowing that this is a very bad situation, the Lu Army really has no choice but to continue to do so.
A few seconds later, Lu Jun, who could not bear it, passed out and slept motionless on the ground, without a trace of consciousness.
I don't know how long it took before Lu Jun woke up from a coma, suddenly opened his eyes, and found that his whole body was soaked in sweat.
When he looked up at the sky and saw that it was still early in the morning, the Lu Jun couldn't help but exhale, which meant that he was dizzy for two hours at most.
At the same time, he sighed secretly in his heart. Fortunately, this was a suburban area inside the Starlight City, and there was a wall protection in the distance.
If he fainted in the area outside the Starlight City, maybe he had been dismembered by the monster during this time...
Immediately after that, Lu Jun could clearly feel that his internal organs were painful, as if he had been stirred by a sharp object several times inside.
You don't have to think about it to know that this was caused by the absorption of the power. It is estimated that the energy contained in the power is too violent, causing him to have a physical problem.
But Lu Jun ignored his own injuries, but immediately entered the ability module to check whether his own ability had been absorbed.
Originally, the Lu Army was looking forward to it, because he had accidents when he absorbed the abilities before, and he succeeded in absorbing them in the end, and he thought it would be the same this time.
But Lu Jun fell into disappointment soon, because his ability has not changed, and the ability of Burning Heaven is still in the ability module, which means that he has not successfully absorbed it.
This made the entire army a bit manic, wasted so much time, suffered such a serious crime, and did not succeed? He suddenly couldn't accept it.
The most excessive thing is that he didn't even know the reason for the failure, so he didn't even have the opportunity to prevent and correct.
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